How to make a Pivot with the same objects?
I have this tried but get an mySQL error:
final class UserParent: Model, PivotProtocol {
var storage = Storage()
typealias Left = User
typealias Right = User
static var leftIdKey: String = "user_id_parent"
static var rightIdKey: String = "user_id_child"
init(row: Row) throws { }
func makeRow() throws -> Row {
let row = Row()
return row
//MARK: - Preparation
extension UserParent: Preparation {
static func prepare(_ database: Database) throws {
try database.create(self, closure: { builder in"user_id_parent")"user_id_child")
static func revert(_ database: Database) throws {
try database.delete(self)
and then i have this on my user object
var users: Siblings<User, User, UserParent> {
return siblings()
but I get this mySQL error
[MySQL Error: Unknown column 'user_parents.user_id' in 'where clause']
To complete tanner0101's answer:
Your model is correct, but your Siblings implementation must specify the custom keys as well.
var parentUsers: Siblings<User, User, UserParent> {
return siblings(localIdKey: "user_id_child", foreignIdKey: "user_id_parent")
var childUsers: Siblings<User, User, UserParent> {
return siblings(localIdKey: "user_id_parent", foreignIdKey: "user_id_child")
I'm using ReamSwift to store data in my iOS application and I have troubles to figure out, why sometimes objects are duplicated in my application.
I use an UUID as primary key on every object. This property is defined in a base class and all the others are subclasses of that.
I use the update approach with a dictionary. So new objects are created and existing should be updated.
I use a central class which holds the Realm object and handles the update. This method could be called from multiple different threads.
This is my base class
import RealmSwift
open class RealmObject : Object {
static let ID_ATTRIBUTE : String = "id"
#objc dynamic var id : String = ""
override public static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
Central class managing swift.
This class holds the Realm Object
public var realm: Realm {
var tempRealm: Realm?
do {
tempRealm = try Realm(configuration: configuration)
catch let err {
print("------ERROR----- initializing realm\n \(err)")
if let tempRealm = tempRealm{
return tempRealm
return self.realm
This is the update method in the class. As a fallback if the id property is not set, it will be set as it is the primary key
func update<T: RealmObject>(_ obj : T, values : [String:Any?] ) -> T? {
var vals = values
do {
var res : T?
try realm.write {
if let idattr = vals[T.ID_ATTRIBUTE] as? String {
if(idattr.isEmpty) {
vals[T.ID_ATTRIBUTE] = UUID().uuidString
} else {
vals[T.ID_ATTRIBUTE] = UUID().uuidString
res = realm.create(T.self, value: vals, update: .modified)
return res
} catch {
return nil
Could calling the update method cause in any case the duplication as I set the primary key of the object? The problem is, I cannot reproduce to find the problem, i just encounter the issue from time to time and in the field from users.
One interesting thing, when a copy is deleted, also the other object will be deleted.
This is the method which deletes objects by id and type
func delete<T: RealmObject>(_ id : String, _ type : T.Type) -> Bool {
do {
let obj = get(id, T.self)
if let obj = obj {
try realm.write {
return true
} else {
return false
} catch {
return false
I tried to create a custom iterator which returns wrapper abcContainer over raw data class abc
// raw data class
class abc {
var name : String = "";
init( _ value : String) {
name = value;
// with container, only "name" is to be visible
class abcContainer {
private var _abc : abc;
init( _ obj : abc) {
_abc = obj;
// + extra methods here
func getName() -> String {
The point would be that the dictionary would return instances of abcContainer instead of just the plain raw abc class.
I wanted to use the sequence protocol to make the conversion automatic, but I was not able to transform the [String:abc] into [String:abcContainer] automatically like this:
// the iterator is implemented just iterating the inner basic dict
// but wrapping the result value as abcContainer
class abcIterator : Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
private var __source : [String:abc]?;
var index = 0
var myIterator : DictionaryIterator<String, abc>;
init(_ ctxArray: [String:abc]) {
self.__source = ctxArray
index = 0;
myIterator = (__source?.makeIterator())!
func next() -> abcContainer? {
let nextItem =;
if(nextItem != nil) {
return abcContainer((nextItem?.value)!);
return nil;
// this was supposed to be the wrapper over the collection
class abcCollection : Sequence {
private var __source : [String:abc]?;
init(_ list: [String:abc]) {
self.__source = list
func makeIterator() -> abcIterator {
return abcIterator(self.__source!);
I'm probably missing something very basic here. When I try to use the collection like this:
var dict : [String:abc] = [String:abc]();
dict["abba"] = abc("John Smith");
for (key,value) in abcCollection(dict) {
print(key, value.getName());
I get error: Expression type "abcCollection" is ambiguous without more context
Does anyone have idea how to make it work? What is missing? I have a feeling that this answer has the information I need...
Swift 2 to 3 Migration for Swift Sequence Protocol
The problem in your original code is that abcCollection(dict)
returned a sequence of abcContainer objects, and those cannot
be assigned to a (key, value) tuple.
You can achieve your goal with
class abcCollection : Sequence {
private var __source : [String:abc]
init(_ list: [String:abc]) {
self.__source = list
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<(AnyObject,abcContainer)> {
let mapped = {
($0.key as AnyObject, abcContainer($0.value))
return AnyIterator(mapped.makeIterator())
Making __source non-optional makes all the (optional) unwrappings
redundant, and { ... } returns a lazily evaluated
sequence of key/value pairs which is then type-erased.
Ok, perhaps the answer was abcIterator was not necessary, you could have defined the iterator directly just like done in the linked answer like this:
class abcCollection : Sequence {
private var __source : [String:abc]?;
init(_ list: [String:abc]) {
self.__source = list
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<(AnyObject,abcContainer)> {
var it = self.__source?.makeIterator();
return AnyIterator {
let n = it?.next();
if n == nil { return nil }
return (n?.key as AnyObject, abcContainer((n?.value)!))
After that, the custom collection returned wrapped objects correctly.
I think this is a simple solution, but i´m stuck with the best approach.
My Realm Database is made with the objects POI and CATEGORY. Where a POI can have one or multiple object of CATEGORY
class POI: Object {
dynamic var id:String = ""
dynamic var name:String = ""
dynamic var visited:Bool = false;
let categories = List<CATEGORY>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String?
return "id";
Later I need to show the number of POI that have a particular CATEGORY, and the number of POI that have a given CATEGORY with the boolean visited has true.
Something like this:
func getAllVisitedPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> Results<POI> {
func getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> Results<POI>{
Any suggestion?
This should work:
func getAllVisitedPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> [POI] {
let containingPOI = getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory)
return containingPOI.filter({ (poi) -> Bool in
return poi.visited
func getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> [POI] {
let realm = try! Realm()
let containingPOI = realm.objects(POI).filter({ (poi) -> Bool in
return poi.categories.contains({ (cat) -> Bool in
return idCategory ==
return containingPOI
It's basically just querying data and filtering the result.
This can be done more concisely and faster by using Realm's query engine rather than filtering the objects individually in Swift:
func getAllVisitedPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> Results<POI> {
return getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory).filter("visited = true")
func getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> Results<POI>{
let realm = try! Realm()
return realm.objects(POI.self).filter("ANY = %#", idCategory)
My goal is to show a user list of history logins ( such as username ) if there are any. In order to do that, I am doing
1. Create an custom object named User like below
class User: NSObject
var login: String
init(login: String)
self.login = login
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
login = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("login") as! String
func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder) {
aCoder.encodeObject(login, forKey: "login")
// This conform to make sure that I compare the `login` of 2 Users
func ==(lhs: User, rhs: User) -> Bool
return lhs.login == rhs.login
At UserManager, Im doing save and retrieve an User. Before saving, I'm doing a check if the the list of history logins contains a User, I wont add it in, otherwise.
class UserManager : NSObject
static let sharedInstance = UserManager()
var userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
func saveUser(user:User)
var users = retrieveAllUsers()
// Check before adding
if !(users.contains(user))
let encodedData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(users)
userDefaults.setObject(encodedData, forKey: "users")
func retrieveAllUsers() -> [User]
guard let data = userDefaults.objectForKey("users") as? NSData else
return [User]()
let users = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(data) as! [User]
// Testing purpose
for user in users
return users
At first time trying, I do
UserManager.sharedInstance.saveUser(User(login: "1234"))
Now it saves the first login. At second time, I also do
UserManager.sharedInstance.saveUser(User(login: "1234"))
UserManager still adds the second login into nsuserdefault. That means the function contains fails and it leads to
func ==(lhs: User, rhs: User) -> Bool
return lhs.login == rhs.login
does not work properly.
Does anyone know why or have any ideas about this.
The problem is that User derives from NSObject. This means that (as you rightly say) your == implementation is never being consulted. Swift's behavior is different for objects that derive from NSObject; it does things the Objective-C way. To implement equatability on an object that derives from NSObject, override isEqual:. That is what makes an NSObject-derived object equatable in a custom way, in both Objective-C and Swift.
Just paste this code right into your User class declaration, and contains will start working as you wish:
override func isEqual(object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
if let other = object as? User {
if other.login == self.login {
return true
return false
What's going on?
As #matt already said, the problem is about equality.
var users = [User]()
users.append(User(login: "1234"))
users.contains(User(login: "1234")) // false
Look again
var users = [User]()
let user = User(login: "1234")
users.contains(user) // true <---- THIS HAS CHANGED
The contains function is NOT using the logic you defined here
func ==(lhs: User, rhs: User) -> Bool {
return lhs.login == rhs.login
Infact it is simply comparing the memory addresses of the objects.
You can solve the issue passing your own logic to contains, just replace this
if !(users.contains(user)) {
with this
if !(users.contains { $0.login == user.login }) {
How to access to static protocol method within a instance
I have a list of Contact, the contact can be a FamilyContact that inherit from Contact and the GroupStatus protocol
I want to call the static method from GroupStatus but in vain...
Here is my code
protocol GroupStatus {
static func isPrivate() -> Bool // static method that indicates the status
protocol IsBusy {
func wizzIt()
class AdresseBook {
private var contacts = [Contact]()
func addOne(c: Contact) {
func listNonPrivated() -> [Contact]? {
var nonPrivateContact = [Contact]()
for contact in contacts {
// here is I should call the static method provided by the protocol
if self is GroupStatus {
let isPrivate = contact.dynamicType.isPrivate()
if !isPrivate {
return nonPrivateContact
class Contact : Printable {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
func wizz() -> Bool {
if let obj = self as? IsBusy {
return true
return false
var description: String {
class FamilyContact: Contact, GroupStatus {
static func isPrivate() -> Bool {
return true
I can't compile Contact.Type does not have a member named 'isPrivate'
How can I call it ? It works if I delete the static keyword, but I think is more logical to define it static.
If I replace
let isPrivate = contact.dynamicType.isPrivate()
let isPrivate = FamilyContact.isPrivate()
It works, but I can have more than 1 subclasses
If I remove the static keywork I can do it by this way :
if let c = contact as? GroupStatus {
if !c.isPrivate() {
But I want to keep the static keyword
This looks like a bug or a non-supported feature. I would expect that
the following works:
if let gsType = contact.dynamicType as? GroupStatus.Type {
if gsType.isPrivate() {
// ...
However, it does not compile:
error: accessing members of protocol type value 'GroupStatus.Type' is unimplemented
It does compile with FamilyContact.Type instead of GroupStatus.Type. A similar problem is reported here:
Swift 1.1 and 1.2: accessing members of protocol type value XXX.Type' is unimplemented
Making isPrivate() an instance method instead of a class method is
the only workaround that I currently can think of, maybe someone comes
with a better solution ...
Update for Swift 2 / Xcode 7: As #Tankista noted below, this has
been fixed. The above code compiles and works as expected in Xcode 7 beta 3.
type(of: contact).isPrivate()
This should work in recent Swift.