Possibility to stop opening Google Map app while clicking the logo - ios

I am using Google Map in an iOS app built for a client. I know that the logo at the bottom cannot and shouldn't be removed at any time. I am wondering whether I can disable the click action and stop the app jumping or not, since the client don't want the app to open an external app.


How to trigger app clip from website manually via custom url

I want App Clip to be launched from my website.
Currently App Clip is working perfectly fine because When I open my website on iPhone safari, it automatically shows a banner on top with a button that says: Open App
What I need is that I want to develop my custom banner with a button on my website from where I can trigger App Clip manually because sometimes that banner from App Clip appears a bit late, so I don't want to be dependent on that.
Any idea regarding this? I just need a direction or reference to some documentation that's all.
I've faced the same issue previously and as I understand you can launch the App Clip only from smart banner, you can't use universal link as a trigger for opening the App Clip

iOS app deep linking: Return to previous app or access current url scheme of current app

I'm developing a custom keyboard for iOS. When I'm e.g. in Safari using my custom keyboard, I have a button in my keyboard to jump to to keyboard containing app. Then in my keyboard app I have the iOS specific "<- Safari" button in the top left corner to jump back to Safari.
Is it possible to programmatically jump back to the source application (in my example Safari)?
Or can I send the original url scheme to my containing app and then open the previous app (could be ANY) by the url scheme?
It must be somehow possible, because the app Scandit Wedge does exactly what I want. I created an empty test app without any url scheme and with the Scandit Wedge keyboard I can go to Scandit app, read barcode and it goes automatically back to the source app.
Here's a video I recorded:
To achieve this you have to implement inter-app two way communication using x-callback-url. x-callback is just a "protocol" to format the NSURL to ease the data processing at the receiver end and also allowed the source app to receive the correct callback function. You can explore more this with evernote and this tutorial.

Is it possible to detect another application from the current app in iOS?

I need to create sticky button which is on screen like hike button in ios
If i detect that application(WhatsApp) state event so i solve this problem. Thats why i need to create another application launched event.
Thank you in advance.
Apps on iOS are sandboxed and can not directly communicate with other apps directly. There are some API's in the iOS SDK which allows some interaction, mostly audio, share of items.
Apple does not expose to you app if an other app is launched, so checking that an other is launched is not possible.
The second issue is that you can draw on de screen outside of you own apps windows. So you will not be able to draw a button on top of some other app.

Prevent Google Cardboard Pairing / Startup Screen on iOS

When my google cardboard app starts up for the first time, it launches a Google page that says "Google Cardboard. Let's get you set up. Pair your phone with your viewer for the best experience."
I'd like to control this experience to show my own initial screen before the google cardboard sdk launches. One reason for this is that I want people without cardboard to be able to immediately start experiencing the app in non-cardboard mode without having to go through the pairing process.
I know I can launch the pairing / viewer profile selector later on with the cardboard.ShowSettingsDialog().
One way to do this with the current version of the SDK is to have a starter scene without a Cardboard component in it. It will not be in VR, and it won't trigger onboarding.
[edit] The function OnFocus() in CardboardiOSDevice.cs is where it decides to launch the onboarding dialog. You can suppress that by editing this function. But you may want to continue using the onboarding dialog for first time users, rather than the settings dialog, because of it walks them through the scanning process.

iOS caches the application screen when clicking the home button for the device

we are developing hybrid application on Worklight.
After the user launches the application on iOS, he will see the login screen, providing his credentials, he is inside our application.
Now, if the user clicked the home button for iOS before "logging out" from the app, the iOS will take a snapshot and store it inside the device cache.
By using IExplorer, I can see this screen cached, which in our situation a high critical issue.
How can I a override this screen with a white screen, in case the user clicked the home button of the iOS device it will be populated immediately, and the device will not snapshot the user main screen.?
Is there any thumbnail I can add to my nativeResource folder for iOS to solve this issue?
thank you.
I encourage you to look at the Worklight Knowledge Center. In most cases, you will find your answer.
To control the snapshot taken by the OS when moving to the background, you need to use the following API methods, depending on your needs:
WL.App.BackgroundHandler.setOnAppEnteringBackground and WL.App.BackgroundHandler.setOnAppEnteringForeground
