Want to Delete and Insert in same Action - grails

I have one action in my controller that upload csv file with list of numbers.
Now the process is first I need to delete existing data from the table on certain condition then insert fresh data.
My snippet code is as follows..
def uploadFile() {
println "Going to call service to delete records"
def newList = Number.findAllByDeleted(false)
println "NEW LS:"+newList
def file = request.getFile("fileCsv")
.splitEachLine(',') { fields ->
Number.withNewTransaction {
def number = fields[0]?.toString().replaceAll(" ","").replaceAll("-","")
Number numberInstance = new Number()
def numberExist = Number.findAllByNumberAndDeleted(number, false)
numberInstance.number = number
println "Number exist: "+number
def deleteNumbers(){
Number.findAll().each {
it.deleted = true
it.save(flush: true)
After calling service method deleteNumbers I'm getting blank list NEW LS:[], But then def numberExist = Number.findAllByNumberAndDeleted(number, false) returns me a number means already exist.

Try removing Number.withNewTransaction closure. Your code should work..


Unable to split the list of files

I am having list of files in a directory.
For Ex:
I am trying to use the groovy code to push these values in the Jenkins Active Choices parameter. How can I populate this list without ".properties" at the end. My list of Active choices parameters needs to be like this:
Code I am using is:
def reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()))
def results = new JsonSlurper().parseText(reader.getText());
data= results.tree.path
data.each {
it -> if(it.endsWith(".properties"))
choices.push(it.replace("/","") )
return choices
Simply replacing the .properties part will not work?
choices.push(it.replace("/","").replace(".properties", ""))
If my assumption regarding your results.tree.path content is correct, then you should probably use something like that:
def data = [
data.findAll { it.endsWith('.properties') }
.collect { it.split('/').last().replace('.properties', '') }
.each { println it }
so, in your case, you need to do:
results.tree.path.findAll { it.endsWith('.properties') }
.collect { it.split('/').last().replace('.properties', '') }
.each { choices.push(it) }

Dynamically add path in Groovy

I'm trying to add new functionality, without refactoring the entire code. Actually the code calls msg.typeOfMsg('msg'), but I want to add validation when it comes true change all the typeOfMsg to a specific type:
def specialRule = true
def message = changeMessageType()
def changeMessageType() {
def toInform = { def message -> thePath.toChange.inform(message) }
return specialRule ? [reprove : toInform, approve : toInform] : thePath.toChange
println(message.reprove('Standart reprove message')
This is the solution I found, it works, but I have a lot of message types and custom message types, there's some way to dynamically change all calls to inform, without refactoring all the code to calls something like message(typeOfMessage, message)?
Here's a runnable version
def message = changeMessageType()
def changeMessageType() {
def originalPath = new OriginalPath()
def specialRule = true
def toInform = { def message -> originalPath.inform(message) }
return specialRule ? [reprove : toInform, approve : toInform] : originalPath
message.approve('Standart reprove message')
class OriginalPath {
def reprove(message) {
println "Reprove: ${message}"
def approve(message) {
println "Approve: ${message}"
def inform(message) {
println "Inform: ${message}"

Trying to delete a uploaded file from directory file system

I have a web app that uploads files to file system and show them in a list. I am trying to delete the item with a button. I know I need to get the path of the directory file to be able to delete it and I believe this is where I am stuck:
def delete = {
def doc = Document.get(params.id)
def path = Document.get(path.id)
redirect( action:'list' )
error I am getting: No such property: path for class: file_down.DocumentController Possible solutions: flash
It seems to me def path = Document.get(path.id) is wrong, in that case how do we find the path of a document ?
This is my upload method where I upload the files, assign it to a specific filesize, date, and fullPath( which is the uploaded folder)
def upload() {
def file = request.getFile('file')
if(file.empty) {
flash.message = "File cannot be empty"
} else {
def documentInstance = new Document()
documentInstance.filename = file.originalFilename
documentInstance.fullPath = grailsApplication.config.uploadFolder + documentInstance.filename
documentInstance.fileSize = file.getSize() / (1024 * 1024)
documentInstance.company = Company.findByName(params.company)
if (documentInstance.company == null) {
flash.message = "Company doesn't exist"
redirect (action: 'admin')
else {
file.transferTo(new File(documentInstance.fullPath))
redirect (action:'list', params: ['company': params.company])
I think you have an error in this line:
def path = Document.get(path.id)
You try to get path.id from the path variable you are just declaring.
I'm pretty sure that you mean
def path = new File(doc.fullPath)
path.delete() // Remove the file from the file-system
doc.delete() // Remote the domain instance in DB
class Document {
// Add this to your Document domain
def beforeDelete = {
new File(fullPath).delete()
and then you could just do this in your controller:
def delete = {
def doc = Document.get(params.id)
doc.delete() // Delete the domain instance in DB
redirect( action:'list' )

commonsMultipartFile trouble

Hi I have am trying to implement a file upload in my application where the file uploaded is parsed and an entry is created in the database using that information.
def save = {
def file = request.getFile("file");
def filename = file.getOriginalFilename();
def type = filename.split('\\.');
if(type[1] == "properties"){
redirect(action:"parsePropertyFile", params:params);
def parsePropertyFile = {
println "\n"
println params.file;
println "\n";
def f = params.file;
println f;
def filename = f.getOriginalFilename();
println filename;
when I print out f this is output:
but when I try to call getOriginalFilename() on f I get the following error:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:
java.lang.String.getOriginalFilename() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
I also printed out file from the save function and the output of that is also:
so why am I getting the error?
Instead of redirecting, can you just call your another function? Redirect will issue an http redirect with the file as param with no need.
if(type[1] == "properties") {
And then:
private def parsePropertyFile(def file) {
String filename = file.getOriginalFilename();
In your parsePropertyFile action you aren't getting a File object, you're getting the String from params. Just like in your save action, you need to do
def f = request.getFile('file')
println f.getOriginalFilename()

webflow in grails application

how can i redirect to the same state more than one time using web flow
def destinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
def destinationGroupsInstance = DestinationGroup.get(params.destinationGroups)
def h = destinationInstance.addToDestinationGroups(destinationGroupsInstance)
what i need is how to enter to this state more than one time until destinations ends
def destinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
def destinationGroupsInstance = DestinationGroup.get(params.destinationGroups)
def h = destinationInstance.addToDestinationGroups(destinationGroupsInstance)
(condition or while loop or for loop)
if success then
return "<state name>"
return "flowList"
Well, you'd probably have something like the following code, which is untested but may give you a general idea.
def destinationFlow = {
initialize {
action {
flow.destination = Destination.get(params.id)
on('success').to 'destinationList'
destinationList {
render(view: 'destinationList')
on('addDestination') {
def destinationGroup = DestinationGroup.get(params.destinationGroupId)
}.to 'destinationList'
on('finish').to 'done'
done {
redirect(...) // out of the flow
You'll need buttons on your destinationList view that invoke the 'addDestination' or 'finish' actions. See the WebFlow documentation and Reference Guide.
