I am working on an extension to convert UIView to UIImage but I am having facing a strange issue that I am able to get correct image in iOS Simulator but I am getting black image in real device. Below is my code
extension UIView {
func screenshotImage() -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.bounds.size, false, 0.0);
self.drawHierarchy(in: self.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let screenShot = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return screenShot!
Can anyone explain what am I doing wrong that I am not able to get correct image in real device?
Whenever I pass a UIView to this extension in simulator I get perfect image of that view
Whenever I pass a UIView to this extension in real device I get an image which is completely black instead of elements in that UIView unlike to simulator result.
extension UIImage {
class func imageWithView(view: UIView) -> UIImage? {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, view.isOpaque, 0.0)
view.drawHierarchy(in: view.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return img
Hope this helps!
I am trying to save a UIView with components in it to an image and save that image the the Photos.
For that I am using the following code
let image = scrollContent.asImage() //UIImage(view: scrollContent)
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, self,#selector(image(_:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:)), nil)
and one of these two extensions (Second one is better).
extension UIImage {
convenience init(view: UIView) {
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
self.init(cgImage: image!.cgImage!)
extension UIView {
func asImage() -> UIImage {
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(bounds: bounds)
return renderer.image { rendererContext in
layer.render(in: rendererContext.cgContext)
My Problem is that sometimes this code saves only a cut version of my image to the photos. But the view is displayed completely. How can that be ? Is there a max size or something ?
For my application, I need to get a Google Street View image from gps coordinates. I know how to get a full screen GMSPanoramaView from coordinates, but I ultimately need it to be a UIImage.
let panoView = GMSPanoramaView(frame: .zero)
self.view = panoView
// can this be converted to a UIImage?
var streetViewImage: UIImage?
streetViewImage = panoView
I'm seeing that other people have presented the GMSPanoramaView in a subview - is this a better option? Or are there any other ways to get static UIImages from Google Street View?
public extension GMSPanoramaView {
#objc public func toImage() -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, false, UIScreen.main.scale)
drawHierarchy(in: self.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
return image
The above code will take a screenshot of your view. To have the right data loaded from the network (and not get a black screenshot) you will need to implement GMSPanoramaViewDelegate, probably panoramaView:didMoveToPanorama: will be called when the network request is completed and the image is visible. By then you can call toImage() and store your image.
I have a UIView canvas which I would like to save a screen shot of it and it's subviews (which are the colorful shapes) on the camera roll when I press the UIBarButton shareBarButton. This works on the simulator, however, it does not produce the image in the way I like:
Ideally what I would like the snapshot to look like (except w/out the carrier, time, & battery status on the top of the screen).
What the snapshot in the camera roll actually looks like.
I want the snapshot to look exactly like the way it looks on the iPhone screen. So if part of the shape goes beyond the screen, the snapshot will capture only the part of the shape that is visible on screen. I also want the snapshot to have the size of the canvas which is basically the size of the view except slightly shorter height:
canvas = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, view.bounds.height, view.bounds.height-toolbar.bounds.height))
If someone could tell what I'm doing wrong in creating the snapshot that would be greatly appreciated!
My code:
func share(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
let masterpiece = canvas.snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates(true)
let image = snapshot(masterpiece)
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil)
func snapshot(masterpiece: UIView) -> UIImage{
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(masterpiece.bounds.size, false, UIScreen.mainScreen().scale)
masterpiece.drawViewHierarchyInRect(masterpiece.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image
In the first instance I would try snap-shotting the UIWindow to see if that solves your issue:
Here is a UIWindow extension I use (not specifically for camera work) - try that.
import UIKit
extension UIWindow {
func capture() -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.frame.size, self.opaque, UIScreen.mainScreen().scale)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image
I call it like:
let window: UIWindow! = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow
let windowImage = window.capture()
I have a UIView canvas which I would like to save a screen shot of it (and it's subviews) on a camera roll when I press the UIBarButton shareBarButton. However, when I press the shareBarButton the image that appears in the camera roll is completely blank black screen.
Any help on why this is happening would be greatly appreciated! I'm also open to suggestions on other (perhaps better) ways to save UIViews onto the camera roll.
This is the method attached to shareBarButton
func share(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
let masterpiece = canvas.snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates(true)
let image = convertViewToImage(masterpiece)
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil)
This is the helper function which convert the UIView canvas into a UIImage
func convertViewToImage(masterpiece: UIView) -> UIImage{
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(masterpiece.bounds.size, masterpiece.opaque, UIScreen().scale)
let img = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return img;
to take screenshot:
func captureView(view: UIView) -> UIImage {
var size: CGSize = self.imageViewObject.image.size
self.imageViewObject.image.drawInRect(CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height))
self.imageOverLayObject.image.drawInRect(CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height))
var image: UIImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image
I'm trying to render/draw the snapshotView of a UIView in contex to get a UIImage.then set it as a CAlayer.contents.
I try this method to get snapshotView:
then convert UIView to UIImage:
[view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
//I'm trying this method too
[view drawViewHierarchyInRect:view.bounds afterScreenUpdates:NO];
UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
the problem is I'm using the code above, but I get a empty image.
If you need a snapshot UIImage in the first place just use the method in your second code block. Create a UIView's category like
#implementation UIView (takeSnapshot)
- (UIImage *)takeASnapshot {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.bounds.size, NO, [UIScreen mainScreen].scale);
[self drawViewHierarchyInRect:self.bounds afterScreenUpdates:YES];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;
That's enough. You don't need snapshot a view and convert it to a image. In your case this process might cause the problem
Had a similar issue when building interactive animations with floating snapshots. Here what we did:
UIView extension:
extension UIView {
public func snapshot(scale: CGFloat = 0, isOpaque: Bool = false, afterScreenUpdates: Bool = true) -> UIImage? {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, isOpaque, scale)
drawHierarchy(in: bounds, afterScreenUpdates: afterScreenUpdates)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image
public enum CASnapshotLayer: Int {
case `default`, presentation, model
/// The method drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates: performs its operations on the GPU as much as possible
/// In comparison, the method renderInContext: performs its operations inside of your app’s address space and does
/// not use the GPU based process for performing the work.
/// https://stackoverflow.com/a/25704861/1418981
public func caSnapshot(scale: CGFloat = 0, isOpaque: Bool = false,
layer layerToUse: CASnapshotLayer = .default) -> UIImage? {
var isSuccess = false
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, isOpaque, scale)
if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
isSuccess = true
switch layerToUse {
case .default:
layer.render(in: context)
case .model:
layer.model().render(in: context)
case .presentation:
layer.presentation()?.render(in: context)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return isSuccess ? image : nil
Usage example (inside interactive animation):
private func makeSnapshot(view: UIView, snapshotLayer: UIView.CASnapshotLayer) -> UIView? {
// There is 3 ways for taking snapshot:
// 1. Replicate view: `view.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true)`
// 2. Draw Hierarchy: `view.drawHierarchy(in: bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)`
// 3. Render Layer: `layer.render(in: context)`
// Only #3 is working reliable during UINavigation controller animated transitions.
// For modally presented UI also trick by combining #1 and #2 seems works.
// I.e. `view.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true).snapshot()`
// If this call causes error listed below, then this indicate that something wrong with one of the views layout.
// [Snapshotting] View (_UIReplicantView) drawing with afterScreenUpdates:YES inside CoreAnimation commit is not supported.
// See also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29676207/1418981
if let image = view.caSnapshot(layer: snapshotLayer) {
let imageView = ImageView(image: image)
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
shapshots[view] = image
return imageView
return nil