How to handle denormalization in B.I data model - data-warehouse

As far as I know, normalization is done to avoid inconsistency in the database.
By normalizing we:
reduce data redundancy, and
protect data integrity.
That's why most OLTP databases are in 3NF.
Different databases from OLTP come together in a data warehouse. (DWH, OLAP). DWHs are denormalized (1FN), and is obvious it has to be like that, because the main table of a DWH has hundreds of columns.
From that DWH we can build several data marts that we would later use for doing analysis with a BI reporting tool (Cognos, QlikView, BO .. )
The problem is that the data model for the BI report is not normalized.
Couldn't that be a problem for redundancy and data integrity for the report?

In OLAP systems (such as data warehouses), the key efficiency needs are in querying and data retrieval.
Therefore some of the design considerations are done in order to retrieve the information faster, even if the updates may be longer.
An example for such a model is a Star-Schema on which we denormalize data in a such way that all the data will be stored in a 1-join-hop distance.
Key elements such as transactions are located at the big table (Facts), with foreign keys pointing at the dimensions.
The dimension themselves are smaller, and may contain not-normalized data. For example an address dimension may store street, neighborhood and city data without normalizing it to 3NF.
There are for sure redundancy issues (you don't really have to store Day_of_Week per each date row) but it is insignificant (since storage is not a bottleneck in this scenario).
As per integrity - you face it only on updates (F.E. a less-realistic scenario of country change per State_Province in Dim_Store) , and in DWH update is a rare-case, where we allow ourselves to be inefficient.
Moreover - integrity is not enforced by the DB (or normalization) but by design and implementation of the ETL process.
Read more on Data Warehouses modeling

Regarding redundancy: some data warehouse engines like Amazon Redshift allow data compression that is very handy for denormalization. Let's say you have a table of sales events with 100M records and every sale has a city. In OLTP data model, you would have sales and cities with city_id connecting them. In OLAP data model with compression allowed it's much easier to have sales table with a text city attribute compressed. You'll be able to calculate sales by city without joining tables, and your city values won't occupy much disk space because they will be encoded.
More info about compression is in Amazon docs: Choosing a Column Compression Type
Regarding data integrity: you have to design your ETL routines to minimize the possibility of duplicate data and also run scheduled checks for duplicates based on criteria like this:
select count(*) from table;
select count(*) from (select distinct <expression> from table);
where is a list of columns which combination should be unique (your artificial primary key).


Multi Tenant dynamic key value store

I have to implement a system where a tenant can store multiple key-value stores. one key-value store can have a million records, and there will be multiple columns in one store
[Edited] I have to store tabular data (list with multiple columns) like Excel where column headers will be unique and have no defined schema.
This will be a kind of static data (eventually updated).
We will provide a UI to handle those updates.
Every tenant would like to store multiple table structured data which they have to refer it in different applications and the contract will be JSON only.
For Example, an Organization/Tenant wants to store their Employees List/ Country-State List, and there are some custom lists that are customized for the product and this data is in millions.
A simple solution is to use SQL but here schema is not defined, this is a user-defined schema, and though I have handled this in SQL, there are some performance issues, so I want to choose a NoSQL DB that suits better for this requirement.
Design Constraints:
Get API latency should be minimum.
We can simply assume the Pareto rule, 80:20 80% read calls and 20% write so it is a read-heavy application
Users can update one of the records/one columns
Users can do queries based on some column value, we need to implement indexes on multiple columns.
It's schema-less so we can simply assume it is NoSql, SQL also supports JSON but it is very hard to update a single row, and we can not define indexes on dynamic columns.
I want to segregate key-values stores per tenant, no list will be shared between tenants.
One Key Value Store :
Another key value store example:
I am thinking of Cassandra or any wide-column database, we can also think of a document database (Mongo DB), every collection can be a key-value store or Amazon Dynamo database
Cassandra: allows you to partition data by partition key and in my use case I may want to get data by different columns in Cassandra we have to query all partitions which will be expensive.
Your example data shows duplicate items, which is not something NoSQL datbases can store.
DynamoDB can handle this scenario quite efficiently, its well suited for high read activity and delivers consistent single digit ms low latency at any scale. One caveat of DynamoDB compared to the others you mention is the 400KB item size limit.
In order to get top performance from DynamoDB, you have to utilize the Partition key as much as possible, because it provides you with hash-based access (super fast).
Its obvious that unique identifier for the user should be present (username?) in the PK, but if there is another field that you always have during request time, like the country for example, you should include it in the PK.
Like so
Username#S2#Country#US#State#Georgia Address#A1
It might be worth storing a mapping for the countries alone so you can retrieve them before executing the heavy query. Global Indexes can't be more than 20, keep that in mind and reuse/overload indexes and keys as much as possible.
Stick to single table design to utilize this better.
As mentioned by Lee Hannigan, duplicated elements are not supported, all keys (including those of the indexes) must be unique pairs

Does a data warehouse need to satisfy 2NF or another normal form?

I'm investigating data warehouses. And I have an issue about star schemas.
It's in
Oracle® OLAP Application Developer's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1)
3.2.1 Dimension Table: TIME_DIM
To represent the hierarchy MONTH -> QUARTER -> YEAR, we need some keys such as: YEAR_ID, QUARTER_ID. But there are some things that I do not understand:
1) Why do we need field YEAR_DSC & QUARTER_DSC? I think that we can look up these values from YEAR & QUARTER TABLE. And it breaks 2NF.
2) What is the normal form that a schema in data warehouse needs to satisfy? (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, or any.)
NFs (normal forms) don't matter for data warehouse base tables.
We normalize to reduce certain kinds of redundancy so that when we update a database we don't have to say the same thing in multiple places and so that we can't accidentally erroneously not say the same thing where it would need to be said in multiple places. That is not a problem in query results because we are not updating them. The same is true for a data warehouse's base tables. (Which are also just queries on its original database's base tables.)
Data warehouses are usually optimized for reading speed, and that usually means some denormalization compared to the original database to avoid recomputation at the expense of space. (Notice though that sometimes rereading something bigger can be slower than reading smaller parts and recomputing the big thing.) We probably don't want to drop normalized tables when moving to a data warehouse, because they answer simple queries and we don't want to slow down by recomputing them. Other than those tradeoffs, there's no reason not to denormalize. Some particular warehouse design methods might have their own rules about what parts should be denormalized what amounts.
(Whatever our original database design NF is chosen to be, we should always first normalize to 5NF then consciously denormalize. We don't need to normalize or know constraints to update or query a database.)
Read some textbook basics on why we normalize & why we use data warehouses.

Fact table design guidance for 100s of facts

I'm trying to create a datamart for the healthcare application. The facts in the datamart are basically going to be measurements and findings related to heart, and we have 100s of them. Starting from 1000 and can go to as big as 20000 per exam type.
I'm wondering what my design choices for the fact tables are:
Grain: 1 row per patient per exam type.
Some of the choices that I can think of -
1) A big wide fact table with 1000 or more columns.
2) EAV based design - A separate Measure dimension table. This foreign key will go into the fact table and the measure value will be in fact table. So the grain of the fact table will be changed to 1 row per patient per exam type per measurement.
3) Create smaller multiple fact tables per exam type per some other criteria like subgroup. But the end user is going to query across subgroups for that exam type and fact-fact join is not recommended.
4) any other ideas?
Any inputs would be appreciated.
1. A big wide fact table with 1000 or more columns.
One very wide fact table gives end-user maximum flexibility if queries are executed directly in the data warehouse. However some considerations should be taken into account, as you might hit some limits depending on a platform.
SQL Server 2014 limits are as per below:
Bytes per row 8,060. A row-overflow storage might be a solution, however it supports only few column types typically not related to fact nature, i.e. varchar, nvarchar, varbinary, sql_variant. Also not supported in In-Memory OLTP.
Columns per non-wide table 1024. Wide-tables and sparse columns are solution as columns per wide table limit is 30,000. However the same Bytes per row limit applies.
Columns per SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE statement 4,096
Non-clustered indexes per table 999
2. EAV based design - A separate Measure dimension table. This foreign key will go into the fact table and the measure value will be in fact table. So the grain of the fact table will be changed to 1 row per patient per exam type per measurement.
According to Kimball, EAV design is called Fact Normalization. It may make sense when a number of measurements is extremely lengthy, but sparsely populated for a given fact and no computations are made between facts.
Because facts are normalized therefore:
Extensibility is very easy, i.e. it's easy to add new measurements without the need to amend the data structure.
It's good to extract all measurements for one exam and present measurements as rows on the screen.
It's hard to extract/aggregate/make computation between several measurements (e.g. average HDL to CHOL ration) and present measurements/aggregates/computations as columns, i.e. requires complex WHERE/PIVOTING or multi-joins. SQL makes it difficult to make computations between facts in different rows.
If primary end-user platform is an OLAP cube then Fact Normalization makes sense. The cubes allows to make computation across any dimension.
Data importing could be an issue if data format is in a flat style CSV.
This questions is also discussed here Should I use EAV model?.
3) Create smaller multiple fact tables per exam type per some other criteria like subgroup. But the end user is going to query across subgroups for that exam type and fact-fact join is not recommended.
In some scenarios multiple smaller fact tables perfectly makes sense. One of the reason is if you hit some physical limits set by platform, e.g. Bytes per row.
The facts could be grouped either by subject area, e.g. measurement group/subgroup, or by frequency of usage. Each table could be placed on a separate file group and drive to maximize I/O.
Further, you could duplicate measurements across different fact tables to reduce the need of fact tables join, i.e. put one measurement in a specific measurement subgroup fact table and in frequently used measurement fact table.
However some considerations should be taken into account if there are some specific requirements for data loading. For example, if a record errors out in your ETL to one fact table, you might want to make sure that the corresponding records in the other fact tables are deleted and staged to your error table so you don't end up with any bogus information. This is especially true if end users have their own calculations in the front end tool.
If you use OLAP cubes then multiple fact tables actually becomes a source of a measure group to a specific fact table.
In terms of fact-to-fact join, you (BI application) should never issue SQL that joins two fact tables together across the fact table’s foreign keys. Instead, the technique of Drilling Across two fact tables should be used, where the answer sets from two or more fact tables are separately created, and the results sort-merged on the common row header attribute values to produce the correct result.
More on this topic:
4) any other ideas?
SQL XML or some kind NoSQL could be an option, but the same querying / aggregation / computation / presentation issues exist.

Does bucketing two *large* tables in Hive *in the same way* help perform much more efficient joins?

Imagine the following situation I am planning:
Have two rather large tables stored in Hive, both containing different types of customer related information (say, although this is not exactly the case, a record of customer transactions in one and customer owned data in the other). Let's call the tables A and B.
Tables are large in the sense that none of the tables fits completely in memory. (There are 10 million customers and theres is a few kilobytes of info associated to each of them in each of the two tables)
Be careful enough to bucket both tables in exactly the same way, by a field present in both tables (customer_id, which is a bigint), and using the same number of buckets 100.
I wonder whether this setup will, in any way, guarantee that a join (by customer_id) between both tables will be efficient, in the sense that very little shuffling of information between nodes will be required. I imagine this could the case, if for instance, there were a guarantee that the physical files corresponding to the same bucket in both tables are physically stored in the same (sets of nodes), i.e. if for every bucket i (in [0,99]) the file A/part_0_000i and the file B/part_0_000i were physically stored in the same nodes and the same held for their replicas.
I am aware that partitioning and bucketing are different and that the first essentially determines the structure of subdirectories, whereas the second on determines which file each record goes too. This question is about bucketing only
Also, by number 2, map-side joins are not an option here, since, as far as my understading goes, they require loading one of the tables completely within each mapper and doing the join completely there.
Bucketing is used when there are too many levels in your data in which you want to partition by, or there are no good candidate partitions.
A concrete example would be partitioning on customerID in sales data. You may have 20 thousand customers. Partitions would contain small amounts of data which is inefficient and have too many partitions also inefficient. However you can hash the customerID and partition into 50 buckets for example. Then when you are merging on customerID the job will only have to scan against what is in a bucket rather than the entire sum of all your data.
With ideal bucketing your buckets should contain some multiple of the file system block size. Remember also that too many buckets or buckets that are built over varialbes not used as keys can be detrimental for other queries.
I have used them when I need to execute large jobs repeatedly. My queries time has been reduced significantly. I tend to only use when my data is very big. And big is relative to cluster size and capacity.
One great thing about bucketing is that they help ensure the bucketed partitions are of similar size. If you partition over State for example, California will have huge partitions while other states are very small.
Bucketing is tactical and not an appropriate for all use cases. Happy bucketing!
Yes, it will definitely help.
Bucketed tables are partitioned and sorted the same way, so they will be mergesorted, which works in linear time (n), otherwise the tables have to be sorted the same way first, which is usually nlog(n)

Checking for updated dimension data

I have an OLTP database, and am currently creating a data warehouse. There is a dimension table in the DW (DimStudents) that contains student data such as address details, email, notification settings.
In the OLTP database, this data is spread across several tables (as it is a standard OLTP database in 3rd normal form).
There are currently 10,390 records but this figure is expected to grow.
I want to use Type 2 ETL whereby if a record has changed in the OLTP database, a new record is added to the DW.
What is the best way to scan through 10,000 records in the DW and then compare the results with the results in several tables contained in the OLTP?
I'm thinking of creating a "snapshot" using a temporary table of the OLTP data and then comparing the results row by row with the data in the Dimension table in the DW.
I'm using SQL Server 2005. This doesn't seem like the most efficient way. Are there alternatives?
Introduce LastUpdated into source system (OLTP) tables. This way you have less to extract using:
WHERE LastUpdated >= some_time_here
You seem to be using SQL server, so you may also try rowversion type (8 byte db-scope-unique counter)
When importing your data into the DW, use ETL tool (SSIS, Pentaho, Talend). They all have a componenet (block, transformation) to handle SCD2 (slowly changing dimension type 2). For SSIS example see here. The transformation does exactly what you are trying to do -- all that you have to do is specify which columns to monitor and what to do when it detects the change.
It sounds like you are approaching this sort of backwards. The typical way for performing ETL (Extract, Test, Load) is:
"Extract" data from your OLTP database
Compare ("Test") your extracted data against the dimensional data to determine if there are changes or whatever other validation needs to be performed
Insert the data ("Load") in to your dimension table.
Effectively, in step #1, you'll create a physical record via a query against the multiple tables in your OLTP database, then compare that resulting record against your dimensional data to determine if a modification was made. This is the standard way of doing things. In addition, 10000 rows is pretty insignificant as far as volume goes. Any RDBMS and ETL process should be able to process through that in a matter of no more than few seconds at most. I know SQL Server has DTS, although I'm not sure if the name has changed in more recent versions. That is the perfect tool for doing something like this.
Does you OLTP database have an audit trail?
If so, then you can query the audit trail for just the records that have been touched since the last ETL.
