Overwriting rails URL helper (form_for) - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to override a url helper that is being called from a form_for.
My controllers and models are all namespaced in the "Admin" module, and are resting in an admin folder. (So models/admin/foo.rb, controllers/admin/foo_controller.rb)
My routes are correct (I believe)
scope module: "admin" do
resources :foos do
resources :foo_details
Here is some code to demonstrate what I am attempting to do and where I get the error:
<%= form_for(#foo) do |f| %>
I am getting an error on the form for line, with this: "undefined method `admin_foos_path' for #<#:0x007f08fd7ffb90>.
When I run 'rake routes', I have a route for foos, but not admin_foos. I assume the form_for is trying to access admin_foos_path because of how the application was scaffolded.
Is there a way for me to override admin_foos_path to be foos_path or redirect it? I have tried searching for this issue and haven't been able to come up with much.
Thanks in advance.

Use the namespace directive
namespace :admin do
resources :foos do
resources :foo_details
Using scope just gives you foos_path, while namespace gives admin_foos_path which is needed for the #foo to work.

undefined method `admin_foos_path' for
To explain the error, #foo is a model instance of Admin::Foo not Foo, so form_for by default look for its resourceful route which in your case it is admin_foos. And because it can't find it, so is the error.
Is there a way for me to override admin_foos_path to be foos_path or
redirect it?
You can overwrite the URL of a form to your desired URL like below
<%= form_for(#foo, url: foos_path) do |f| %>
But I believe you need namespace instead of scope. I recommend to read about when to use scope and namespace in controller-namespaces-and-routing


Rails form builder with admin namespace

The code below works well to create new transactions on the Invoice show view. It however doesn't work when in admin namespace. i.e /admin/invoices/1/ but works on /invoices/1/
<%= form_for([#invoice, #invoice.transactions.build]) do |form| %>
transactions form input
resources :invoices do
resources :transactions
When calling form_for in a namespace route like /admin/invoices/1/, Rails will automatically append admin to your route. In other words, form_for([#invoice, #invoice.transactions.build]) would POST to a route like /admin/invoice/:id/transactions/ rather than /invoice/:id/transactions/.
To fix, explicitly set the URL of the form and use a route helper method to infer the correct route:
form_for(#invoice, url: invoice_transaction_url(#invoice.id))
Note that you may need to replace invoice_transaction_url with the correct route. Use rake routes to find the helper method that corresponds to the desired controller POST action.

url helper for namespace nested model

I am using the public_activity gem. To use the gem, you do not need to create an activities controller for it. So I did not. However, I do have a comments controller. I want to have the following url helper for the comment's create action:
I have tried two things in my routes and both have failed. First, I tried using a namespace route:
namespace :public_activity do
resources :activity do
resources :comments
This produces the error:
ActionController::RoutingError - uninitialized constant PublicActivity::CommentsController:
Since I do not have a PublicActivity::Activities controller, I tried this instead:
get '/public_activity/activity/:activity_id/comments/new', to: 'comments#new'
post '/public_activity/activity/:activity_id/comments', to: 'comments#create'
However, this does not seem to produce any url helpers at all, as it gives me the following error:
NoMethodError - undefined method `public_activity_activity_comments_path' for #<#<Class:0x007f868e1b7760>:0x007f868e1afd58>:
The reason why I want a route like that is because in my comments view, the commentable can be any model, so I prefer to have a polymorphic form:
<%= form_for [commentable, Comment.new] do |f| %>
Am I out of luck? Will I have to hardcore the url for form_for?
IMHO, you only need to play with your polymorphic association and form, Public_Activity will record the activities if you correctly configure that any model of yours.

Resource not generating helper method for create

I have a model called package, which has a controller package created under a name space admin.
so my resource in my routes is declared as below
namespace :admin do
resources :package
when I run rake routes
admin_package_index GET /admin/package(.:format) admin/package#index
POST /admin/package(.:format) admin/package#create
new_admin_package GET /admin/package/new(.:format) admin/package#new
edit_admin_package GET /admin/package/:id/edit(.:format) admin/package#edit
admin_package GET /admin/package/:id(.:format) admin/package#show
PUT /admin/package/:id(.:format) admin/package#update
DELETE /admin/package/:id(.:format) admin/package#destroy
If you see there is no helper method generated for create, which should have been admin_packages_path
#newpackage = Package.new
form_for [:admin,#newpackage] do |f|
is reporting that it is not able to find the admin_packages_path. Can somebody please explain how should we declare this in routes to generate the proper helper method for create ?
Your routes are named incorrectly, you're pairing a plural (resources) with a singular (:package).
If you will be working with multiple packages, you should declare resources :packages - this will generate you correctly named routes for all seven RESTful actions (index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy).
If you are only working with a single package, you will need to specify the URL as an option for your form manually, eg.
form_for [:admin, #newpackage], url: admin_package_path do |f|
You really need to changes the routes to following:
namespace :admin do
resources :packages

path defined in routes file is not found

I'm probably defining my route incorrectly but I'm following along with this example.
I've defined my routes like this:
namespace :admin do
namespace :distributions do
resources :workflows do
collection do
post :edit_multiple
put :update_multiple
obviously there are a bunch of other things within in the admin namespace and I wanted my distributions to belong to the admin namespace and workflows inside of that.
however when I do this:
<%= form_tag admin_edit_multiple_distributions_workflows_path do %>
or this:
<%= form_tag admin_distributions_edit_multiple_workflows_path do %>
I get an undefined method or variable error:
undefined local variable or method `admin_distributions_edit_multiple_workflows_path' for #<#<Class:0x12c2b2320>:0x12c29dfd8>
what'd I do wrong?
You have to put edit_multiple or update_multiple in front, like so:
But, as Nick already mentioned in his comment, rake routes should give you the answer anyway.

Making a controller exist on as a sub-controller, how to fix form routes in rails

I have a ChaptersController that does not have a direct route (i.e. site/chapters/:id) but only exists as a sub route for a BooksController (i.e. site/books/:id/chapters/:id). however, when I try to go to books/:id/chapters/new , I get the following routing error:
Showing .../app/views/chapters/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:
No route matches {:controller=>"chapters"}
how can I fix this?
It seems like you are using nested routes in this manner:
resources :books do
resources :chapters
in which case you should have the named routes 'book_chapter' and 'book_chapters'. You can check this by running rake routes.
In your _form.html.erb partial you need to change this line:
<%= form_for(#chapter) do |f|%>
You need to specify the target URL of the form explicitly, and probably also handle different URLs for create and update scenarios. Try something like this:
<%= form_for(#chapter, :url => (#chapter.new_record? ? book_chapters_path(#book) : book_chapter_path(#book, #chapter) )) do |f| %>
I suppose there is wrong path in /app/views/chapters/_form.html.erb
Check what url is in tag. I suppose you forgot to change it to nested in books.
You may as well paste _form.html.erb here, so i will point it out :)
