iOS WebRTC P2P Connection with ICE Server - ios

I have an ios app written in swift setup with AppRTC code from here.
I have the app setup on two phone and everything works when connecting to googles I would like to take google's apprtc out. When I setup both apps with ICE servers (STUN/TURN) but no rtc server the apps are not able to connect to each other. They both log WARNING: Renegotiation needed but unimplemented. How can I have the two apps webRTC communicate back and forth using only the ICE servers?

WebRTC needs a signaling server to exchange ICE credentials + candidates as well as DTLS fingerprints. The ICE servers are not a replacement for the signaling server.
See or for two pretty good introductions to the topic.


Unable to establish websocket connection when using Apple devices

I have a web application (hobby project) with a chat function that is implemented with Express.js and
Everything works fine on PC and on Android phones, but as soon as you connect with an Apple device, there will be problems since it seems that no websocket connection can be established between the server and the Apple device.
After a bit of googling I found this page:
I have limited abilities to troubleshoot on the client side since we do not have a Mac but I followed the troubleshooting that they recommend for the server side. When you connect with an Apple device, it seems that the event "upgrade" is never triggered and you therefore have to settle with HTTP Polling instead of web socket, which does not provide a good user experience.
I have got a certificate from Lets Encrypt and am using HTTPS to access the webpage. I have also tried with several different browsers on the Apple devices.
Anyone have an idea why you can not create a web socket connection with Apple devices and what you could do about it?
Feeling a bit lost and would love some help!

Objective-C - itune app store rejected my app after review, main reason is IPv4 needs to be IPv6?

I have WebRTC framework for my iOS app.
But Apple iTune app store review team, rejected my app (even though it was working in my local hardware's, cost me 6 months of work). After waiting so long, they rejected, because its IPv4, has to be IPv6?
I cant simply change the whole WebRTC Framework that i have used in my app.
My target clients are only IPv4 (not IPv6, i am not even interested to use IPv6), is there no way to solve it? I am using this framework:
Any advise/suggestion, has anyone tried the libjingle_peerconnection library to make compatible for IPv6?
EDIT: at 3.56AM
You need to add more details in your question to get an appropriate and correct answer.
My reason for putting an answer is not to answer your question as we need further information. My goal to answer is to make everyone aware how IPv6 functionality can be enabled when developing an Webrtc app.
Server side
Generally speaking primarily there are two main backend components the Webrtc clients connect to:
Signaling server : This is used to carry signaling information such as your sdp between Webrtc endpoints. Can be implemented using web sockets or http or other mechanisms
Stun and a relay/turn server: for obvious Udp hole punching through NAT traversal and if p2p not possible, to act as a relay between endpoints.
For IPv6 both of these servers should support IPv6 connections to it.
Client side
When apple tests IPv6, it must be disabling IPv4 network interface so that the iOS networking stack is forced to use IPv6. Hence you need to enable Webrtc stack to use IPv6 interface. This can be done by adding the constraint googIPv6 : true in the createpeerconnection constraints.
Other than this if you are using any other app servers in your code, you will have to make sure they accept v6 connections.

Integrating PubNub WebRTC SDK for iOS

I Am stuck with integrating the PubNub WebRTC SDK for iOS application.
Its a JavaScript SDK. How To integrate this with my iOS app.
Thanks in advance.....
This does not directly answer the Objective-C implementation, but it might help with understanding the overall solution and the role that PubNub plays.
Why PubNub? - Signaling
WebRTC is not a standalone API, it needs a signaling service to coordinate communication. Metadata needs to be sent between callers before a connection can be established. This metadata includes information such as:
Session control messages to open and close connections
Error messages
Codecs/Codec settings, bandwidth and media types
Keys to establish a secure connection
Network data such as host IP and port
Once signaling has taken place, video/audio/data is streamed directly between clients, using WebRTC’s PeerConnection API. This peer-to-peer direct connection allows you to stream high-bandwidth robust data, such as video. HTML5Rocks provides a great guide on all things WebRTC (no need to read as it is summarize below).
PubNub makes this signaling incredibly simple, and in addition, gives you the power to do so much more with your WebRTC applications.
What PubNub is Not
PubNub is not a server for WebRTC. A signaling service specifies ICE servers that the video chat can stream over. Public STUN servers provided by google can be used, but they are not very reliable. STUN or TURN servers are required to circumnavigate a firewall, else chat will fail. Many services provide the “total package” of signaling and server in one, that is not PN. Our audience are the people who want to build their own, more custom service.
XirSys already have a WebRTC-PubNub demo using rails on their GitHub. They host STUN and TURN servers catering to the needs of WebRTC.
Open Source
There are a few open source STUN and TURN server projects that can be downloaded and hosted with ease:
Amazon AWS VM: Pre-made ready to deploy
RFC5766 TURN: Google Code, TURN server
One-to-many: Instructions on MCU for 1-to-many media servers. Necessary for large group chats and streams with hundreds+ users.
So as you can see, we do not provide audio/video streaming services but if you are building this solution, PubNub is a necessary piece to tie it all together with the signal protocol.
And here is an PubNub AndroidRTC example by our interns.

WebRTC for iOS for VoIP communication

Is there any WebRTC solution for iOS for free with easy setup?
I tried to use because our web end is already done with its web api and I thought I may not have other way around for letting calls go between web and iOS too. But iOS API's setup is very tedious and time taking (The downloading of WebRTC checkout is taking like lives with no gain).
I searched around and found a few like tokBox and quickblox but they are not free.
Did you look at RestComm iOS SDK ? It supports WebRTC Audio only right now but we are working on adding video in the next few weeks. Also it uses SIP as a signalling protocol.
Take a look at .
This is a React Native WebRTC project which works on iOS and Android and also has a signaling server example (but you can also use the online version for quick tests!).
Since the WebRTC requires DTLS-RTP, RTCP-FB, ICE and a lot of other newest standards, but the VoIP standards are old about 10+ years, therefore you need setup a gateway to convert the signaling and transcoding the RTP.
With the WebRTC Gateway, in the browser side, you can create the HTML5 application to connect to WebRTC gateway, the gateway will communicates with your PBX, and your iOS client connects to your PBX, then the call can be established between browser with iOS client app.

Working with WebRTC on IOS

I am happy that I got Video Chat working with WebRTC on iOS by following the tutorial here:
But, I am not able to understand how is it Peer to Peer Video Chat when I am connecting to the appspot server (Google App Engine using Channel). Is it possible to remove this appspot. I have my own client verification system. So, I am pretty sure to maintain the proper authentication of who is going to connect to whom.
The GAE channel is used for signaling. Signaling is not part of webrtc and you can use any signaling method you like.
"Exchange of information via signaling must have completed successfully
before peer-to-peer streaming can begin"
You can find more information here and here
