Launch screen for iOS - ios

I have read a few posts on this topic about making the launch screen last longer, but I want to make it shorter.
Currently my launch screen takes 4 seconds before loading the login screen, and the app is not even close to being finished yet. Does that mean the launch screen could take longer to load once the app is finished?
Is there any way to make the launch screen appear for 2 seconds?
Xcode, Swift. backend in PHP.

The launch screen loading time depends on how "long" it takes your initial view controller to be prepared.
So, if you want it to "load faster" make your initial view controller more lightweight, do this by:
Reducing the number of interface elements being shown
Do not perform that many operations inside the "view did load" method.
Other than this, theres really not much you can do to control the time.

There isn't really a straightforward way of making the launch screen last shorter, because it depends on how long it takes for the necessities of your app to load.
Remember, the shorter the launch screen, the better, so the users of your app won't think that your app is taking a lot of time to boot up.


How to call Screen Time at settings from my app

Apps set to Screen time are strongly constrained by their behavior.
If the screen time starts while the app is running, the nature of the app causes problems in operation.
Normally, the setting screen is called by the following code, but I do not know how to call Screen Time.
Do you know how to do that? Or tell me if there is another way around it.

why is iOS launch screen very slow?

My iOS app launch screen takes about 3 - 5 seconds. I have a map that will load after the launch screen. My users have to wait for the launch screen to load and then wait another 3 seconds for the map to load.
Is there a way to minimize launch screen time?
Basically this delay means that you are doing something very wrong during launch. Your job is to launch immediately. Indeed, the WatchDog app will kill you dead if you don't.
There are excellent WWDC videos on this topic, and you should watch them. But in general there are two ways to go wrong:
You must do nothing time-consuming on the main thread. If you have a time-consuming thing to do, like loading your map or networking, you must do that on a background thread. You need to get out of the way so that the runtime can launch your app now.
Just the other way around, you must not touch the interface on any other thread but the main thread. Doing this wrong causes just the kind of delay you are reporting. Do your work on a background thread, but then get back on the main thread to talk to your views, view controllers, etc.
Finally, I should point out that you might be able to get some idea what you're doing wrong by using Instruments. Unfortunately it works rather badly against app launch, but it can be worth a try. Above all, watch those videos!

How to successfully Deep Link to a closed app whose target view will take time to load

I have an app in which I handle Deep Links to various navigation targets in the app.
This works fine when the app is running in the background - but if the app has been closed, the views involved in the navigation the Deep Link needs to do may take a couple of seconds to load, especially on older hardware.
Looking for a best practice on how to handle this - I don't want to stall the user by waiting, but I also don't want to give them time to navigate away.
Solution used was - if the view is not loaded to do brief delay with dispatch_after before checking again and navigating further.

Slow launch time - how to navigate Time Profiler

I am developing my first iOS app and I am almost ready to submit to app store. However, I am having problems with launch time. It is taking ~3 seconds to launch. The app has a ContainerView with three UIViewControllers as Child View Controllers. The middle UIViewController is a camera and the left and right UIViewControllers are mostly made up of UITableViews that make basic network queries (not on main thread) to populate them. Basically, I am trying to figure out why my app takes 3 seconds whereas apps like SnapChat and Instagram take <1 second.
I tried seeing what was taking so long using Time Profiler in Instruments. There were a couple easy fixes but now I am stuck. It says 357ms are from main but when I double click on it, it just takes me to AppDelegate and shows me that AppDelegate is accounting for 100% (of the 357ms? - correct me if this is wrong). But this isn't helpful because I know that main() is to launch the app (?) but it isn't telling me anymore. Whereas when I click on other methods listed it breaks it down for me (i.e. what each part of the code is accounting for). This is my first time using Time Profiler and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Launch iOS app faster

I figured out that some iOS apps are launching really faster (e.g. YouTube-from google,Skype,iTunes).
I created an empty application (used standard tabbed application template) and i did not change any code at all, just added splash images. When i tested (tried both developer and Ad-Hoc provisioning profiles to sign to check whether if there any difference), it did not launch as fast as the above mentioned apps.
When i tap the app icon on the device app icon get darker for about 0.2-0.5 seconds and then start showing splash image.
My question is how to make my app launch really fast, and is there any trick to show splash image very quickly? (i wonder how my empty application launches slower than above mentioned apps?)
I think you also may be falling for a trick: at least for the iTunes app, Apple is overwriting the splash image with one that looks very much like the app while running, which creates the illusion that the app loads immediately. Try it:
Launch iTunes (or "Music") and start it playing, then go do something else to cause the system to swap the process out as much as possible (say, browse some heavy websites). Then relaunch iTunes and immediately try to pause the audio. On my iPhone 4, it takes about 3 seconds before the controls catch up: the position indicator will jump to the correct location, and until that time, the "play" button is inactive - you can't pause the audio. You're seeing a splash image that is meant to make you think that the app is launching immediately, even though it's really taking a few seconds to launch.
I've also noticed Chrome for iOS doing the same thing. I actually dislike this design decision, because it communicates that the app is ready before you can do anything with it.
i did not changed any code at all just added splash images
The loading images are not intended to show splash images, they are intended to show a static version of your application's interface to give the illusion that your application is loading more quickly than it really is.
Splash images are specifically warned against by Apple in the HIG.
Stop abusing loading images to show splash images, start using them properly, and your application will look as if it is loading more quickly.
link to as few frameworks as possible, we tried this at WWDC and linking to many frameworks creates a noticeable delay even before the main() method is called!
no matter how fast your code itself is!
