OBEXFileTransferServices doesn't connect - ios

I'm trying to write a macOS app that would connect to already paired the bluetooth phone and retrieves the list of address book entries and call records. This information should be available via standard OBEX interface. I'm relatively new to macOS development (although have enough experience with iOS development) and I have a feeling that I'm doing something wrong on a very basic level.
Here are snippets of my code:
First I'm finding particular paired Bluetooth device by its address
let paired = IOBluetoothDevice.pairedDevices()
let device = paired?.first(where: { (device) -> Bool in
return (device as? IOBluetoothDevice)?.addressString == "some_address"
}) as? IOBluetoothDevice
This actually works fine and I'm getting back valid object. Next, I'm picking up address book service and creating BluetoothOBEXSession for it
let service = device!.getServiceRecord(for: IOBluetoothSDPUUID(uuid32:kBluetoothSDPUUID16ServiceClassPhonebookAccess.rawValue))
let obexSession = IOBluetoothOBEXSession(sdpServiceRecord: service!)
This also works fine, I'm getting proper service object and session is created.
Next step (I would assume) is to create an OBEXFileTransfer session and do something (like checking current directory or retrieving the content of telecom/cch which supposed to have the list of combined outgoing and incoming calls:
let ftp = OBEXFileTransferServices(obexSession: obexSession!)
ftp!.delegate = self
if ftp!.connectToFTPService() == 0 {
NSLog("\(ftp!.currentPath())") // -- empty
ftp!.changeCurrentFolderForward(toPath: "telecom/cch")
NSLog("\(ftp!.currentPath())") // -- empty
I have added the following delegate's method to my view controller (to receive callbacks from OBEX FTS but they never get called:
override func fileTransferServicesRetrieveFolderListingComplete(_ inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices!, error inError: OBEXError, listing inListing: [Any]!) {
NSLog("Listing complete...")
override func fileTransferServicesConnectionComplete(_ inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices!, error inError: OBEXError) {
NSLog("Connection complete...")
override func fileTransferServicesDisconnectionComplete(_ inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices!, error inError: OBEXError) {
NSLog("Disconnect complete...")
override func fileTransferServicesAbortComplete(_ inServices: OBEXFileTransferServices!, error inError: OBEXError) {
NSLog("Abort complete...")
What am I doing wrong here?
I also could not find any good Bluetooth examples for macOS either, if somebody has good links, please do share.


Why does my realm notification token only trigger on my active device and not all devices with the open realm?

I'm newly learning iOS/swift programming and developing an application using MongoDB Realm and using Realm sync. I'm new to programming and realm, so please feel free to correct any terminology. My question is about listening for realm notifications, which I see referred to as change listeners and notification tokens. Regardless, here is the info:
My application has a list of locations with a status (confirmed/pending/cancelled). I open this list from my realm as a realm managed object and create my notification handler:
//This is called in it's own function, but assigns the locations
locations = publicRealm?.objects(Location.self)
//This is run after the function is called
self?.notificationToken = self?.locations!.observe { [weak self] (_) in
print("Notification Token!!!")
I then populate my table view and let a user tap on a location, which passes the location and realm to another view controller where the user can update the status. That update is made in a separate view controller.
try publicRealm?.write {
selectedLocation?.statusMessage = locationStatusTextField.text!
selectedLocation?.status = selectedStatus
print("Error saving location data: \(error)")
At this point my notification token is successfully triggered on the device where I am making the location update. The change is shown immediately. However there is no notification token or realm refresh that happens on any other open devices that are showing the locations table view. They do not respond to the change, and will only respond to it if I force realm.refresh(). The change is showing in Atlas on MongoDB server, though.
I am testing on multiple simulators and my own personal phone as well, all in Xcode.
I'm very confused how my notification token can trigger on one device but not another.
When I first started the project it was a much simpler realm model and I could run two devices in simulator and updating one would immediately fire a change notification and cause the second device to show the correct notification.
I have since updated to a newer realm version and also made the realm model more complicated. Though for this purpose I am trying to keep it simple by doing all changes via swift and in one realm.
I also have realm custom user functions running and changing data but I think reading the docs I am realizing that those will not trigger a notification - I'm not sure if that's true though? I just know right now that if I change data in the DB via a user function no notifications are triggered anywhere - but if I do realm.refresh() then the change shows.
What is it that I am missing in how I am using these notifications?
***Updating information on Public Realm:
Save the realm:
var publicRealm:Realm?
Login as an anon user and then open the realm:
let configuration = user.configuration(partitionValue: "PUBLIC")
Realm.asyncOpen(configuration: configuration) { [weak self](result) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
fatalError("Failed to open realm: \(error)")
case .success(let publicRealm):
self!.publicRealm = publicRealm
guard let syncConfiguration = self?.publicRealm?.configuration.syncConfiguration else {
fatalError("Sync configuration not found! Realm not opened with sync?")
It is after this realm opening that the locations are loaded and notification token is created.
I use a segue to pass the location object and realm to the next VC:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let destinationVC = segue.destination as! UpdateLocationViewController
destinationVC.delegate = self
if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
destinationVC.selectedLocation = locations?[indexPath.row]
if indexPathRow != nil {
destinationVC.selectedLocation = locations?[indexPathRow!]
destinationVC.publicRealm = self.publicRealm
Some notes:
original public realm opened by anon user
only a logged in user can click on a location... so in the 'UpdateLocation' VC that gets passed the public realm I am a logged in user. But, I'm just using the Dev mode of Realm to allow me to read/write however I like... and I am writing straight to that public realm to try and keep it simple. (I have a custom user function that writes to both public and the user's org realm, but I stopped trying to use the function for now)
I identify the object to update based on the passed in location object from the first VC
I needed to use try! when making my write call rather than just try. I updated my write blocks as such:
try! publicRealm?.write {
selectedLocation?.statusMessage = locationStatusTextField.text!
selectedLocation?.status = selectedStatus
Just wanted to follow up in case anyone finds this. Thank you!

Why doesn't my iOS (Swift) app properly recognize some external display devices?

So I have an odd issue and my google-fu utterly fails to even provide me the basis of where to start investigating, so even useful keywords to search on may be of use.
I have an iOS application written in swift. I have a model hooked up to receive notifications about external displays. On some adaptors, I'm able to properly detect and respond to the presence of an external display and programatically switch it out to be something other than a mirror (see code block below). But with another adaptor, instead of just 'magically' becoming a second screen, I'm asked to 'trust' the external device, and it simply mirrors the device screen. Not the intended design at all.
func addSecondScreen(screen: UIScreen){
self.externalWindow = UIWindow.init(frame: screen.bounds)
self.externalWindow!.screen = screen
self.externalWindow!.rootViewController = self.externalVC
self.externalWindow!.isHidden = false;
#objc func handleScreenDidConnectNotification( _ notification: NSNotification){
let newScreen = notification.object as! UIScreen
if(self.externalWindow == nil){
addSecondScreen(screen: newScreen)
#objc func handleScreenDidDisconnectNotification( _ notification: NSNotification){
if let externalWindow = self.externalWindow{
externalWindow.isHidden = true
self.externalWindow = nil
The worst issue here is that because I'm connecting to an external display to do this, I can't even run this code through the debugger to find out what is going on. I don't know where to even begin.
Any ideas?
Thanks to someone pointing out wifi debugging, I can tell you my notifications are firing off, but they're both firing at the same time, one after the other, when the external adaptor is disconnected.

Is there a way to tell if a MIDI-Device is connected via USB on iOS?

I'm using CoreMIDI to receive messages from a MIDI-Keyboard via Camera Connection Kit on iOS-Devices. My App is about pitch recognition. I want the following functionality to be automatic:
By default use the microphone (already implemented), if a MIDI-Keyboard is connected use that instead.
It's could find out how to tell if it is a USB-Keyboard using the default driver. Just ask for the device called "USB-MIDI":
private func getUSBDeviceReference() -> MIDIDeviceRef? {
for index in 0..<MIDIGetNumberOfDevices() {
let device = MIDIGetDevice(index)
var name : Unmanaged<CFString>?
MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(device, kMIDIPropertyName, &name)
if name!.takeRetainedValue() as String == "USB-MIDI" {
return device
return nil
But unfortunately there are USB-Keyboards that use a custom driver. How can I tell if I'm looking at one of these? Standard Bluetooth- and Network-Devices seem to be always online. Even if Wifi and Bluetooth are turned of on the device (strange?).
I ended up using the USBLocationID. It worked with any device I tested so far and none of the users complained.But I don't expect many users to use the MIDI-Features of my app.
/// Filters all `MIDIDeviceRef`'s for USB-Devices
private func getUSBDeviceReferences() -> [MIDIDeviceRef] {
var devices = [MIDIDeviceRef]()
for index in 0..<MIDIGetNumberOfDevices() {
let device = MIDIGetDevice(index)
var list: Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>?
MIDIObjectGetProperties(device, &list, true)
if let list = list {
let dict = list.takeRetainedValue() as! NSDictionary
if dict["USBLocationID"] != nil {
return devices

Getting Red5Pro Live Streaming to function properly on iOS

So I'm working on allowing users to begin a livestream (visible to those subscribed to them) from our application. We are using a Red5Pro server. I have followed the instructions from Red5's iOS page, and when it runs on the phone the camera screen comes up, our really nice looking UI comes up, everything looks great.
But when I push the button to begin recording a livestream, the app either
1) crashes abruptly
2) claims it is taking a livestream, but it won't show up on Red5's "Check if your server has a stream being broadcasted currently" page.
Anyone with Red5Pro experience wanna glance over my code and possibly point to something wrong? We are using Swift 2 still (not my choice) at the moment, and there are no error messages on Xcode's side of things. Thanks!
import UIKit
import R5Streaming
class PublishViewController : R5VideoViewController, R5StreamDelegate{
var config : R5Configuration!
var stream : R5Stream!
override func viewDidLoad() {
config = R5Configuration()
config.host = Defaults.sharedDefaults.localHost
config.port = Int32(Defaults.sharedDefaults.hostPort)
config.contextName = "live"
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
func preview(isBackCamera: Bool) {
let cameraDevice: AVCaptureDevice = isBackCamera ? AVCaptureDevice.devicesWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo).first as! AVCaptureDevice : AVCaptureDevice.devicesWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo).last as! AVCaptureDevice
let camera = R5Camera(device: cameraDevice, andBitRate: 512)
camera?.orientation = (camera?.orientation)! + 90
let audioDevice = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDeviceWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeAudio)
let microphone = R5Microphone(device: audioDevice)
let connection = R5Connection(config: config)
stream = R5Stream.init(connection: connection)
stream.delegate = self
func start() {
stream.publish("red5prostream", type:R5RecordTypeLive)
func stop() {
stream.delegate = nil
func onR5StreamStatus(stream: R5Stream!, withStatus statusCode: Int32, withMessage msg: String!) {
print("Stream: \(r5_string_for_status(statusCode)) - \(msg!)")
First, make sure you download the latest iOS SDK and Red5 Pro server.
Red5 Pro Accounts Site
Your code looks good except that you have the iOS code pointing at "localhost" for your config.
config.host = Defaults.sharedDefaults.localHost
What that line is trying to do is connect your iOS device to itself. You need to point this at your Red5 Pro server. You should go to the machine where your server is running and issue ifconfig to determine what the local IP address of the server is or the WAN IP Address where you deployed the server. Then use that as the host in your iOS config host property.
You can additionally check out the "Getting Started with iOS" section of our developer series in order to get a feel for how we set up a similar application. https://www.red5pro.com/docs/developerseries/03/gsios.html
You can also join our slack channel from the accounts page as well as submit tickets for any issues you observe.
Hope this helps!

Today extension: syncing data with container app

I've been playing around with Today Extensions using this example project.
The app is quite simple:
In the containing app, you have a list of todo items, which you can mark completed
In the Today widget, you see the same list, but you can switch between completed, and incomplete items using a segmented control.
My goal is the following: whenever there is a data change, either in the container app, or the widget, I want both to reflect the changes:
If I mark an item as completed in the container app, then pull down the Notification Center, the widget should be updated
When I do the same in the widget, then return to the app, the app's state should be updated
The implementation
I understand, that the container app, and the extension run in their separate processes, which means two constraints:
NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification is useless.
Managing the model instances in memory is useless.
I also know, that in order to access a shared container, both targets must opt-in to the App Groups entitlements under the same group Id.
The data access is managed by an embedded framework, TodoKit. Instead of keeping properties in memory, it goes straight to NSUserDefaults for the appropriate values:
public struct ShoppingItemStore: ShoppingStoreType {
private let defaultItems = [
ShoppingItem(name: "Coffee"),
ShoppingItem(name: "Banana"),
private let defaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: appGroupId)
public init() {}
public func items() -> [ShoppingItem] {
if let loaded = loadItems() {
return loaded
} else {
return defaultItems
public func toggleItem(item: ShoppingItem) {
let initial = items()
let updated = initial.map { original -> ShoppingItem in
return original == item ?
ShoppingItem(name: original.name, status: !original.status) : original
private func saveItems(items: [ShoppingItem]) {
let boxedItems = items.map { item -> [String : Bool] in
return [item.name : item.status]
defaults?.setValue(boxedItems, forKey: savedDataKey)
private func loadItems() -> [ShoppingItem]? {
if let loaded = defaults?.valueForKey(savedDataKey) as? [[String : Bool]] {
let unboxed = loaded.map { dict -> ShoppingItem in
return ShoppingItem(name: dict.keys.first!, status: dict.values.first!)
return unboxed
return nil
The problem
Here's what works:
When I modify the list in my main app, then stop the simulator, and then launch the Today target from Xcode, it reflects the correct state. This is true vice-versa.
This verifies, that my app group is set up correctly.
However, when I change something in the main app, then pull down the Notification Center, it is completely out of sync. And this is the part, which I don't understand.
My views get their data straight from the shared container. Whenever a change happens, I immediately update the data in the shared container.
What am I missing? How can I sync up these two properly? My data access class is not managint any state, yet I don't understand why it doesn't behave correctly.
Additional info
I know about MMWormhole. Unfortunately this is not an option for me, since I need to reach proper functionality without including any third party solutions.
This terrific article, covers the topic, and it might be possible, that I need to employ NSFilePresenter, although it seems cumbersome, and I don't completely understand the mechanism yet. I really hope, there is an easier solution, than this one.
Well, I have learned two things here:
First of all, Always double check your entitlements, mine somehow got messed up, and that's why the shared container behaved so awkwardly.
Although viewWillAppear(_:) is not called, when you dismiss the notification center, it's still possible to trigger an update from your app delegate:
func applicationDidBecomeActive(application: UIApplication) {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(updateDataNotification, object: nil)
Then in your view controller:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(updateDataNotification, object: nil, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) { (_) -> Void in
override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
Updating your Today widget is simple: each time the notification center is pulled down, viewWillAppear(:_) is called, so you can query for new data there.
I'll update the example project on GitHub shortly.
