iOS app uploaded via XCode but not showing in iTunes Connect - ios

This is the first time I have uploaded an app to iTunes Connect via Xcode. Is there a time delay for it to show up in the build? I can't see it listed in iTunes Connect Activity tab either.
I have read some people have had issues because the Information Property List didn't have enough information. The app requires permissions for Location, Camera and Photo library usage. They are listed in the plist file but there is no value set for any of them - is that the problem?

Once you uploaded an app via Xcode.It transmits the archive to Apple, where the build is examined to determine whether it conforms to Apple guidelines.
In my case probably it tooks more time at first build.Rest of other version builds are moved quickly.
Check your registered mail in iTunes.Once app review was done you will be notified whether success or failure.
You can able to see in window which present when clicking select build in itunes.There you can see something like build processing once you uploaded your build.
If description is missed for Cocoa keys then probably app will be reject by iTunes connect. It will notify somthing like missing usage descriptions.
Important :
For eg
In .plist when using Cocoa keys something like Privacy - Camera Usage
Description.Then specifies the reason for your app to access the
device’s camera.
You must add description of Cocoa keys.This description will be shown when accessing specific native API's.


App metadata rejected because of Core NFC but it is not used anywhere in app code or pods code

I submitted application to apple and they responded that "we need a video that demonstrates the use of the Core NFC"
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We're looking forward to completing our review of your app. Before we
can continue, we need a video that demonstrates the use of the Core
NFC feature in the current version in use on a physical iOS device.
and they want me to do video demonstrating NFC usage in the app, I don't see how to respond them by saying we don't use it at all. I searched whole code base for NFC and also pods that are included and I don't see any. And only thing I have in mind is that maybe some binary library I use "regula forensic document reader" can have hidden some NFC code inside but that is just my wild guess as they also don't mention NFC in their documentation.
they also say:
Next Steps
Create the demo video, add a link to the video in the App Review
Information section of your app’s page in App Store Connect, and reply
to this message in Resolution Center.
So I am lost a little here and any help would be greatly appreciated.

2.3 Performance: Accurate Metadata for online store?

I made an app with flutter and tried to upload it to app store but my app rejected, this is the message they send to me:
Guideline 2.3.10 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your app or its metadata includes irrelevant third-party platform information.
Specifically, your app includes non-iOS device images in the app binary.
Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its metadata is not permitted on the App Store unless there is specific interactive functionality.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please remove all instances of this information from your app and its metadata, including the app description, promotional text, What's New info, previews, and screenshots.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
They give me screenshot from app with xiaomi phone on it, it's a product data that requested from a web service.
I created app for a store that sell various gadgets including iOS and Android, i knew there is another app that also have something similar like this but i don't know how it can pass app store either
Is there any suggestion i can try?
Screenshot they gave to me (i cropped it to focus on xiaomi device)
check your description that you have to not added any irrelevant need to update your description,make sure you don't write any specific device information on the description as their guideline.update the description so that it only gives what your app is actually doing and delete all the non essential part from it.And add your snapshot relevant (just add ios device screenshot),yours got rejected because it's showing redmi device without any specific reason(Specifically, your app includes non-iOS device images in the app binary).include screenshot with ios device and re submit and add note in the note section(at the bottom of the page ) that how your app works in detail.

how to re upload our app to appstore

Last week i have launched my app to app store after two days i got a metadata rejection from the review due to providing invalid demo account later i provided my valid account after again they came up with other issues that is
Thank you for your response and for providing this information.
However, upon further review we noticed that your app does not comply with the following guideline:
Guideline 5.1.5 - Legal - Privacy - Location Services
Your app uses background location services but does not clarify the purpose of its use in the location modal alert as required in the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
Please see attached screenshots for details.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription value in the Info.plist to specify the intended purpose of using the user's location while the app is in the background.
For additional information and instructions on configuring and presenting an alert, please review the Requesting Permission section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and the Information Property List Key Reference.
We look forward to reviewing your revised app.
Best regards,
App Store Review
But still my app store status is showing metadata rejected.Now what should i do whether i need to update my proper reasons in plist and rebuild to launch my app or else any other steps to follow????
Hi i have also faced the same issue even after adding NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription with description in info.plist My App has rejected by apple.If we use locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() you need to explain how you are going to use user location. But in my situation While initializing LocationManager i have changed locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() to locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() Hope it will work for you too.
You need to add the proper reason of why you need the location service in the App.
You can set it by following way
Go to info.plist file.
Add your reason of accessing location service under key "Privacy -
Location Always Usage Description"
You will see the plist like this after adding the location service
It seems like your application is rejected because of the insufficient justification of using the location services in the background.You should add description for alert why your application is using the location in background in NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription in info.plist file of your project. As well as you should mention it in your application description as well that why your application is using location services in background.(i.e for geo-fence or track user location.) Also mention that "continuous use of location may drain the battery dramatically" in application description.
By these steps you will be able to successfully submit your application to the apple store.
Add NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription with description in info.plist
Go to your Project settings and increment the build number.
Upload a new build and submit your app again.
Update your info.plist file and add NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription key with description.
Change (Increase) your build number (highlighted in attached image)
Re-upload your app to Itunes Store and submit for review.
You Must upload new Binary because your change is in your app's Info.plist file. See Next Step in your rejection message.
After add valid reason in info.plist file. Make app build with higher version.
Go to AppStore and Click on + button With increment app version. Add new Binary after deleting old One. and Upload for Review.

Is there a way to get the search result i get in the App Store app on the iOS device? ( How to get the ipa file of "App Store"? )

Updated on 2015-11-1:
One solution I am trying is to start App Store using Applium, so that I can record/monitor iOS UI elements. just like what we did Selenium.
Let's treat App Store as a standard iOS app, is it possible to:
uninstall App Store from my iphone.
get the ipa file of App Store
unzip the ipa file and get the app bundle
run Appium with App Store's app file
Is it possible to get App Store 's ipa file?
I want to know the position of my apps when I search on the App Store. When I use the iTunes Search API. I notice the result returned from the iTunes search API for a specific search term are different from the result on the iOS App Store app.
I found This Question is also about this, the owner of that has find out the reason about this condition.
But there is no answer to solve this problem.
Actually I've been trying to build the search request, but it cames that the iOS Appstore is using the HTTPs request, so I don't know what to do with this.
Hope someone can help, I'll be very appreciate.
There is at this time no way to specify that you want the results you would get from an iOS device.
The most obvious solution that comes to mind is to build a search request that appears as I it came from ios in your app code.
I'm sure its possible to determine that by basically proxying an actual iPhone using say your router on your home network to log the traffic from an iphone.
Once you have that you can then basically reverse engineer the call in your app code.
As you can refer from Apple's guidance: Search API, there are too many ways of parameter combination.(Parameters includes:term, country, media, entity, attribute, callback, limit, lang, version, explicit, etc.) So it's almost impossible to find out the way of combination that App Store is adapting so as to get the same search results as users get directly from App Store.
You might want to see if you can get this to work:
In Mac OS X:
Launch iTunes
Under Library menu, click on [Apps] menu.
The iTunes will display all installed app
Right-click on one of those apps
Then click “Show in Finder” option
An alternative to this is simply open the directory of .ipa files stored by using this path: User/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications
This probably only works with apps you downloaded, but it is worth trying.
It's possible to listen in on https connections by installing a trusted ssl certificate on the device and running traffic through a proxy - basically performing a man-in-the-middle attack on yourself. I've previously used Charles Proxy to do this - here's the guide how to set this up. That way you should be able to see exactly what request the App Store app is sending and what response it is getting. And thus it should also be possible to spoof this request and parse the results elsewhere.

Automatically check for iPad app when downloading specific file type from website?

I think I already know the answer to this ("can't be done"), but I figured I'd see what people think...
On my client's website they're posting files for download that specifically need to be viewed on iPads using the Cadwork Viewer app:
You can't open the file on an iPad unless you have that app, and I'm wondering if when clicking on the file to initiate download if there's a way to scan the device to see if Cadwork Viewer is already installed. If so, proceed with the download of the file. If not, pop up a notice "This file requires the Cadwork Viewer app, download it here from iTunes." Something like that.
Again, I think this is just not doable, but hey...there's all sorts of things I don't know!
Check out this link:
You can add a banner to the mobile site that lets you open the app from Safari.
Explanation from Apple:
If the app is already installed on a user's device, the banner
intelligently changes its action, and tapping the banner will simply
open the app. If the user doesn’t have your app on his device, tapping
on the banner will take him to the app’s entry in the App Store.
This should be a good starting place.
