How to find IPA file through ApplicationLoader - ios

I work in Visual Studio for Windows. For building iOS app VS use Mac as build server. After building process I have IPA file at the windows host.
Than I need to upload it through ApplicationLoader. But ApplicationLoader is running on Mac and how can it access to windows host ipa?
The Visual Stuiod has command 'Show IPA file on build server' and when I use it I see finder is opened at someplace at Mac. But what is this place?
I start ApplicationLoader and try to find this IPA file without success.
Where is it? As workaround I copied (drag&drop) ipa file from this unknown folder to Mac desktop and selected the file from there.
When I upload ipa to iTunesConnect I don't see loaded symbols! Why the symbols isn't loaded?
And the last. I heard about fastlane that it prefer way to upload symbols to Crashlytics. So how can it worked as project files placed in Windows host?

You can't find ipa file after archive because it will not create ipa.
You need to create file manually .
Follow this steps to create .ipa
Right click on recent archive file in organisation and select show in finder option.
After you will .xcarchive file.
Right click on that file an select Show Package and content option.
Under Product folder. you can find .app file.
Drag .app file to application section in itunes after completion of process right click on icon and select show in finder option.
That's your ipa File .
Second solution
Build your project with production certificate .
After Build under product folder you can see .app file and show it in finder .
Follow to 5 and 6 from above solution.

You need to archive .ipa, not just build for release.


Flutter - Generate .ipa file

The official Flutter documentations says that the following command produces both ipa and xcarchive files.
flutter build ipa
From the Flutter documentation to generate ipa
Run flutter build ipa to produce an Xcode build archive (.xcarchive
file) in your project’s build/ios/archive/ directory and an App Store
app bundle (.ipa file) in build/ios/ipa.
However, the command is generating only .xcarchive file. How can we generate the .ipa file? Looks like we can generate from Xcode Export but trying to look for a command line command to generate .ipa file to integrate into CI/CD solution.
You can generate .ipa file for distribution using Xcode via following steps
1.Open iOS folder of your project in Xcode
then Product -> Archive
It once this is complete open up the Organiser and click the latest version.
3.Now click on Distribute App This will open list of method for export. Select the export method as per your requirement (In your case i think you want to distribute app for testing) so select Development option and click on Next button.
4.Now it will ask for app thining and re-signed for development distribution select Automatically managing signing it take some time to generate .ipa file after that you can export .ipa file in your desire location.
When you run flutter build ipa, it generates a Runner.xcarchive and an IPA.
Output of flutter build:
Xcode archive done. 65.6s
Built /Users/user/repos/app_name/build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive.
Building App Store IPA... 64.5s
Built IPA to /Users/user/repos/app_name/build/ios/ipa.
The generated file is called app_name.ipa.

How to build .ipa and install it on iphone form xcode?

I have installed MacOS 10.12 Using VMware and successfully implemented Ionic 2 app for IOS. I have also generated an .ipa file using the following method:
Clean your project.
Build your project.
Go to products menu -> select build for -> select Profiling.
In project navigator, find your .app product.
Right click on it and click show in finder.
There you will find folder named "Release-iphoneos", in
this folder you will find your .app extension file.
Create a
folder named "Payload", copy that .app file in this folder.
Archive your folder.
After archive, rename your folder to name of
your app and change its extension from ".zip" to ".ipa"
Your ipa is ready for sharing.
From the above technique I got my .ipa file. Then, to install this app on iPhone i am using . Now the problem is, when i am installing app from my safari browser on iphone download issue is showing. My internet connection is all good. I can also see the installation process on my iphone but app is not installing.
Note: I don't have Apple developer program. I need to build and install this app for testing in different iPhones.
Please suggest any other way to install my app on iPhone or another technique to build and share the app. My configuration is as follows:
Mac OS - 10.12 Sierra(VM-ware machine), Xcode- 8.3.3.
I tried so many articles but not sure where am i getting wrong. please suggest.
For that you will need to be enrolled with the Apple developer program (99$ a year). There is no other way.
Or you need to install it manually by plugging the iPhone in the computer and running the code in XCode (keep in mind that the default certificate will let your app run for 7 days then it will get expired)
to make .ipa file Archive your project and export your binary as developent or deployment.
You can install your .ipa file manually.Connect your iPhone with your computer and drag .ipa file in your iPhone application folder.

How to get an iOS app build for appium testing?

I wanted to setup iOS testing on simulator on my MacBook-pro. Im using appium 1.6 and Xcode 8 and iOS 10.1 as simulator OS. I ran my appium server and set the desired capabilities and used an .ipa from the app store and it crashes on launch while doing an inspect on appium. Is it happening because i don't have a app signed for development? what are the requirements for the app to be tested for using? Do i need signed apps to be used for testing on simulator too ?
You can create a .app file useing the belowing instruction:
1- Go to:
xcode > File > New Project > (select ios at top bar) select Tabbed Application > click Next > give project name and select swift as language and complete process.
2- Open the project and run it. After running the app in the simulator, you will find the project .app file in the product folder (expand your project in xcode > product.
you can use this .app file for your appium test.
3- You can also get a lot of free .xcode project on the web. download this project, open the .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file in xcode and run it. you will find the .app file in the product folder
if you want to run your ios app in the simulator, you need a .app file, not .ipa file. The .ipa file runs on the device. Try to generate a .app file for simulator.
Yes, you need apps to be signed with a developer provisiioning profile. You can use the iresign to do it. you should input your ipa file developer provisioning file(contact your dev) and click resign. It will output the resigned app
The same dev provisioning file, dev certificate should be installed in your mac from where you run your scripts.
Note: you cannot run .ipa on simulators. you need .app version of the app , for which you need to contact the developer too

Xcode - There are no dSYMs available for download

I want to extract the dSYM file from but when I click on "Download dSYMs..." in the Organizer I get the follow message: "There are no dSYMs available for download.".
I'm using Xcode 7.2 with a workspace generated by Cocoapods 0.39.
How can I get them?
Here's a GIF on how to get DSYMS, compress and upload to crashlytics/fabric
Press Window > Organizer
Right-click on your app> Show in Finder
Right-click on first .xcarchive file > Show package contents
You'll need to download dsyms from App Store Connect. The easiest would be to use fastlane
lane :refresh_dsyms do
download_dsyms # Download dSYM files from App Store Connect
upload_symbols_to_crashlytics # Optional for uploading to Crashlytics
I think #Jordan is correct--it seems that iTunes Connect is recompiling apps with bitcode so that the UUID changes, and the dSYM inside the .xcarchive can't actually be used to symbolicate the app (this appears to be a new development).
You can download the correct dSYM from iTunes Connect. Login, go to My Apps, select your app, then tap on the Activity tab at the top. Tap on the relevant build, and, assuming the app was submitted with symbols in the first place, you should see the option to "Download dSYM."
The file you get is called dSYMs (without an extension) but it is in fact a zip file. Add the .zip extension, unzip, and you'll find your dSYM(s) inside.
(I needed to do this this week since Crashlytics was complaining about a missing dSYM.)
Actually you can't download dSYM file from iTunesConnect now. There is another way to get that file.
Xcode -> Window -> Organizer -> Show xcarchive file in Finder -> Right Click Your xcarchive file -> Select "Show Package Contents"
You can see your dSYM file now.
bitcode must be enabled
if you want to get your dSYM from iTunesConnect
Build Settings > Build Options > Enable Bitcode > YES
Select device "Generic iOS Device" (or anything that works)
When exporting from archive
CHECK "include app symbols for your application to receive symbolicated crash logs from Apple"
CHECK "include bitcode"
Upload using Application Loader
Once your app has been successfully uploaded to iTunesConnect you can go to > MyApps > [YOUR APP] > Activity > All Builds > [YOUR BUILD] > General Information > Includes Symbols > Download dSYM
#xcode8.2.1 #osx10.12.6
I've found a solution from
"Crashlytics was reporting missing dSYMs with UUID looking like this: 83889b11dedd363c8e5ee56233bcc90c.
As I said, I followed the guide7 but I couldn't find that UUID. So I went in the iTunesConnect and I did the following:
Select the app
Choose the Activity tab on top
Select the build version Crashlytics is complaining about
Click the Download dSYM blue link
The downloaded file is called dSYM has no extension but it is actually a zip. So I added the zip extension and unzipped it. Inside the unzipped folder I found many dSYM files, one on which has called 83889B11-DEDD-363C-8E5E-E56233BCC90C.dSYM which matched the UUID Crashlytics was reporting as missing (even if formatted in a different way). Note also that this file is not inside the xcarchive.
Hope it can help!"
in my case, it works like charms
In my case, I could not find a dSYM file of my app in the Archives folder. If you face this, go to your Project Build Settings > Build Options > Debug Information Format and make sure it is set to DWARF with dSYM file
If dSYMs folder in package contents is empty (Ted's answer), try to check:
Build Settings > Build Options > Enable Bitcode is set to YES (Jacksonkr's answer)
Build Settings > Build Options > Debug Information Format is set to DWARF with dSYM file (daisura99's answer)
Please check them both.
Then in show package contents -> dSYMs folder, this time, you should find something.
In my case, it worked.
Form latest updates you no need to upload dSYM files manually, automatic upload is done with below process.
Step-1: Goto Target-> Build Settings -> Search for "debug information format". Set Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM File for all your build types.
Step-2: Goto Build Phases -> Expand Run Script and add script & input files
In Script:
In input files:
Example Screenshot:
Step-3: Finally add one more script to upload dSYM files
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp
${PROJECT_DIR}/Your_path/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios
Here, in the 2nd line of the script ${PROJECT_DIR}/Your_path/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios update with your project path means your app schema name
If you got error while running the app follow my answer Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

Can you still use Application Loader to submit iOS programs to Apple?

I am using Xcode 4.3.1. I have a client that needs me to build an app for him and then allow him to submit (I am not the team agent so I cannot do it). However, Xcode keeps building .xcarchive files instead of .ipa files. What can I do?
An AppStore ipa file is the Payload folder with a signed ipa file together with a valid iTunesArtwork file (512x512 px) compressed to a zip archive renamed to .ipa:
Payload with a content:
Archive Payload folder
Rename archive
That .ipa file must be good for submission if you configure the build correctly, the client will have to set-up submission at iTunes connect and upload an ipa file there. Don't forget to keep a dsym file from the build, if that's lost you won't be able to symbolicate the crash logs for the client.
