Ionic/Angular Cookie issue on iOS - ios

I am using .Net core for backend, and authenticating users using cookies. My ionic application is working perfectly fine on android, where cookies are returned on login and are set automatically and being used for every request.
Trying it out on iOS, the cookies work fine as long as the app has not been closed (meaning both cookies sent from the server are being returned with every request).
If the app is closed and then restarted, I notice only one cookie being sent with the requests. This behavior is very weird since one cookie is being saved and is persistent throughout app restarts, in opposition to the other cookie that is no longer available after the restart. Does anyone have the slightest idea of what might be causing this?
Again, the same code was used for both platforms, and no manual handling for the cookies is being done.


Cookies getting cleared after some period of disuse

I have a Cordova app that uses WKWebView.
I'm using permanent cookies to authenticate with my (rails) server.
The cookies are stored and sent with subsequent requests, and even continue to be sent after app restarts.
However after some time of not using the app, usually a few days, no cookies are sent with any requests, and I need to re-authenticate to get new cookies.
The cookies are set to expire in 20 years, so I think there must be some other mechanism that is clearing the cookies.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Apple says this about cookies (on MacOS, but it’s equally valid on iOS)
(It’s a pop up on this page)
So it’s a bit arbitrary and hard to predict which cookies get ejected after a week, but a test/dev setup (raw iPs etc.) probably looks rather sketchy to the AI. If users regularly return, and the cookies are first-party, this shouldn’t happen.

iOS cookies are not being sent back

Having a very hard time with cookies on iOS. This issue has plagued me for a month now. I have a problem where my cookies are not being returned by Safari on iOS. Other browsers are not a problem.
Unfortunately, in my testing, I haven't been able to reproduce this issue. I have a physical iPhone myself, and can't get the issue to manifest.
What's happening is users are reporting issues where they can't login. My server code has been logging incoming requests, and in the instances where people can't login, the cookies are absent.
I'm wondering if ITP is getting in the way, but as far as I can tell, I've done everything right to satisfy it.
Here's a screenshot of the debug tools. It shows my two cookies ('cvt' and 'h'), with the expected expiration date.
Couple of things I should note. This is for a site hosted on, so it's a subdomain cookie being set. Cookies are set to be httponly, secure, and SameSite=strict

Cookies not being set on iOS using identityserver

I have a mobile app that is using ODIC authorization code flow. Our server implementation is using Identity Server 4.
The mobile app opens a browser window and I can login to a 3rd party provider just fine, it then redirects to /signin-adfs on our identity server, which sets some idsrv.external cookies and returns a 302 to /External/Callback. The browser redirects to /External/Callback but doesn't send any of the idsrv.external cookies with it so Identity Server throws an exception because the result from HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync is not successful.
I'm kind of stuck at this point because I'm not a mobile developer. I deployed and have customized Identity Server slightly in other areas but not this part of the code.
I believe the mobile app is opening a Safari session to do the auth. Is this an issue with the cookies that the browser doesn't like (domain, path, https, secure)? or something else? The cookie size is chunked to 4KB a piece. I'm not sure what could be causing this issue.
To make things even weirder... if the browser is refreshed (/External/Callback) then the request works and the iOS app gets the code and can make the follow up request to get the token.
Was digging through the IS4 source and saw a link to this issue on github. Looks like it was fixed in source but hasn't been released yet. There are some workarounds in the github issue if you need it sooner than the release. The problem is specific to iOS 12.

WKWebview not syncronizing cookies after I log out of a domain, opened on it

I am developing a WKWebview app in swift. Here One needs to login to a specific domain. For this , I am throwing a cookie with logged in information/token.
But the problem occurs when I try to logout and the check if token exists?
And the token still exists even after logout.
Note - I checked on chrome browser on mac, and here it works perfectly.
WKWebView runs all of its networking in a separate process and thus does not ‘see’ your process’s cookie store.
The problem is that the WKWebView does not write back the cookies immediately. I think it does this on its own schedule. For example when a WKWebView is closed or maybe periodically.
In iOS 11 we added WKHTTPCookieStore to give you full access to the web view’s cookie store.
Supported cookie sync with WKWebView on older platforms is tricky. There are two techniques that might work:
You can set a cookie in the headers of the request you pass to
[WKWebView loadRequest:].
You can get and set cookies from within the web view by running
JavaScript code (using -evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler:) that
accesses the JavaScript document.cookie value.
For more reference additionally some workaround Getting all cookies from WKWebView

iOS sporadically sends old cookies

I have an application that rotates an auth token cookie values regularly.
Each time the server rotates the token, it will not mark it as "good" until it sees the client has the token (cause the client includes it in the request headers for a resource).
I have a very specific situation ONLY on iOS (10.3) where sporadically it will send a very old cookie when network conditions change (eg: get off the subway). When this condition hits it "forgets" about the most recent cookie value and "starts living in the past" and sends and old value.
** Security note: IP addresses are publicly allocated t-mobile in NYC and token has long been deleted from our DB
Is this a known issue?
Are there any workarounds for cookie handling that is more robust on iOS? localstorage is not ideal cause these cookies are http only.
To clarify ... this is the flow:
Client (iOS Safari) has a cookie called _t with the value old
Client (iOS Safari) makes a request to the server
We issue Set-Cookie and set _t cookie to a new value new (http only, secure cookie)
Client makes another request with the new cookie value new. We flag that the cookie value is good and client has it.
Time passes
Client makes a request with the _t cookie with the value old
Here is my theory of what happened:
From the cookies lifecycle, whenever user authentication state change (login user -> logout user || logout user -> login user), the old cookie would be invalidated and replaced with a new cookie.
But why that happened in the subway and not other places?
1. These days most subways provide free unsecured WiFi to supplement the bad wireless network connectivity while underground.
2. There were some reports on network connectivity issue in 10.3, and
this one in particular is interesting, as the issue was location dependent.
3. I think the combination of (1) and (2) above was causing the app to reauthenticate to the server. Maybe you could pull the logs to check if that is indeed the case?
Possible workaround?
Maybe none. We can't prevent iPhone user from doing iOS upgrade. And most already did.
Also, the security repercussion of not changing cookies after reauthentication is worse.
Update based on the comment as of 05/31/2017:
Given the details as in the comment. We could have better explanation.
In cookie life cycle, when user logout, server-side-invalidation should take place.
The work flow:
1. When the user logout, the authenticated sessionID is deleted from the browser.
2. But that's not enough. The server needs to invalidate that sessionID too. Else there could be security repercussion.
3. It could be that in your case the server didn't invalidate. Thus it still expecting a SessionID which has been deleted from the browser.
This is just one possible explanation. To be exact, more details log file analysis and more experiment would be required.
For example, during that period, at the server log were there any reauthentication took place? Could we test in a controlled environment, if the server-side-invalidation has been implemented properly?
My experience
I also use authentication via IDs that change with each request and are stored in cookies.
I can confirm this behavior and it is still present in iOS 11 (and iOS 11.1 beta 3). In my log files, I can see that sometimes old cookies are randomly stored in Safari. This happens in a standalone webapp when it is closed and reopened.
My Fallback method
I built a fallback method over localStorage. A request with an old cookie will normally mark all data in my database as invalid. If the user agent points to a device with iOS, I do not mark the data as invalid and give the client a second attempt to authenticate itself.
On the client side I check the localStorage and create new cookies with this data. Subsequently, a new authentication takes place. The localStorage is rewritten like the cookies with each request. If authentication fails again, I mark the data as invalid.
Safari View Controller no longer shares cookies with Safari in iOS 11 and up, this change resolved the cookie store corruption issues that plagued iOS. We have not experienced this issue ever since iOS 11 was released.
Maybe that's caused by automatic retries?
Those posts mention that can happen under bad network conditions (like you said, subway):
SQLite database, if you're willing to sacrifice a little security.
