how to open dustjs template with extension '.dust' - dust.js

I have some files with extension '.dust' which is clearly DustJs templates. Somehow I managed to call them in my HTML code but it throws error. So can somebody tell me the step by step procedure to see what it is in .dust files that I have?


Geocortex Workflow Designer Upload File

i was tring to create a workflow with geocortex workflow designer that upload a file in folder.
So to do that, i create a Form that make a file picker and it returns a IList of FileItem.
than i would take the base64 data and write a file, but it show me an error:
Geocortex.Forms.Client.FileItem.Friend Property FileDataBase64 As
String is not accessible in this context beacause it is 'Friend'
the scope of my variable its Flowchart and i can't understand why this error
this error is showned even if i try to access te variable inside the form activity even outside.
thank's every one
It is probably a security related issue.
Make sure that your target directory is writeable by Geocortex workflow. Do a very basic test.
Again do every steps of the process in isolation, in order to pin-point the source of the problem.

Struts2.5.10.1 core jar missing xwork2 dispatcher package

I see the Struts2.5.10.1 core jar is missing the dispatcher package. I have the below code in my JSP and it does not work anymore. Could anyone answer me what would be the correct code to write here?
<s:set var="url" value="%{#context['com.opensymphony.xwork2.dispatcher.HttpServletRequest'].requestURL}"/>
Answer: Below is the code template used. I removed un-required code and replaced it with '...'.
The Result is that I got a complete link: http://localhost:8080/.../param1=val1&param2=val2

how to load html files within the application in javafx

i am using jdk1.7.0_45 for building javafx project,loads pre created html site from my application,found passing this url file:///E:/web/index.html
but which is not my requirement,need to load from my app,so please tell me anyone,the folder name need to place in javafx app.
I'm assuming that the question is that you want to package a static HTML file with your application and display it in a WebView.
You can do it with code like this (Scala syntax but the meaning should be clear):
val url = getClass getResource "index.html"
webView.getEngine load url.toString
In this example, the index.html file (and any related content) must reside in the same package as the class of the code. E.g. if the class is mypackage.myapp.MyApp, the file must be in the mypackage.myapp package.
If your build system provides an e.g. resources folder, it would be good practice to use that for static content such as this. I.e., for this example, create a package mypackage.myapp in the resources folder and place the html file there.

ASP.NET MVC locating cs files generated from cshtml?

So I've recently started with ASP.NET MVC 4. I'm using the razor engine.
My question is concerning the view files, with suffix cshtml. It seems to me that these are precompiled into *.cs files by razor which in turn are then compiled into MSIL. (A pattern that is familiar from my days as a JSP developer.) One reason why I am making this assumption is that if I enter some invalid c# code into the cshtml file I get a compilation error displayed like this:
Line 34: public class _Page_Views_BaseDataAdmin_Index_cshtml : ...
And line 34 is not indicative of where the error is in the cshtml file, just as the class _Page_Views_BaseDataAdmin_Index_cshtml seems to refer to a regular .net class not the view file.
So my question is: Where do I find the cs file? Specifically, in the example above, "_Page_Views_BaseDataAdmin_Index_cshtml.cs"? Maybe I need to add some config to tell MVC to keep this .cs file on disk, if so, how do I do this?
A quick tip to find the generated files is to add this to your .cshtml file.
This will show you immediately the full path
<div>This file is compiled to #this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase</div>
You can find the compiled views in your Temporary ASP.NET Files folder.
First find the .compiled file that corresponds to your view (ex: home.cshtml):
This file contains the assembly name: assembly="App_Web_hkc53urb"
Your .cs file will be the assembly name concatenated with a number: App_Web_hkc53urb.1.cs
An easier approach might be to use Windows search for your view name in the temp ASP.NET directory.

Add a reference to ASP.NET MVC ASPX page

I have some HTML Helpers that I imported from an external project. How do I reference them within the ASPX file?
Currently I get an error similar to the following:
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<LC.TLAdminMVC.DAL.BusinessObjects.CompanySingleViewModel>' does not contain a definition for 'Configurator' and no extension method 'Configurator' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<LC.TLAdminMVC.DAL.BusinessObjects.CompanySingleViewModel>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
To better understand your situation can you answer one question.
Have you placed the helper methods inside the aspx files or are they external?
If they are external:
Make a directory in your solution named: app_code
Create a new file, whatever name (we'll call it 'Content')
When you want to use the helper method just call Content.methodName(params)
If they are internal:
Try checking if they are not nested inside a block.
Hope this helps,
