How do I get a feed of the 10th page on - url

I'm trying to pull the 10th page from rss feed. I have tried several variations of the url but I can't find the correct one like so:
Any idea on what the correct url would be?
Thanks in advance!

I think you missing = on url. Because the wordpress feed page url is at of page in your case maybe


Getting the URL of a frame

I was wondering how to determine which was is the URL of the main frame obtained by typing a ticker symbol on this page:
For instance, if you type a ticker symbol like 'mlm' on this page, you are brought to a page where there are a number of frames. I am interested in getting the URL of the bigger one, i.e. the one the Bid and the Offer. I am using the chrome browser, but any other browser would suffice.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, the page is created with flash, so you can't get any information from something like this.
It could be useful:
Can I scrape flash?

How can I return all songs by Album (collectionID) from Apple itunes search API

I want to do something like this:
But it doesn't return the songs
I'm pretty sure they have such parameter since it is a pretty basic one
any tips are appreciated
it seems I can pass ID also, but I don't know if I can trust it once I usd id input for artist search as well
You are very close - the proper API request should be:
Note, the first result returned is the Collection meta data, each of the following 12 results are the track meta data.
Your url is wrong, for search API url you should see below:

could not be able to get image from url and set to image view in flex

Any body help me I want to get image from yahoo weather rss and set the source of my flex component, I'm now able get other data from yahoo weather rss but still not able to get image please help me I have got other data in this way could-not-be-able-to-get-data-from-yahoo-weather-rss-in-flex
please give me some hint to get that images
Ok, at last today I got idea about how to set image, not about get image, from yahoo weather api or rss feed. So, I tried to get code of condition and set my own image placed in my assets folder like this:
var codeOfCondition:XMLList = result_weather_data_xml.descendants().attribute("code");
and then tried :
if(codeOfCondition == 0){image.source = "assets/CORRESPONDING_IMAGE_TO_CODE";// for all conditions there should be corresponding image}
and this solves the problem for me, there may be some other way to do that but this is my approach thanks.

Twitting URLs with # in them and getting their count

The goal here is to be able to "tweet" a link of the format, and get the number of "tweets" for that link... Basically, what the out-of-the-box Twitter button does for any normal link.
Reason for this is because the page displays different content based on the ID after the #, so there is a need to count which specific item was "tweeted" and how many times.
I tried passing that URL to the Twitter service to get the count (, but the JSON object I get back only has
The link for the Twitter button looks like this (done in JavaScript)
var twtLink = ''+encodeURIComponent(twtUrl)+'&counturl='+encodeURIComponent(twtUrl);
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Twitter actually re-interrupts all URL's with their own custom wrapper. This is good news for your use case. You can use these unique links with the counter API.
If you include the attribute &include_entities=1 to the end of some Twitter REST API calls you get back expanded info including the URL's in the tweets. You will see the original URL as well as the shortened URL version. Pass the shortened URL version into the counter API.

twitter hashtag search

I am trying to search all tweets with a given hashtag (Using titanium appcelerator).
I have a working code to search all tweets from a given user (for example #prayforjapan).
Now I'm trying to get all the tweets from #prayforjapan. This isn't working..
I tried the following method (since i found it on here
Now to search for the names i use this url:
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.timeout = 1000000;"GET",""+screen_name);
For the Hashsearch i tried the following code (doesn't work tho)
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.timeout = 1000000;"GET","");
Does anyone know what's wrong with this search? or which link it should be?
Well, I played with it for a little bit and came up with this link format.
How does that work?
%23prayforjapan is same as #prayforjapan
Sorry, Twitter does not supply this, neither with Rest or Streaming APIs. They only provide partial results unless you pay for the "garden hose" or "firehose," both of which are very costly. Garden hose starts at about $6,000/month, currently.
