How to create new course on Openedx? - openedx

I have a new instance of openedx with no course.
I logged into it, but I cannot create course. Seems I can only consult them.
What to do to create a course on a new openedx instance ?

To create a course, follow these steps.
Sign in to your Open edX instance Studio.
Select New Course.
Enter the following information about your course.
The values that you enter for the organization, course number, and course run cannot be edited after you create your course.
For Course Name, enter the title of your course. For example, the name might be “Sets, Maps, and Symmetry Groups”. Use title capitalization for the course title, and normal spacing and punctuation.
For Organization, you enter the identifier for your organization. Do not include spaces or special characters.
For Course Number, you enter both a subject abbreviation and a number. For example, for public health course number 207, enter PH207. For math course 101x, enter Math101x. Do not include spaces or special characters in the course number.
If your course will be public, be sure to include the “x”. If it is exclusively an on campus offering, do not include the “x”.
For Course Run, you enter the term in which your course will run. For example, enter 2014SOND or T2_2014. Do not include spaces or special characters.
The value that you enter for the run does not affect the course start date that you define for the course. For more information, see Setting Start and End Dates.
The organization, course number, and course run values that you enter are used to create the URL for your course. Because URLs do not have an unlimited length, the total number of characters that you enter for these values must be 65 or fewer.
Select Create.
The Course Outline page opens. You can start developing course content. For more information, see Getting Started with Course Content Development.

5.1. Creating a Course is your anwser.


Address field validation for iOS / Mac

I want to create an "Add Address" view, a very basic "Street, City, Zip, Country" type of page: multiple text fields inside a table view. This is simple if you only ever added U.S addresses, but I'm not sure about how to do this the right way though, handling all international use-cases as well. Essentially:
1. How do you pick the right field label for each country? For e.g. for US / Australian addresses, the field should be called "State"; for UK, it's called "County", in some places it's called "Province". How do you know what the label should say (short of hard-coding logic myself for each country)?
2. How do you validate the values for those field? UK postal codes have a certain format, whereas in the US it's a 5-digit ZIP code. Also, in the US, there is a list of states that the user can select. How do you get that list?
I've looked into NSLocale, and can't find any way to do this. Surely there must be a good and easy way to do this?
I dug around and in the end the best thing I found was a guide on "The good international address field form", but it'll still be hard to validate it. I don't think it's done.
One method could be to reverse lookup the address through mapkit.
You can try to simplify the UI by adding just one text field and ask user to enter his address in an arbitrary way, and then use CLGeocoder class to convert the string to instance of CLPlacemark, which is a convenient container for such information as country, postal code, etc.

Generating values for dropdown ONLY for 'C' of CRUD

When choosing 'Add' in CRUD, how best to generate a list of choices to pick from a dropdown?
For U/update - just display what's there...
The field contents starts with a letter, followed by five numeric digits:{A-I,K-N,Z}#####
Each letter has a different 'max' value for the numeric part.
So when adding a new record, I'd like to offer a listbox with one of each letter and that letter's highest numeric value + 10.
So, if the max 'A' as A00120, and max 'B' B00030 (etc) the listbox would have A00130 and B00040.. etc
Save the user having to figure out which is 'next' when generating a new record.
? Thanks,
This time I'll not be able to come up with ready to use solution, but I must say - everything is possible with ATK4. You just have to customize and extend it to fit your needs :)
Speaking about your question above - I guess you have to split it in multiple parts.
First part is about how to show select box on Create and readonly or disabled field on Update. I guess you can make some custom Form field or pin some action to existing Form Field hook. Not sure exactly what's better in this case.
Second one is about data structure. I believe that this field actually should be 2 fields in DB and maybe (only maybe) merged together in ATK model with addExpression() just for user interface needs to display these 2 fields as one field easily in UI. Maybe such concatenated field will be useful also for searching, but definitely not as only one field stored in DB. Imagine how hard it'll be for DB engine to find max value if such field. Store it like type = letter, num = number and then search like SELECT max(num)+10 FROM t WHERE type='A'
Finally Third part is about how to generate this next number. I read your question 3 times and came to conclusion that actually you don't have to show this +10 numeric value in UI at all if it's hardly predefined anyway. Actually that'll not work correctly if this will be multi-user system which I guess it will. Instead just show simple select box with letters {A-I,K-N,Z} and calculate this next value exactly before inserting data in DB. That can be done using models insert hook. This will be much more appropriate solution and will be better for UI and also more stable because calculated in model not incorrectly in UI part.

How to offer parameter for user to select an amt and then show that data

I have done report that shows summary of sales of items by free shipping or not free shipping. They are actually Product lines, that get free shipping or not.
It looks like this.
date Invoice# Free PL NOt free PL etc.
061113 1234 $29
061213 5678 $89
They want to have the flexibility to select ranges of BOTH free PL’s and non-free PL’s (e.g., “free PL’s over $70 and non-free over $30”, or “free PL’’s over $80 and non-free PL’s over $25” etc.)
They want to specify I guess in the param what amount then the CR should display according, so that in out case here only the second line would show.
Is this able to be done just in the param? if so, how would you code this?
this method may be a bit lengthy but will work for you hopefully.
make a table named PL history, now give it three fields, with ID, PL_DATE and PL_RATE, you need to insert new record in to that daily. if you want it to be more finer, add another column as PL_TIME as well. now when inserting the PL_Transaction, make sure that you enter time to that table as well.
Once it is done, make a view and like the transaction table with the respective PL_DATE and PL_TIME if you incorporate time, this will ensure that you pick the right PL specified during the transaction. YOu can do it behind the generate report button, will take no time to execute.
JUst call that view to the report, and get your specific PL using the formulas,
I tried calling a field to the report mannualy, it did come to the report, but it could not be called to the formula editor so , I thought of this solution , may help. thanks

objective c - help creating regular expression for format (#,#)

A user enters his/her number of credit hours per course in my UITextField in this format....
(4 credit hours for 1st course, 3 credit hours for 2nd course, so on)
The user can only enter in MIN of 1 course and MAX 5 courses, the credit hours must be separated by a comma except for the last one, the string should contain only numbers and commas (no letters etc.) in that order.
I am trying to display an error message if conditions are violated. I think I will need to create a regExp. I am not sure how to create one since the user can enter in 2 courses so... (3,4) and still be okay. (like it cant follow a strict format like phone number).
Rather than letting the user enter what they think is correct and then telling them they're wrong at the end, consider implementing the text field delegate method textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:. This doesn't preclude you using the regex, but you can also filter the characters typed by the user to prevent any letters and inform the user immediately when they make a mistake.

User input parsing - city / state / zipcode / country

I'm looking for advice on parsing input from a user in multiple combinations of City / State / Zip Code / Country.
A common example would be what Google maps does.
Some examples of input would be:
"City, State, Country"
"City, Country"
"City, Zip Code, Country"
"City, State, Zip Code"
"Zip Code"
What would be an efficient and correct way to parse this input from a user?
If you are aware of any example implementations please share :)
The first step would be to break up the text into individual tokens using spaces or commas as the delimiting characters. For scalability, you can then hand each token to a thread or server (if using a Map-Reducer like architecture) to figure out what each token is. For instance,
If we have numbers in the pattern, then it's probably a zip code.
Is the item in the list of known states?
Countries are also fairly easy to handle like states, there's a limited number.
What order are the tokens in compared to the common ways of writing an address? Most input will probably follow the local post office custom for address formats.
Once you have the individual token results, you can glue the parts back together to get a full address. In the cases where there are questions, you can prompt the user what they really meant (like Google maps) and add that information to a learned list.
The easiest method to add that support to an applications, assuming you're not trying to build a map system, is to query Google or Yahoo and ask them to parse the date for you.
I am myself very fascinated with how Google handles that. I do not remember seeing anything similar anywhere else.
I believe, you try to separate an input string in words trying various delimeters - space, comma, semicolon etc. Then you have several combinations. For each combination, you take each words and match it against country, city, town, postal code database. Then you define some metric on how to evaluate the group match result for each combination. Here should also be cross rules, like if the postal code does not match well, but country, city, town match well and in combination refer to a valid address then the metric yields a high mark.
It is sure difficult and not an evening code exercise. It also requires strong computational resources - a shared hosting would probably crack under just 10 requests, but a data center could serve it well.
Not sure if there is an example implementation. Many geographical services are offered on paid basis. Something that sophisticated as GoogleMaps would likely cost a fortune.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I found a simple PHP implementation
Yahoo seems to have a webservice that offers the functionality (sort of)
Openstreetmap seems to offer the same search functionality on its homepage
Assuming you're only dealing with those four fields (City Zip State Country), there are finite values for all fields except for City, and even that I guess if you have a big city list is also finite. So just split each field by comma then check against each field list.
Assuming we're talking US addresses-
Zip is most obvious, so check for
that first.
State has 50x2 options
(California or CA), check that next
Country has ~190x2 options, depending
on how encompassing you want to be
(US, United States, USA).
Whatever is left over is probably your City.
As far as efficiency goes, it might make sense to check a handful of 'standard' formats first, like Dan suggests.
