Powershell cannont use Invoke-Command from my computer - powershell-2.0

I'm creating a little script which need to send some scriptblock on remote computer. For this i'm using Invoke-Command.
I had some issue to connect to the remote computer (winrm and enable-psremoting enabled on the remote computer) from my computer.
I just noticed that if I ran my script from another computer i don't have any problem - it is working and connecting to the remote computer with Invoke-Command.
I'm using an account provided by -credential which is local administrator of the remote computer so I don't think it's related to my account but rather to my computer but i can't find why.
Here is the french error message :
[computername] La connexion au serveur distant a échoué avec le
message d'erreur suivant : La connexion à l'hôte distant spécifié a
été rejetée. Vérifiez que le service Gestion des services Web est en
cours d'exécution sur l'hôte distant et configuré pour écouter les
demandes sur le port et l'URL HTTP corrects. Pour plus d'informations,
voir la rubrique d'aide about_Remote_Troubleshooting.
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (System.Manageme....RemoteRunspace:RemoteRunspace) [],
PSRemotingTransportExc eption
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSSessionOpenFailed
This could probably translated to something like that :
[computername] The connection to the remote host was refused. Verify
that the WS-Management service is running on the remote host and
configured to listen for requests on the correct port and HTTP URL.
Any idea ?


Publish Over FTP in Jenkins dont send files

I have a C # application and am trying to publish via the Publish Over FTP plugin, but the files are not going.
FTP: Connecting from host [STAFF01]
FTP: Connecting with configuration [FTP de TESTE (CadastroUnicoteste)] ...
FTP: Disconnecting configuration [FTP de TESTE (CadastroUnico teste)] ...
FTP: Transferred 0 file(s)
Finished: SUCCESS
if you change the syntax as suggested elsewhere in the forum, the error changes to:
Tempo Decorrido 00:00:20.94
FTP: Connecting from host [STAFF01]
FTP: Connecting with configuration [FTP de TESTE (CadastroUnico teste)] ...
FTP: Disconnecting configuration [FTP de TESTE (CadastroUnico teste)] ...
ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Exception when changing to FTP directory [CadastroUnico/CadastroUnico.Classes/Aplicacao]]
Build step 'Send build artifacts over FTP' changed build result to UNSTABLE
Finished: UNSTABLE
At System configuration (Global config), i test the FTP address and it's OK!
I need to send all the files via ftp that are in the folder:C:\Jenkins\workspace\Cadastro_Unico_Cliente\CadastroUnico\CadastroUnico
...so in the project configuration I put:
Source files: **/CadastroUnico/CadastroUnico/*
Remove prefix:
Remote directory:
My expectation was that all the files in the specified folder went to the configured FTP address.
Just put below line in source file - \CadastroUnico\CadastroUnico\* and in remove prefix put line - \CadastroUnico\CadastroUnico
and run the build

How to Connect SAP BW DataSource to IBM Cognos Analytics

I am trying to set up a SAP BW DataSource in my IBM Cognos Analytics Enviroment. First of all what I did was:
installed IBM Cognos Analytics via EASY INSTALL
configured the Cognos Analytics Enviroment vir IBM Cognos Configuration
installed SAP GUI 7.50
set up the DataSource Connection to my SAP BW System
If I test the Connection, I get the following Error:
For dynamic query mode: Handler-Traceback: [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.performance.PerformanceIndicationHandler [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [service_lookup] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.engine.ServiceLookupHandler [load_balancer] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [wrapped_lb_forwarder] com.cognos.pogo.auth.NewAuthHandler [lb_forwarder] com.cognos.p2plb.clerver.LoadBalanceHandler [queryChainHandler] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [queryAsyncHandler] com.cognos.pogo.async.impl.AsyncHandler [queryServiceHandler] com.cognos.xqebifw.cubingservices.CubingServicesHandler
Can anybody help me solve this Problem? Do I need to prepare the SAP System, or do I have to set up any RFC connection?
Also the configuration of the SAP BW namespace ends up in an error:
['SAP BW Admin']
[ FEHLER ] AAA-LPS-0005 Keine Kommunikation mit Vorgänger-Namespace-Server möglich. Er ist möglicherweise nicht mehr verfügbar. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.
[ FEHLER ] java.io.IOException: Failed to send HTTP request or read HTTP response
[ FEHLER ] java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
['SAP BW Admin']
[ FEHLER ] AAA-AUT-0013 Der Benutzer ist bereits in allen verfügbaren Namespaces authentifiziert.
COGNOS BI should fully work with SAP BW.
Setting up the Namespace for SAP BW is in my eyes a bit strange. You should consider not to do it.
For Setting up a datasource for COGNOS ANALYTICS you Need the 64 bit RFC from SAP. A SAP GUI Installation won't help alone.

CUPS Printer works from admin interface, but "Processing - Not Connected?" from client

I have a printer installed on a CUPS server (hostname hightower). If I print a test page from the admin interface it works.
The printer appears on an Ubuntu 16.04 client/networked computer, but when I try to print it just hangs. The printer dialog "Document Print Status" shows
Processing - Not connected?
On the client, if I go into Job attributes (right click the job > view attributes), I get:
job-more-info http://localhost/jobs/565
job-printer-state-message Unable to locate printer "hightower.local"
job-printer-state-reasons ['connecting-to-device']
job-printer-uri ipp://localhost/printers/Lexmark_T644
job-uri ipp://localhost/jobs/565
In the CUPS admin interface, under Jobs, it shows:
▲ ID ▲ Name User Size Pages State
Lexmark_T644-1 Unknown Withheld 1k Unknown completed at
Mon 03 Apr 2017 10:44:04 PM PDT
That printer is disabled. Please run:
cupsenable Lexmark_T644-1
or if you prefer doing it in browser:
Printers/Lexmark_T644-1/Maintenance/Resume printer

ESP8266 AT commands working but Fatal on NodeMCU

Hardware: ESP8266-1
Settings in IDE
Module: ESP8266-1
Flash Size: 4MB
Flash Mode: DIO
Flash Speed: 40Mhz
Upload Using: Arduino FTDI Serial
Firmware installed :
nodemcu_integer_0.9.5_20150318.bin : 0X00000
(Also tried with latest firmware nodemcu_integer_0.9.6-dev_20150627.bin)
Error : (Esplorer)
PORT OPEN 115200
Communication with MCU…
Got answer! AutoDetect firmware…
Communication with MCU established.
Can’t autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue.
Fatal exception (0):
epc1=0x40210880, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000
Fatal exception (0):
epc1=0x40210880, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000
PS : I'm using a separate 3.3V power supply from beaglebone.
I'm able to flash the module with NoduMCU (above settings without any error)
Module works fine with AT commands
boot_v1.6.bin : 0X00000
esp_init_data_default.bin : 0XFC000
blank.bin : 0XFE000
user1.1024.new.2.bin : 0x1000
But not able to program Lua in my module.
Please help!!!

Gettng error while creating DSE Graph -"Host did not respond in a timely fashion"

We are using DataStax Enterprise version 5.0.1 and are facing issue while creating the graph from the Gremlin Console.
Here are the details of the error that I am getting:
adminuser#dc0vm1:~$ dse gremlin-console
(o o)
plugin activated: tinkerpop.tinkergraph
plugin activated: tinkerpop.server
plugin activated: tinkerpop.utilities
gremlin> :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml
gremlin> :> 1+1
Host did not respond in a timely fashion - check the server status and submit again.
gremlin> :> system.graph('food').create()
Host did not respond in a timely fashion - check the server status and submit again.
I changed the Remote.yaml file settings from [locahost] to
hosts: [].
I ran the nodetool command to check if the server is running properly:
adminuser#dc0vm1:~$ nodetool status
Datacenter: dc0
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns Host ID Rack
UN 168.92 KB 64 ? d7a98eed-9b15-42ee-bc5c-f406e98fd6fc FD2
UN 189.17 KB 64 ? 7ffa11ea-8607-4bdb-903b-2ee3baeacae8 FD0
UN 150.6 KB 64 ? a57f6cd8-5466-480e-b919-329c36fbfd28 FD1
The cassandra.yaml has the following entries related to the host:
Could you please let me know what configuration I am missing here?
I figured out that by default the DSE Graph service is not enabled so you need to edit the file "dse" to enable it -
sudo vim /etc/default/dse
Make sure that the following parameter is set to 1 –
# Enable the DSE Graph service on this node
Restart the DSE service -
sudo service dse stop
sudo service dse start
Now Gremlin Console is able to connect and create the Graph.
