I have a base64 string (proabbaly) which convert to b2fb1d6c-567d-4d93-89cc-962bc67c6ec9
I believe this is related with an email id - how can i decode this?
I am passing Base64 encoded String to API call, but when we receive in API it shows as space .
Eg.) Passing like this "kv+lluLOKRkGK6v+BqNPAPsx" But in API response
receive "kv lluLOKRkGK6v BqNPAPsx" like this.
Can anyone explain why swift not sending "+" symbol in API.
And Please tell how to solve this.
Use the proper Base64 variant that does not have the + character for REST calls: RFC 4648 base64url.
If you can't change the encoding, simply transcode the Base64 you receive.
Im passing following query string in browser which is encoded
While getting "issueType" in jsp page im getting decoded value
Following is the code
String str=request.getParameter("issueType");
Does browser decode automatically?.
Thanks in advance
This question already has answers here:
Convert base64 string to image
(9 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a post api where I am sending a json string which contain the base64 encoded image.Below is the json string
{ "imageData":"base64encoded string",
I cant post the complete encoding since its too lengthy. How can I convert this encoded string into a image file at server side.Actually from there I suppose to upload the image on a ftp server.
Base64 uses Ascii characters to send binary files, so to retrieve your image, you basically have to decode the Base64 string back to a byte array and save it to a file.
String encoded = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUg' // You complete String
encoded.replaceAll("\r", "")
encoded.replaceAll("\n", "")
byte[] decoded = encoded.decodeBase64()
new File("file/path").withOutputStream {
Edit: You problem of invalid charatercomes from the \r\n characters you have in the encoded String, you must have your base64 string in one line to decode it. I updated the sample code to do it.
I get my mail from gmail.com with gmail gem.
gm = Gmail.connect addr, pass
in_m = gm.inbox.find(:before => 5.days.ago).last
puts in_m.text_part.body # shows "Привет ...."
puts in_m.subject # shows "=?KOI8-R?B?z9Qg09XQxdLXwcraxdLB?="
puts in_m.subject.encoding # shows #<Encoding:US-ASCII>
I tried
this not help me
How i can encode the subject of my mail?
String like "=?KOI8-R?B?z9Qg09XQxdLXwcraxdLB?=" is the mime encoded word and this decoded Base64, charset=KOI8-R. Structure of mimeWord is =?charset?decode type?decoded string ?=. So if get part of string "z9Qg09XQxdLXwcraxdLB" and decoded this with Base64, then encode to UTF-8 all is OK. Base64.decode64("z9Qg09XQxdLXwcraxdLB").encode("UTF-8"). Question is closed
I have a string in my Redis DB containing encoded chars with accents:
hum... probl\xc3\xa0me :(
This is string is correctly read from DB (using node-redis)
hum... problème :(
But when it is sent to client (iOS app), utf8 encoding appears.
After some hours of struggle, I figure this out.
The retrieval from DB is ok, then the transport to the client leads to those encoded chars to be added. On client side I then correct the values , based on this SOP answer