Mix-Matching Collection View Cells within a 1-Section Collection View - ios

I have two different cells: A & B. (where the only difference between A & B is that they have 2 different properties.
I'm trying to get A and B to show up vertically in a collection view like this:
How do I go about doing this in the cellForItemAt method? Maybe by keeping track of which cell was returned last?

There are a few approaches you can take to achieve something like this. If all of your data is the same but you want every other cell to appear differently you can just check to see if it is an even or an odd row when in your datasource methods.
Something like this:
if indexPath.row % 2 != 1 // odd row
// set up a cell of type A
else // even row
// set up a cell of type B
Otherwise, if your actual data source can discern the different elements in the array as being of different types, you would just check to see what type of element is in your array at a given index and return the appropriate cell.


Cell Index Path while scrolling does not return intended results

I have a tableview that the user edits information in using textfields, and I store that information into an array that keeps track of all the values. The issue occurs when the user scrolls back to a cell they already edited and the values the added previously are now values from other cells.
I understand that cells are reused, and as a result their data needs to be updated whenever they are being viewed again. I also learned that cellforrowat is called every time a cell is loaded into the view as opposed to just the first time a cell is created. I made a test project to figure out my problem.
My first attempt at solving the problem went like so
cellforrowat is called
if this is the first time the cell is being made set default values and add its data to the array keeping our cell data
If this is not the first time, draw information from the data source at indexpath.row and apply it to the cell
if cellInformation.count < (indexPath.row + 1) // Newly made cell
cell.value = 0
cell.tField.text = ""
cellInformation[cellInformation.count] = cell
else if (cellInformation.count >= indexPath.row) // Cell we've seen before
cell.configure(Value: cellInformation[indexPath.row]!.value) // Sets the textField.text to be the same as the cells value
This worked better but when I scrolled back to the top of my tableview, the top most cells were still getting random data. My next attempt generated an ID tag for each cell, and then checking if the id tag of the cell at cellforrowat matched any of the one's in the array.
if cellInformation.count < (indexPath.row + 1) // 0 < 1
cell.idTag = idTagCounter
idTagCounter += 1
cell.value = 0
cell.tField.text = ""
cellInformation[cellInformation.count] = cell
else if (cellInformation.count >= indexPath.row)
for i in 0...idTagCounter - 1
if(cell.idTag == cellInformation[i]?.idTag)
cell.configure(Value: cellInformation[i]!.value)
cell.configure(Value: cellInformation[indexPath.row]!.value)
This got pretty much the same results as before. When I debugged my program, I realized that when i scroll down my tableview for the first time, indexPath.row jumps from a value like 7 down to 2 and as I scroll more and more, the row goes further away from what it should be for that cell until it eventually stops at 0 even if there are more cells i can scroll to. Once the row hits 0, cellforrowat stops being called.
Any ideas on how i can accurately assign a cells values to the information in my array?
Your premise is wrong:
cellforrowat is called
if this is the first time the cell is being made set default values and add its data to the array keeping our cell data
If this is not the first time, draw information from the data source at indexpath.row and apply it to the cell
You should set up a model object that contains the data for the entries in your table view, and your cellForRowAt() method should fetch the entry for the requested IndexPath.
Your model can be as simple as an array of structs, with one struct for each entry in your table. If you use a sectioned table view you might want an array of arrays (with the outer array containing sections, and the inner arrays containing the entries for each section.)
You should not be building your model (array) in calls to cellForRowAt().
You also should not, not NOT be storing cells into your model. You should store the data that you display in your cells (text strings, images, etc. Whatever is appropriate for your table view.)
Assume that cellForRowAt() can request cells in any order, and ask for the same cells more than once.
Say we want to display an array of animals, and a numeric age:
struct Animal {
let species: String
let age: Int
//Create an array to hold our model data, and populate it with sample data
var animals: [Animal] = [
Animal(species: "Lion", age: 3),
Animal(species: "Tiger", age: 7),
Animal(species: "Bear", age: 4)
func cellForRow(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell? {
let cell = dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell" for: indexPath)
let thisAnimal = animals[indexPath.row]
cell.textLabel.text = "\(thisAnimal.species). Age = \(thisAnimal.species)"
Note that for modern code (iOS >=14), you should really be using UIListContentConfigurations to configure and build your cells.

Switch calls multiple cases one after another when checking table view tag

I have a collection view with three different cells. Each of the cells contains a table view. So, there are three table views. I've set tags for each of them (from 1 to 3).
Now, on my view controller (I set it as the table view's data source when I dequeue collection view's cells) I call table view's data source method for the number of rows. To distinguish table views I check each one's tag. Here is the code for that:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
switch tableView.tag {
case 1:
if unitItems1 != nil {
return unitItems1!.count
} else {
return 0
case 2:
if unitItems2 != nil {
return unitItems2!.count
} else {
return 4
case 3:
if unitItems3 != nil {
return unitItems3!.count
} else {
return 4
return 0
The problem is, when the first cell of the collection view is shown (with the first table view) it works fine. But when I scroll to the second cell, BOTH case 2 and case 3 get executed. After that, the second table view shows data as expected, but when I scroll to the third one, the method doesn't get called.
I can't figure out why two case statements get called one after another, while everything works fine for the first cell. If you have any ideas why this happens (or maybe, you could suggested a better way of checking table view's), I would appreciate your help.
Actually, the solution is quite simple. The reason of the problem was that collectionView's data source method was dequeueing all the cells one after another, even when they weren't on the screen. Consequently, tableView's inside of each cell were getting set, too. So, their data source method was getting called, hence the problem.
UICollectionView has a property called isPrefetchingEnabled. According to the documentation it denotes whether cells and data prefetching is enabled.
The documentation says:
When true, the collection view requests cells in advance of when they will be displayed, spreading the rendering over multiple layout passes. When false, the cells are requested as they are needed for display, often with multiple cells being requested in the same render loop. Setting this property to false also disables data prefetching. The default value of this property is true.
So, to solve the problem, described in the question, I set it to false as soon as my collectionView gets set.

Simultaneously change display parameters on all table view cells

I am trying to implement a table view design where a user can click a button outside of a table view cell and the display mode of all the buttons should change. However this is not the 'selected' mode for a given cell (that will be yet a third state that becomes accessible via switching to this second state). What's the proper way to accomplish this?
I am using dequeueReusableCellWith so I don't want to simply cycle through every cell because some that are out of sight probably shouldn't be modified. I simply want any cell that is visible, or becomes visible, while the table view cell is in this second display mode to follow a second design rather than the first design.
The second design, for now, is being modified via a method I added to a subclass of UITableViewCell like so:
- (void) p_refreshDisplay {
if (self.editing) {
self.buttonToClearWidth.constant = 20;
self.buttonToClearLeadingWidth.constant = 20;
} else {
self.buttonToClearWidth.constant = 0;
self.buttonToClearLeadingWidth.constant = 0;
However, I'm not sure how to trigger this p_refreshDisplay for every visible (and to become visible) cell. It seems unwise to call this many times and refresh the table view. What would be the proper way to accomplish what I want to do?
You do what should be done for any table view change:
Update your data model or some flag as needed.
Either call reloadData on the table view or call reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: passing in indexPathsForVisibleRows as the list of rows to reload.
Implement cellForRowAtIndexPath to provide appropriate cells for the given data/flags.
It sounds like you should have a custom cell class that has one or more properties that can be set on the cell in cellForRowAtIndexPath so the cell can render itself properly based on the specified state.
You can achieve this by doing three things:
Establish some property that indicates the "mode" of the table, either a boolean or perhaps an enum if there are more than three states
Ensure that cellForRowAtIndexPath configures the cell appropriately based on the value of this property. This will ensure that newly displayed cells are configured correctly.
When the "mode" changes you can use the tableview's visibleCells property to update any currently visible cells:
for cell in tableview.visibleCells {
if let myCell = cell as? MyCustomCellClass {

if the custom tableviewCell has "TextField", how it easy to map to modal property?

if there has a UITableview have 10 cell on it,
there have "UILabel + UITextField" in each cell, also have 10 modal property corresponding to each cell, Each cell is get value in different property in the modal, also user change the value in the UITextField on the cell, also update the corresponding modal properTY value
like :
value in modal.name is corresponding "section:1 row:1" cell
value in modal.age is corresponding "section:1 row:2" cell
is there have any easy way handle this situation?
cause i dont't like to set the value one by one in method "cellForRowAtIndexPath"
if (indexPath.section == 1 && indexPath.row == 1) {
cell.textFiled = modal.name;
also the textField value change in cell"section:1 row:1", how to update the "modal.name" easily?
You can add two methods in custom cell class.
One is: -(void)configureCellWithModel for display data.
Another is: -(void)updateCellWothModel for update data.
Put these methods in the custom cell class.

how to get rid of the unwanted top cells of table view

I am using custom cell type UITableview.
The custom cell just has two lines of text one below other - key value pair.
The data creating the table is an array sorted based on key.
I need to check whether the top some of the top keys are to be be a part of the table or not.
If not I need to skip the use of those key value pairs and would then use the left array data to create the table. e.g index 0,1,2 may have to be skipped.
When I try to put this condition in cellForRowAtIndexPath: like this
if (key is to be used)
cell.key.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [mrow1 etimov]];
cell.value.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [mvalue1 valor]];
What this does is that instead of not creating the top 3 cells (say) it creates the cells without actual data of key value but the labels I used in the custom cell for key and value.
What do I change to get rid of the unwanted top cells?
You should change number of rows in tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:. Obviously, if you remove three rows, number of rows will change.
It will also affect the indexPath in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method. After skipping first three items, indexPath.row = 0 should correspond to third item in item array.
In other words:
numberOfRows = items.count - numberOfSkippedRows
item = items[indexPath.row + numberOfSkippedRows]
