How to retrieve message-id from spring websocket STOMP? - spring-websocket

SimpMessageSendingOperations.convertAndSendToUser accepts MessagePostProcessor as the 4th parameter, but I cannot get message-id header from the callback.
Is there a way to get the message-id header sending to client on server side?


Can KrakenD validate access keys sent in the body rather than header

I have a usage tracking library(snowplow) which needs to send data to a kinesis stream collector. We are using KrakenD in the middle for api gateway.
Inorder to secure this, I need to pass access token. Snowplow at present does not allow custom headers at the present, which prevents me from sending this data. Is there an option in KrakenD which allows it to validate a token sent in the body rather than the header?
KrakenD JWT validation expects you to send the token data in the Bearer header or inside a cookie. You cannot validate a token sent in the body.
I don't understand what is the problem of Snowplow not accepting custom headers. The validation would occur on KrakenD side and KrakenD does not send any custom header to Snowplow unless you explicitly add them in the input_headers list. If you have more information, I'd be happy to assist.

How do I access request headers in a rails API?

I'm struggling to access headers sent to my API in Grape. In my test specs I am sending a GET request with an email in a header. I want to extract the email sent in the header as it hits the API and record it in an instance of my Audit model. However I can't access the header here through request.headers, any idea what I can do?

Twilio not including X-Twilio-Signature header in POST request to https address

As per, Twilio should be including a "X-Twilio-Signature" header in requests sent to https addresses. However, the request sent to my application does not include such a header.
Please see the screenshot of the request details from Twilio's debugger page
As Devin Rader pointed out, the Twilio debugger was showing the response headers sent from my server, rather than the request headers sent to my server. The actual request sent to my server contained a header called "HTTP_X_TWILIO_SIGNATURE".

Is it possible to add a header to a mandrill webhook for inbound emails?

In the inbound emails second, it said in the docs that when an email is received, it will forward the email through a POST request, so I should have an endpoint that will receive these POST requests. The thing is, we want the POST request sent by mandrill to have specific header values, possibly a token to verify it's from mandrill. Otherwise, I think anyone will be able spam us with fake POST requests. Is it possible to add a custom header?
It's not currently possible to add a custom header for POSTs. Mandrill, does, however, offer webhook authentication so you know it's coming from Mandrill and hasn't been modified.

How to Send and Receive HTTP Requests and Response in BlackBerry?

I don't know how to make Http connection with HTTP server using blackberry. I want to send argument with URL and I have to get a response from the server using Http connection I don't how to do this.pls provide me with some code snippet to handle this situation.
