Sandbox User Login - Invalid Address - ios

Basically I was trying to purchase subscription with developer mode certificates using Sandbox account details. Up to now I have used around 100 times same Sandbox user details and it was worked perfectly.
But from last 2 to 3 days its not get able to success in making purchase. At the end of purchase, I was getting following kind of dialog box then after no success in purchase.
Still application was not live in market so I can't use real apple account for making purchase so I was using sandbox user details for testing purpose.
Subscription as well normal product purchase also not working with same reason.
So what is running wrong in this? Please share some idea regarding this.

For this I found ad hoc solution at present.
I belong to India and up to now I used India country sandbox user account for testing purpose but from last few days its completely stopped working.
So I have created US sandbox user account and within Settings of iPhone, I selected US as country as Apple Store also selected as US user.
Then after I can able to test with sandbox user but still Indian user sandbox account not working so not sure what is going wrong into that but temporary solution I have so adjusted with that.


In App Purchase sandbox - Invalid address

I have implemented In App Purchase in so many applications and tested all of them in Sandbox environment. Right now I am working on one of the app's In App Purchase, which i tested yesterday and was working fine, but by today morning none of the existing sandbox accounts working for In App test.
I followed one of the apple thread to solve issue but nothing seems to be working.In this thread so many developers faced same issue, some of them come with solution, but none of them works for me.
I have tried below solutions till now:
Add new product with all meta data and tried with new product Id.
Created fresh demo app to test In App Purchase with new certificates and profiles.But not working.
Created new sandbox tester, verify it from mail account.
I am able to fetch product info like Product name and price but not able to complete purchase. At first when OS ask to enter Apple ID and Password for Sandbox user I entered it, it accept credential and iTunes logged in with sandbox user.But then suddenly another OS alert prompt with Invalid Address.
Find below screen shot of that alert.
When I tapped Continue, then it redirects to iTunes Store and after some loading, it display another alert with iTunes account creation not allowed. Below screen for that alert.
I have tried all possible solution but nothing worked for me. If any of you ever faced same problem then please update here.
I tried sandbox account with App Store Territory as United States and United Kingdom and it works, but with Indian Accounts not working.
Follow below steps to create Sandbox Account:
Select Users and Roles
Select Sandbox Testers
Select + button
From App Store Territory , you can create Sandbox Account for any country and test In App Purchase
Select country as United States or United Kingdom, works for me.
The "technerd" solution works properly in current situations, by using territory as "United States"
In case of Indian account, we need to follow the following extra steps.
1) After signin to iTunes Store message, we will get error in case of Indian Account.
"This apple ID is only valid for purchases in the U.S. iTunes Store. You will be switched to that Store." Touch OK
2) This will take us to iTunes store link, and come back to same view.
3) Sign - in again.
4) Success message will appear as
"You're currently subscribed to this. ..."
Hope this helps to persons like me.
Apple server looks like inappropriate, Wait for some time & try again.
Please logout with your sandbox account from your phone.Then make another account with App Store territory as United States, not as India.
I am sure it will works.
I am facing same problem ,as soon as i change Country ,it works like a charm.

In-App-Purchase sandbox testing - Purchasing Not Supported in your region

I developing an App for Ukrainian people with In-App-Purchase. When I add sandbox tester with Ukraine location and try purchase I am getting this alert .
If I use some other location, Russia for example - thats good. My App is for Ukrainian people and I am disturbed by this.
Does anybody know how to resolve this issue?
Apple is a US company and are therefore they are prohibited from carrying out business transactions with the Crimea region of the Ukraine as per executive order 13685 section 1 (a) (iii)
(iii) the exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, from the United States, or by a United States person, wherever located, of any goods, services, or technology to the Crimea region of Ukraine;
I suspect that since you don't enter an address, just a store, when creating a sandbox user, they don't know which region you are in and they default to blocking the purchase. In production, a user has a registered address which lets Apple block purchases more selectively.
It looks like you will need to complete your testing with a user from another store.
Note: iOS 12+ Only
Sign in into your main account. Then you will see option for SANDBOX ACCOUNT.
Use not Ukrainian test account and test your purchases.
Sandbox Account Image:
You need to create the sandbox tester, related to not Ukrainian Itunes Store. Something like this:
Many thanks to Mike form Cherrypie Studio
I had the same error that was caused by using test user with Ukrainian country. But that error didn't go away even after I logged out from that account, created new non Ukrainian one, logged in(many times), logged out (many times), deleted an app, restarted the phone...
The only thing that helped was device reset. Only after that system stopped showing me that error and I finally saw App Store login window again.

iOS In-App Purchase sandbox test account keeps popping up for verification

I have Auto-Renewable In-App Purchase item in my application which is in development stage. I could able to test the complete transaction till 2 days ago with different sandbox test accounts ( From past couple of days when I am trying to test the transaction with new sandbox test accounts (, it is giving me an alert saying AppleID Verification - Open settings to continue signing with ****** I have already verified the account before trying to purchase. I have tried and tested with numerous new accounts I have created, getting the same alert message. When I googled the issue, got suggestions to create a sandbox account with different AppStore locations Like Canada, UK....etc. but didn't worked out for me.
Could anyone help, as I am struck in testing my transaction process.
Came to know this is an issue from Apple side, which they are aware of now and working on it.
Finally it's working, sort of.
Make a fresh sandbox account.
Confirm it after receiving the email
Login in your app
If a Change password dialog appears, then change your password you confirmed a few seconds ago...
...and then it works.
Don't try to use accounts you have made the past few days before 13 January 2017, these are currently unusable.
no idea I have created multiple sandbox users never found this issue ever
Its working great...
1. You need to create another test id from your iTunes account.
2. It will prompt to signing to settings.
3. Go there and change the password.
4. Now come back to app. and purchase any item. It will allow you to buy that item...

the apple id you entered couldn't be found or your password was incorrect

I am debugging my in-app purchase on ipad ( ios 7.0.3).
But when I enter my password, it always says "the apple id you entered couldn't be found or your password was incorrect".
my developer id and the apple id registered on this ipad are different.
when I intentionally enter wrong password, it displays a different message "Your Apple ID or password is incorrect".
My in-app purchase is in review state. But I feel, it doesn't have any impact on sandbox testing
I have restarted my device. I can use the same password for downloading/purchasing other apps from itunes.
I am not posting my in-app purchase code as this is out of our coding context.
In order to test in-app purchases before they are approved, you have to use test users, which you can create in iTunes Connect.
Once you sign in to iTunes Connect, you click where it says "Manage Users", which will let you create test users. Once you create a test user, you can use it within your development build of your app to test your in-app purchases. You can also create multiple test users if you need to repeatedly test non-consumable in-app purchases.
we have had same issue, spent whole day chasing rabbit at the end what solved issue was to set test account App Store Territory/country United states, in our case we have set country Pakistan on test account user causing issue
We also recently experienced this issue.
We "solved" it by using shorter email addresses for test users.
Emails longer than about 25 characters seemed to cause the error.

Is it possible to test in-app-purchase without having to enter bank details etc?

I want to test IAP, however it seems this isn't going to be possible without going through multiple hoops on iTunes Connect and entering bank information etc.
Reasons for SKProductsRequest returning 0 products?
Can anybody confirm if this is the case or not? If so then is there any reason why I can't just create a dummy test app entry in iTunes connect, enter garbage for the bank info, then after finishing testing delete the app entry from iTunes connect?
Yes, you definitely do have to enter banking and US tax info before you can do in-app purchases. I was getting "invalid product ID", but it started working as soon as my banking/tax info was set up. This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.
Did not work for me. If it works out for you, let me know.
I tested in-app payment this late December 2013 / early January.
Yes you can test IAP without entering bank info. what you need to do is
Create a test user in itunesconnect
Run your app on an actual device
Launch AppStore App on your iphone/ipad
logout and login with your test user id
Go to your app and try to make an in-app purchase
You should get a prompt saying something like "Charge $0.99 to Sandbox"
You won't be charged to your actual account.
This is all documented by Apple HERE
Expand tab that says To perform testing for In-App Purchase products
