how to copy a ftBlob with firedac arrayDML - delphi

I use Delphi Berlin.
I am trying to make a function/procedure to copy data from a FireDac query (connected to a database) to another FireDac query (connected to another database) using ArrayDML. first database is firebird and the other is MSSQL in the first care, but in another case both databases are Firebird.
So far so good and almost all datatype are working correct except ftBlob.
Here is the body of the function:
while not querySource.Eof do begin
paramPosition := -1;
for i := 0 to querySource.FieldCount - 1 do begin
// daca exista o valoare
if querySource.FieldByName(querySource.Fields[i].FieldName).AsVariant <> Null then begin
case querySource.Fields[i].DataType of
ftDateTime, ftDate, ftTime, ftTimeStamp : queryInsert.Params[paramPosition].AsDateTimes[mIndex] := querySource.FieldByName(querySource.Fields[i].FieldName).AsDateTime;
ftFloat, ftCurrency, ftBCD, ftFMTBcd : queryInsert.Params[paramPosition].AsFloats[mIndex] := querySource.FieldByName(querySource.Fields[i].FieldName).AsFloat;
ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint : queryInsert.Params[paramPosition].AsIntegers[mIndex] := querySource.FieldByName(querySource.Fields[i].FieldName).AsInteger;
ftString : queryInsert.Params[paramPosition].AsStrings[mIndex] := querySource.FieldByName(querySource.Fields[i].FieldName).AsString;
ftBlob, ftMemo, ftGraphic : queryInsert.Params[paramPosition].AsBlobs[mIndex] := querySource.FieldByName(querySource.Fields[i].FieldName).AsVariant;
the blob value is not copy the correct value from the source.
how to use the arrayDML in this case? any workaround?

I won't answer your question but suggest you to use the TFDBatchMove component because you are reinventing wheel here. TFDBatchMove is just for what you want to do, for moving data from one database to another (and not only that).
You simply setup the TFDBatchMoveSQLReader as Reader and Writer, write SQL queries for both and the component will automatically map the fields by matching names. If the queries won't have matching field names, you can fine tune this by the Mappings property. Then you just call Execute.


Delphi - Can you close all of the database tables?

Can you close all database tables except some? Can you then reopen them? I use an absolute database that is similar to BDE. If this is possible, how can I do so many?
Yes, of course you can. You could iterate the Components property of your form/datamodule, use the is operator to check whether each is an instance of your table type and use a cast to call Open or Close on it.
The following closes all TABSDataSet tables on your form except one called Table1.
procedure TForm1.ProcessTables;
ATable : TABSDataSet; // used to access a particular TABSDataSet found on the form
i : Integer;
for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do begin
if Components[i] is TABSDataSet then begin
ATable := TABSDataSet(Components[i]);
// Now that you have a reference to a dataset in ATable, you can
// do whatever you like with it. For example
if ATable.Active and (ATable <> Table1) then
I've seen from the code you've posted in comments and your answer that you
are obviously having trouble applying my code example to your situation. You
may find the following code easier to use:
procedure ProcessTables(AContainer : TComponent);
ATable : TABSTable;
i : Integer;
for i := 0 to AContainer.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
if AContainer.Components[i] is TABSTable then begin
ATable := TABSTable(AContainer.Components[i]);
// Now that you have a reference to a dataset in ACDS, you can
// do whatever you like with it. For example
if ATable.Active then
Note that this is a stand-alone procedure, not a procedure of a particular
form or datamodule. Instead, when you use this procedure, you call it passing
whatever form or datamodule contains the TABSTables you want to work with as the
AContainer parameter, like so
if Assigned(DataModule1) then
if Assigned(Form1) then
However, the downside of doing it this was is that it is trickier to specify which tables, if any, to leave open, because AContainer, being a TComponent, will not have any member tables.
Btw, your task would probably be easier if you could iterate through the tables in a TABSDatabase. However I've looked at its online documentation but can't see an obvious way to do this; I've asked the publishers, ComponentAce, about this but haven't had a reply yet.

Error when using parameter in ADOQuery

I have this simple code to check if a record exists in a table, but it always returns a runtime error :
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are
in conflict with one another.
my code is this :
function TDataModuleMain.BarCodeExists(barCode: string): boolean;
if ADOQuerySql.Active then
ADOQuerySql.SQL.Text := 'select count(1) from Card where BarCode = (:TestBarcode)';
ADOQuerySql.Parameters.ParamByName('TestBarcode').Value := barCode;
Result := ADOQuerySql.Fields[0].AsInteger = 1;
The field BarCode in table Card is of type nvarchar(100)
In debug I see that the parameter is created, and gets populated with the correct value.
Running the query in sql server management studio also works.
I also found this How to pass string parameters to an TADOQuery? and checked my code with the code in the answer but I don't see any problems here.
Also this AdoQuery Error using parameters did not help me.
It will no doubt be something very simple that I have missed but I just dont see it now.
EDIT : things I tried from suggestions in the comments:
.ParamCheck := True (default)
.Parameters.ParamByName('TestBarcode').DataType := ftString
.Parameters.ParamByName('TestBarcode').DataType := ftWideString
None of these worked however.
What did help was using a non-shared AdoQuery for this, and that one did the job without any errors. I am using that now as the solution but I am still looking at the shared AdoQuery out of curiousity what the exact problem is.
EDIT: the source of the problem is found.
I used the function provided by MartinA to examine both the dynamic created query and the shared AdoQuery and I found one difference.
The shared AdoQuery had the this property filled :
ExecuteOption := [eoExecuteNoRecords]
and the dynamic created query does not.
Since this property is not set in designtime I did not see it.
After clearing the property to [] the shared AdoQuery worked again.
I am going to switch to using non shared AdoQuery for this kind of work as been suggested.
Thanks everyone for your assistance.
The following isn't intended to be a complete answer to your q, but to follow up my comment that "all you have to do is to inspect your form's DFM and compare the properties of your original ADoQuery with the unshared one. The answer should lie in the difference(s)" and your reply that the unshared query is created dynamically.
There is no "voodoo" involved in the difference in behaviour between your two ADOQuerys. It's just a question of capturing what the differences actually are.
So, what you need, to debug the problem yourself, is some code to compare the properties of two components, even if one or both of them is created dynamically. Using the following routine on both components will enable you to do exactly that:
function TForm1.ComponentToString(AComponent : TComponent) : String;
SS : TStringStream;
MS : TMemoryStream;
Writer : TWriter;
// Note: There may be a more direct way of doing the following, without
// needing the intermediary TMemoryStream, MS
SS := TStringStream.Create('');
MS := TMemoryStream.Create;
Writer := TWriter.Create(MS, 4096);
Writer.Root := Self;
MS.Position := 0;
ObjectBinaryToText(MS, SS);
Result := SS.DataString;
Over to you ...

Datasnap\FireDAC: Query executed twice

I have the following problem:
1) I use Delphi XE7 to develop a 3-layer system.
2) The server layer, created with datasnap using REST.
3) I use Firebird as database and the access is performed with FireDAC.
4) I have a sequence with value 01.
5) I created the following query in the server layer:
Select GEN_ID (gen_my_sequence, 1) from rdb $ database
6) On the server returns the sequence value in the query is: 02.
7) But the client layer returns 03.
I do not understand why the query is executed twice.
Can anyone help me?
This is the nature of generators (sequences) in firebird. Their value is increased every time you request it and the value of the generator is updated from that request and remains updated. Also generators live outside of transaction control.
See this firebirdsql generatorguide-basics. It doesn't matter where you request it from.
I use technical standards that the Embarcadero indicates.
What I realized was this:
1) The unit Data.FireDACJSONReflect in TFDJSONInterceptor.ItemListToJSONObject routine has this block of code:
if not LActive then
LDataSet.Active := True;
LJSONDataSet := DataSetToJSONValue(LDataSet);
// Use AddPair overload that will accept blank key
AJSONObject.AddPair(TJSONPair.Create(LPair.Key, LJSONDataSet))
if not LActive then
LDataSet.Active := False;
See he activates the query once, causing the sequence to be incremented.
But in DataSetToJSONValue (LDataSet) routine; This code block is:
if (LMemTable = nil) then
LMemTable := TFDMemTable.Create(nil);
LAdapter := TFDTableAdapter.Create(nil);
LMemTable.Adapter := LAdapter;
LAdapter.SelectCommand := ADataSet.Command;
LMemTable.Active := True;
See he again activates the query, where the sequence is again incremented.
Now I do not know if I made a mistake or if it is a bug, but I created a new class inherited from TFDMemTable and thought there was some mistake in this class, but did a test with TFDMemTable component, standard component of FireDAC, and even then the activation of any query is performed twice, because the code does not consider any of these two classes, as a TFDCustomMemTable, even though they were inherited directly from this class.
I commented the code of DataSetToString routine (const ADataSet: TFDAdaptedDataSet) that looked like this:
LMemTable := nil;
LAdapter := nil;
//if (ADataSet is TFDCustomMemTable) then
LMemTable := TFDCustomMemTable(ADataSet);
{if (LMemTable = nil) then
LMemTable := TFDMemTable.Create(nil);
LAdapter := TFDTableAdapter.Create(nil);
LMemTable.Adapter := LAdapter;
LAdapter.SelectCommand := ADataSet.Command;
LMemTable.Active := True;
In this way the problem was solved, and the performance of the application seemed to have improved.

How do I sort a CSV file in a TTable?

I have a TTable, and I am loading CSV files to this TTable. Three fields are there: Id, Hits & Path.
I made some lookup fields to this TTable with another query.
I want to sort the table. I am getting the message "Capability not supported." when I try to call AddIndex('ndxHits','HITS',[]);
Here is my code:
with DM.TblCVResults do
Active := False;
TableName := 'C:\CSV\123.txt';
Active := True;
Active := True;
DM.TblCVResults.IndexName := 'ndxHits';
on E: Exception do
Your previous question mentioned you were using ttASCII as the TableType. ttASCII tables, AFAIK, don't support indexes.
Your best bet is to load the ttASCII TTable content into a TClientDataset` (CDS), which does support indexes. I haven't tested with a ttASCII table as the source, but it should be as simple as:
Add a TDatasetProvider component to your application. Set it's DataSet property to your TTable.
Add a TClientDataSet component to your application. Set it's ProviderName to the DataSetProvider you added above. (I've named it CDS in the steps below.)
Open both the Table and the ClientDataSet (CDS), in that order.
Table1.Active := True;
CDS.Active := True;
Turn off updating of the TTable if you don't need it. (It's much faster.)
CDS.LogChanges := False;
Run the following code to create the indexes:
// Repeat for each additional index
with CDS.IndexDefs.AddIndexDef do
Name := 'ndxHits';
Fields := 'Hits';
Options := [];
Set the ClientDataSet's IndexName property to the index you want active:
CDS.IndexName := 'ndxHits';
Use the ClientDataSet like you would any other dataset. Search it using Locate or FindKey, add to it using Insert or Append, filter it, and so forth.

Everytime I try to communicate with my database with stored procedures I get this "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset"

I'm working on a Delphi project with a MS SQL Server database, I connected the database with ADOConnection, DataSource and ADOProc components from Borland Delphi 7 and I added this code in behind:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
ADOStoredProc1.ProcedureName := 'sp_Delete_Clen';
ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.ParamByName('#clenID').Value := Edit6.Text;
ADOStoredProc1.Active := True;
The component Edit6 is an editbox that takes the ID of the tuple that should be deleted from the database and ADOStoredProc1 is the stored procedure in the database that takes 1 parametar (the ID you want to delete).
The project runs with no problems, I even got a TADOTable and a DBGrid that load the information from the database, but when I try to delete a tuple from the database using its ID written in the EditBox I get this Error: "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" and the breakpoint of the project is when the application tries to add the value for the 'clenID' parameter.
Where is my mistake and how to fix it?
I think the ADOStoredProc1.Refresh method is not appropriate here. In this case the stored procedure does not return a result set. Could you leave it out? And also the line ADOStoredProc1.Active := True. The connection to the database is open I presume? Could you also check the values of the Parameters collection in the Object Inspector?
I think you want to call ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.Refresh, not ADOStoredProc1.Refresh.
Also, you should only set Active to True if the SQL Server Stored procedure returns a dataset - i.e. the result of a SELECT statement. Setting Active to True is the same as calling Open.
If the stored procedure only returns a result code (RETURN n), then use ExecProc.
In no case should you use both ADOStoredProc1.Active := True; and ADOStoredProc1.ExecProc;
In summary, you probably want something like
procedure TForm1.btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
ADOStoredProc1.ProcedureName := 'sp_Delete_Clen';
ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.Refresh; // gets the parameter list from SQL Server
ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.ParamByName('#clenID').Value := edtID.Text;
