GRAILS --- what's the difference between commands grails war and gradle build? - grails

I've heard you should type command
grails war
to build your project. I've thought to this point that Gradle is responsible for building the app in Grails. I've been doing the latter with conviction that my app is built. So what's the difference between
grails war
gradle build
Is it just that grails war is gradle build + create the war file?

It is not that simple to compare Grails and Gradle. Gradle is a build tool, while Grails is a web application framework.
However, Grails provides a command line tool, that's described in the docs:
Grails incorporates the powerful build system Gant, which is a Groovy wrapper around Apache Ant.
So, Grails does not use Gradle.
The basic usage of the grails command looks the following:
grails [environment]* [command name]
Where especially the command name parameter must be one out of predefined values. You can find the documentation on the war command here.
The basic usage of the gradle command looks the following:
gradle [option...] [task...]
The listed task parameters can be names of tasks created either in the build.gradle script or by plugins. All mentioned tasks and their respective task dependencies will be executed. If you use the Gradle War Plugin, it will generate a war task, which will also (transitively) be added as a task dependency of the build task. So whenever you call gradle build, a WAR file will be created. You can also call this task directly via gradle war.
I just learned that Grails can or even does use Gradle beginning at a certain version. I even found a list on which Grails command calls which Gradle task. According to this list, calling grails war is equivalent to calling gradle assemble. The assemble task directly depends on the war task.

gradle build is a Gradle lifecycle task which usually consists of other tasks required to build a software like compileJava and other lifecycle tasks like assemble and check.
In case of Grails it delegates build to Gradle and to war task and it doesn't include check lifecycle during which unit tests will be executed.


which Build tool is used in grails?

which Build tool is used in grails?How a project war is created in grails,is it ANT or GRADLE build tool and how it is created using these build tools
Please read the document.You will find your answer. .
You can build war simply "grails war " command .and for production "grails prod war"
Grails uses GRADLE build tool.
You need to specify the war name in the war command.
grails war project.war

Grails 2.5.1: use grails command-line tasks from binary plugin in lib folder

In Grails 2.5.1, is it possible to use grails command-line tasks from a binary plugin in the lib folder?
I had to modify an existing third-party plugin to get it to work properly.
I put the jar generated by the following command in my project's lib directory:
grails package-plugin --binary
When my project runs, it correctly uses my modified version of the plugin.
At build time, however, I need to run a Grails task on the command line that was provided by the plugin, but, using the binary plugin, the task does not appear to be available.
e.g., if the task was abc, when using the real plugin being referenced in the plugins section of BuildConfig.groovy, then I could run:
grails abc
Using the binary plugin in the lib folder, however, results in the task not being available from the command line.
Also, the original plugin hooked into grails war to include extra steps in the build process without changing the command line. These hooks no longer run with the binary plugin. Is there any way to reinstate the hooks for the binary plugin?

How to install gradle-grails-plugin?

Complete gradle nooby here.
I want to be able to execute grails build commands like "grails compile", "grails test-app" and so forth from gradle.
I found the grails-gradle-plugin from Peter Ledbrook at:
Cloning the repository I get some files and folders. In the readme file it says " include the required JARs via buildscript {} and 'apply' the plugin". The apply part sure I get but how do I add the JAR? And which jar? Do I need to use gradle on the build file in the folder of the downloaded plug-in and compile a jar? And ones I get the jar where do I place it and how do I include it in my projects build.gradle file?
I have a feeling this is going to be ridiculously easy but I just can't get it to work.
In Gradle, the jars are added to build script or to your application class path through dependencies closure e.g.
dependencies {
compile "org.grails:grails-crud:1.3.4"
compile "org.grails:grails-gorm:1.3.4"
compile "ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.0.7"
compile "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.2"
compile is a name of one of the many configurations (there are also test, runtime etc.) and e.g. "org.grails:grails-crud:1.3.4" is a reference to a jar in one of the public repositories, which are also specified in your scripts in repositories closure.
You can read more about Gradle dependency management in
For your Grails project you need to define a build.gradle file which looks similar to what is described in the README.
Though I tried today to just create a simple Grails project using that plugin and gradle init command and it didn't work. I have created an issue for that:

Run sonar ant task using the command line - ClassDefNotFoundError

I'm trying to integrate custom PMD tasks in Sonar, which I currently managed to work along with Sonar PMD plugin.
My current issue is to run sonar ant task with the command line.
In my eclipse workspace, I add additional classpath entries in Eclipse for Ant to run and it works just fine.
But when i run it in the command line, no matter how I pass the jars for ant, it just doesn't seem to be using it in the ClassLoader.
This is a big issue for my project, once I can't put the task to run in my continuous integration server.
I'm currently passing the jar's that contains all the classes need using the property sonar.libraries.
The error I'm getting is:
build.xml:121: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sourceforge/pmd/AbstractJavaRule
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
"sonar.libraries" references only dependencies of your application, not dependencies of Sonar execution context.
If you want to develop custom PMD tasks that will be used by Sonar, please have a look at this example plugin:
You just have to build the JAR of the plugin
Put it in your "/extensions/plugins" folder
And restart Sonar

Can we use pom.xml into ANT

I know that, we can very well use ANT and Maven together to build the project.We can run ANT scripts through Maven's POM.xml. But my question is can we run pom.xml through ANT's build.xml ?
i.e. can we create maven build from build.xml
Yes, using maven ant tasks.
The page lists out multiple maven tasks which can be integrated into an ant build script, thus combining the features of both. To take an example, there is the mvn task, which as documented can do a full maven build from ant.
<artifact:mvn mavenHome="/path/to/maven-3.0.x">
<arg value="install"/>
Besides this, there are
Dependencies task
Install and Deploy tasks
Pom task
each described with examples.
Maven and ANT are very different build tools. In ANT you write all the logic yourself, whereas a standard build process is "baked in" with Maven.
The POM file contains no logic, instead it contains a series of declarations about your project.
If you understand well how Maven works, it is theoretically possible to take a POM and generate an ANT build that emulates the behaviour of the Maven build. I'm not aware of any solution which can easily convert in the other direction, mainly because ANT is missing Maven functionality, such as dependency management.
Instead of trying to convert an ANT build into Maven, I'd recommend that you keep your existing build logic and delegate the management of your classpath to the ivy or Maven ANT tasks. These tools also provide tasks to publish your build output to a Maven repository, enabling your project to share with other projects using Maven.
Finally, I'm an ivy advocate and wrote an ant2ivy script which can assist in upgrade process. It creates an initial set of configuration files for downloading your projects dependencies from the Maven central repository.
