Does iPad 2 support for Core Spotlight? - ios

My iPad 2 has iOS 9.3.2 but still Core Spotlight doesn't work.
Want to know whether it is supported or not?

As per the Apple documentation :
Although app search is available in iOS 9 and later, the search functionality of NSUserActivity and Core Spotlight is not supported on iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iPad (3rd generation), iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation).


How to add ipod in the simulator of xamarin

I am trying to add ipod in the iOS simulator of xamarin(in Debug mode).Any suggestions.
Apple doesn't provide a specific iPod simulator, only iPhone and iPad in various forms. They have never provided an iPod simulator.
If you want to use an iPod due to the 4" screen, you can use the iPhone 5, iPhone 5s or iPhone SE simulators as they all share the same screen size.

Xcode 8 and ipod touch [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to get iPod Touch simulator in Xcode 6.1
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I need to develop an application to run on a recent iPod touch. Xcode does not have iPod as an option for device (only iPhone or iPad). Likewise, there are no simulators for iPod touch. I've read you can just select iPhone as the device and simulator but I am skeptical that will create an app I can deploy to a iPod. I've also read you can use iPod's to test iPhone apps but this is not my scenario. Is writing apps for the iPod touch with Xcode a bad idea?
Yes, you can develop for iPod touch using Xcode, just as you do for iPhone and iPad. (There is in fact no other way to develop apps for iPod touch.)
The differences between an iOS Simulator and any physical iOS device are much more significant than those between an iPhone and an iPod touch. (No simulator configuration has telephony capability, for example.) If you want to target the 5th- and 6th-generation iPod touch screen size when testing in Simulator, just choose the iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, or iPhone SE simulator, as those iPhone models have the same screen size as the last two iPod touch models.
When you choose an app template upon starting a new project in Xcode, the choice it offers you between "iPhone", "iPad", and "Universal" really means "phone form-factor" vs "tablet form-factor" vs "support both". If you choose iPhone or Universal, you'll get template UI layouts that support a phone-sized screen (or rather, various phone-sized screens, including 4-inch for iPhone 5/5s/SE, 4.7-inch for iPhone 6/6s/7, and 5.5-inch for iPhone 6/6s/7 Plus).

Spotlight Search doesn't work in iOS 9.1 iPad mini

I have integrated spotlight search to index app content in my app. It works for all devices and shows the indexed data. However, for iOS 9.1 iPad Mini, it doesn't show any result for my app. I checked that other apps supporting spotlight indexing also don't show spotlight search results from their app content , only on this device. I have tried online forums and suggested solutions like switching off Spotlight in settings for all apps and then restarting the device and then switching on the spotlight . But it doesn't work. Is this a known device specific issue or is there some other setting that I don't know about .
From apple documentation:
Although app search is available for iOS 9 users, the search
functionality of NSUserActivity and Core Spotlight is not supported on
iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iPad (3rd generation), iPad mini, and iPod touch
(5th generation).

Is iPhone supported for multi-tasking in iOS 9

I opt in mutli-tasking for my Universal app. for the iPad it's so clear what's feature it gives. and how to test it on simulator.
The problem with the iPhone. Is it supported? What are the provided features? How to test it on simulator?
What I mean exactly is the new things introduced for the first time in iOS 9. exactly the split screen, slide over and the picture in picture features.
iPhone and iPod touch users cannot use the multitasking features of iOS 9.
Multitasking is only available on:
iPad Air
iPad Air 2
iPad mini 2
iPad mini 3
Note: Split View is only available on the iPad Air 2
See for more information about multitasking:
If you refer to multitasking enhancements in iOS 9, they are available only on iPads.
A table is available on official Apple guide Adopting Multitasking Enhancements on iPad.

How to configure iOS app to work on specific devices?

I am developing iOS app with ZBar SDK for QR-codes scan. Here ZBar SDK creators tell us that
Only the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 are supported, as they have a camera
with auto-focus. The ZBar library does not support the iPhone 3G and
is unlikely to ever support it.
So I have added auto-focus-camera key to the Required Device Capabilities section of my plist. All is great, except one thing - iPad 2 & iPod Touch 4th Gen doesn't have auto focus camera, but still are able to use my ZBar SDK code to scan QR-codes. But my auto-focus-camera key doen't allow users with iPad 2 and iPod Touch 4th Gen to download my app from App Store.
In other words I need to find a way to make my app installable via App Store on these devices:
iPhone 3GS.
iPhone 4.
iPhone 4S.
iPad 2.
The New iPad.
iPod Touch 4th Gen.
And on these devices my app should not be available:
iPhone 2G.
iPhone 3G.
iPod Touch 3d Gen and
My question is: how to make my app available in App Store for first list devices' user and not available for second list devices' users?
Any help will be appreciated!
PS: I have seen this question on SO, but it doesn't help me much.
PS2: This app has the desired set of available devices.
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod
touch (4th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd
generation) and iPad Wi-Fi + 4G.
Does anyone know, how they did it?
PS3: At the same time adding both still-camera and auto-focus-camera gives us this:
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch (4th generation),
iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation) and iPad Wi-Fi
+ 4G.
And that is not a great way as long as we have all iPhones as suitable for our app, instead of 3GS, 4 and 4S.
PS4: My app is here and it has such requirements:
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4S.
Word Lens requires the armv7, opengles-2, and video-camera device capabilities.
I'm not sure that you can do that
Maybe you can do a check in your code and if the device model is not the good one, just pop a new view saying that the model that the user is using can't make work the application ?
You can detect the model with this:
#import <sys/utsname.h>
struct utsname systemInfo;
return [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine
and give that:
#"i386" on the simulator
#"iPod1,1" on iPod Touch
#"iPod2,1" on iPod Touch Second Generation
#"iPod3,1" on iPod Touch Third Generation
#"iPod4,1" on iPod Touch Fourth Generation
#"iPhone1,1" on iPhone
#"iPhone1,2" on iPhone 3G
#"iPhone2,1" on iPhone 3GS
#"iPad1,1" on iPad
#"iPad2,1" on iPad 2
#"iPhone3,1" on iPhone 4
#"iPhone4,1" on iPhone 4S
Else you can try sending an e-mail to apple
We need to use video-camera key in Required Device Capabilities section of app's plist.
