Why does .weekday date component start at 1 in swift? - ios

The .weekday component starts at 1 (sunday = 1, monday = 2 etc...) and I'm interested if anyone knows why. It seems that usually in programming things start at 0.

The reason for zero based indexing in programming dates back to the time when programs were written in machine language or assembly code. It is a reflexion of the base+displacement capability of memory access from CPU registers. It was maintained in low level programming languages (such as C) that were essentially a bridge to assembly code. Zero based indexing also provides much simpler index manipulation when processing a one dimensional array (or memory block) as a multidimensional matrix. That being said, it is still just a convention. Some languages (such as Pascal) use one based indexing and normal human beings don't start numbering things at zero.
I don't know the fundamental reason for the numbering of weekdays being based on 1 but I strongly suspect that it is more consistant (and practical) to use with calendars where day numbers within a month, and months with a year are also 1 based. It would be very confusing to manipulate days and months as zero based indexes. Given this, weekdays should follow the same conventions.


How to structure efficiently data in f#

I am quite new with F# and still trying to decide what the best structure for my financial (back testing) program should be.
As data are immutable, I am thinking that "heavy"/all-in-one structures might not be ideal.
Here is what I try to achieve:
A backtesting engine which creates a strategy every business days.
The strategy consists of a few instruments with a seq/list of trades
(trading date / quantity / price)
I then run calculation (value, risks etc) daily on all those positions for each portfolio. I also add trades to each instruments each day as I adjust the position.
How I first constructed it:
List or seq of dates: [D1 .. Dn]
List or seq of Portfolio Pi [P1 .. Pn] (with several instruments). Each portoflio will start its life at a different Di
For each portfolio, I will have some daily trades on the instrusments
when I compute value, profit and losses, risks ...
What I have used for now (very simplified):
type Instrument1 = {
some specifications
type Instrument2 = {
some specifications
type Instrument =
| Inst1 of Instrument1
| Inst2 of Instrument2
type Trade = {
Dt ; DateTime
Qty : float
Price : float }
type Portfolio = {
InitDate : DateTime // one of the Di above
Inst : Instruments
Trades : Trade seq }
type BackTesting =
Dates : DateTime seq
Port : Portfolio seq }
And then I create a seq (Dates) of seq (Portfolio) of seq (Instrument) showing let's say P&L.
However, for each portfolio Pi I am iterating on all dates to check if I need to adjust the portfolio and then add a trade to the trade list, it means that every day, for every portfolio, for every instrument, I am creating a new BackTesting (non mutable). I believe this way of reasoning is way more OOP than FP but I am a bit lost on proper patterns to use (the F# books I have used are not very clear on the data structure that works best for FP - or I did not really understand them).
I might not be very clear but if anyone has a direction into which I should look at (or any useful documentation/support on the issue), please do not hesitate. Thanks a lot for your help.
Since you are starting with F#, my suggestion to you is to not worry too much about programming in a purely functional way. If you come from an imperative style of programming it may be too much of a change and you may be discouraged. The shift from imperative style to functional style takes time and it's gradual.
The good thing is F# lets you be imperative too!
So program like you would in other languages:
Use global mutable variables when it best suits you.
Use for and while
Did you know that array elements are mutable?
As you progress you will learn the functional way, some things are really easy to use
right away:
Definitely use option, never null
Try using map, filter, choose over list, array or seq.
In time you will naturally gravitate more towards the functional style but you don't have to jump all at once. One of the best resources to get started is https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/ its full of very good articles, slides, videos conveyed in a clear way.
Good luck!

Converting a apriori object to a list taking more time even for small number of data

I am working on a data set of more than 22,000 records, and when I tried it with the apriori model, it's taking way too much time even for small number of records like 20. Is there a problem in my code or Is there a faster way to convert the asscocians into a list quickly? The code I used is below.
for i in range(0, 20):
transactions.append([str(dataset.values[i,j]) for j in range(0, 543)])
from apyori import apriori
associations = apriori(transactions, min_support=0.004, min_confidence=0.3, min_lift=3, min_length=2)
result = list(associations)
It's difficult to assess without your data, but the complexity of Apriori is based on a number of factors, including your support threshold, number of transactions, number of items, average/max transaction length, etc.
In cases where even a small number of transactions is taking a long time to run it's often a matter of too low of a minimum support. When support is very low (near 0) the algorithm is effectively still brute forcing, since it has to look at all possible combinations of items, of every length. This is the equivalent of a mathematical power set, which is exponential. For just 41 items you're actually trying 2^41 -1 possible combinations, which is just over 1.1 TRILLION possibilities.
I recommend starting with a "high" min_support at first (e.g. 0.20) and then working your way down slowly. It's easier to test things that take seconds at first than ones that'll take a long time.
Other important note: There is no min_length parameter in Apyori. I'm not sure where everyone's getting that from (you're not alone in thinking there is one), unless it's this one random blog post I found. The parameters are as follows (straight from the code):
Keyword arguments:
min_support -- The minimum support of relations (float).
min_confidence -- The minimum confidence of relations (float).
min_lift -- The minimum lift of relations (float).
max_length -- The maximum length of the relation (integer).
For what it's worth, I wrote unofficial docs for Apyori that can be found here.

Largest amount of entries in lua table

I am trying to build a Sieve of Eratosthenes in Lua and i tried several things but i see myself confronted with the following problem:
The tables of Lua are to small for this scenario. If I just want to create a table with all numbers (see example below), the table is too "small" even with only 1/8 (...) of the number (the number is pretty big I admit)...
max = 600851475143
numbers = {}
for i=1, max do
table.insert(numbers, i)
If I execute this script on my Windows machine there is an error message saying: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: not enough memory. With Lua 5.3 running on my Linux machine I tried that too, error was just killed. So it is pretty obvious that lua can´t handle the amount of entries.
I don´t really know whether it is just impossible to store that amount of entries in a lua table or there is a simple solution for this (tried it by using a long string aswell...)? And what exactly is the largest amount of entries in a Lua table?
Update: And would it be possible to manually allocate somehow more memory for the table?
Update 2 (Solution for second question): The second question is an easy one, I just tested it by running every number until the program breaks: 33.554.432 (2^25) entries fit in one one-dimensional table on my 12 GB RAM system. Why 2^25? Because 64 Bit per number * 2^25 = 2147483648 Bits which are exactly 2 GB. This seems to be the standard memory allocation size for the Lua for Windows 32 Bit compiler.
P.S. You may have noticed that this number is from the Euler Project Problem 3. Yes I am trying to accomplish that. Please don´t give specific hints (..). Thank you :)
The Sieve of Eratosthenes only requires one bit per number, representing whether the number has been marked non-prime or not.
One way to reduce memory usage would be to use bitwise math to represent multiple bits in each table entry. Current Lua implementations have intrinsic support for bitwise-or, -and etc. Depending on the underlying implementation, you should be able to represent 32 or 64 bits (number flags) per table entry.
Another option would be to use one or more very long strings instead of a table. You only need a linear array, which is really what a string is. Just have a long string with "t" or "f", or "0" or "1", at every position.
Caveat: String manipulation in Lua always involves duplication, which rapidly turns into n² or worse complexity in terms of performance. You wouldn't want one continuous string for the whole massive sequence, but you could probably break it up into blocks of a thousand, or of some power of 2. That would reduce your memory usage to 1 byte per number while minimizing the overhead.
Edit: After noticing a point made elsewhere, I realized your maximum number is so large that, even with a bit per number, your memory requirements would optimally be about 73 gigabytes, which is extremely impractical. I would recommend following the advice Piglet gave in their answer, to look at Jon Sorenson's version of the sieve, which works on segments of the space instead of the whole thing.
I'll leave my suggestion, as it still might be useful for Sorenson's sieve, but yeah, you have a bigger problem than you realize.
Lua uses double precision floats to represent numbers. That's 64bits per number.
600851475143 numbers result in almost 4.5 Terabytes of memory.
So it's not Lua's or its tables' fault. The error message even says
not enough memory
You just don't have enough RAM to allocate that much.
If you would have read the linked Wikipedia article carefully you would have found the following section:
As Sorenson notes, the problem with the sieve of Eratosthenes is not
the number of operations it performs but rather its memory
requirements.[8] For large n, the range of primes may not fit in
memory; worse, even for moderate n, its cache use is highly
suboptimal. The algorithm walks through the entire array A, exhibiting
almost no locality of reference.
A solution to these problems is offered by segmented sieves, where
only portions of the range are sieved at a time.[9] These have been
known since the 1970s, and work as follows

Is there a cleverer Ruby algorithm than brute-force for finding correlation in multidimensional data?

My platform here is Ruby - a webapp using Rails 3.2 in particular.
I'm trying to match objects (people) based on their ratings for certain items. People may rate all, some, or none of the same items as other people. Ratings are integers between 0 and 5. The number of items available to rate, and the number of users, can both be considered to be non-trivial.
A quick illustration -
The brute-force approach is to iterate through all people, calculating differences for each item. In Ruby-flavoured pseudo-code -
for each (PERSON in (people except USER)) do
for each (RATING that PERSON has made) do
if (USER has rated the item that RATING refers to) do
MATCHES[PERSON's id] += difference between PERSON's rating and USER's rating
lowest values in MATCHES are the best matches for USER
The problem here being that as the number of items, ratings, and people increase, this code will take a very significant time to run, and ignoring caching for now, this is code that has to run a lot, since this matching is the primary function of my app.
I'm open to cleverer algorithms and cleverer databases to achieve this, but doing it algorithmically and as such allowing me to keep everything in MySQL or PostgreSQL would make my life a lot easier. The only thing I'd say is that the data does need to persist.
If any more detail would help, please feel free to ask. Any assistance greatly appreciated!
Check out the KD-Tree. It's specifically designed to speed up neighbour-finding in N-Dimensional spaces, like your rating system (Person 1 is 3 units along the X axis, 4 units along the Y axis, and so on).
You'll likely have to do this in an actual programming language. There are spatial indexes for some DBs, but they're usually designed for geographic work, like PostGIS (which uses GiST indexing), and only support two or three dimensions.
That said, I did find this tantalizing blog post on PostGIS. I was then unable to find any other references to this, but maybe your luck will be better than mine...
Hope that helps!
Technically your task is matching long strings made out of characters of a 5 letter alphabet. This kind of stuff is researched extensively in the area of computational biology. (Typically with 4 letter alphabets). If you do not know the book http://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Strings-Trees-Sequences-Computational/dp/0521585198 then you might want to get hold of a copy. IMHO this is THE standard book on fuzzy matching / scoring of sequences.
Is your data sparse? With rating, most of the time not every user rates every object.
Naively comparing each object to every other is O(n*n*d), where d is the number of operations. However, a key trick of all the Hadoop solutions is to transpose the matrix, and work only on the non-zero values in the columns. Assuming that your sparsity is s=0.01, this reduces the runtime to O(d*n*s*n*s), i.e. by a factor of s*s. So if your sparsity is 1 out of 100, your computation will be theoretically 10000 times faster.
Note that the resulting data will still be a O(n*n) distance matrix, so strictl speaking the problem is still quadratic.
The way to beat the quadratic factor is to use index structures. The k-d-tree has already been mentioned, but I'm not aware of a version for categorical / discrete data and missing values. Indexing such data is not very well researched AFAICT.

Rules engine for spatial and temporal reasoning?

I have an application that receives a number of datums that characterize 3 dimensional spatial and temporal processes. It then filters these datums and creates actions which are then sent to processes that perform the actions. Rinse and repeat.
At present, I have a collection of custom filters that perform a lot of complicated spatial/temporal calculations.
Many times as I discuss my system to individuals in my company, they ask if I'm using a rules engine.
I have yet to find a rules engine that is able to reason well temporally and spatially. (Things like: When are two 3D entities ever close? Is 3D entity A ever contained in 3D region B? If entity C is near entity D but oriented backwards relative to C then perform action D.)
I have looked at Drools, Cyc, Jess in the past (say 3-4 years ago). It's time to re-examine the state of the art. Any suggestions? Any standards that you know of that support this kind of reasoning? Any defacto standards? Any applications?
Premise - remember that a SQL-based1 DBMS is a (quite capable) inference engine, as can be seen from these comparisons between SQL and Prolog:
prolog to SQL converter
difference between SQL and Prolog
To address specifically your spatio-temporal applications, this book will help:
the Application of Interval and Relation Theory to the Problem of Temporal Database Management.
That is, combining Interval and Relation Theory is possible to reasoning about spatio-temporal problems effectively (see 5.2 Applications of Intervals).
Of course, if your SQL-based DBMS is not (yet) equipped with interval (and other) operators you will need to extend it appropriately (via store-procedures and/or User-Defined Functions - UDFs).
Update: skimming the paper pointed out in comments by timemirror (Towards a 3D Spatial Query Language for Building Information Models) they do essentially what I touched on above:
(last page)
The implementation of the abstract
type system into a query language will
be performed on the basis of the query
language SQL, which is a widely
established standard in the field of
object-relational databases. The
international standard SQL:1999
extends the relational model to
include object-oriented aspects, such
as the possibility to define complex
abstract data types with integrated
I do not concur with the "object-relational database" terminology (for reason off-topic here) but I think the rest is pertinent.
Update: a quote regardind 3D and interval theory from the book cited above:
NOTE: All of the intervals discussed
so far can be thought of as
one-dimensional. However, we might
want to combine two one-dimensional
intervals to form a twodimensional
interval. For example, a rectangular
plot of ground might be thought of as
a two-dimensional interval, because it
is, by definition, an object with
length and width, each of which is
basically a one-dimensional interval
measured along some axis. And, of
course, we can extend this idea to any
number of dimensions. For example, a
(rather simple!) building might be
regarded as a three-dimensional
interval: It is an object with length,
width, and height, or in other words a
cuboid. (More realistically, a
building might be regarded as a set of
several such cuboids that overlap in
various ways.) And so on. In what
follows, however, we will restrict our
attention to one-dimensional intervals
specifically, barring explicit
statements to the contrary, and we
will omit the "one-dimensional"
qualifier for simplicity.
I wrote SQL-based and not relational because there are ways to use such DBMSes that completely deviate from relational theory.
This is Spatial Reasoning... a few models but 9DE-IM is now accepted by OGC and implemented in PostGIS and other programming tools.
PostGIS implements a spatial reasoning engine based on dimensionally extended 9 intersection model... 9DE-IM..
check sect Theory...
So does the Java Topology Suite (and Net Topology suite for C# etc)...
In particualr check out the geometry.relate stuff.. such as
boolean isRelated = geometry.relate( geometry2, "T*T***T**" )
You can test the relationships, or filter data based on them.
Works with pts, lines, polygons etc...
This might help on temporal stuff..
Check out SpatialRules at http://www.objectfx.com/. It's a geospatial complex event processor for 2D and 3D.
