Sidebar-Link Jenkins Plugin - jenkins

I am trying to use Sidebar-Link Jenkins Plugin to publish report link at Jenkins job. As I am using Jenkins pipeline for creating jobs, I am not able to use this plugin. Could someone suggest me a better plugin which I can use for report link publish other than publishHTML plugin or provide pipeline wrapper script to use Sidebar-Link Plugin?


trigger a Jenkins from bamboo

My requirement:
My build pipeline is in Bamboo and Test integration pipeline is implemented in Jenkins. So once CI pipeline is completed in Bamboo, there should be a trigger from Bamboo to Jenkins job.
I'm aware this can be done via API call to Jenkins, however I also saw that there is some kind of plugin in Bamboo which can integrate with Jenkins.
I could not find the name of that plugin anywhere, can someone of you help me is providing the plugin name ?
Please do let me know for more question.
You might be referring to the following plugin: However, this plugin is for Bitbucket and not Bamboo. As far as I'm aware, there is no Jenkins specific plugin for Bamboo.
There is however a generic webhooks plugin for Bamboo:, which can be configured to trigger Jenkins at the end of a build.

Integration the allure jenkins plugin with jenkins.groovy

I try to integrate the allure plugin for jenkins only with the pom.xml (i use maven) and jenkins.groovy files.
I do not have access to jenkins configuration with administration level.
Allure allready builds reports locally. But i do not know how to integrate to jenkins i.e.
what to add to jenkins.groovy.
Can anyone help?
Thank you

How to convert Jenkins UI to Jenkins DSL?

I need Jenkins DSL for purpose of code versioning.
I have seen that there is plugin which allows to convert jobs from groovy code to UI.
Since I have all jobs written in Jenkins UI I am wondering if there is some way to do it the other so that I will get groovy scripts from Jenkins UI jobs?
There is a plugin XML Job to Job DSL.
Each Jenkins UI job has config.xml in the file system. I have not used the plugin myself as I have converted Jenkins jobs to script manually.

Jenkins manages groovy scripts without scriptler plugin

Since scriptler plugin has some security issues and it's not safe for use, what is the alternative plugins to manage the groovy scripts ?
Can you configure your job as a pipeline? If so, Groovy can be run inside the pipeline steps.
Also, maybe check the suggestions here:
Replacement for Jenkins Scriptler plugin?

How to invoke a plugin from Jenkins build pipeline

I have pipeline job in my Jenkins 2.x installation. In one of my steps I want to invoke a third party plugin that hasn't been updated to support pipeline jobs.
How can I invoke that plugin and have it run from my pipeline?
Use snippet generator and look for step there, and you will see a list of plugins.
It works for some plugins only, so if yours is not there you are out of luck.
