Spring Data Elasticsearch support for #Embedded - spring-data-elasticsearch

Does Spring Data Elasticsearch support #Embedded annotation on the entity? Can someone point me to an example?
Version: spring-data-elasticsearch 2.1.4.RELEASE
Here's the error I'm getting:
failed to load elasticsearch nodes : org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperParsingException: No type specified for field [address]
And code would be...
private Address address = new Address();

#Embedded annotation comes from javax.persistence.* package and is used for mapping with underlying relational model. If you need to store related entity in the same elasticsearch document, add additional annotation for elasticsearch, depending on your needs:
#Field(type = FieldType.Object)
#Field(type = FieldType.Nested)


Working with Entity framework with Sitefinity and Portal Connector and Dynamic CRM

I'm working on a project that contains Dynamics CRM and Portal Connector which built upon Sitefinity.
There is a way to retrieve data inside Portal Connector from Dynamic CRM called Saved Query and this way generate a URL for you to retrieve data by HTTP request in front-end but I don't want to access it by the front end I want to access the Dynamics CRM by Backened, specifically by Entity framework, is it possible to connect to Dynamic CRM by Entity framework and retrieve the data by C# then send it to View?
My apologies for not coming across your post sooner.
A better way is to use the CRM connection provided by the Portal Connector. It essentially wraps the CRM SDK so calls you want make to the SDK can be made here and it uses the CRM connection configured in the site.
// Required usings
using System;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using pavliks.PortalConnector.Crm.Connection;
// The Code
// Create an instance of the connection manager
CrmConnectionManager manager = new CrmConnectionManager();
// Use the Connection property of the manager to access the
// configured CRM connection and create a new account
Guid newId = manager.Connection.Create(new Entity("account")
Attributes = new AttributeCollection()
{"name", "My Account Name"}
// Create Query Expression
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression("account")
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true),
// Use manager to query CRM
EntityCollection entities = manager.Connection.RetrieveMultiple(query);
All the required assemblies are already in the Sitefinity site bin folder as they come with the Portal Connector assemblies and are copied to that location with the Portal Connector during installation. If your code is in another project, either reference the assemblies in the Sitefinity project or add them from the Portal Connector deploy package to your project.
I know it's a bit late but I hope it helps you in your next portal project.
let me answer my question, in case anyone wants to do a similar thing in the future :
1- first thing connect to Dynamic CRM is not related to Portal Connector, so the area that you should search in is Dynamic CRM.
2- To connect to Dynamic CRM you should follow the below steps :
2.1- install this package "Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.CoreAssembly"
2.2- find what is your connection string.
2.3 use below code
var service=new CrmServiceClient("AuthType=Office365;Url=https://ititisdf.crm4.dynamics.com;Password=1234" )/*put your connection string instead*/
3- Some example of you could create or retrieved data
service.Create(new Entity("account"){["name]="Test connection"}); // add record
// retrive data
//1- query expression
//var query= new QueryExpression().Criteria. <===== from here you can add filteration ... and so on
//2- fetch xml expression
//var query=new FetchExpression(#"fetch xml value"); // you need to use XrmToolBox to generate your fetchXml
//3- var query=new QueryByAttribute("account");
// query.AddAttributeValue("name","Test1");
var entities=service.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities;
foreach(var entity in entities)
var organization=new OrganizationServiceContext(service);
// below code is under a concept called late-bound
var result=(from account in organization.CreateQuery("account")
join contact in organization.CreateQuery("contact")
on account["primarcontactid"] equals contact["contactid"]
where account["gendercode"] == "test" AND account["industrycode"]=1
select new {
// to implement Early bound
1- go to XrmToolBox ==> About ==> Plugin Store ==> Early Bound Generator==>Early Bound Generator Page will opened choose Entity to skip and choose which entity to want to include and which want to exclude
===> choose the path of generated .cs class that will represent you Entity in your project ===> press on Create Entities ===> now copy the generated file .
Now you have something like Entity framework :
Just use Entity name as a normal class :
var account = new Account{Name="Ahmed"};
and instead of this :
Actually, I got all of this information from youtube serious related to Dynamic, and here is the link
note: this serious in the Arabic language for this reason I summarised the steps in this answer to make it helpful for all.

how to get Neo4j cluster status using java api

I am trying to find the neo4j cluster health using java API. I see CLI CALL dbms.cluster.overview() is there any equivalent java api for this
1. Variant "Spring Boot"
If Spring Boot with Spring Data Neo4J is an option for you, you could define a DAO which executes your cypher statement and receives the result in an own QueryResult class.
1.1 GeneralQueriesDAO
public interface GeneralQueriesDAO extends Neo4jRepository<String, Long> {
#Query("CALL dbms.cluster.overview() YIELD id, addresses, role, groups, database;")
ClusterOverviewResult[] getClusterOverview();
1.2 ClusterOverviewResult
public class ClusterOverviewResult {
private String id; // This is id of the instance.
private List<String> addresses; // This is a list of all the addresses for the instance.
private String role; // This is the role of the instance, which can be LEADER, FOLLOWER, or READ_REPLICA.
private List<String> groups; // This is a list of all the server groups which an instance is part of.
private String database; // This is the name of the database which the instance is hosting.
// omitted default constructor as well getter and setter for clarity
1.3 Program flow
private GeneralQueriesDAO generalQueriesDAO;
ClusterOverviewResult[] clusterOverviewResult = generalQueriesDAO.getClusterOverview();
2. Variant "Without Spring"
Without Spring Boot the rough procedure could be:
Session session = driver.session();
StatementResult result = session.run("Cypher statement");
3. Variant "HTTP endpoints"
Another option could be to use of the HTTP endpoints for monitoring the health of a Neo4j Causal Cluster.

Why following HA Neo4j graph database creation takes long time?

I am creating neo4j graph database enterprise edition by the following method. It doesn't return any exception etc. and shows that program is running(forever).
HashMap<String, String> settings = new HashMap<String, String>();
settings.put("org.neo4j.server.database.mode", "HA");
settings.put("ha.server_id", "1");
GraphDatabaseService db = new HighlyAvailableGraphDatabaseFactory()
What would be the reason here?
P.S I got the configurations from official web-site of Neo4j.
It waits for the other instances to join the cluster. Be sure to run the same code with appropriate ha.server_id on the other hosts mentioned in ha.initial_hosts.

How can i store database information in JSF2

In my managed bean i need to access a mySql database.
So far i used code like this:
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test";
String username = "user";
String password = "1234";
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
Now i have to do this in more than one bean, so if i need to change the database credentials, i have to fiddle around in like 10 files.
Is there
a way to store the databaseconnection
a way to define some variables for the whole web project
Thanks in advance
First of all you should understand basic architecture of a Java EE project. It is not a good idea connecting databases in managed beans. It is really bad practice. Please have look my previous answer to understand basic architecture.
Database connections is done in Integration Tier and these classes are called Data Access Objects (DAO).
Create a BaseDao class for static connection properties.
class BaseDao
private String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test";
private String username = "user";
private String password = "1234";
private Connection connection;
protected Connection getConnection()
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
return connection;
and extend base class to its derived classes where database connection is needed and access connection by using BaseDao#getConnection().
Furthermore, it is better to keep database connections in a properties file and inject them into proper classes.
Related Tutorial
Read BalusC tutorial for better understanding DAO tutorial - the data layer
It is generally a good idea to store these kind of values in a .properties file. They can then be accessed via java.util.Properties (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html)
Here is a good tutorial describing how access these files and their values, I suggest you start with this: http://www.mkyong.com/java/java-properties-file-examples/
(More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.properties)
In my IDE, I usually create a new source package /src/main/config and put all my configuration-concerning .properties and .xml files in there. If you do it this way, you need to access it like this from within your jsf application:
String configFilePath = "configuration.properties";
props = new Properties();
InputStream propInStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(configFilePath);
Or you can simply do this:
How to get properties file from /WEB-INF folder in JSF?

Query with ROWID via data provider

I am looking to query a table like the following sql:
select * from itd093 where rowid='Cumn99AAAAMzAAAAAJ'
It could find a unique record in the ADS architect client. However, when this query was sent from the code level through the .NET data provider, it return none result from the database server.
Does anyone have ideas on how I can make the sql above return the result through the .NET data provider?
Some sample code here:
public void DataProviderTest()
using (AdsConnection conn = new AdsConnection(#"Data Source=D:\Development\FDDB;ServerType=ADS_LOCAL_SERVER;TableType=ADS_CDX;TrimTrailingSpaces=TRUE;"))
AdsCommand cmd = new AdsCommand("select * from itd093 where rowid='Cumn99AAAAMzAAAAAJ'", conn);
AdsDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
if (!reader.Read())
throw new Exception("no records");
Thanks Mark for pointing out that the .NET data provider and the Advantage Data Architect should return the same result.
The problem to be the different connection strings. From the help documentation, it says,the first six characters of the ROWID represent the database ID. It is based on the connection path.
I was mistakenly copy a rowid from the data architect to test with data provider, and the connection strings are different. That's why I couldn't get a result returned from the data provider as it does from the data architect.
