SharkORM - How to parse results of Joins - ios

I am trying to use SharkORM to fetch relationships across my objects. I am familiar with the joinTo syntax defined in SharkORM's documentation, but I am not sure how to use the resulting joinedResults object to get the related objects I need.
[[Person query] joinTo:[Department class] leftParameter:#"department" targetParameter:#"Id"]
"Department.Id" = 61;
"Department.location" = 35;
"" = Development;
into the Person.joinedResults field, but how do I take those results and get a Department object back. I've tried making a call to person.department after the joinTo, but it seems to make a second query to the database as if I hadn't used joinTo at all.
Am I really expected to parse the dictionary results of person.joinedResults into a Department object manually? That is very cumbersome, especially when you start joining more than one relationship.
I feel as if I am missing some obvious way to use the results of the joinTo.

The join functionality is in addition to relationships. So you can reference unrelated (or related) tables in a query, but then objects you get back can only ever be physically structured as per your original class, and are defined from the data and not from your query.
So, in a nut shell; joinTo: will enable you to reference remote or unrelated objects in your query for selection.
But to traverse object relationships you would use the properties.
Person* p = GetFirstPerson()
// reference/traverse the object to look at relationships (1:1)
So I guess what i'm saying is, even though it is SQL like syntax, you can only ever end up with rigidly defined classes in a fixed structure as a result unless using other interfaces such as sum, distinct etc..


How to fetch all objects AND their related objects AND filter by a related objects properties?

I tried two methods.
loadAll allows fetching of all objects AND their related objects are attached as well but does not allow me to filter by a property of a related object (I believe as I cannot work out how).
Secondly, I thought maybe this query would return all the related entities but does not.
MATCH (n:`MMLBusiness`) WITH n MATCH p=(n)-[*0..1]-(m) RETURN n
Cannot work out how to fetch all objects AND their related objects (which loadAll does) attached AND filter by a related objects properties (which loadAll does not seem to allow me to do)?
Filtering means I wish to filter the properties of the related objects, not the MMLBusiness.
For a solution I'm going to do it in two steps, first I'm going to query to fetch all ID's by normal NEO4J Query then I'm going to fetch all those objects with those ID's.

Realm: Query for objects with same property

Is it possible in realm to query for objects that have the same property value?
Imagine a list of contacts with firstname and lastname. I want to query all contacts that have the same name and may be duplicates in the db.
As far as I'm aware, there's no automatic way to do that with NSPredicate (Of which Realm implements); it would need to be done manually.
That being said, it should be relatively trivial to do manually; simply loop through each object, performing a query that searches for that object's name properties, and see if the number of results returned is greater than 1.
That being said, depending on how big your data set is, this could become a very slow operation very quickly. Ideally, you might be better off ensuring that duplicate entries don't occur, or if they do, to somehow index them so they're easier to look up.

Optimizing Parse to query for new objects

I am using Parse as the backend for an app I'm working on. I was wondering if there is an optimal algorithm to query for only 'unseen' new objects.
What I am planning on doing is something like adding a user to the viewed object's relation and later querying all objects to check for the absence of the user. This seems to be O(n* all users who have seen an 'n') complexity which is a bit too much.
Another way to do this is to add the object to a user's key 'seen' and to then query for all objects the user has not seen.
Maybe a much more efficient way could be (assuming I view these objects chronologically) is to mark the first and last objects I see, and only show ones before or after those points using the createdAt key. Then I guess to show new objects outward from those points to not have to divide into multiple queries.
Ideally I'd like to shuffle through the objects, but I also would like to keep this algorithm as efficient as possible.
Create a Class called View. Each View consists of a unique identifier from a viewable Object (CANNOT BE THE OBJECTID) and a pointer to the User that viewed the object.
Your query should be:
//(Simple equalTo query)
Query1 = All View Objects where User pointer = User
//(whereKey:that-unique-id-column doesNotMatchKey:that-unique-id-column inQuery:Query1)
Query2 = All viewable Objects where not included in pointers in Query1

Efficient way to get relationship count in database

I want to know what is the best way to get count of related entities in to-many relationship. Let's say I have a data model that looks like this (simplified), and I want to know the number of passengers for each bus:
Currently I can think of two options:
Add an extra attribute to bus entity called passengerCount which will be updated every time a passenger is added/removed.
Every time the count of passengers needs to be displayed, it's done by fetching the passengers and displaying their count.
Both of my options seem quite inefficient, even though I'm not aware how heavy it is to update/fetch values with core data. For example, imagine doing number 2 for every table view cell.
My question is: What is the best way to do this? A method in NSManagedObject class perhaps (I couldn't find any) or some other way that is more efficient?
Three remarks at the very beginning:
A. You should care about efficiency when you have a runtime problem. "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." (Donald Knuth)
B. Who said that all passenger entities has to be fetched? You think of something like this …
[bus.passengers count]
… causing passengers to be fetched. But Core Data supports faulting, so maybe the entities are maybe fetched into fault. (Having only an id, but not the full object.)
C. You can see what Core Data does, when you turn verbose mode on. To do so pass the launch argument 1
To your question itself:
If you really have a problem, you can ask for a count explicitly with -countForFetchRequest:error:.
NSFetchRequest *fetch = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:#"passenger"];
fetch.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"bus == %#", bus];
NSUInteger count = [context countForFetchRequest:fetch error:NULL]; // Please pass an NSError instance in real world
Typed in Safari.
The XCode auto-generated NSManagedObject class for your Core Data entity bus contains a property for its to-many relationships to Passenger objects.
You can think of this property like a "computed attribute" of your entity (meaning you will not set the attribute yourself but Core Data updates it automatically when you add or delete a relationship). This property is an NSSet? (with references to the related Passenger objects) and the NSSet supports the .count method.
So you can use .count without a special fetch request.

Combining two neo4j cypher calls into one call

I have the following two cypher calls that I'd like to combine into one;
start r=relationship:link("key:\"foo\" and value:\"bar\"") return r.guid
This returns a relationship that contains a guid that I need based on a key value pair (in this case key:foo and value:bar).
Lets assume r.guid above returns 12345.
I then need all the property relationships for the object in question based on the returned guid and a property type key;
start r=relationship:properties("to:\"12345\" and key:\"baz\"") return r
This returns several relationships which have the values I need, in this case all property types baz that belong to guid 12345.
How do I combine these two calls into one? I'm sure its simple but I'm stumbling..
The answer I've gotten is that there is no way to perform an index lookup in the middle of a Cypher query, or to use a variable you have declared to perform the lookup.
Perhaps in later version of Cypher, as this ability should be standard especially with the dense node issue and the suggested solution of indexing.
