What is the difference between DefaultHandler(Message) and "inherited" in message handlers? - delphi

What exactly is the difference between calling DefaultHandler(Message) and inherited in a message handlers. e.g:
TScrollBox = class(TScrollingWinControl)
procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TMessage); message WM_NCHITTEST;
procedure TScrollBox.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TMessage);
Why not call inherited here? when should I use either?

Let us consider the example that you provide. Suppose that instead of calling DefaultHandler, inherited was called (or equivalently no WM_NCHITTEST message handler was implemented by TScrollBox). In that scenario the message would be processed by TWinControl in this method:
procedure TWinControl.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
with Message do
if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (FParent <> nil) then
Result := HTCLIENT
This performs special treatment when designing, otherwise it calls inherited which ultimately leads to a call to DefaultHandler which forwards the message to the default window procedure.
Now, TScrollBox replaces that message handler with this one:
procedure TScrollBox.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TMessage);
That calls DefaultHandler directly, and so unconditionally forwards the message to the default window procedure.
So, what we conclude from this is that TScrollBox.WMNCHitTest simply changes behaviour at designtime by suppressing the code in TWinControl.WMNCHitTest which returns HTCLIENT.
I presume therefore that this was the motivation of the author of this VCL code. By using DefaultHandler the behaviour of the underlying window (as determined by the default window procedure) is restored, removing any behaviour modifications implemented by the intervening VCL code.

It is very hard to be sure in specific cases. DefaultHandler handles (in theory) all messages where a message handler handles only one. Default Handler is a public virtual method and so can be overridden explicitly. Message handlers are not declared virtual, and are usually private anyway, so for example in your code if you replace
inherited WMNCHitTest( message );
the compile will fail.
The other issue is which ancestor overrides what. So one ancestor may override the Message Handler, and another may override Default Handler, which makes it very confusing without a lot of digging.
So I guess for me I have to fall back on what seems best for documentation. Which means, in general, I would use inherited, because I am falling back on the ancestors implementation of this particular message, not the ancestors implementation for messages in general.
Which I guess is another way of saying - I would go with Victoria's approach.


How to check if the Application.MainForm is valid?

How can I be sure that in some point of my VCL application lifetime the Application.MainForm is valid so I could post a message to it (from a MadExcept ExceptionHandler).
This could be at any point (in the context of any thread) in my application (also initialization, finalization etc...)
I was thinking:
if Assigned(Application)
and (not Application.Terminated)
and Assigned(Application.MainForm)
and Application.MainForm.HandleAllocated then
PostMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, MyMessage, 0, 0);
Is this correct?
How can I be sure that in some point of my VCL application lifetime the Application.MainForm is valid so I could post a message to it.
This could be at any point (in the context of any thread) in my application (also initialization, finalization etc...)
Uh oh.
Is this correct?
No it certainly is not. Your code can never be made threadsafe because it is not permitted to access VCL objects from outside the main thread.
In your particular case consider the following sequence of events:
You perform your tests in the if culminating in your evaluating Application.MainForm.HandleAllocated as True. Ignore for a moment the fact that you are doing this outside the main thread.
You then set about preparing the call to PostMessage. But at this very instance, the main form is destroyed.
By the time your thread gets round to accessing Application.MainForm, it has gone.
You are going to need to work a little harder here. You'll need to do something like this:
// interface section of some unit
procedure RegisterMainFormHandle(Wnd: HWND);
procedure UnregisterMainFormHandle;
procedure PostMessageToMainForm(...);
// implementation section
MainFormHandleLock: TCriticalSection;
MainFormHandle: HWND;
procedure RegisterMainFormHandle(Wnd: HWND);
MainFormHandle := Wnd;
procedure UnregisterMainFormHandle;
MainFormHandle := 0;
procedure PostMessageToMainForm(...);
if MainFormHandle <> 0 then
PostMessage(MainFormHandle, ...)
You also need to create and destroy the critical section, but I assume that you know how to do that.
In your main form you override CreateWnd and DestroyWnd and arrange that they call RegisterMainFormHandle and UnregisterMainFormHandle.
Then you can call PostMessageToMainForm from any thread at any time.
Of course, if the main form's window is recreated then you'll lose some messages. Which sounds like it could be a problem. Using AllocateHwnd to have a window whose lifetime you control is usually a better option than using the main form's window like this.
Make some global variable flag = false at the beginning.
Make your mainform turn it to true.
Check that flag to see if main form was already initialised or not yet.
You can make it from such places as mainform's OnActivate event or overridden TMainForm.Loaded method
Similarly when your application would be terminating and the mainform would get hidden (and later even destroyed) - you would reset the flag back to false

How to intercept user defined message twice?

I'm using a component that internally has a KeyDown handler, which sends a user defined PostMessage(WM_GROUPUNGROUP), and also has a custom message handler to handle WM_GROUPUNGROUP.
I want my app to do something after this message handler has executed, without modifying the component code.
(How) Can this be done?
One way to achieve this is via the WindowProc property.
Simply supply your own window procedure by assigning to WindowProc on the instance you want to hook. You'll need to take a copy to the previous value of WindowProc so that you can make sure that the original handling is carried out.
Roughly it goes like this:
TMyClass = class
FOldWindowProc: TWndMethod;
procedure NewWindowProc(var Message: TMessage);
To redirect the window procedure you do this:
FOldWindowProc := SomeControl.WindowProc;
SomeControl.WindowProc := NewWindowProc;
Then implement the new window procedure like this:
procedure TMyClass.NewWindowProc(var Message: TMessage);
if Message.Msg = WM_GROUPUNGROUP then
When you are done with the control, put the old window procedure back in place:
SomeControl.WindowProc := FOldWindowProc;
Another way to do it is to take advantage of the fact that the message is queued. You can add an Application.OnMessage handler, most likely by using a TApplicationEvents object. This will get a look at all queued messages. However, OnMessage fires before the message is dispatched to the control which sounds like it may be the wrong way round for you.

The control 'xxx' has no parent window

I'm was trying to write a dll library in Delphi wih a function that creates an instance of a TFrame descendant and returns it. But when I imported this function in an application, every time I called it I would get an exception like "the 'xxx' control has no parent window". I'm not 100% sure, but the exception appeared in the constructor of that class when any of GUI controls was accessed.
Could you please tell me what the reason of that behaviour is? Should I just use TForm descendants instead or is there a better solution?
Thank you!
About the error
That error message is raised from the Controls.pas unit, from the TWinControl.CreateWnd method. Essentially that code is used to create the Window handle for your TWinControl descendant (TFrame, TButton, TEdit... if it can have keyboard focus it's an TWinControl descendant), and it's actually an very sensible error message: You can't have a Window without an WindowParent, and since we're talking about the VCL here, it makes a lot of sense to try and get the parent window handle from TWinControl.Parent; And that's not assigned.
That's not WHY the error message is popping up. You get to see that error message because some of the code you're using to set up the frame requires an Window handle for some operation. It could be anything, like setting the Caption of some component (that internally requires an window handle do to some calculation). I personally really hate it when that happens. When I create GUI's from code I try to delay the assignment of Parent as much as possible, in an attempt to delay the creation of the window, so I got bitten by this many times.
Specific to your DLL usage, possible fix
I'm going to put my psycho mind reader hat on. Since you need to return a FRAME from your DLL, and you can't return the actual Frame because that's an Delphi-specific object and you're not allowed to return Delphi-specific objects over DLL boundaries, my guess is you're returning an Window Handle, as all the nice API's do, using a function definition like this:
function GiveMeTheNiceFrame:HWND;
The trouble is, that routine requires the creation of the actual Window Handle, by a call to TWinControl.CreateWnd, and in turn that call requires an parent window handle to set up the call to Windows.CreateWindowEx, and the routine can't get an parent window handle, so it errors out.
Try replacing your function with something allong the lines of:
function GiveMeTheNiceFrame(OwnerWindow:HWND):HWND;
Result := TMyNiceFrame.CreateParanted(OwnerWindow).Handle;
... ie: use the CreateParented(AParentWindow:HWND) constructor, not the usual Create(AOwner:TComponent) and pass an owner HWND to your DLL.
There are a few important things to remember:
When using DLLs, both your DLL and your EXE each have an Application instance that are struggling for control. The Controls in your DLL will see the Application instance that belongs to the DLL; the Controls in your EXE will see the Application instance that belongs to the EXE. That struggle is not there when using packages, as then there will only be one Application instance.
Frames are Controls, but they are not Forms.
When using Controls in an application, they cannot visually exist without a parent Control (usually a Form or a container that has a parent hierarchy towards a Form).
Some Controls cannot expose their full functionality unless they exist visually and have a valid parent.
Try to reproduce your problem inside the EXE; if you cannot reproduce, it is probably the first thing in the above list.
Sounds like you simply need to assign the component (a form or part of a form, like a panel) that holds the frame to theframe.parent.
You cannot do GUI work before it is assigned. Frames are parts of forms for reuse, and normally need to assign some parent to them.
Move the GUI code to onshow or a procedure you call explicitely, so that the calling code can assign parent.
Or make the parent a parameter in the function.
I found this (CreateParams is called as part of CreateWnd):
procedure TCustomFrame.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
if Parent = nil then
Params.WndParent := Application.Handle;
And Application.Handle = 0 so it always throws the error later in CreateWnd.
After reading this
Delphi: How to call inherited inherited ancestor on a virtual method?
I have solved it by overriding CreateParams in my frame to miss out the tCustomFrame version:
tCreateParamsMethod = procedure(var Params: TCreateParams) of object;
tMyScrollingWinControl = class(TScrollingWinControl);
procedure TDelphiFrame.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
Proc: tCreateParamsMethod;
TMethod(Proc).Code := #TMyScrollingWinControl.CreateParams;
TMethod(Proc).Data := Self;
Now it's just throwing errors when trying to set the focus on subcontrols, which I think I will fix by intercepting WM_FOCUS but we'll how it goes from here.
function CreateFrame(hwndParent: HWnd): HWnd; stdcall;
frame: tFrame;
Result := 0;
frame := TDelphiFrame.CreateParented(hwndParent);
Result := frame.Handle;
except on e: Exception do
You can avoid this message by assigning nil to the parent OnClose event, sometimes it works:
SomeControl.Parent := nil;//Before free your TControl
I think this is very cool solution. I think it is not tried before :)
I'm using a Dummy Parent (which is a Form).
function MyFrame_Create(hApplication, hwndParent:THandle; X, Y, W, H:Integer):Pointer; stdcall;
var Fr: TMyFrame;
F: TForm;
CurAppHandle: THandle;
F:=TForm. Create(Application);//Create a dummy form
F.Width:=0; F.Top:=0; F.Left:=-400; F.Top:=-400;//Hide Form
Fr.Parent:=F;//Set Frame's parent
Windows.SetParent(Fr.Handle, hwndParent);//Set Frame's parent window
if CurAppHandle>0 then Application.Handle:=CurAppHandle;
procedure MyFrame_Destroy(_Fr:Pointer); stdcall;
var Fr: TMyFrame;
F: TObject;
if (F is TForm) then F.Free;
//SetParent(Fr.Handle, 0);

Delphi custom message handlers

When a user double-clicks a dbgrid, I show a non-modal form.
When they close that form, I want to refresh the grid.
To accomplish that, I have tried the following:
1 - Define a custom message constant:
WM_REFRESH_MSG = WM_USER + 1; //defined in a globally available unit
2 - In the OnClose event of my non-modal form, I have this:
procedure TMyNonModalForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
3 - In the private declarations of the form that holds the dbGrid, I have this:
procedure OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_REFRESH_MSG;
procedure TMyFormWithADBGrid.OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage);
After doing these things, the PostMessage fires fine, but the OnRefreshRequest procedure never runs. What am I doing wrong?
Note that WM_USER is not the correct constant to base your own messages on, unless you are writing a custom control directly descending from TWinControl. Use WM_APP instead.
Also, it's considered good style to use UM_ for User Message instead of WM_ because that prefix is supposed to be reserved for the Windows header files.
Aside from the message name in the other answer, you are posting a message to Self.Handle while Self is going away. You probably meant to post to a different handle (the window that launched the modeless one). Give your modeless window access to that handle when you create it, and post the message there instead.
The post message needs to be sent to the other window handle, not the self.handle that you have listed. One way to do this would be to create a new property on your non-modal form and assign it the handle of the other form just before you show your non-modal one.
Other than that, and implementing the WM_REFRESH_MSG properly (CheGueVerra has it correct) it should work fine.
You might try and change the end of the declaration to match the message you are trying to send.
procedure OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_CEA_REFRESH;
Should be this
procedure OnRefreshRequest(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_REFRESH_MSG;
I've uploaded an example of "What would Kevin do?" to Embarcadero's newsgroup forum embarcadero.public.attachments.
Basically it's a custom event that the main form (or whatever form/object you want) subscribes to when the non-modal form closes. In the main (or whatever) form...
NonModalForm :TfmNonModalForm;
NonModalForm := TfmNonModalForm.Create(nil);
In the Execute method
procedure TfmNonModalForm.Execute(YourListenerMethod: THeyIClosedEvent);
FHeyIClosedEvent := YourListenerMethod;
If you can't get to the forum and need the additional code, leave a comment and I'll post the missing pieces.
Good luck

PostMessage in service applications

There is a problem I am unable to solve. I created two service applications in Delphi and tried to post messages within them. Of course, there are no windows in such applications and PostMessage needs a window handle parameter to send a message.
Therefore, I created a window handle using the AllocateHWnd(MyMethod: TWndMethod) function and passed, as the 'MyMethod' parameter, a procedure I want to be called when a message is received. If it was a windowed application, PostMessage() called using the handle returned by the AllocateHWnd method would certainly send a message that would then be received by the 'MyMethod' procedure.
The situation, however, is different in my service applications. I do not understand why, but in one of them posting messages this way works fine, whereas in the second one it does not (the messages are not received at all). Only when the service is being stopped do I notice that two messages are received by 'MyMethod': WM_DESTROY and WM_NCDESTROY. The messages I send using PostMessage are never received by this procedure. On the other hand, the first service always receives all messages I send.
Could you please give me a clue that would help me find the reason of the second service not receiving my messages? I do not know in what way they can differ. I checked the settings of the services and they seem to be identical. Why then one of them works fine and the second one does not (as far as sending messages is concerned)?
Thanks for any advice.
Without more information it will be difficult to help you debug this, especially why it works in one service but not in the other. However:
Instead of trying to fix the problem in your code you might want to remove the windows altogether, and use PostThreadMessage() instead of PostMessage(). For the posting of messages to work correctly you need a message loop, but not necessarily receiving windows.
Edit: I'm trying to reply to all your answers in one go.
First - if you want to make your life easy you should really check out OmniThreadLibrary by gabr. I don't know whether it does work in a Windows service application, I don't even know whether that has been tried yet. You could ask in the forum. It has however a lot of great features and is worth looking into, if only for the learning effect.
But of course you can also program this for yourself, and you will have to for Delphi versions prior to Delphi 2007. I will simply add some snippets from our internal library, which has evolved over the years and works in several dozen programs. I don't claim it to be bug-free though. You can compare it with your code, and if anything sticks out, feel free to ask and I'll try to clarify.
This is the simplified Execute() method of the worker thread base class:
procedure TCustomTestThread.Execute;
Msg: TMsg;
while not Terminated do begin
if (integer(GetMessage(Msg, HWND(0), 0, 0)) = -1) or Terminated then
if Msg.Message = WM_USER then begin
// handle differently according to wParam and lParam
// ...
on E: Exception do begin
It is important to not let exceptions get unhandled, so there is a top-level exception handler around everything. What you do with the exception is your choice and depends on the application, but all exceptions have to be caught, otherwise the application will get terminated. In a service your only option is probably to log them.
There is a special method to initiate thread shutdown, because the thread needs to be woken up when it is inside of GetMessage():
procedure TCustomTestThread.Shutdown;
Cancel; // internal method dealing with worker objects used in thread
procedure TCustomTestThread.DoSendMessage(AMessage: Cardinal;
AWParam: integer = 0; ALParam: integer = 0);
PostThreadMessage(ThreadID, AMessage, AWParam, ALParam);
Posting WM_QUIT will cause the message loop to exit. There is however the problem that code in descendant classes could rely on Windows messages being properly handled during shutdown of the thread, especially when COM interfaces are used. That's why instead of a simple WaitFor() the following code is used to free all running threads:
procedure TCustomTestController.BeforeDestruction;
i: integer;
ThreadHandle: THandle;
WaitRes: LongWord;
Msg: TMsg;
for i := Low(fPositionThreads) to High(fPositionThreads) do begin
if fPositionThreads[i] <> nil then try
ThreadHandle := fPositionThreads[i].Handle;
while TRUE do begin
WaitRes := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, ThreadHandle, FALSE, 30000,
if WaitRes = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then begin
if WaitRes = WAIT_TIMEOUT then
while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do begin
on E: Exception do
// ...
fPositionThreads[i] := nil;
This is in the overridden BeforeDestruction() method because all threads need to be freed before the destructor of the descendant controller class begins to free any objects the threads might use.
I'd suggest you consider using named pipes for IPC. That is what they are designed to do:
Looking for an alternative to windows messages used in inter-process communication
As Mghie mentioned, you need a message processing loop. That's why PeekMessage returns the messages correctly. It's not that the messages aren't there, it's that you aren't processing them. In a standard application, Delphi creates a TApplication class and calls Application.Run. This IS the message processing loop for a normal app. It basically consists of:
until Terminated;
If you want your service application to handle messages, you'll need to perform the same kind of work.
There's an example of using a service and handling PostThreadMessage dispatches here. Keep in mind, as Mick mentioned, you cannot use message handling between applications of differing security contexts (particularly in Vista). You should use named pipes or similar. Microsoft discusses this here.
Based on the code snippet that you posted, you may just be fighting a threading issue. AllocHWnd is not thread safe. See here for a really detailed explanation of the issue and a version that works correctly in threads.
Of course, this still leads us back to why you aren't using PostThreadMessage instead. The way your code sample is structured, it would be trivial to make the message handling a function of the thread and then pass it down into the class for disposition.
Thanks for all your answers. I think we can forget about the problem. I created a new service application and performed quick post message tests. The messages were delivered correctly, so I hope I can now state that normally everything works fine and something is wrong only with this one service I described. I know it is stupid, but I will just try to copy one fragment of code after another from the 'bad' service to a new one. Maybe this will help me find the reason of the problem.
I hope I can now consider the message-waiting loop unnecessary as long as everything works fine without it, can't I?
If it comes to the privileges, Microsoft says: "UAC uses WIM to block Windows messages from being sent between processes of different privilege levels.". My Vista's UAC is off and I did not set any privileges for those services I described. Apart from that I do not send messages between different processes. Messages are sent within one process.
To give you the idea of what I am doing, I'll show you a code snippet from a test service application.
uses ...;
TMyThread = class;
TMyClass = class
FThread: TMyThread;
procedure ReadMessage(var Msg: TMessage);
FHandle: HWND;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
TMyThread = class(TThread)
FMyClass: TMyClass;
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create(MyClass: TMyClass); reintroduce;
{ TMyClass }
constructor TMyClass.Create;
inherited Create;
FHandle := AllocateHWnd(ReadMessage);
FThread := TMyThread.Create(Self);
destructor TMyClass.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TMyClass.ReadMessage(var Msg: TMessage);
Log.Log('message read: ' + IntToStr(Msg.Msg));
{ TMyThread }
constructor TMyThread.Create(MyClass: TMyClass);
inherited Create(True);
FMyClass := MyClass;
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
while not Terminated do
//do some work and
//send a message when finished
if PostMessage(FMyClass.FHandle, WM_USER, 0, 0) then
Log.Log('message sent')
Log.Log('message not sent: ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
//do something else...
This is only an example, but functioning of my real code bases on the same idea. When you create an object of this class, it will create a thread that will start sending messages to that class. Log.Log() saves data into a text file. When I use this code in a new service application, everything works fine. When i put it into the 'broken' service, it does not. Please note that I do not use any message-waiting loop to receive messages. I created a new service and just put the code above into it, then created an object of the class. That's all.
If I get to know why this does not work in the 'broken' service, I'll write about it.
Thanks for the time you devoted me.
Here's what I would try:
Check the return value and GetLastError of PostMessage
Is this a Vista/2008 machine? If yes, check if the sending application have sufficient priviliges to do send the message.
I have to have more information to help you further.
I spent long hours trying to find the reason of the messages not being received. As I showed in my code snippet, the constructor of the class creates a window handle which I used to send messages to. As long as the class was constructed by the main thread, everything worked fine for the window handle (if I understand it correctly) existed in the context of the main thread which, by default, awaits messages. In the 'broken' service, as I called it by mistake, my class was created by another thread, so the handle must have existed in the context of that thread. Therefore, when I sent messages using this window handle, they were received by that thread, not by the main one. Because of the fact that this thread did not have any message-waiting loop, my messages were not received at all.
I just did not know it worked this way. To solve the problem in an easy way, I create and destroy the class in the main thread even though I use it in the second one.
Thanks for your time and all the information you gave me.
Mghie, I think you are absolutely right. I implemented a message waiting loop this way:
procedure TAsyncSerialPort.Execute;
Msg: tagMSG;
while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
{thread message}
if Msg.hwnd = 0 then
case Msg.message of
WM_DATA_READ: Log.Log('data read');
WM_READ_TIMEOUT: Log.Log('read timeout');
WM_DATA_WRITTEN: Log.Log('data written');
WM_COMM_ERROR: Log.Log('comm error');
I'm doing it for the first time, so please, could you check the code whether it is correct? In fact, this is my real class code snippet (the logs will be substituted with a real code). It handles overlapped comm port. There are two threads that send thread messages to the thread above, informing it that they wrote or received some data from comm port, etc. When the thread gets such a message, it takes an action - it gets the received data from a queue, where the threads first put it and then calls an external method that, lets say, analyses the received data. I don't want to go into details for it is unimportant :). I send thread messages like this: PostThreadMessage(MyThreadId, WM_DATA_READ, 0, 0).
This code works properly as I checked, but I would like to be sure everything is correct, so I'm asking you about that. I would be grateful if you answered.
To free the thread I do the following:
destructor TAsyncSerialPort.Destroy;
{send a quit message to the thread so that GetMessage returns false and the loop ends}
PostThreadMessage(ThreadID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
{terminate the thread but wait until it finishes before the following objects
(critical sections) are destroyed for the thread might use them before it quits}
if Suspended then
inherited Destroy;
I hope this is the proper way to end the message loop.
Thank you very much for your help.
BTW, I hope my English language is understandable, isn't it? :) Sorry if you have difficulties understanding me.
There's one trick in message loops in threads. Windows won't create a message queue for a thread immediately so there will be some time when posting messages to a thread will fail. Details are here. In my msg loop thread I use the technique MS proposes:
constructor TMsgLoopThread.Create;
inherited Create(True);
FEvMsgQueueReady := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
if FEvMsgQueueReady = 0 then
Error('CreateEvent: '+LastErrMsg);
procedure TMsgLoopThread.Execute;
MsgRec: TMsg;
// Call fake PeekMessage for OS to create message queue for the thread.
// When it finishes, signal the event. In the main app execution will wait
// for this event.
PeekMessage(MsgRec, 0, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE);
// Start the thread with waitinig for it to get ready
function TMsgLoopThread.Start(WaitInterval: DWORD): DWORD;
inherited Start;
Result := WaitForSingleObject(FEvMsgQueueReady, WaitInterval);
But in your case I'd strongly recommend using other means of IPC.
