Grails 3 how to include font-awesome fonts - grails

this post has half the process for using font awesome in a project. The steps are:
download font-awesome zip and extract into grails-app/assets/fonts dir.
modify build.gradle to add includes = ["fonts/*"] under assets
Use the font in your code, e.g.
< i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-4x"> fa-4x
The question is, what is step 3? I assume there are two options:
put something like < link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"> at the top of your gsp page, but what is the path? I tried guessing, e.g. href="/assets/fonts/css/font-awesome.min.css" but this does not work even after restart.
Put something in application.css. I have no idea what this could be, as it currently only refers to files in its own directory. I even read the manual, but could not figure it out. The manual mentions "*= require font-awesome" but presumably this requires more code somewhere as it doesn't work.
Any suggestions? Grails certainly makes some very hard things easy, but it also makes some easy things hard.

You may have to change the directory references inside the fontawesome.css file. Try for a replace of all the references to ../fonts/fontawesome for fontawesome and check if it works.
This assumes having the font-awesome.css file inside the assets/stylesheets directory and the fonts inside the fonts directory. Then, in build.gradle you should have something like:
assets {
minifyJs = true
minifyCss = true
includes = ["fonts/*"]
In your layout GSP file's (main.gsp) <head> you should have something like:
<asset:stylesheet src="application.css"/>
Finally, in your application.css you should have something like:
*= require font-awesome
The require should have the same name as the CSS file without the .css extension. So, if you have the minified version of font-awesome it should look like this instead:
*= require font-awesome.min
Note that by doing that you don't need to add the CSS include to GSP pages.

Alternatively you can just generate an embedding code on the website of fontawesome ( and add it to your main.gsp file
<script src=""></script>

I got the answer to step number 3 from here:
The answer is to add the following to application.css
"*= require css/font-awesome"
Surprisingly, this will pull on font-awesome.min.css from the fonts/css/ dir where the files are exploded from the zip distribution.
Jordi and klocker also supplied valid solutions, but the above one is what I was looking for.
How to reference the assets directly via a link is still a mystery.


Plugin working out of rails but not inside rails

I am trying to use a plugin called Shuffletext to give my text a shuffling effect that iterates through different strings. this is the code for it (just have it in the .erb file while trying to get it how to work cause its easier)
<div id="wrapper"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
'Hello world !',
"I'm a jquery plugin",
"I like to <strong>shuffle text</strong> !"
],{loop: true, delay: 5000, shuffleSpeed: 50});
In a simple folder that just has a .html file and the plugin file it works fine, but when I put it into ruby it throws me this error
home:24 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).ShuffleText is not a function
at home:24
I've been trying for a few hours to try and fix this and I am stumped, any help is really appreciated, here is a link to the plugin if it helps
I suppose, you didn't plug in this library correctly. I didn't find a gem that integrates this plugin into Rails asset pipeline, so you should put plugin file into vendor/assets/javascripts directory. Just copy shuffletext.jquery.js to this folder.
Then you can either add //= require shuffletext.jquery.js to manifest file (usually it's app/assets/javascripts/application.js) after jQuery, or manually add javascript_include_tag 'shuffletext.jquery' to required pages.
If you decided to require plugin in manifest, you can use it on every page where the manifest is plugged. Usually it is plugged in layout, so all pages that use this layout will have it.
If you decided to use javascript_include_tag, you also should add Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( shuffletext.jquery.js ) to your config/initializers/assets.rb file. In this case you will get your plugin only on those pages where you have specified javascript_include_tag.

Adding page-specific CSS to Rails Asset Pipeline

This is a question that several people have asked before, but none of the questions were quite asked or answered in a way that I found helpful, so I'm writing the question and answer that I would have found helpful.
I have a Rails 3.1+ app using the asset pipeline. There's one specific action that I want to have use different CSS. (In my specific case, I have a page that is intended to be printed, so it truly needs completely different CSS and does not need any Javascript.) Currently, I have only one application-specific CSS file. How do I add the new CSS file and direct the asset pipeline to use my file?
For example, right now, my app/assets looks like
I want to add a print.css file that is used by the view of a specific action. This view will not use the application.css file. How do I add print.css?
I found this blog post to be very helpful: My answer paraphrases what this blogger already wrote and fills in a few missing details.
First, it's important that you've read and understood the Rails Guide to the Asset Pipeline. Unfortunately, this guide doesn't clearly explain how to add action-specific assets, but it does cover some concepts you need to know. Made sure you understand these ideas:
That the asset pipeline compiles Javascript, CSS, and other assets so that Rails servers can cache assets for better performance.
That manifest files use commands like require, require_tree, and require_self to indicate which files are compiled together.
That in order for the asset pipeline to work properly in production, you need to manually run rake assets:precompile to produce the compiled, minified assets in the public directory.
These ideas are the minimum "need-to-know" pieces of information about the asset pipeline. If you don't already understand these ideas, you don't have an "expert or enthusiast" level of knowledge about the pipeline, and unfortunately, SO isn't the right place to learn this stuff. Fortunately, the the Rails Guide to the Asset Pipeline is a short 15-minute read and can get you up to speed quickly if you need it.
Second, these are the changes you need to make in order to ensure that the asset pipeline correctly sees and handles your new print.css file.
Follow these steps:
Add your print.css file to app/assets/css.
You'll need to create a manifest file that will show Rails where to find print.css. You need to do this, even though you only have a single CSS file you're adding. This is an easy step:
Add a file called print.js to app/assets/javascript.
Add this line to print.js:
//= require print
This will be the only line in the entire print.js file. If I understand correctly, Rails expects manifest files to have the file extension .js, which is why we aren't using print.css as the manifest file.
We now need to instruct Rails to find and use the print.js manifest. Add the following line in your config/application.rb file:
config.assets.precompile += %w( print.js )
We're almost finished! However, the already-present application.js manifest includes the line //= require_tree . which means that it will include your print.css file. This will cause your print.css styling to affect your entire site, not just the single view. There are two ways of dealing with this:
If application.js and print.js do not share any assets, you can use the stub command in your application.js to exclude the assets used in print.js. What this does is instruct application.js to remove any of the assets that print.js references from its own list of referenced files. Our modified application.js looks like:
require_tree .
stub print
See this answer for more information.
If your print.js and application.js files share some assets, you'll need to move all of the assets used by application.js into subdirectories. I didn't do this myself, so I'm not the most help in this area. Look at this answer for instructions.
Now we have included print.css in the asset pipeline. We now need to direct Rails to use print.css in your specific view.
Let's say your action is in the reports controller, and that the action is named print_reports. This means we have a reports_controller.rb file and a print_reports.html.erb (or .haml) file. We need to make several changes to these files.
To start, add a new layout in app/views/layouts. Perhaps call it print.html.erb. We'll use this new layout for your print_reports.html.erb file. Set it up as you desire. For a page intended to be printed, this will likely be very simple, such as
<%= yield %>
Using a separate layout the disadvantage that it's difficult to keep this layout and the layout used by the rest of the application in sync, but if you are using separate CSS files for the action, it's unlikely that you want the layout to be the same anyway.
Add a stylesheet_link_tag in the layout's header pointing to your print.css:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "print" %>
<%= yield %>
In the controller, we'll tell Rails to use our new layout for the action. Add the line layout 'print', only: [:print_reports] to your controller:
class reports_controller < ApplicationController
layout 'print', only: [:print_reports]
See this question for more information and a few different approaches.
At this point, when you run the app, your print_reports action should be using print.css correctly!
Remember to run rake assets:precompile before deploying on the server.
Official Solution
It is documented in the official Rails Guides here:
Actually you can leave out the require_tree directive (located in application.css and application.js) then use this in your template:
For controller specific JavaScript:
<%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller] %>
For controller specific CSS:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller] %>
All of you are putting very complicated answers.
1 Go to app/assets/stylesheets
2.Make a file with the extension .css
3.Go to config/initializers/assets.rb
4.Put this line of of code Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( file.css )
5.Replace file.css with the file you created
6.Go to your html.erb file
7.Type this in the <head>, <%= stylesheet_link_tag "file" %>
8.Replace file with the filename(no extension in the name)
Good Job you linked the file!
There's one specific action that I want to have use different CSS.
Here's an alternative way to accomplish what you're looking for:
Add the controller name and action name to the app body in your /views/layouts/application.html.rb:
<body class="<%= controller_name %>-<%= action_name %>">
<%= yield %>
Then in your .scss file:
.controller_name-action_name {
// your css goes here
So if your controller was static_pages and your action was home:
.static_pages-home {
// your css goes here
Tada! Your css only appears for that specific action.
In your layout
// ...
<%= yield :stylesheets %>
In your view
<%= provide :stylesheets do %>
// your page-specific css
<% end %>

How do I use Controller specific stylesheets in Rails 3.2.1?

Using Rails 3.2.1
I created a simple controller called Home using the command:
rails g controller Home index
And it created a new controller and view for me:
Notice how there are two stylesheets, one "Application" and one "Home". I can't find any documentation to support this assumption but I'm guessing you put styles that will only be applied to the "Home" views, in the Home.css.scss file, correct?
So as a test, I added in some global styles to Application.css.scss.erb and ran the application.
The styles applied as expected.
Next, I added in some rules to the Home.css.scss file and I visited a "Home/index" view, yet the style in that file wasn't attached, neither as a seperate CSS reference link, or even appended to the single Application.css.scss file. This is highly confusing to me, since the comments say:
// Place all the styles related to the Home controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:
Why aren't the rules written in Home.css.scss applied to my website?
It can work this way and Marek is quite correct, the answer is in the guide.
In the introduction to section 2.1:
For example, if you generate a ProjectsController, Rails will also add a new file at app/assets/javascripts/ and another at app/assets/stylesheets/projects.css.scss. You should put any JavaScript or CSS unique to a controller inside their respective asset files, as these files can then be loaded just for these controllers with lines such as <%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller] %> or <%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller] %>.
So to set your application up to load controller specific stylesheets:
First, disable the default loading of all stylesheets by removing any extra requires in the application.css manifest.
Typically you'll see an entry like this:
*= require_tree .
If you still want to load some common css files, you can move them to a subdirectory and do something like this:
*= require_tree ./common
Second, In your application's layout add the suggested stylesheet_link_tag eg
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller] %>
In this example we first load the application css file, we then load any css file that matches the current controller name.
I've solved this problem with a simple solution. I add to body the controller name as a class, editing views/layouts/application.html.slim:
body class=controller.controller_name
Or views/layouts/application.html.erb:
<body class="<%= controller.controller_name%>">
And then in my css I just use body.controller_name as a namespace:
/* example for /users/ */
body.users {
color: #000;
body.users a {
text-decoration: none;
For small projects I think it's fine.
I don't think it works that way (Home.css being applied only to Home controller actions). The different files are just for separation, to make it clearer what are the CSS rules describing. You can read this guide about the asset pipeline. I'm guessing you altered the default application.css.scss and removed the line importing all CSS files from app/assets/stylesheets.
Ignore the comment, it's not made by Sass. But put:
#import "*";
into your application.css.scss file, and it will automatically import all the controller scss files.
Full read:
Disclaimer: This is my current understanding of the asset pipeline flow with and without Sass.
I think this comment is written by the standard Rails Asset pipeline (sprockets), and not by Sass:
// Place all the styles related to the Home controller here.
// They will automatically be included in application.css.
// You can use Sass (SCSS) here:
The standard pipeline will handle scss files but doesn't presume an application.css.scss file. But if you create such a file with Sass, then Sass will compile it to the application.css file.
If you use the normal Rails asset pipeline, without Sass, then sprockets would load the css file into the application.css file automatically (if that file has the default *= require_tree . line in it).
When you use Sass, with an application.css.scss file, Sass will compile this file into a application.css file. (I assume it would overwrite or take precedence over any application.css file you already had).
To get your home.css.scss file (and other controller files) automatically included, put this line into your application.css.scss file:
#import "*";
For reference, see this question:
Is it possible to import a whole directory in sass using #import?

Where to put Galleria (jQuery image gallery framework) in Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline?

I'm a bit confused as to where to put a jQuery framework like Galleria in Rails 3.1's new Asset Pipeline?
I know it, technically, should go into /vendors/assets/javascripts but, it is my understanding that, the Galleria folder with the jQuery & themes wants to be in root (/galleria) of the live site in order to work correctly.
Also, while we're at it, where to put the following script so it will appear only on the page(s) with a gallery?
Edit: Surprised there's no response!?! Maybe Galleria isn't that popular? These are the files I'm trying to load. They are bundled like this though I could easily move them:
i thought Sprockets require_tree . would load everything in app/assets, lib/assets and vendor/assets?!?
I had the same problem, and it took a while to get working. Initially, it would work fine on development, but when we moved to production, Galleria silently failed, due to the asset filenames now having "fingerprints". This also seems to be an issue with jQuery UI themes, and many other such scripts.
Of course, you could just go back to the old way of doing things and throw everything in "public", but we would like the advantage of automatically merging all css/js files, and doing things the rails way.
This is how I got it working:
Rename your galleria.classic.css file to galleria.classic.css.scss. Then replace the image references, like so (I had two):
url("classic-loader.gif") becomes image-url("classic-loader.gif")
UPDATE: It looks like you don't need to do this in Rails 3.1.1. Just rename the file to .css.scss and rails will automatically preprocess the url() calls for you.
In your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file, make sure you have the lines
//= require galleria-1.2.5
//= require galleria.classic
//= require_tree .
In you app/assets/stylesheets/application.css file, make sure you have the lines
*= require galleria.classic
*= require_tree .
Finally, Galleria seems to have some fancy non-standard css loading built in. This is what was preventing Galleria from loading on our production website. Since we have already included the stylesheet, we want to disable this behavior. Simply open up galleria.classic.js (or your Galleria theme javascript file), and replace the line:
css: 'galleria.classic.css',
css: false,
This will tell Galleria not to try loading the stylesheet.
One more thing - when trying to compile these assets, I ran into what is apparently a bug in Rails 3.1.0. When I ran rake assets:precompile, I got errors like:
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
rake aborted!
classic-loader.gif isn't precompiled
(in /vendor/assets/stylesheets/galleria.classic.css.scss)
Long story short, you need to set this line in config/environments/production.rb:
config.assets.compile = true
This shouldn't be necessary once 3.1.1 is released.
I like Arjen's suggestion, though I think vendor/assets/libs is more appropriate. Here's my setup:
In config/application.rb
config.assets.enabled = true
config.assets.paths << "#{Rails.root}/vendor/assets/libs"
In app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require galleria/galleria-1.2.6.min.js
To initialize:
Notice how the path passed to loadTheme() begins with 'assets'.
I like this setup because it keeps the galleria folder intact. Also, it concatenates galleria-1.2.6.min.js onto my main js file (one less http request).
I've also stumbled upon this problem. Dividing up an existing library so it fits into the current javascripts/stylesheets structure is a bit of a hassle. Therefor you can add an extra path to your application.rb file to load assets from, like this:
# Enable the asset pipeline
config.assets.enabled = true
config.assets.paths << "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/libs"
Create a 'libs' folder under app/assets, copy the galleria library to this folder and add this to your application layout file:
<%= javascript_include_tag 'galleria/galleria-1.2.4.min.js' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'galleria/themes/classic/galleria.classic.min.js' %>
You could also bundle up the galleria code by requiring the js files, but that's up to you.

How do I use CSS with a ruby on rails application?

How do I use CSS with RoR? When I link externally, I'm never able to see the files. I cp'd the .css file to every folder I could think of...views, controller, template, and nothing seems to work.
What do I need to do to enable external CSS files with a rails application? I'm new to rails, so forgive me if this is basic.
Put the CSS files in public/stylesheets and then use:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "filename" %>
to link to the stylesheet in your layouts or erb files in your views.
Similarly you put images in public/images and javascript files in public/javascripts.
If you are using rails > 3 version, then there is a concept called asset pipeline. You could add your CSS to
then it will automatically be picked up by the app. (this is useful as rails will automatically compress the CSS files)
read more here about the asset pipeline
Use the rails style sheet tag to link your main.css like this
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "main" %>
Go to
Once inside the assets.rb add the following code snippet just below the Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'
Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( main.css )
Restart your server.
I did the following...
place your css file in the app/assets/stylesheets folder.
Add the stylesheet link <%= stylesheet_link_tag "filename" %> in your default layouts file (most likely application.html.erb)
I recommend this over using your public folder. You can also reference the stylesheet inline, such as in your index page.
The original post might have been true back in 2009, but now it is actually incorrect now, and no linking is even required for the stylesheet as I see mentioned in some of the other responses. Rails will now do this for you by default.
Place any new sheet .css (or other) in app/assets/stylesheets
Test your server with rails-root/scripts/rails server and you'll see the link is added by rails itself.
You can test this with a path in your browser like testserverpath:3000/assets/filename_to_test.css?body=1
To add to the above, the most obvious place to add stylesheet_link_tag is in your global application layout - application.html.erb.
With Rails 6.0.0, create your "stylesheet.css" stylesheet at app/assets/stylesheets.
Have you tried putting it in your public folder? Whenever I have images or the like that I need to reference externally, I put it all there.
