Modifying Hyperledger Composer WebApp - hyperledger

I've completed the Hyperledger Composer Developer tutorial and I've generated the BNA, deployed it to a local Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 instance, generated the REST API, and generated the skeleton webapp using yo.
However, I noticed that the resulting webapp only has a menu for adding assets, and none for adding participants and submitting transactions. I have two questions:
1) Why doesn't the webapp generate menus for adding participants and submitting transactions? (or does it, and how do I get it to do that?)
2) In an attempt to add the ability to add participants and submit transactions through the webapp, I've looked through the app directory for the relevant source code but became confused as I'm relatively new to web/angular dev.
Is there any reference documentation to show which source files need to be edited to add participants and transactions?
As far as I can tell, \src\app folder has the source files but I don't understand the roles that each of these files play:
app.component.html has the actual HTML menus, but what is this [routerLink] referring to?
I noticed for each asset that there is a subfolder with a CSS, HTML, and three .TS files. Are these needed for each participant as well?
Any direction or reference on how to modify the web app to accommodate adding participants and transactions would be much appreciated.

1) Why doesn't the webapp generate menus for adding participants and submitting transactions? (or does it, and how do I get it to do that?)
Because its a very simple skeleton NG2 app scoped to assets, which you as a developer can add to. You can easily add REST API calls (operations) from your Angular app to (for example) submit transactions. This is how you should interact with the runtime Fabric using Composer REST operations.
2) Is there any reference documentation to show which source files need to be edited to add participants and transactions?
This is a straightforward Angular tutorial and here - and this tutorial will help explain Angular further.
The dataservice in the generated App is where the current 'asset' REST operation is called from and further REST operations can be added here -> /src/app/data.service.ts


Updating acl file using JS in hyperledger-composer

I am working on hyperledger playground. I have found that the access rules for participants can be specified manually on acl file in hyperledger composer. But is there a way that allows me to add rules to this file using JS?
There is an organization. It has some assets, and its number of employees is not fixed. As the admin adds new employees, their access rights on these assets is not known beforehand.
Is there a way such that as new employees are added, I can dynamically create rules for them, modifying the .acl file by script?
see the condition property in the reference doc As the condition property accepts code, you can invoke functions that exist within your business network .js files, however these functions are not allowed to invoke the composer runtime API. A summary of those functions not allowed can be found here
If you try to use them it will throw an error.

VSCode extension IPC with UI inside HTML preview

I wish to develop a unit test runner extension for VSCode. The extension should display discovered tests grouped into expandable hierarchy, annotate run status, display output and errors for each test, provide run/debug commands on different levels, and of course the red/green bar.
Roughly spearating this into "model" and "view", I plan to implement the model in the extension process, and I plan to implement the view as HTML preview based on a TextDocumentContentProvider. (Is there a better approach?)
Now, the model and the view should communicate with each other. I want to implement the view as a single-page application. The view will send commands to the model, and the model will send events to the view (or the view will poll the model for events). The view will update itself according to received events.
My question is, what communication technique should I use? Can HTML page inside the HTML preview access VSCode/Atom/Electron/Node APIs? Can I share object instances, or do some lightweight IPC? By far I didn't figure out.
I've found that I can invoke VSCode commands or refresh the entire page, when the user clicks a link with href set to specific scheme (command:// or the one I registered for my TextDocumentContentProvider).
I do succeed to open an HTTP listener (http.createServer) in the extension process, and communicate through XMLHttpRequest on the HTML preview side. But it looks to me like a heavy overkill.
I wonder if there are more appropriate ways to do this?
Almenon is referring to the currently proposed Webview API that was released in version 1.21 (Feb 2018). For the time being, this appears to be a much better approach for HTML previews. But in order to use the API, there are special instructions. From the release notes:
These APIs are still proposed, so in order to use it, you must opt into it by adding a "enableProposedApi": true to package.json and you'll have to copy the vscode.proposed.d.ts into your extension project.
What isn't clarified (and probably should be) is how to add the downloaded declaration file to a project. One way to do it is place the file in $/node_modules/vscode, next to vscode.d.ts, which is generated during postinstall. Then add the following line to the top of vscode.d.ts:
/// <reference path="vscode.proposed.d.ts" />
That will link the type declaration files. To make this part of the installation process, write a build task to do it and then call it in the vscode:postinstall script in package.json.
VSCode has a new API that makes this easier.
You can find the new API here
To try the new API:
Add "enableProposedApi": true to your package.json
Manually download vscode.proposed.d.ts and add it to your project:
Run your extension with the latest VS Code insiders build

Pentaho 5.0.1 CE Adding folder to pentaho-solutions directory

How do I get a folder to appear in the browser after adding it to \pentaho-solutions in Pentaho 5.0.1 CE. The documentation I read does not seem to work with this new version.
1. Create a new directory in /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/.
Use underscores instead of spaces in the solution directory name. Ensure that the directory has the appropriate user
and group ownership to be writable from the BI Platform.
2. Using an XML-aware text editor (or Design Studio), create a file named index.xmlin your new solution directory.
3. Copy the following text into the index.xml file, changing the content accordingly:
<name>Example Solution</name>
<description>This solution contains examples I created while learning to
work with action sequences.</description>
4. Save the file and close the text editor.
5. Log into the Pentaho User Console as an administrator.
6. Refresh the solution repository cache by going to the Toolsmenu, then selecting the Refreshsubmenu, then
clicking on Repository Cache.
You now have a new solution directory. It will show up in all file dialogues in the Pentaho User Console as well as the
Solution Browser in the left pane.
Every time you add or edit an action sequence to your solution directory, you must refresh the repository cache as
explained above. Each user currently logged into the Pentaho User Console must also refresh their session cache; this
is best done by re-logging into the Pentaho User Console.
I am using Pentaho design studio to develop an xaction sequence script. I followed this procedure:
1. In Design Studio, go to the Filemenu, then select New, and click on the sub-menu.
The Newwindow will appear.
2. In the Newwindow, click the triangle next to Pentaho, select New Action Sequence Wizard, then click Next.
3. In the File namefield, type hello_world.xaction.
4. Select Hello Worldfrom the Templatedrop-down box, then click Finish.
The wizard will generate the new file and bring you back to the workbench.
5. Click on HelloWorldComponentin the Process Actionssection on the left.
The right side of the screen will change to show the options available for this action: Nameand Message. The
Name field controls the name of the component in the Process Actions list on the left; it doesn't do anything else of
note. The Message field contains the text that will appear on the screen when the action sequence is run. It is prepopulated with %quote, which is a token that represents a quote message in a nonexistent properties file. Pentaho
used to provide properties files for each example, but they have been removed from the standard Pentaho Business
Analytics distribution.
6. Replace the %quotewith a sufficiently inspiring message.
Alternatively, you could create a hello_world.propertiesfile and populate it with the appropriate messages and
tokens, but that has no advantage unless you intend to internationalize this action sequence.
7. Save the file.
You now have a working action sequence that prints a short text message: "Hello, World." plus whatever you typed into
the Message field. The first part of the message is determined by a message bundle packaged with the Pentaho Web
application archive.
To test the action sequence, use the Test tab if you are on Windows or OS X, or log into the Pentaho User Console and
run it from the Solution Browser.
Running the sample xaction fails with
Sorry. We really did try.
Something went wrong. Please try again
or contact your administrator.
I figure this is because pentaho cannot locate the xaction file as specified in the file path when I generate the url from within design studio. The folder I created within the solution directory does not appear in the browser directory list despite refreshing the cache. Any help?
With Version 5 the files and folders are no longer stored in "/pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/..."
It is stored now in a jackrabbit repository.
You can create folders and upload files in the user console.
I did mistake after starting biserver 5.2. Unexpectedly i deleted Public folder after configuring to jackrabbit. Now how do i create the folder so that i can see Public and Home Folders.
Sorry for getting back to this question some time later, just in case someone searches something related to Pentaho repositories management with no success, i hope this information can help.
Just to make things more clear, i'm using version 5.2.x and i'm supposing you want to create a new folder on the root directory of Browse Files screen, something that is not allowed on Pentaho5 CE Web Console.
The answers about repository management based on JackRabbit are correct, so the old way we used to configure new "solutions" folders doesn't work anymore. From version 5 on, Pentaho exposes an interesting REST api that allows you doing things not allowed in web console.
For instance, for creating a folder in root directory you should create a http REST PUT request against Pentaho Server (using tools like curl or if you appreciate Google Chrome, something like Advanced Rest Client, etc.) using the following URL:
Pentaho repository directory REST api is documented here:
It's worthy to spend some time reading REST API the documentation.

Tea Commerce + Umbraco

I have an existing Umbraco site. I would like to add the option where users could buy a product and then pay for it etc.
Reading around it seems TeaCommerce ( is a module that can be used to achieve this.
So i download it and install it. All seems to install fine but now reading all the documentation that there is nothing states what to do next or how to proceed.
I then download the starter kit. Follow the instructions ( and the starter kit doesnt exactly run perfectly so i cant get the idea of how everything runs.
When i say the starter kit isnt running by that i mean i get the below errors
Error loading Razor Script /general/meta-description.cshtml
'string' does not contain a definition for 'mediaItem'
Error loading Razor Script /cart/mini-cart.cshtml
Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference
I realised there was no Template associated with the site - so adding a template allowed the above page to load but with the errors stated.
From this point on could anyone guide me or point me to a working solution that i can replicate myself or how to integrate it with my existing Umbraco site?
Unlike many ecommerce packages teacommerce doesn't have a built in product catalogue - so you have to build a catalogue in the Umbraco node structure - or use the "product information extractor" to use a catalogue in an XML file or accessed through an API.
I would assume that you're setting up with the node structure for the catalogue - so either you haven't built any 'Product' nodes yet or one of the fields (mediaitem) in the 'Product' node can't be accessed via /general/meta-description.cshtml which is a razor script file. So debug the /general/meta-description.cshtml file where you see references to the mediaitem field and you should pick out the issue.
ucommerce is an alternative and is much more fully featured but its pricing model of annual charges for features like the marketing section (which allows you to build in discounting) should be considered and could cost thousands of euros per year - teacommerce costs hundreds of euros but is a one-off charge.
I haven't used teacommerce but can recommend uCommerce its free and you even get a razor shop fully built that you can just tweek to your need.So far this is the easiest commerce product on umbraco in my option.

Building Passbook Passes

I've been working on integration of Passbook for some of my apps. Right now, I've used Ray Wenderlich's tutorial on this, and it is quite frankly a pain to build even one Pass. I have to get the icon files all in place, program the JSON file, get the manifest file filled in with all the SHA1 values, and run a few lines in terminal to sign it, and then another line to zip it. Are there any online services or programs that can be used to save a pkpass file to computer, that I can then upload to my server?
There are also quite some developer tools that help you to create passes, you can find a list on wikipedia.
We provide an Objective-C SDK and a free cloud service that lets you create templates and generate passes. You can find the SDK on github (Sample App is included).
There are a number of services that can be used to generate passess. Take a look on wikipedia for a comprehensive list of providers, tools and projects.
If you want to update passes, then you will need to build a Passbook Web Service. When a pass is updated, the web service sends a new .pkpass bundle to the device. Therefore, your web service must also be capable of signing passes unless you want to manually create and upload them to your server before sending out a push request.
Using our service, PassKit, you can create a template using WSIYWIG editor then create a pass directly on your server via a simple API call. You can also update passes and push updates to passes via our API. If you just want to get hold of the .pkpass bundle, then you can append /d to the pass URL (the one beginning with, or use PassKit API in your User Agent string.
you should also check out Apple's Passbook Support Materials here:
They have a simple XCode project called SignPass that you can use to easily create your own Passes.
Note: you need to be a member of Apple's Developer program to access these materials ..
There's lots more Passbook related info here:
