I have written a quick name model method which returns a user's name based on what fields are present.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :first_name,
presence: true,
length: {
maximum: 64,
validates :last_name,
length: {
maximum: 64,
def name
"#{self.first_name}#{" #{self.last_name}" if self.last_name.present?}"
If only the first_name field is present, it should return:
=> "Joe"
If both, first_name and last_name fields are present, then it should return:
=> "Joe Bloggs"
The above code work, but i feel it can be cleaned up alot.
Is the a more elegant way to do this?
You can make use of squish.
It removes all whitespaces from both ends of the string and also changes multiple spaces to one.
def name
"#{self.first_name} #{self.last_name}".squish
Also, as it is an instance method you can remove self
def name
"#{first_name} #{last_name}".squish
" foo bar ".squish
#=> "foo bar"
The usual approach I take is:
].compact.join(" ")
For data cleansing purposes you might:
].map(&:squish).map(&:presence).compact.join(" ")
If you were instead making a list then in Rails you might try:
... which would give you an internationalised string of the form:
"a, b, c, and d"
I have one problem when I try to save some data into my database, imported from a CSV file (uploaded).
My environment is about a classroom reservation. I have the following code for my model Reservation:
class Reservation < ActiveRecord::Base
require 'csv'
belongs_to :classroom
validates :start_date, presence: true
validates :end_date, presence: true
validates :classroom_id, presence: true
validate :validate_room
scope :filter_by_room, ->(room_id) { where 'classroom_id = ?' % room_id }
def self.import(file)
CSV.foreach(file, headers: true ) do |row|
room_id = Classroom.where(number: row[0]).pluck(:id)
Reservation.create(classroom_id: room_id, start_date: row[1], end_date: row[2])
def validate_room
if Reservation.filter_by_room(classroom_id).nil?
errors.add(:classroom_id, ' has already booked')
The CSV file comes with these three headers: "classroom number", "start date", "end date".
Note that "classroom number" header came from a column of classroom table.
My job is to get the classroom.id using the "number" and create the row in the database of the reservation table.
Ok, but the problem is when I get the classroom_id in "self.import" method and print on the console, he exists. When I use the scope to filter the classroom_id, he is empty.
Expect I've expressed myself like I want.
Sorry for my bad English :/
Edit: Discovered that classroom_id before Reservation.create become nil when I use inside the create method. If I use row[0] works, but I need to use classroom_id.
{ where 'classroom_id = ?' % room_id }
Should be
{ where 'classroom_id = ?', room_id }
The answer is simple, I forgot to use .first after pluck(:id) method.
The pluck method returns a value wrapped in an array:
room_id = Classroom.where(number: row[0]).pluck(:id).first
Hi I have an array column in my model:
t.text :sphare, array: true, default: []
And I want to validate that it includes only the elements from the list ("Good", "Bad", "Neutral")
My first try was:
validates_inclusion_of :sphare, in: [ ["Good"], ["Bad"], ["Neutral"] ]
But when I wanted to create objects with more then one value in sphare ex(["Good", "Bad"] the validator cut it to just ["Good"].
My question is:
How to write a validation that will check only the values of the passed array, without comparing it to fix examples?
Edit added part of my FactoryGirl and test that failds:
Part of my FactoryGirl:
sphare ["Good", "Bad"]
and my rspec test:
it "is not valid with wrong sphare" do
expect(build(:skill, sphare: ["Alibaba"])).to_not be_valid
it "is valid with proper sphare" do
proper_sphare = ["Good", "Bad", "Neutral"]
expect(build(:skill, sphare: [proper_sphare.sample])).to be_valid
Do it this way:
validates :sphare, inclusion: { in: ["Good", "Bad", "Neutral"] }
or, you can be fancy by using the short form of creating the array of strings: %w(Good Bad Neutral):
validates :sphare, inclusion: { in: %w(Good Bad Neutral) }
See the Rails Documentation for more usage and example of inclusion.
As the Rails built-in validator does not fit your requirement, you can add a custom validator in your model like following:
validate :correct_sphare_types
def correct_sphare_types
if self.sphare.blank?
errors.add(:sphare, "sphare is blank/invalid")
elsif self.sphare.detect { |s| !(%w(Good Bad Neutral).include? s) }
errors.add(:sphare, "sphare is invalid")
You can implement your own ArrayInclusionValidator:
# app/validators/array_inclusion_validator.rb
class ArrayInclusionValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
# your code here
record.errors.add(attribute, "#{attribute_name} is not included in the list")
In the model it looks like this:
# app/models/model.rb
class YourModel < ApplicationRecord
ALLOWED_TYPES = %w[one two three]
validates :type_of_anything, array_inclusion: { in: ALLOWED_TYPES }
Examples can be found here:
I'm trying to use rails Faker gem to produce unique product names to make sample Item models in the database. I've used Faker multiple times but for some reason I can't produce new product names. I've made the nameMaker function to avoid possible early repeats, but I get a record invalidation just after one insert. Does anyone know how I could fix this?
98.times do |n|
name = Item.nameMaker
description = Faker::Lorem.sentence(1)
price = Item.priceMaker
item = Item.create!(
name: name,
description: description,
price: price)
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 100 }
validates :description, presence: true,
length: { maximum: 1000 }
VALID_PRICE_REGEX = /\A\d+(?:\.\d{0,3})?\z/
validates :price, presence: true,
:format => { with: VALID_PRICE_REGEX },
:numericality => {:greater_than => 0}
validates_uniqueness_of :name
def Item.nameMaker
loop do
name = Item.newName
break if Item.find_by(name: name).nil?
return name
def Item.newName
To get a unique name, enclose the faker in brackets. Eg
name { Faker::Commerce.product_name }
To achieve this, you could also make use of factory girl and when you want to create 98 different Items, you could have something like
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :item do
name { Faker::Commerce.product_name }
description { Faker::Lorem.sentence(1) }
price Faker::Commerce.price
in your spec file
let(:item) { create_list(:item, 98) }
You can add validates_uniqueness_of :name in your model. When you run seed method if there is already exists same name, it will throw error and skip to the next.
There is possibility that you will not have exactly 98 Items. You can increase number of times or edit Faker itself.
I figured it out after some experimentation, apparently the loop in some ways acts as like a function in terms of scoping. If you initialize a local variable in a loop, the function outside of the loop will not see it. In this case name always returning the string Item from the Item.nameMaker function. Thus the first attempt would always succeed and the second one would obtain the validation restriction.
def Item.nameMaker
loop do
name = Faker::Commerce.product_name # 'Random Product Name'
puts "Name: #{name}" # "Name: Random Product Name"
item = Item.find_by(name: name)
if item.nil?
puts "#{name} not found" # "Random Product Name not found"
puts "Returning Name #{name}" # "Returning Name Item"
return name
I managed to fix this by initializing the local variable outside of the loop. By doing this the entire function now has visibility to the same local variable for some reason.
def Item.nameMaker
name = "" #initializing
loop do
name = Faker::Commerce.product_name # 'Random Product Name'
puts "Name: #{name}" # "Name: Random Product Name"
item = Item.find_by(name: name)
if item.nil?
puts "#{name} not found" # "Random Product Name not found"
puts "Returning Name #{name}" # "Returning Random Product Name"
return name
I'm new to RoR. I'm facing a problem when using validates_uniqueness_of. I've a table with 3 columns:
name || father_name || dob
Vimal Raj || Selvam || 1985-08-30
I've a code in my model like this:
class Candidate < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :dob, :father_name, :name
validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: [:father_name, :dob], case_sensitive: false,
message: ": %{value} already present in the database!!!"
before_save :capitalize_name, :capitalize_father_name
def capitalize_name
def capitalize_father_name
It throws error as expected when I insert => "vimal raj, Selvam, 1985-08-30"
But it is accepting the following data => "Vimal Raj, selvam, 1985-08-30" . I was expecting it will throw an error, but unexpectedly it accepts the record and inserts into the db as a new record.
Please help me on how to solve this.
If you want a one-liner solution, please try this :
before_validation lambda {self.name.capitalize!; self.father_name.capitalize!}
Hope, it will help.
I think the case_sensitivity is only matching on name, not on father_name. I would try changing before_save to before_validation so that both name and father_name are consistently the same capitalization when your validation is evaluated.
I'm answering my own questions - just putting this up here for google-fu in case it helps someone else. This code allows you to validate the presence of one field in a list. See comments in code for usage. Just paste this into lib/custom_validations.rb and add require 'custom_validations' to your environment.rb
#good post on how to do stuff like this http://www.marklunds.com/articles/one/312
module ActiveRecord
module Validations
module ClassMethods
# Use to check for this, that or those was entered... example:
# :validates_presence_of_at_least_one_field :last_name, :company_name - would require either last_name or company_name to be filled in
# also works with arrays
# :validates_presence_of_at_least_one_field :email, [:name, :address, :city, :state] - would require email or a mailing type address
def validates_presence_of_at_least_one_field(*attr_names)
msg = attr_names.collect {|a| a.is_a?(Array) ? " ( #{a.join(", ")} ) " : a.to_s}.join(", ") +
"can't all be blank. At least one field (set) must be filled in."
configuration = {
:on => :save,
:message => msg }
send(validation_method(configuration[:on]), configuration) do |record|
found = false
attr_names.each do |a|
a = [a] unless a.is_a?(Array)
found = true
a.each do |attr|
value = record.respond_to?(attr.to_s) ? record.send(attr.to_s) : record[attr.to_s]
found = !value.blank?
break if found
record.errors.add_to_base(configuration[:message]) unless found
This works for me in Rails 3, although I'm only validating whether one or the other field is present:
validates :last_name, :presence => {unless => Proc.new { |a| a.company_name.present? }, :message => "You must enter a last name, company name, or both"}
That will only validate presence of last_name if company name is blank. You only need the one because both will be blank in the error condition, so to have a validator on company_name as well is redundant. The only annoying thing is that it spits out the column name before the message, and I used the answer from this question regarding Humanized Attributes to get around it (just setting the last_name humanized attribute to ""