Actually I am trying to fine tune inceptionV3 model using tf slim fine tuning example on git hub it is giving me this error :
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Cannot assign a device to node 'InceptionV3/AuxLogits/Conv2d_2b_1x1/biases/RMSProp_1': Could not satisfy explicit device specification '/device:GPU:0' because no devices matching that specification are registered in this process; available devices: /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0
Colocation Debug Info:
Colocation group had the following types and devices:
ApplyRMSProp: CPU
Const: CPU
Assign: CPU
IsVariableInitialized: CPU
Identity: CPU
VariableV2: CPU
[[Node: InceptionV3/AuxLogits/Conv2d_2b_1x1/biases/RMSProp_1 = VariableV2_class=["loc:#InceptionV3/AuxLogits/Conv2d_2b_1x1/biases"], container="", dtype=DT_FLOAT, shape=[5], shared_name="", _device="/device:GPU:0"]]
Please provide more information about your Tensorflow installation (GPU or CPU installation). If you are running a GPU Tensorflow version this probably is raising the error.
I am running an ML inference for image recognition on the GPU using onnxruntime and I am seeing an upper limit for how much performance improvement batching of images is giving me - there is reduction in inference time upto around batch_size of 8, beyond that the time remains constant. I assume this must be because of some max utilization of the GPU resources, as I dont see any such limitation mentioned in the onnx documentation.
I tried using the package pynmvl.smi to get nvidia_smi and printed some utilization factors during inference as such -
utilization_percent = nvidia_smi.getInstance().DeviceQuery()['gpu'][0]['utilization']
gpu_util.append(utilization_percent ['gpu_util'])
mem_util.append(utilization_percent ['memory_util'])
What I do see is that the gpu_util and the memory_util are within 25% for the entire run of my inference, even at batch size like 32 or 64, so these are unlikely to be the cause of the bottleneck.
I assume then, that it must be the bus load limitation that might be causing this. I did not find any option within nvidia-smi to print the GPU bus load.
How can I find the bus load during the inference?
I am using Gluonts for building DeepAR model but takes lot of time to run the training object eventhough I use cox = 'gpu' but throws an error. My machine has GPU but the option didn't work. Any help is much appreciated...
You can check your mxnet current version, I believe ur using a CPU version.
please check the following:
import mxnet as mx
print(f'mxnet version: {mx.__version__}')
print(f'Number of GPUs: {mx.context.num_gpus()}')
it should return number of gpus
I have created a new tflite model based on MobilenetV2. It works well without quantization using CPU on iOS. I should say that TensorFlow team did a great job, many thanks.
Unfortunately there is a problem with latency. I use iPhone5s to test my model, so I have the following results for CPU:
500ms for MobilenetV2 with 224*224 input image.
250-300ms for MobilenetV2 with 160*160 input image.
I used the following pod 'TensorFlowLite', '~> 1.13.1'
It's not enough, so I have read TF documentation related to optimization (post trainig quantization). I suppose I need to use Float16 or UInt8 quantization and GPU Delegate (see
I used Tensorflow v2.1.0 to train and quantize my models.
Float16 quantization of weights (I used MobilenetV2 model after Float16 quantization)
pod 'TensorFlowLiteSwift', '0.0.1-nightly'
No errors, but model doesn’t work
pod 'TensorFlowLiteSwift', '2.1.0'
2020-05-01 21:36:13.578369+0300 TFL Segmentation[6367:330410] Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
2020-05-01 21:36:20.877393+0300 TFL Segmentation[6367:330397] Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Hang Error (IOAF code 3)
Full integer quantization of weights and activations
pod ‘TensorFlowLiteGpuExperimental’
Code sample:
I used a MobilenetV2 model after uint8 quantization.
GpuDelegateOptions options;
options.allow_precision_loss = true;
options.wait_type = GpuDelegateOptions::WaitType::kActive;
//delegate = NewGpuDelegate(nullptr);
delegate = NewGpuDelegate(&options);
if (interpreter->ModifyGraphWithDelegate(delegate) != kTfLiteOk)
Segmentation Live[6411:331887] [DYMTLInitPlatform] platform initialization successful
Loaded model 1resolved reporterDidn't find op for builtin opcode 'PAD' version '2'
Is it possible to use MObilenetV2 quantized model on IOS somehow? Hopefully I did some mistake :) and it's possible.
Best regards,
This is a link to GITHUB issue with answers:
sorry for outdated documentation - the GPU delegate should be included in the TensorFlowLiteSwift 2.1.0. However, looks like you're using C API, so depending on TensorFlowLiteC would be sufficient.
MobileNetV2 do work with TFLite runtime in iOS, and if I recall correctly it doesn't have PAD op. Can you attach your model file? With the information provided it's a bit hard to see what's causing the error. As a sanity check, you can get quant/non-quant version of MobileNetV2 from here:
For int8 quantized model - afaik GPU delegate only works for FP32 and (possibly) FP16 inputs.
I am testing the performance of some samples in the opencv source tree depending on if halide is used or not.
Surprisingly, the performance is worse if halide is used for the computation:
squeezenet_halide: ~24ms with halide and ~16ms without halide.
resnet_ssd_face: ~84ms with halide and ~36ms without halide.
I have compiled halide and opencv following the instructions in this tutorial. The opencv code was downloaded from the master branch of the opencv git repository.
I have tested the performance using the sample files 'resnet_ssd_face.cpp' and 'squeezenet_halide.cpp'. In both cases I include one of these code lines just before call 'forward', to activate or deactivate halide:
net.setPreferableBackend(DNN_BACKEND_HALIDE); // use Halide
net.setPreferableBackend(DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT); // NOT use Halide
The time is measured using this code just after the call to 'forward' function:
std::vector<double> layersTimings;
double freq = cv::getTickFrequency() / 1000;
double time = net.getPerfProfile(layersTimings) / freq;
std::cout << "Time: " << time << " ms" << std::endl;
Is there anything missed in the tutorial? Should Halide be compiled with different parameters?
My setup is:
OS: Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU # 3.20GHz
GPU: nVidia GeForce GT 730 (Driver Version: 384.90)
Cuda: CUDA Version 9.0.176
Taking into account the comment by Dmitry Kurtaev and looking the wiki in the OpenCV GitHub account, I found a page where a benchmark comparing different approaches is included (I missed the links in the tutorial).
Also, there is a merge request where a similar benchmark is included.
In both of them, the time measurement shows that the performance using Halide is worse than with the original c++ approach.
I can assume that the Halide integration is in an early stage. Moreover, as Zalman Stern comments, the Halide scheduling is a work in progress and the original optimizations in dnn module of opencv could be more accurate than the included scheduling for Halide.
I hope this measures could change in future versions of OpenCV, but for now, this is the performance.
My answer is slightly unrelated but helpful
For face detection + Face alignment :
Normal SSD detection time : 50 - 55ms
Using Openvino inference engine : 40 - 45 ms
My machine has the following spec:
CPU: Xeon E5-1620 v4
GPU: Titan X (Pascal)
Ubuntu 16.04
Nvidia driver 375.26
CUDA tookit 8.0
cuDNN 5.1
I've benchmarked on the following Keras examples with Tensorflow as the backed reference:
SCRIPT NAME GPU CPU 5sec 5sec 10sec 12sec 240sec 116sec 113sec 106sec
My gpu is clearly out performing my cpu in non-lstm models.
SCRIPT NAME GPU CPU 12sec 123sec 5sec 119sec 3sec 47sec
Has anyone else experienced this?
If you use Keras, use CuDNNLSTM in place of LSTM or CuDNNGRU in place of GRU. In my case (2 Tesla M60), I am seeing 10x boost of performance. By the way I am using batch size 128 as suggested by #Alexey Golyshev.
Too small batch size. Try to increase.
Results for my GTX1050Ti:
batch_size time
32 (default) 252
64 131
96 87
128 66
batch_size time
32 (default) 108
64 50
96 34
128 25
It's just a tip.
Using GPU is powerful when
1. your neural network model is big.
2. batch size is big.
It's what I found from googling.
I have got similar issues here:
Test 1
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v3 # 2.60GHz
Ubuntu 14.04 155s
Test 2
GPU: GTX 860m
Nvidia Driver: 369.30
CUDA Toolkit: v8.0
cuDNN: v6.0
When I observe the GPU load curve, I found one interesting thing:
for lstm, GPU load jumps quickly between ~80% and ~10%
GPU load
This is mainly due to the sequential computation in LSTM layer. Remember that LSTM requires sequential input to calculate hidden layer weights iteratively, in other words, you must wait for hidden state at time t-1 to calculate hidden state at time t.
That's not a good idea for GPU cores, since they are many small cores who like doing computations in parallel, sequential compuatation can't fully utilize their computing powers. That's why we are seeing GPU load around 10% - 20% most of the time.
But in the phase of backpropagation, GPU could run derivative computation in parallel, so we can see GPU load peak around 80%.