Serilog Seq Output Template - serilog

I am new to Serilog and to Seq. Sorry for the beginner question.
I want to have an output template that seems to be available in Serilog for the Console, but I can't seem to configure it in the WriteTo.Seq parameters.
Am I missing something or is this not available or is there another way to do this?
I was hoping to create a template constant and keep the format all in one place.

Seq uses signals with tagged properties for this.
Pick an event that has a property you want to show beside the message,
click the green "tick" to "Show as tag", and then
save the resulting signal so that you can apply it when you want to show the property inline.
The signal can be set as a default for your user account in (your username) > Preferences.


How do you print different templates in netsuite?

I am trying to find the correct template and id to use for a hotprint of an advanced pdf template of an Item Fulfillment.
The hot print url is (with the id bolded)
For some reason only certain id=# seems to affect the outcome and the ids I have got to work for two different templates don't match the Custom Transaction Forms ID or the Advanced pdf script id. (example most ids=template 1, while 168,4954, and seemingly random other ids=template 2) I am very confused on how netsuite resolves the hot print url as it normally doesn't include the template= part though I have seen others use it for invoice print urls.
The parameters at the end of the url (the stuff after the ?) are used by Netsuite to control settings used by the webpage which prints the PDFs for you.
In this case, &id=##### refers to the internal id of the document you are printing. You can see this by going to the document, right clicking, selecting inspect, and typing nlapiGetRecordId() into the console. When you click Print, you should see that same number after &id=#####.
&template=### refers to the template you are printing. If you go to Customization -> Forms -> Advanced PDF/HTML Templates, you'll notice a Script ID field in the table. If you substitute the correct Script ID in for the number in &template=###, you'll notice you generate the same PDF. This Script ID acts the same as the number that was previously there.
The reason you're seeing unusual results when you change those numbers is because you're mismatching a record with a template not built for it. So it won't print exactly right, but will sometimes execute anyways.
Anyways, this sort of parameter scheme is a similar scheme to how Suitelets and Restlets work, so in the future, you might experience this sort of thing again.
EDIT: For those reading this in the future, please read the comments.
To customize a packing slip and return form:
If you are printing packing slips and need some customization, you can use a custom invoice form when printing packing slips. For example, you can customize an invoice form to hide the fulfilled item tax rate and amount, and the order total. Then, when you print the packing slip using the custom form through mass print, choose the the packing slip shows the customized information.

Google Sheets - Run script based on value

I'm very new to scripting and really need some help getting started.
Basically I'm trying to develop a simple script to show a warning message when a certain value in a cell has been selected from a drop down list.
When the option 'Behind' has been selected I just want a simple popup window or something to say 'Review is needed'.
I've explored 'toast' but I'm not sure how I'd get the script to run based on the value.
Any help would be much appreciated, I'm going bald :(
You can also achieve this kind of behavior without writing your own script. See Data validation.
Select the cells for which you want this to apply
Click on Data -> Data Validation in the menu
Set your criteria for allowed values
On invalid data, select either Show Warning or Reject Input (the latter will reject the input and show a toast)
Put a checkbox in Show validation help text to add a custom warning text

In transaction NACE, is it possible to find out the print program and form routine, if i know the name of the Smartform?

I want to find out the name of the Print Program, and the name of the subroutine (form) that prints my SmartForm.
Now luckily in NACE (Conditions for Output Control), one can "kinna" figure out the application and the output type by oneself, and then the print program is obviously written there.
So what about if one wouldn't know what application and Output Type, and would have to check all applicatios and output types manually? isn't there an easier way to do this?
The table TNAPR contains some print program -> script links, search for your smartform name in field SFORM. This is by no means an exhaustive list, however.
Do a "where used" search for "SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME", which will give you a list of all smartform calling programs. You'd still need to go through it manually, but you might find a suitably matching program description or similar.
If you need to find out the actual printing program for a certain form and it is possible to get a print preview, you can always enter the debugger using /h and examine the call stack.

Directly modify a specific item in a TKinter listbox?

This is one of those just-making-sure-I-didn't-miss-anything posts.
I have a TKinter GUI in Python 2.7.3 that includes a listbox, and there are circumstances where I'd like to directly modify the text of a specific item at a known index. I've scoured the documents and there's no lb.itemset() method or anything like it. As best I can tell I have two options, either of which would work but just seem kind of klunky to me:
lb.delete() the old item and lb.insert() the new value for it at the same index (including a step to re-select the new value if the old deleted one happened to be selected).
Create a listvariable for the listbox, then use get() and set() on it -- with a pile of replace/split/join acrobatics in between to handle the differing string formats involved.
Is there some simpler, more direct way to do it that I'm missing? Or have I turned up all the available options?
Assuming from silence that there's nothing I missed. I went with option 2 -- the acrobatics weren't quite as complex as I'd thought. I just created a behind-the-scenes list wrapped up in a class; every time I update the list, the class syncs up the content of the listbox by doing a ' '.join on the list then setting the listbox's listvariable to the resulting string.

symfony 1.4: two questions about sfDoctrineApplyPlugin (well, could be also considered as general questions)

I have found in sfDoctrineApplyPlugin a template called applyAfter.php
that shows a message like "You have registered ok..." after the users apply for an account. It is called from the sfApply/apply action this way: "return 'After';" when the apply form is valid.
What kind of template is that? I never saw that way (return 'After';) of calling a template. Can someone give me info about that?
Second question: I show a layout with a language select when the the
apply form is printed. I wouldn't like to show that language select in
the page that shows the message "You have registered ok...". As the action
is the same in the both pages (sfApply/apply), what should i do to hide
the language select in the verification page?
The function returns the string 'After' to the caller. The caller always seems to be as follows: $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('sfApplyResetRequest[%s]');
So, the string 'After' is being used in conjunction with the setNameFormat function (which is part of the symfony libraries). All it is doing, is setting the 'name' attribute for the form. More information on this function here.
For your second question, you could simply add an IF statement, to check to see if the current route is the one that you do not want to display the language select on. If it isn't, then display the language select.
You can verify the current route with the following code:
