Can't horizontally scroll in Ionic 1.3.0 iOS App - ios

My Cordova/Ionic (v1.3.0) App consists primarily of a JQuery App that builds the HTML for complex forms. The same JQuery App is used to build the complex forms for the web browser with only a few places where it inserts mobile-specific code.
I am now trying to have a horizontally scrolling table section within the vertically scrolling form (the form itself doesn't scroll horizontally, just the table section). The section horizontal scrolling works in Safari/Chrome/Firefox on the computer, in Safari on iOS, and in the Android version of our Cordova/Ionic app but it doesn't horizontally scroll in the iOS app.
I tried various fixes based on these SO questions and documentation (q1,q2,q3,q4) where I changed it from a <div/> to <ion-content/> and added the overflow-scroll="true" direction="xy" delegate-handle="tableGroup" properties and called $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('tableGroup').resize() after the JQuery app loaded but nothing worked. I also tried using TinyScrollbar based on this question but that wasn't loading right. So I've tried going many directions but haven't gotten anywhere. Any suggestions?

I actually figured this out on my own. I put a couple variations of a simple scrolling elements in containers on the Ionic page and <ion-scroll/> worked. Then I tried putting it in the JQuery app with a delegate handle sectionScroll and called $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle('sectionScroll').resize(); after the JQuery app loaded but got a console warning saying that it couldn't find anything named sectionScroll and that I should put it in a $timeout(). I tried that but it still didn't work. Then I realized that since <ion-scroll/> is an angular directive that is created as part of a long template string inserted into the Ionic app using JQuery, it needed to be compiled by Angular to be recognized as below:
let toCompile = angular.element('#formContent');
let linkFn = $compile(toCompile);


Replacing an iframe with a Webview in an iOS Cordova Project

I am currently developing a hybrid app in iOS that loads a website and has some other features (contacts, sharing, notifications...) using cordova plugins. I do have access to the content of the site that is being displayed by the iframe.
The normal way this is done is to load the website in an iframe. I have already done this in android and it works very well. In iOS however:
Safari messes up the size of the frame. I fixed this by setting the min-width css style to 100% for the frame.
Scrolling on the iframe is always set to "no" even if you specify "yes. I "fixed" this (so I thought) by using the only solution I could find which is to wrap the iframe in a div and scroll the div. This made the header (position:fixed) scroll with the page when it should be fixed to the top of the page and broke other things on the page that rely on scroll position to trigger an action. I also tried modifying the body of the content to contain css styles mentioned here but this didn't work either. I was back to square one.
I have spent a total of a week researching how to fix this with no avail. Recently I have discovered that loading my website in iOS's UIWebView or WKWebView works well to display the site exactly how I would expect.
That brings me to two possible solutions (and my question):
Maybe I missed something with the css style on the content of the site. I read that it is possible to get scrolling to work this way but I am sceptical because safari does not allow scrolling on an iframe.
(The likely solution but the one I cannot figure out) Make my cordova app use a one of iOS's webviews. This is what I am having problems with. I cannot figure out how to do this. Is a webview an iframe? How do I use one of these webviews in my app? What does the index.html (cordova specific file) look like when I use a webview instead of an iframe (because currently this is where my iframe is).
I solved this. Since I have access to the contents of the page, I added:
top: 0
left: 0
overflow-y: auto
overflow-x: hidden
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch
To the scrolling body of the page. This fixed my problem

Disable overscroll in iOS in ionic 2

We have an Ionic2 project. Ionic (on iOS) creates a Safari browser. Safari allows for what I call "overscroll". This is when you can scroll beyond the top or bottom of the page and the page snaps back.
One of our pages has a small signature pad. If a user tries to sign with their finger, they instead scroll the screen. The page content is small enough that it shouldn't be scrollable, but the overscroll causes the page to move.
We just want to disable the blasted overscroll.
Really all of our Ionic projects suffer from this drawback in some form or another, but this is the first project where it blatantly breaks functionality. In other cases it's just an annoyance.
Is anyone familiar with how to disable this overscroll? Whether through ionic, a cordova plugin, or the HTML itself.
If I have understood you correctly then this is actually really easy to do.
Just add no-bounce to your <ion-content> element.
<ion-content no-bounce>

iPhone/iPad Status bar overlapping on app's header

I am using worklight 6.2 Consumer Edition on WAS Liberty Profile Server. I am using jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 to develop UI. When I install app on iPhone/iPad, status bar of phone is hiding some part of my app's header.
How can I fix this issue (if its an issue)?
This works fine in a default new app with jQuery Mobile that was generated by Worklight Studio. As you can see, the status does not overlap the text.
You can also take a look at the Worklight Starter with jQuery Mobile edition, that also works on iOS w/out the status bar covering the top of app. Compare your CSS.
You need to provide a screen shot of what you're seeing, as well as provide a sample application where you are experiencing it. This issue originates from your code. Provide code.
One possible solution would be to add some margin-top to whichever element is at the top of your applicaiton's HTML.

Placing multiple Icons in Jquery mobile Header

I am developing an app using Cordova and JQMobile . I have to place 5 icons on the header without any text.But I am able to place only two per line as per the example on jqm demos page.Also the icons are displayed in seperate boxes rather than being displayed in the header itself.
What i want is
what i get is
I have spent a lot of time and need someone's help

jQuery Mobile persisten fixed header tab bar with page transition

i'm developing a simple three tabs app for Android and iPhone, using IBM Worklight as framework. Every tab links to a div with data-role="page", as jQuery Mobile specifications.
If I implement the jquery fixed persistent tabbar like is explained there (, i'm encountering some flickering on the tab item in page transition (with any transiction effect).
If I set the default transition to "none", I could resolve this problem, but I lost the transiction native-like effect.
This behavior appears only if i test the App with a real android device (Xperia Neo, GS2).
If i navigate trough the pages of with my smartphone, especially here: i can't see the strange behavior, but the footer won't be persistent trough the pages, it just re-render like the whole content and this is worse (this happen with the stock browser or Dolphin, instead looks very well by using Chrome).
Is there a way to improve this effect or there is another way to implement fixed persistent tab bar?
I used as reference the default Android Contacts App.
Maybe you're getting this flicker because you're navigating between pages using rel="external". Try to pass from one page to the other without ajax and you'll see that flickering will dissapear
The problem is due to poor performance of the WebView of the Android environment in rendering 3d transition.
Solved by removing the transition effect with:
$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "none";
Something else that could help is putting these attributes in the AndroidManifest.xml:
android:xlargeScreens="false" />
