How to switch back to English keyboard input in urxvt? - urxvt

I just started using urxvt with emacs and there is some keyboard shortcut I'm accidentally typing that is changing the keyboard input to cyrillic or greek (not sure which). What keyboard shortcut am I probably accidentally typing? How do I switch back to U.S. English? How do I disable this keyboard shortcut?
I am only using the font-size extension, and these are my .Xresources lines for urxvt:
urxvt.iso14755: false
urxvt.font: xft:Source Code Pro:style=Regular:size=12
urxvt.scrollBar: false
urxvt.saveLines: 1048576
urxvt.termName: screen-256color
urxvt.perl-ext-common: font-size
urxvt.keysym.C-plus: font-size:increase
urxvt.keysym.C-underscore: font-size:decrease

I was accidentally typing ALT+SHIFT. Typing it again cycled back to English.


Keyboard shortcut for "Open in Git Bash" in GitHub Desktop using Finnish/Swedish keyboard layout

Under "Repository" the shortcut is shown as Ctrl+` but as the back tick (grave accent) character is typed with Shift+´ in Finnish/Swedish keyboard layout this doesn't seem to work. I've also tried to use Ctrl+§ but with no success. Is there some way to change the shortcut?
It turns out that Ctrl+` shortcut can be executed by pressing Ctrl+ö on keyboard using Finnish/Swedish layout.

Disable microphone button in UITextField keyboard

I have a UITextField, and the keyboard shows a mic button, which I'd like to disable. I'm especially concerned that it shouldn't show on iPhone X.
I already disabled the Emoji keyboard by setting the keyboard type to "ASCII Capable". Is there another setting to remove dictation?
We are talking about the mic symbol in lower right corner on an iPhone X.
You should not remove it since this is where users of an iPhone X are expecting it.
Also you can not remove the keyboard switcher on the left.
only if you use a custom view for the keyboard, but why?
As you can see on any other iPhone the mic key is still in the same position.
By changing type of keyboard you can discard things you don't want
textField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress;
above one not exact solution but still that can give some idea regarding keyboard type
Hope this will help you

keyboard language button in UITextView

Just noticed that in UITextView keyboard comes without change language button, unlike in UITextField. Why Apple removed this button from UITextView keyboard? Is there any way to enable this button? I want people to be able to write notes on any keyboard language added in phone settings.
EDITED: Maybe it will help somebody in the future. Just noticed that I set keyboard type to UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet and this option eliminates language button. Closing this question.
P.S. I have 3 languages enabled in test iPhone.
You are completely wrong. there is no difference in UIKeyboard in iOS whatsoever. It only depends on what keyboard types you use.
UIKeyboardTypeDefault and UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress and UIKeyboardTypeTwitter all have those.
You set it like this:
txtField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeTwitter;
UIKeyboardTypeDefault is obviously the default one for any UITextView or UITextField in iOS.
For anyone have this problem even when using UIKeyboardTypeDefault on a UITextView, go into the storyboard and make sure "Secure Text Entry" is unchecked. After unchecking this, the keyboard selector will return as well as the quick type keyboard.

Capitalization of UITextField

Open up Apple's Calendar app. When you name a new appointment, it automatically capitalizes the first letter. It does not use the 'correction' style swap-out to do this.
For the life of me I can not reproduce this behavior. In IB I have set the UITextField's Capitalization to Word, but it seems to have no effect at all. If I turn on correction, it will swap-out the word with a capitalized version, but this isn't quite right.
Do I need to handle this in code, by checking each key press? This is probably trivial, except I'm worried about all of the corner cases I will miss, such as when the user manually uses 'shift' to negate the capitalization, or deletes and re-keys, in which case it shouldn't capitalize.
Or maybe there's a way to simply load the textfield with shift pressed? Is this the common way of implementing it?
Setting the capitalization to Word should do this, so something else is going wrong. Are you certain that's toggled on the actual UITextField that you're testing? Are you sure you're not maybe overriding it in code somehow? You can set it programmatically with:
[myTextField setAutocapitalizationType:UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords];
There's also an exception (per the docs) where this will be ignored:
Some keyboard types do not support auto-capitalization. Specifically,
this option is ignored if the value in the keyboardType property is
set to UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad, UIKeyboardTypePhonePad, or
Does this apply to you?
Are you using the simulator or an actual device? If you are using the simulator, the casing will respect the shift and caps-lock state of the physical keyboard on your computer.
i just checked this in my app and it already did Capitalization by default. the behaviour is not determined by your application code, but by the global iphone settings.
start the iOS Settings. go to General, then Keyboard, there the user has the option for "Auto-Capitalization". is it off ?
in my case it was turned on, so my app and the calendar had this feature, when i turn it off, both apps are lacking this feature, because the user decided he does not want this feature.
Capitalization disable
textField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone;
To capitalize all characters
textField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters;
To capitalize first character of sentence
textField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeSentences;
To capitalization of first character of all words in sentense
textField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeWords;
Certain keyboards ignore the capitalization type
Some keyboard types do not support auto-capitalization. Specifically, this option is ignored if the value in the keyboardType property is set to UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad, UIKeyboardTypePhonePad, or UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad.
More details on the developer reference
Here is a Swift 2.0 update for all characters:
SomeTextField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.AllCharacters
I had the same issue with capitalization property, i just changed keyboard type to Default and everything start working as expected. In my case i had previously set keyboardType to NamePhonePad that don't support auto-capitalization.

Can the iOS keyboard be programmed not to automatically insert a period for two spaces?

On the iOS platform, I have a UITextField where I am using the ASCII keyboard layout. I notice (like the keyboard works in other apps) that when I type space + space, a period '.' is inserted into the text field. This is all normal iOS stuff...
But can I configure the text field or the keyboard somehow so that this "two spaces == period" behavior is turned off?
One possible solution (albeit not a perfect one) has been posted here ...
