When youtube-dl is installed through homebrew on an M1 Macbook Air with these commands, the resulting instance doesn't support reddit video downloads and requires some URLs to be in quotation marks:
brew install youtube-dl
Instead, if youtube-dl is installed via these commands, the resulting instance doesn't have the same issues:
sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
I'm curious to know what the difference is between these installs but haven't been able to figure it out on my own.
doesn't support reddit video downloads(...)doesn't have the same issue
Reason which comes first to mind is that you installed different versions, this
sudo wget https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
does grab latest version from youtube-dl webpage, which is most probably where new version will appear first, whilst
brew install youtube-dl
does grab version which is present in brew repository, it depend on maintainer of youtube-dl for brew, which might update it less often.
Note that in case of youtube-dl it is possible to have version which once did worked correctly with certain content provider e.g. reddit video but it is not longer due to changes in that, say reddit video change way you have to access their material.
I download the linphone SDK, installed MacPorts and then when writing following command in terminal, i got 'Xcode not installed properly....' and then I follow their rules to install left XCode's software, that are also done on my terminal screen.
sudo port install automake autoconf libtool pkgconfig intltool wget cunit \
antlr3 speex readline sqlite3 openldap libupnp \
ffmpeg-devel -gpl2
But here problem persists...
Please help me to get out from this problem.
Thanks in advance
Actually there's few Steps of compiling the Linphone SDK.
Install dependencies
Install Antlr 3
Install gas-preprosessor.pl
Symlink libtoolize to glibtoolize
Link host strings to simulator SDK
Link /opt/local/bin to /usr/local/bin
Then Build
git clone git://git.linphone.org/linphone-iphone.git --recursive
Set the SDK version
./prepare.py && make(The link below use "make" instead which is deprecated)
Detailed steps as:Building linphone SDK using Homebrew
I currently have to do the same thing and you don't have to get through this steps.....been there done that...
Instead you can download instead this the SDK by searching this on google liblinphone-iphone-sdk-2.2.5.zip
And, of course check the latest news from Linphone, to be updated.
Best Approach would be to clone and start this:
And very important use a Xcode 6 version. Xcode 7 gives you some errors as they introduced some new features and depracated old stuff.
If you don't know how to use git, please pause what you are doing and dedicate some time to do it because will have to do it multiple time during your career.
Hope this helps! Good luck
I want to add tags to mp3 converted by youtube-dl & ffmpeg:
youtube-dl -o
'/Output/qpgTC9MDx1o.mp3' qpgTC9MDx1o -f bestaudio --extract-audio --metadata-from-title "%(artist)s -
%(title)s" 2>&1
I have this error in the output result:
[youtube] qpgTC9MDx1o: Downloading webpage [youtube] qpgTC9MDx1o:
Extracting video information [youtube] qpgTC9MDx1o: Downloading js
player en_US-vfluGO3jj [youtube] qpgTC9MDx1o: Downloading DASH
manifest [download]
has already been downloaded [download] 100% of 13.43MiB WARNING:
qpgTC9MDx1o: writing DASH m4a. Only some players support this
container. Install ffmpeg or avconv to fix this automatically.
[fromtitle] parsed artist: Maroon 5 [fromtitle] parsed title: Animals
ERROR: ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.
Make sure you have the latest version for youtube-dl:
sudo youtube-dl -U
After that you can solve this problem by installing the missing ffmpeg.
Ubuntu and debian:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg
choco install ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg will install what you need and all the dependencies if you are on a Mac.
I know the user asked this for Linux, but I had this issue in Windows (10 64bits) and found little information, so this is how I solved it:
Download LIBAV, I used libav-11.3-win64.7z. Just copy "avprobe.exe" and all DLLs from "/win64/usr/bin" to where "youtube-dl.exe" is.
In case LIBAV does not help, try with FFMPEG, copying the contents of the "bin" folder to where "youtube-dl.exe" is. That did not help me, but others said it did, so it may worth a try.
Hope this helps someone having the issue in Windows.
On Windows, you can easily install ffmpeg via chocolatey
choco install ffmpeg
There is some confusion when using pip install in Windows. The instructions talk about a specific folder which has youtube-dl.exe. There is no such folder if you use pip install.
The solution is to:
Download one of the builds from https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/
Extract the zip contents
Place the contents of the bin folder (there are three exe files) in any folder which is a path in Windows. I personally use Ananconda, so I placed them in /Anaconda/Scripts, but you could place it in any folder and add that folder to the path.
Compiling the last answers into one:
If you're on Windows, use chocolatey:
choco install ffmpeg
If you are on Mac, use Brew:
brew install ffmpeg
If you are on a Debian Linux distribution, use apt:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
And make sure Youtube-dl is updated:
youtube-dl -U
What worked for me (youtube-dl version 2018.03.03, ffprobe 0.5, no avprobe, 3.4.1-tessus, in Hi-Sierra/iMac) was:
brew install libav
(thanks to marciovsena's post on GitHub).
I saw elsewhere that libav might be deprecated in the future, but I'll worry about it when we get there.
You can install them by
sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools
Update your version of youtube-dl to the lastest as older version might not support.
pip install --upgrade youtube_dl
Install 'ffmpeg' and 'ffprobe' module
pip install ffmpeg
pip install ffprobe
If you face the same issue, then download ffmpeg builds and put all the .exe files to Script folder($path: "Python\Python38-32\Scripts") (Windows OS only)
This is so simple if on windows...
In the folder where you have youtube-dl.exe
goto https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/
download the ffmpeg-git-full.7z file
the download link is https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z
Open that zip file and move the ffmpeg.exe file to the same folder where youtube-dl.exe is
Example "blahblah.7z / whatevertherootfolderis / bin / ffmpeg.exe"
youtube-dl.exe -x --audio-format mp3 -o %(title)s.%(ext)s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyPKRcBTsFQ
On a Mac, install ffmpeg by downloading it from:
Under "Get packages & executable files/Static Builds for macOS 64-bit".
I downloaded ffmpeg and ffprobe.
After download, I extracted the binaries ffmpeg and ffprobe, copied them to my path and set permissions:
cp ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/
cp ffprobe /usr/local/bin/
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ff*
With brew install ffmpeg on macOS 10.13 I got the following Error: ffmpeg: no bottle available! and I was also not able to build ffmpeg on my machine.
on MAC i tried to run brew install ffmpeg but it didn't work and got many errors, so i did this and it worked:
1- make sure you have the latest version of youtube-dl
pip install --upgrade youtube_dl
2- go to https://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/ and download ffmpeg and ffprobe
3- run which youtube-dl on Terminal to get the path, where youtube-dl is installed.
you should get something like this : /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/
4- copy the 2 file you downloaded ffmpeg and ffprobe to the bin folder of your path from step 3.
that's it. you shouldn't get this error again.
You can just install it by using winget. If you have Windows 11 or modern versions of Windows 10 winget comes preinstalled. so just use the below command.
winget install ffmpeg
Posting what i found recently, just so that it might be of help.
Once you have installed ffmpeg as stated by various answers here , use the below option to point to the location of ffmpeg .
in my case i've installed ffmpg in (on Windows PC) E:\ffmpeg\bin
Use underscore rather than hyphen, while invoking youtube-dl from Python, and use --ffmpeg-location if calling from command line
ydl_opts = {
'ffmpeg_location' : 'E:\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe',
update your version of youtube-dl to the lastest as older version might not support palylists.
sudo youtube-dl -U if u installed via .deb
sudo pip install --upgrade youtube_dl via pip
use this to download the playlist as an MP3 file
youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 #url_to_playlist
This is an old question. But if you're using a virtualenv with python, place the contents of the downloaded libav bin folder in the Scriptsfolder of your virtualenv.
I have a full functional android app. I can run it on android phone using kivy launcher. Now, i want to convert it to apk. I read lot of tutorials but since i am on windows, this task seems impossible.
I read about p4a-build and followed this code
pip install --upgrade p4a-build
p4a-build --package com.test.helloworld --name 'Hello world' --version '1.0' \
--modules 'kivy' --dir /path/to/helloworld
install was successful , but 2nd command gives error that p4a-build is not recognized. Any idea, how to fix this.
I don't think this tool is really maintained, it might not work anyway. I guess your problem is that the pip package doesn't put the binary somewhere on your PATH though, if you can work out where pip packages are installed you can look for the p4a-build executable.
A more reliable solution that should certainly work is to build your apks within a linux virtual machine.
TL;DR: How can I get the right package for libmapscript-ruby1.8 on my system?
We have found an open source Rails 2.3 app that solves an internal tool problem.
Additional instructions
I've some experience with Rails but am just learning about the Ubuntu eco-system and apt-get.
The perceived problem is that one of the external libraries (mapscript) is not functioning.
Further detail:
The perceived source of the problem is that apt-get install libmapscript-ruby1.8 does not seem to load a ruby1.8 version of mapscript. Instead it loads to /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/x86_64-linux/mapscript.so via dependencies of libmapscript-ruby1.8
So when the Rails app links to the installed mapscript.so, it breaks, since the syntax is presumably different between mapscript.so build for 1.8.7 and 1.9.1.
Example error (note 1.9.1 version of mapscript.so is copied into 1.8.7 folder here)
TypeError (wrong argument type swig_runtime_data (expected Struct)):
Contact with the application creator has been largely fruitless so far, since they have not encountered this specific issue.
There is a rubygem but it seems to also be for 1.9.1
Is there some apt-get magic that I am missing? I've just read that something called backports exists but don't know if that is a solution.
I know it is an old threat, but in case someone else got this problem, I solved the problem like this:
(I used this github page: https://github.com/normanb/mapserver/tree/master/mapserver/mapscript)
Install old libgif
1.) apt install unzip libgdal-dev swig libproj-dev proj-data proj-bin
2.) wget "http://launchpadlibrarian.net/90361644/libgif4_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb"
3.) sudo dpkg -i libgif4_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb
4.) wget "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/giflib/libgif-dev_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb"
5.) sudo dpkg -i libgif-dev_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb
Install old GD
6.) wget "www.boutell.com/gd/http/gd-2.0.33.tar.gz"
7.) unzip
8.) go to folder
9.) ./configure
10.) make
11.) make install
Install webserver
12.) Download zip from https://github.com/normanb/mapserver/
13.) unzip mapserver-master.zip
14.) Goto folder mapserver-master/mapserver/
15.) ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-proj --with-gdal --with-postgis (choose the options you need for your mapscript)
16.) make
For ruby mapscript: (for others chech out https://github.com/normanb/mapserver/tree/master/mapserver/mapscript)
16.) ruby extconf.rb
17.) make
18.) make install
Please note that there is a bug in set filter and you need to comment the filter like so "\"id = 123\"" (https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/3983)
Ultimately, it appears that the packages are (for my intent and purposes) broken.
Paired with a Debian guru, who basically installed Mapserver on the system in order to compile and generate the correct mapscript.so
He recommended I get in touch with the various package maintainers and outline the problems that I encountered.