Use of undeclared type MGSwipeTableCell - ios

I'm pretty new to swift and I have an error.
I'm trying to use pod MGSwipeTableCell
Installed pod 'MGSwipeTableCell' in pod file. Got it in pods in file inspector.
var cell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(reuseIdentifier) as! MGSwipeTableCell!
throws me an error Use of undeclared type 'MGSwipeTableCell'
There is a project on google disk
It should be something simple I missed. Please help.

Add import statement in the beginning of file where you use it
import MGSwipeTableCell


Swift google firebase VisionTextDetector showing Use of undeclared type

My scenario, I am trying to implement Google Firebase CoreML for text detection. Here, I installed a list of pods into my project but I still get Use of undeclared type 'VisionTextDetector'. How to fix this?
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/MLVision'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionTextModel'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionFaceModel'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionBarcodeModel'
pod 'Firebase/MLVision'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionLabelModel'
Below is my class file:
import UIKit
import Firebase
class TextViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var vision =
var textDetector: VisionTextDetector? // Error: Use of undeclared type 'VisionTextDetector'
As the documentation didn't mentioned about the actual framework to be imported which is FirebaseMLVision, so with or without "Firebase", you much import actual "MLVision" framework. Just add below line on the top of your class file.
import FirebaseMLVision
Let me know, if you still face that error!
VisionTextDetector is no more supported so you have to use VisionTextRecognizer. no need to import FirebaseMLVision

Use of undeclared type 'cocoapods library'

I made a pod Here and pushed cocoapods succesfully. When I try to test my library I added
pod 'TDTextSlider'
to my podfile of another test project.It is installed and imported without error but when I try to use the library with this code
let td : TDTextSlider = TDTextSlider(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
I got "Use of undeclared type TDTextSlider" error but when I copy the swift.class manually its working.What am i doing wrong?
Make sure the classes you are trying to access are public or Open.

Firebase error with swift code

I have try everythng and I have imported pods to my project, done it several times in several new projects, but always get this error:
'Cannot call value of non-function type 'module'
Is it possible that my cocoa-pods are damaged somehow?
When I insert this code:
import Firebase
let BASE_URL = "my_project_url"
var FIREBASE_REF = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
I can see in Output/Debug window that I am connected with firebase, but when I start with code:
let BASE_URL = "my_project_url"
let FIREBASE_REF = Firebase(url: BASE_URL)
var CURRENT_USER: Firebase
let userID = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("uid") as! String
let currentUser = Firebase(url: "\(FIREBASE_REF)").childByAppendingPath("users").childByAppendingPath(userID)
return currentUser!
always get error. I have really try stuff from a lot tutorials, I tried a lot of things over past few days and nothing happened.
I have also look and read this topics, but did not help:
Cannot call value of non-function type 'module'
xcode error : Cannot call value of non-function type module Firebase
Unable to connect Firebase to my Xcode swift app?
I have open many new projects, done it import pod many times, I have import pod with insert in my pod file:
pod "Firebase"
and like this:
pod "Firebase"
pod "Firebase/Database"
also tried like this:
pod 'Firebase', '>= 2.5.1'
pod "Firebase/Database"
but always the same problem. Pods are inserted, I see Firebase folder and I know this is OK, so what could be wrong?
Like I said, I see that I am connected with Firebase in Debug window, as soon I start coding, error appears, and it is in every project like this, even when I try different approach and different code.
Any ideas?
You're either using the wrong version of Firebase, or following the wrong guide, depending on what you're trying to do.
Your pod config will install the latest version (3.2.1) while the code you've written is for 2.5.1 and before.

Custom Pod classes not accessible

I have created my first Cocoa Pod along with the Example (Demo) App that is created.
My pod is called "PineKit"
I am able to import PineKit but unable to access any of the classes in the Pod
import PineKit
// Does not show an error
let a = PineConfig.height
// Use of unresolved identifier PineConfig
Any idea what is going on ?

Failed to recognize AWSDynamoDB with XCode 7.0 Beta, iOS 8.3, and aws-ios-sdk-2.2.0

I am matching guides for using AWSDynamoDB in a test project using Swift 2 in XCode 7.0 Beta. I am required to use that platform instead of the previous stable one and make it work.
I am using the next links:
Best way to make Amazon AWS DynamoDB queries using Swift?
I already made it work for reading and writing text files and images to an S3 Bucket, but now that I am trying to use DynamoDB service something might be missing.
Here is my Podfile contents:
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '8.3'
target 'AWSSDKTest' do
source ''
pod 'AWSCore'
pod 'AWSAutoScaling'
pod 'AWSCloudWatch'
pod 'AWSDynamoDB'
pod 'AWSEC2'
pod 'AWSElasticLoadBalancing'
pod 'AWSKinesis'
pod 'AWSLambda'
pod 'AWSMachineLearning'
pod 'AWSMobileAnalytics'
pod 'AWSS3'
pod 'AWSSES'
pod 'AWSSimpleDB'
pod 'AWSSNS'
pod 'AWSSQS'
pod 'AWSCognito'
target 'AWSSDKTestTests' do
I had to delete Podfile.lock and Pods folder, deleted Configuration Sets in Project->Info->Configurations, and installed pods again.
Here is my bridging.h file:
#ifndef AWSSDKTest_bridging_h
#define AWSSDKTest_bridging_h
#import <AWSCore/AWSCore.h>
#import <AWSS3/AWSS3.h>
#import <AWSDynamoDB/AWSDynamoDB.h>
#import <AWSSQS/AWSSQS.h>
#import <AWSSNS/AWSSNS.h>
#import <AWSCognito/AWSCognito.h>
I downloaded the file, unzipped and added to Frameworks all the AWS frameworks.
I am trying to use AWSDynamoDBModel, here is a swift file for implementing the Upload Sample Items Example for using DynamoDB Mapper:
import Foundation
class Forum : AWSDynamoDBModel, AWSDynamoDBModeling {
var name : String = ""
var category : String = ""
var threads : Int = 0
var messages : Int = 0
var views : Int = 0
// override init!() { super.init() }
required init!(coder: NSCoder!) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
class func dynamoDBTableName() -> String! {
return "Demo"
class func hashKeyAttribute() -> String! {
return "email"
class func rangeKeyAttribute() -> String! {
return "date"
override init(dictionary dictionaryValue: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, error: NSErrorPointer) {
super.init(dictionary: dictionaryValue, error: error)
override func isEqual(anObject: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
return super.isEqual(anObject)
I had to comment the lines that caused error because those might be fixed. The errors mentioned that those functions couldnt be overridden and that super.init couldnt be called inside a root method.
After cleaning and building again, the error is at the class declaration line
class Forum : AWSDynamoDBModel, AWSDynamoDBModeling {
The error says: Use of undeclared type 'AWSDynamoDBModel'
If I try writing other AWSDynamoDB classes they don't appear in the list of suggestions and then cause the same error.
Additionally I want to mention that in the developer's guide setup (first link above) the 4th point of the Getting Started with Swift section says: "Import the AWSCore header in the application delegate":
#import <AWSCore/AWSCore.h>
Than can't be done, only in the bridging.h file which is mentioned in the 2nd point.
My first request of assistance is in fixing the error mentioned and making the project recognize the AWSDynamoDB framework.
Then I request your help for any observation about this merge of different tutorials, also any other online tutorial or guide that is more clear than those mentioned.
In case you are using CocoaPods (0.36) with "use_frameworks!", this answer might solve your problem:
"Normally when you’re importing Objective-C code into Swift, you do so by including the header of the file containing that code in the “Bridging Header” for your project. And that is indeed how you include code from a static library (which your pods used to be.)
But it is not how your import Objective-C code from a Framework. To do that you simply type…
import Framework
…inside your Swift file that’s using the Objective-C class (where “Framework” is the name of the actual Framework containing the class.)"
Source here:
I think the problem is not related to Xcode7Beta, but the installation process of your project. (My sample DynamoDB project runs fine under Xcode7Beta.)
If you installed the AWS Mobile SDK via cocoapods, you neither have to worry about the bridging file nor need to download file since cocoapods already did everything for you.
My suggestion would be:
clean your project, remove all aws related frameworks, bridging files that you manually added,delete Podfile.lock and Pods folder and AWSSDKTest.xcworkspace file, and the re integrate pods by running "pod install"
Open your project using Xcode 6.4, confirm it can be built and run successfully under Xcode 6.
If everything looks good via Xcode 6, reopen it via Xcode7Beta, If it failed to compile, please post the error output so I can take a look.
