How to create an empty Results<T> object? - ios

I'm trying to create a MutableProperty which holds a Results received from Realm.objects(_:).
To create the property I need to give it an initial value; hence an 'empty' Results.
I've tried creating one using:
var someThings = Results<SomeObject>()
But the compiler gives me the error: Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Results<SomeObject>' with no arguments.
While I understand the error, I'm not really sure how to create a Results object in this context.
Looking at the source of Results I couldn't find an init either.
So my question is; how can I create a Results myself to use in a MutableProperty?
I've seen this question...but that doesn't really help (unless I'm going to create a "wrapper" for the MutableProperty or something).

With help of the comments on my OP; I created a mutable property with an empty set of results by fetching objects with an 'invalid' filter.
E.g. MutableProperty(realm.objects(SomeObject.self).filer("EMPTY SET")).


Can I specify a objectId when creating new PFObjects?

Swift / iOS
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to specify the PFObject objectId value when creating new objects?
I've obviously attempted but the save fails. (which might just be the answer)
The reason I am asking is I wondered if anyone had found a "trick" that would allow me to specify.
I am using PFObject.saveInBackground { method to persist the new object.
No you can not. Parse sets the objectId on the server during the save operation.
The reason your operation is failing is because Parse is looking for an object on the server with the id that you are specifying and is then trying to update that object but it cannot find the object.

JShell: Accessing Objects Created by Snippets

I am very confused about something and I would appreciate some insight here.
Say I want to build a GUI that visualizes what is going on inside JShell, i.e. how the, by snippets created objects reference each other and what, by Snippets created objects are contained inside my running instance of JShell. How do I access these objects, and most of all, how do I access how they reference each other?
A concrete example: I create a JShell instance, pass it a few snippets created by the user, which cause the creation of, for example, an ArrayList, a few objects, and add said objects to said ArrayList.
How do I access this ArrayList and the objects contained within it to visualize this in a GUI?
To clarify further:
//say I create a Jshell:
JShell jShell = JShell.create();
//Which then evauletes user code passed from the GUI:
//userCode could be following lines each passed as separate Strings:
“ArrayList<TestObject> allObj = new ArrayList<TestObject>();”
“TestObject tst = new TestObject();”
“TestObject tst2 = new TestObject();”
How do I access “allObj”?
How do I access “tst” and the object it points to? (the “TestObject”instance that “tst” points to);
I know eval() returns a list of SnippetEvents which contain the changed/added snippets, however, I can’t get my head around how to access the objects created by those snippets.
Assuming your classpath has access to the TestObj you could implement Serializable on that object. Upon completion of the eval run another method automatically that serializes the output. Then you can deserialize that object inside your code.

Access Parse Object ID right after instantiation

I'm creating two PFObjects at the same time that should reference each other's object IDs when they're saved. In the example below, the second object is supposed to save the first object's object ID in an array.
let objectForFirstClass = PFObject(className:"ClassOne")
let objectForSecondClass = PFObject(className: "ClassTwo")
objectForSecondClass.setObject([objectForFirstClass.objectId!], forKey: "classOneObjectArray")
The last line is causing the error because objectForFirstClass.objectId is nil. I'd assume this is because the object hasn't been saved yet. How can I fix this?
You want to save after creating the first object, and in the completion handler, create the second one with a reference to the first one.
You can use saveAllInBackground:block: for this.
Correct, the object id is assigned by the server when saved. I'd be tempted to write some cloud code to do what you want so you can send some details and the cloud code will create and connect the objects, then return both of them to you. You can of course do the same thing locally in your app, there's just more network comms.
You should also consider using pointers or relationships. These are better for querying, though the same save requirements apply before you can set the connections.

Dynamic cast error in swift

Currently I am trying to loop through NSArray which contains NSManagedObject.
When I am trying to cast the fetched object its throwing me an error.
Here is the code
for var i = 0; i < self.displayedHistoryListContent.count ; i=i+1{
var productObject: Product = self.displayedHistoryListContent.objectAtIndex(i) as Product
Product is my NSManagedObject.
Application crashes at the line where I am doing casting 'as Product'
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
Are you sure that the objects in the array are in fact of the class Product? When dealing with NSManagedObject's it is easy to get confused and refer to a set instead of the object itself.
You probably know that a cast is not a conversion?
Use a println() to see wat kind of object is really in there
It really looks like your array does not contain Products only. Try with as? instead of as to confirm this. You can use NSLog to see what is in the array when you expect a Product.

Sorting a NSSet of NSManagedObjects by a NSDate yields error

I am trying to pull in a RSS feed and sort by pubDate. When I examine the 'updated' property, most of the time it is correct and give me a proper date but when I try to convert from a set to a sorted array, I get random results from the sort. I've tracked this down to the fact that when sort is doing it's comparesion, the property (which is an NSDate, see figure1) is coming in and being compared as a __nscfnumber! (also figure2)
Any help or idea would be much appreciated.
I assume the comparator block is just for diagnostic purposes? You don't actually need to supply a comparator for NSDate or any of the provided attribute type classes.
If the debugger is reporting that the date1 object is of a NSNumber-cluster class type, then somewhere a NSCFNumber instance is being assigned to to the updated attribute. The debugger ignores factors like a cast and instead simply asked the object what its class is. If the object says it is a NSCFNumber then it is, regardless of how the code treats it otherwise.
Why that happens, I can't say based on the code provided.
You might try logging the value and class of the updated attribute before you attempt the sort to see if it reports properly. I would also recommend decomposing the entire line. Nesting all those method calls will work of course but it is error prone and hard to debug.
