I need to get the loss history over time to plot it in graph.
Here is my skeleton of code:
optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(loss, method='L-BFGS-B',
options={'maxiter': args.max_iterations, 'disp': print_iterations})
optimizer.minimize(sess, loss_callback=append_loss_history)
With append_loss_history definition:
def append_loss_history(**kwargs):
global step
if step % 50 == 0:
step += 1
When I see the verbose output of ScipyOptimizerInterface, the loss is actually decrease over time.
But when I print loss_history, the losses are nearly the same over time.
Refer to the doc:
"Variables subject to optimization are updated in-place AT THE END OF OPTIMIZATION"
https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/opt/ScipyOptimizerInterface. Is that the reason for the being unchanged of the loss?
I think you have the problem down; the variables themselves are not modified until the end of the optimization (instead being fed to session.run calls), and evaluating a "back channel" Tensor gets the un-modified variables. Instead, use the fetches argument to optimizer.minimize to piggyback on the session.run calls which have the feeds specified:
import tensorflow as tf
def print_loss(loss_evaled, vector_evaled):
print(loss_evaled, vector_evaled)
vector = tf.Variable([7., 7.], 'vector')
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(vector))
optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(
loss, method='L-BFGS-B',
options={'maxiter': 100})
with tf.Session() as session:
fetches=[loss, vector])
(Modified from the example in the documentation). This prints Tensors with the updated values:
98.0 [ 7. 7.]
79.201 [ 6.29289341 6.29289341]
7.14396e-12 [ -1.88996808e-06 -1.88996808e-06]
[ -1.88996808e-06 -1.88996808e-06]
i'm using xgboost for image classification and whenever i want to use a LearningRateScheduler or LearningRateDecay callbacks i got some errores. i use the same functions that i use for LearningRateScheduler in keras.
def read_lr_from_file(lr_file,epoch):
with open ('LR.txt' , mode='r') as lr_file:
for line in lr_file:
step,lr = line.split(':')
lr = lr.strip()
if int(step) <= epoch and float(lr) > 0:
learning_rate = float(lr)
return learning_rate
def get_scheduler(lr_file):
def scheduler(epoch):
lr = read_lr_from_file(lr_file, epoch)
return lr
return scheduler
learning_rate = xgboost.callback.LearningRateScheduler(get_scheduler('LR.txt'))
trained_model = xgboost.train(params= params_1, dtrain= train_dataset , evals=[(val_dataset, 'eval')],num_boost_round = 1000,early_stopping_rounds=50,callbacks=[learning_rate],verbose_eval= False)
and it goes printing the message below on and on:
"[20:33:17] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.5.1/src/learner.cc:576:
Parameters: { "min_chiled_weight", "n_estimators", "rate_drop" } might not be used.
This could be a false alarm, with some parameters getting used by language bindings but
then being mistakenly passed down to XGBoost core, or some parameter actually being used
but getting flagged wrongly here. Please open an issue if you find any such cases.
[20:33:20] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.5.1/src/learner.cc:1115: Starting in XGBoost 1.3.0, the default evaluation metric used with the objective 'multi:softmax' was changed from 'merror' to 'mlogloss'. Explicitly set eval_metric if you'd like to restore the old behavior.
[20:33:20] WARNING: C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release_1.5.1/src/learner.cc:576:
Parameters: { "min_chiled_weight", "n_estimators", "rate_drop" } might not be used.
This could be a false alarm, with some parameters getting used by language bindings but
then being mistakenly passed down to XGBoost core, or some parameter actually being used
but getting flagged wrongly here. Please open an issue if you find any such cases."
i would be grateful if you can help me to solve this.
It's not a reasonable callable object about callbacks, see the demo below:
def lr_decay(epoch):
lr = init_lr*0.999**epoch # *0.99 0.9 0.995 0.999
return lr
callbacks = xgb.callback.LearningRateScheduler(reduce_lr)
bst = XGBClassifier()
eval_set = [(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)]
I would like that every client train his model with a function pretrainthat I wrote below :
def pretrain(model):
resnet_output = model.output
layer1 = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(resnet_output)
layer2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=zdim*2, activation='relu')(layer1)
model_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=zdim)(layer2)
model = tf.keras.Model(model.input, model_output)
iterations_per_epoch = determine_iterations_per_epoch()
total_iterations = iterations_per_epoch*num_epochs
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9)
checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(step=tf.Variable(1), optimizer=optimizer, net=model)
manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(checkpoint, pretrain_save_path, max_to_keep=10)
current_epoch = tf.cast(tf.floor(optimizer.iterations/iterations_per_epoch), tf.int64)
batch = client_data(0)
batch = client_data(0).batch(2)
epoch_loss = []
for (image1, image2) in batch:
loss, gradients = train_step(model, image1, image2)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables))
# if tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(epoch, current_epoch+1)):
print("Loss after epoch {}: {}".format(current_epoch, sum(epoch_loss)/len(epoch_loss)))
#print("Learning rate: {}".format(learning_rate(optimizer.iterations)))
epoch_loss = []
current_epoch += 1
if current_epoch % 50 == 0:
save_path = manager.save()
print("Saved model for epoch {}: {}".format(current_epoch, save_path))
save_path = manager.save()
But as we know that TFF has a predefined function :
iterative_process = tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process(...)
So please, how can I proceed ? Thanks
There are a few ways that one could proceed along similar lines.
First it is important to note that TFF is functional--one can use things like writing to / reading from files to manage state (as TF allows this), but it is not in the interface TFF exposes to users--while something involving writing to / reading from a file (IE, manipulating state without passing it through function parameters and results), this should at best be considered an implementation detail. It's something that TFF does not encourage.
By slightly refactoring your code above, however, I think this kind of application can fit quite nicely in TFF's programming model. We will want to define something like:
def pretrain_client_model(model, client_dataset):
# perhaps do dataset processing you want...
for batch in client_dataset:
# do model training
return model.weights() # or some tensor structure representing the trained model weights
Once your implementation looks something like this, you will be able to wire it in to a custom iterative process. The canned function you mention (build_federated_averaging_process) really just constructs an instance of tff.templates.IterativeProcess; you are always, however, free to write your own instance of this class.
Several tutorials take us through this process, this probably being the simplest. For a finished code example of a standalone iterative process implementation, see simple_fedavg.py.
Would anyone know how to implement the FedProx optimisation algorithm with TensorFlow Federated? The only implementation that seems to be available online was developed directly with TensorFlow. A TFF implementation would enable an easier comparison with experiments that utilise FedAvg which the framework supports.
This is the link to the FedProx repo: https://github.com/litian96/FedProx
Link to the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.06127
At this moment, FedProx implementation is not available. I agree it would be a valuable algorithm to have.
If you are interested in contributing FedProx, the best place to start would be simple_fedavg which is a minimal implementation of FedAvg meant as a starting point for extensions -- see the readme there for more details.
I think the major change would need to happen to the client_update method, where you would add the proximal term depending on model_weights and initial_weights to the loss computed in forward pass.
I provide below my implementation of FedProx in TFF. I am not 100% sure that this is the right implementation; I post this answer also for discussing on actual code example.
I tried to follow the suggestions in the Jacub Konecny's answer and comment.
Starting from the simple_fedavg (referring to the TFF Github repo), I just modified the client_update method, and specifically changing the input argument for calculating the gradient with the GradientTape, i.e. instaead of just passing in input the outputs.loss, the tape calculates the gradient considering the outputs.loss + proximal_term previosuly (and iteratively) calculated.
def client_update(model, dataset, server_message, client_optimizer):
"""Performans client local training of "model" on "dataset".Args:
model: A "tff.learning.Model".
dataset: A "tf.data.Dataset".
server_message: A "BroadcastMessage" from server.
client_optimizer: A "tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer".
A "ClientOutput".
def difference_model_norm_2_square(global_model, local_model):
"""Calculates the squared l2 norm of a model difference (i.e.
local_model - global_model)
global_model: the model broadcast by the server
local_model: the current, in-training model
Returns: the squared norm
model_difference = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda a, b: a - b,
squared_norm = tf.square(tf.linalg.global_norm(model_difference))
return squared_norm
model_weights = model.weights
initial_weights = server_message.model_weights
tf.nest.map_structure(lambda v, t: v.assign(t), model_weights,
num_examples = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
loss_sum = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32)
# Explicit use `iter` for dataset is a trick that makes TFF more robust in
# GPU simulation and slightly more performant in the unconventional usage
# of large number of small datasets.
for batch in iter(dataset):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
outputs = model.forward_pass(batch)
# ------ FedProx ------
mu = tf.constant(0.2, dtype=tf.float32)
prox_term =(mu/2)*difference_model_norm_2_square(model_weights.trainable, initial_weights.trainable)
fedprox_loss = outputs.loss + prox_term
# Letting GradientTape dealing with the FedProx's loss
grads = tape.gradient(fedprox_loss, model_weights.trainable)
client_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model_weights.trainable))
batch_size = tf.shape(batch['x'])[0]
num_examples += batch_size
loss_sum += outputs.loss * tf.cast(batch_size, tf.float32)
weights_delta = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda a, b: a - b,
client_weight = tf.cast(num_examples, tf.float32)
return ClientOutput(weights_delta, client_weight, loss_sum / client_weight)
I use TensorFlow to build super-resolution convolutional neural network for enhancing image resolution. The network accepts a low-resolution image as input and produces a high-resolution image as output.
For training, I use tf.estimator.Estimator
def get_estimator(run_config=None, params=None):
"""Return the model as a Tensorflow Estimator object.
run_config (RunConfig): Configuration for Estimator run.
params (HParams): hyperparameters.
return tf.estimator.Estimator(
model_fn=model_fn, # First-class function
params=params, # HParams
config=run_config # RunConfig
wrapped by tf.contrib.learn.Experiment
def experiment_fn(run_config, params):
"""Create an experiment to train and evaluate the model.
run_config (RunConfig): Configuration for Estimator run.
params (HParam): Hyperparameters
(Experiment) Experiment for training the mnist model.
# You can change a subset of the run_config properties as
run_config = run_config.replace(save_checkpoints_steps=params.min_eval_frequency)
estimator = get_estimator(run_config, params)
# # Setup data loaders
train_input_fn = get_input_fn(params.filenames, params.epoch, True, params.batch_size)
eval_input_fn = get_input_fn(params.filenames, 1, False, params.batch_size)
# Define the experiment
experiment = tf.contrib.learn.Experiment(
estimator=estimator, # Estimator
train_input_fn=train_input_fn, # First-class function
eval_input_fn=eval_input_fn, # First-class function
train_steps=params.train_steps, # Minibatch steps
min_eval_frequency=params.min_eval_frequency, # Eval frequency
eval_steps=params.eval_steps # Minibatch steps
return experiment
And I run it via tf.contrib.learn.learn_runner as follow:
def run_experiment(config, session):
assert os.path.exists(config.tfrecord_dir)
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.tfrecord_dir, config.dataset, config.subset))
save_config(config.summaries_dir, config)
filenames = get_tfrecord_files(config)
batch_number = min(len(filenames), config.train_size) // config.batch_size
logging.info('Total number of batches %d' % batch_number)
params = tf.contrib.training.HParams(
train_steps=None, # Use train feeder until its empty
eval_steps=1, # Use 1 step of evaluation feeder
run_config = tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig(model_dir=config.checkpoint_dir)
experiment_fn=experiment_fn, # First-class function
run_config=run_config, # RunConfig
schedule="train_and_evaluate", # What to run
hparams=params # HParams
The class Experiment provides method train_and_evaluate that evaluate during training.
My question is: How can I get an evaluation result(an output image) during training cnn? I want to see a temporal training result.
My project on github
I think you're looking for adding an image summary to your model using tf.summary.image.
It makes it easy to visualize images during training in Tensorboard:
def model_fn(...):
# max_outputs control the number of images in the batch you want to display
tf.summary.image("train_images", images, max_outputs=3)
# ...
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(...)
During evaluation, I don't think there is an easy way to display an image inside tf.estimator. The issue is that during evaluation, only integer or float values can be displayed.
In more details, at eval time you return eval_metric_ops containing for instance your accuracy. TensorFlow will display every integer or float value from this dict in TensorBoard, but will give you a warning if you try to display anything else (ex: images). (Source code: function _write_dict_to_summary)
WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping summary for eval_images, must be a float, np.float32, np.int64, np.int32 or int.
A workaround could be to get back the value of the images outside of tf.estimator and display them manually in TensorBoard.
Edit: there is another related question on stackoverflow, and two GitHub issue here and here to track progress on this.
From what I understand, they will try to make it easy to return an image summary in eval_metric_ops that will automatically appear in TensorBoard.
Is there a way to plot both the training losses and validation losses on the same graph?
It's easy to have two separate scalar summaries for each of them individually, but this puts them on separate graphs. If both are displayed in the same graph it's much easier to see the gap between them and whether or not they have begin to diverge due to overfitting.
Is there a built in way to do this? If not, a work around way? Thank you much!
The work-around I have been doing is to use two SummaryWriter with different log dir for training set and cross-validation set respectively. And you will see something like this:
Rather than displaying the two lines separately, you can instead plot the difference between validation and training losses as its own scalar summary to track the divergence.
This doesn't give as much information on a single plot (compared with adding two summaries), but it helps with being able to compare multiple runs (and not adding multiple summaries per run).
Just for anyone coming accross this via a search: The current best practice to achieve this goal is to just use the SummaryWriter.add_scalars method from torch.utils.tensorboard. From the docs:
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
writer = SummaryWriter()
r = 5
for i in range(100):
writer.add_scalars('run_14h', {'xsinx':i*np.sin(i/r),
'tanx': np.tan(i/r)}, i)
# This call adds three values to the same scalar plot with the tag
# 'run_14h' in TensorBoard's scalar section.
Expected result:
Many thanks to niko for the tip on Custom Scalars.
I was confused by the official custom_scalar_demo.py because there's so much going on, and I had to study it for quite a while before I figured out how it worked.
To show exactly what needs to be done to create a custom scalar graph for an existing model, I put together the following complete example:
# + <
# We need these to make a custom protocol buffer to display custom scalars.
# See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
from tensorboard.plugins.custom_scalar import layout_pb2
from tensorboard.summary.v1 import custom_scalar_pb
# >
import tensorflow as tf
from time import time
import re
# Initial values
(x0, y0) = (-1, 1)
# This is useful only when re-running code (e.g. Jupyter).
# Set up variables.
x = tf.Variable(x0, name="X", dtype=tf.float64)
y = tf.Variable(y0, name="Y", dtype=tf.float64)
# Define loss function and give it a name.
loss = tf.square(x - 3*y) + tf.square(x+y)
loss = tf.identity(loss, name='my_loss')
# Define the op for performing gradient descent.
minimize_step_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.092).minimize(loss)
# List quantities to summarize in a dictionary
# with (key, value) = (name, Tensor).
to_summarize = dict(
X = x,
Y_plus_2 = y + 2,
# Build scalar summaries corresponding to to_summarize.
# This should be done in a separate name scope to avoid name collisions
# between summaries and their respective tensors. The name scope also
# gives a title to a group of scalars in TensorBoard.
with tf.name_scope('scalar_summaries'):
my_var_summary_op = tf.summary.merge(
[tf.summary.scalar(name, var)
for name, var in to_summarize.items()
# + <
# This constructs the layout for the custom scalar, and specifies
# which scalars to plot.
layout_summary = custom_scalar_pb(
title='Custom scalar summary group',
title='Custom scalar summary chart',
# regex to select only summaries which
# are in "scalar_summaries" name scope:
# >
# Create session.
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Initialize session.
# Create writer.
with tf.summary.FileWriter(f'./logs/session_{int(time())}') as writer:
# Write the session graph.
writer.add_graph(sess.graph) # (not necessary for scalars)
# + <
# Define the layout for creating custom scalars in terms
# of the scalars.
# >
# Main iteration loop.
for i in range(50):
current_summary = sess.run(my_var_summary_op)
writer.add_summary(current_summary, global_step=i)
The above consists of an "original model" augmented by three blocks of code indicated by
# + <
[code to add custom scalars goes here]
# >
My "original model" has these scalars:
and this graph:
My modified model has the same scalars and graph, together with the following custom scalar:
This custom scalar chart is simply a layout which combines the original two scalar charts.
Unfortunately the resulting graph is hard to read because both values have the same color. (They are distinguished only by marker.) This is however consistent with TensorBoard's convention of having one color per log.
The idea is as follows. You have some group of variables which you want to plot inside a single chart. As a prerequisite, TensorBoard should be plotting each variable individually under the "SCALARS" heading. (This is accomplished by creating a scalar summary for each variable, and then writing those summaries to the log. Nothing new here.)
To plot multiple variables in the same chart, we tell TensorBoard which of these summaries to group together. The specified summaries are then combined into a single chart under the "CUSTOM SCALARS" heading. We accomplish this by writing a "Layout" once at the beginning of the log. Once TensorBoard receives the layout, it automatically produces a combined chart under "CUSTOM SCALARS" as the ordinary "SCALARS" are updated.
Assuming that your "original model" is already sending your variables (as scalar summaries) to TensorBoard, the only modification necessary is to inject the layout before your main iteration loop starts. Each custom scalar chart selects which summaries to plot by means of a regular expression. Thus for each group of variables to be plotted together, it can be useful to place the variables' respective summaries into a separate name scope. (That way your regex can simply select all summaries under that name scope.)
Important Note: The op which generates the summary of a variable is distinct from the variable itself. For example, if I have a variable ns1/my_var, I can create a summary ns2/summary_op_for_myvar. The custom scalars chart layout cares only about the summary op, not the name or scope of the original variable.
Here is an example, creating two tf.summary.FileWriters which share the same root directory. Creating a tf.summary.scalar shared by the two tf.summary.FileWriters. At every time step, get the summary and update each tf.summary.FileWriter.
import os
import tqdm
import tensorflow as tf
def tb_test():
sess = tf.Session()
x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
summary = tf.summary.scalar('Values', x)
merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
writer_1 = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.path.join('tb_summary', 'train'))
writer_2 = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.path.join('tb_summary', 'eval'))
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(200)):
# train
summary_1 = sess.run(merged, feed_dict={x: i-10})
writer_1.add_summary(summary_1, i)
# eval
summary_2 = sess.run(merged, feed_dict={x: i+10})
writer_2.add_summary(summary_2, i)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here is the result:
The orange line shows the result of the evaluation stage, and correspondingly, the blue line illustrates the data of the training stage.
Also, there is a very useful post by TF team to which you can refer.
For completeness, since tensorboard 1.5.0 this is now possible.
You can use the custom scalars plugin. For this, you need to first make tensorboard layout configuration and write it to the event file. From the tensorboard example:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorboard import summary
from tensorboard.plugins.custom_scalar import layout_pb2
# The layout has to be specified and written only once, not at every step
layout_summary = summary.custom_scalar_pb(layout_pb2.Layout(
title='trig functions',
title='wave trig functions',
tag=[r'trigFunctions/cosine', r'trigFunctions/sine'],
# The range of tangent is different. Let's give it its own chart.
# This category we care less about. Let's make it initially closed.
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(".")
# ...
# Add any summary data you want to the file
# ...
A Category is group of Charts. Each Chart corresponds to a single plot which displays several scalars together. The Chart can plot simple scalars (MultilineChartContent) or filled areas (MarginChartContent, e.g. when you want to plot the deviation of some value). The tag member of MultilineChartContent must be a list of regex-es which match the tags of the scalars that you want to group in the Chart. For more details check the proto definitions of the objects in https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/blob/master/tensorboard/plugins/custom_scalar/layout.proto. Note that if you have several FileWriters writing to the same directory, you need to write the layout in only one of the files. Writing it to a separate file also works.
To view the data in TensorBoard, you need to open the Custom Scalars tab. Here is an example image of what to expect https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4221553/32865784-840edf52-ca19-11e7-88bc-1806b1243e0d.png
The solution in PyTorch 1.5 with the approach of two writers:
import os
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
LOG_DIR = "experiment_dir"
train_writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(LOG_DIR, "train"))
val_writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(LOG_DIR, "val"))
# while in the training loop
for k, v in train_losses.items()
train_writer.add_scalar(k, v, global_step)
# in the validation loop
for k, v in val_losses.items()
val_writer.add_scalar(k, v, global_step)
# at the end
Keys in the train_losses dict have to match those in the val_losses to be grouped on the same graph.
Tensorboard is really nice tool but by its declarative nature can make it difficult to get it to do exactly what you want.
I recommend you checkout Losswise (https://losswise.com) for plotting and keeping track of loss functions as an alternative to Tensorboard. With Losswise you specify exactly what should be graphed together:
import losswise
losswise.set_api_key("project api key")
session = losswise.Session(tag='my_special_lstm', max_iter=10)
loss_graph = session.graph('loss', kind='min')
# train an iteration of your model...
loss_graph.append(x, {'train_loss': train_loss, 'validation_loss': validation_loss})
# keep training model...
And then you get something that looks like:
Notice how the data is fed to a particular graph explicitly via the loss_graph.append call, the data for which then appears in your project's dashboard.
In addition, for the above example Losswise would automatically generate a table with columns for min(training_loss) and min(validation_loss) so you can easily compare summary statistics across your experiments. Very useful for comparing results across a large number of experiments.
Please let me contribute with some code sample in the answer given by #Lifu Huang. First download the loger.py from here and then:
from logger import Logger
def train_model(parameters...):
# Set the logger
train_logger = Logger('./summaries/train_logs')
test_logger = Logger('./summaries/test_logs')
for epoch in range(N_EPOCHS):
# Code to get train_loss and test_loss
# ============ TensorBoard logging ============#
# Log the scalar values
train_info = {
'loss': train_loss,
test_info = {
'loss': test_loss,
for tag, value in train_info.items():
train_logger.scalar_summary(tag, value, step=epoch)
for tag, value in test_info.items():
test_logger.scalar_summary(tag, value, step=epoch)
Finally you run tensorboard --logdir=summaries/ --port=6006and you get: