How to execute Maven plugins dynamically? - maven-3

I am using maven-remote-resources-plugin, which retrieves the remote resources (such as css file) from another project to a specific directory in the current project. Since I am developing the css files, I would really like to see the changes in runtime with a simple reload-page click on the browser, instead of recompiling and rebuilding the maven project.
My first thought is to remove the build tags wrapping around the plugins, which didn't work.
How can I achieve this? First post -- thanks very much to all so-ers!


Junit5 with ant

I am new in ant and junit5. I went through several examples ant/junit4. But I did not find a normal example with a pair of ant with junit5. With a pair of ant with junit4 everything works fine. I downloaded the files from the official site of the junit5 (For Ant, check out the junit5-jupiter-starter-ant project.), but even they give an error at the very beginning(screen attached) I will try to fix them one by one, but I don't think that official repo committed with errors. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Or maybe gurus suggest some other simple sample with ant/junit5.
Thank you in advance.
I try to run the original sources from and expected to at least compile them. But I get plenty of errors.
So this post has 2 questions:
errors on the screenshot
ant+juni5 integration in general
To reproduce the exact issues one should have the same environment, which is at least the OS, Java version & Ant version. The example itself seems to be using the Junit5 ConsoleLauncher, which is one of the way to run the tests. Looking at the errors it looks like the issue is in the project itself, because if it cannot find the 'symbol' #Test then the Junit(5?) is simply not present on the classpath. Maybe this can be a hint to the author to trty to dig a bit more into the issue, particularly looking into the dependencies (jars) included.
Now going back to how to run Junit5 test with Ant, I can recall the "JUnitLauncher" that apache suggests: . Note that you should be attentive on the dependencies here as well, there are number of Jars to be included (opentest4j, junit-platform-xyz). Note that this also depends on the installation of Ant in the environment, so for example if you get a NoClassDefFound for JUnitLauncher, this can be solved by using the 'up-to-date' version of Ant: . In case of Linux you can place these Jars in home/your_username/.ant/lib directory, where it will be automatically picked up.

grails 3 project plugin source code?

In grails 2 and earlier, plugins installed their source to .grails/<version>/projects/<projectName>/plugins/etc, this made it easy to debug plugins that were installed without having to check out and load the full source... find where problems were that could be hot-deployed. No need to install run the plugin locally.
In grails 3, this seems to be missing... or maybe I'm just missing something? Is there somewhere in my project I can directly modify the plugin source without checking out the plugin, compiling it and then installing it locally?
Yes, you're missing something rather important :)
Grails 2 plugins are distributed as ZIP files including source code, but Grails 3+ plugins are distributed as JAR files with the code compiled into classes. This has multiple benefits over the earlier approach, the biggest one being that you can no longer edit the source directly (which is the worst way to make changes to how a plugin works).
What you should do instead (in all versions of Grails) is to take advantage of the compilation/load/resolution order between the app and the installed plugins - plugins load first, then the app. This allows you to override nearly anything in a plugin just by creating a file (Groovy/Java/GSP/etc.) with the same name and same relative location in your app code, and it will automagically override the plugin's file or class. E.g. to override a plugin's controller, create grails-app/controllers/com/foo/BarController.groovy in your app (manually or by copying the original source and modifying it).

TikaApp JAR Classes

I`m using Apache Tika 1.4 to extract content from my documents. But it also comes with org.bouncycastle.* classes, and I use another version of bouncycastle which is conflicting with the Tika packages.
If the Tika was using the bouncycastle (bcprov) jar, I could exclude that using exclusion tag from Maven, but the TikaApp has copied the org.bouncycastle classes into it, so, I cannot exclude them.
There`s some way to remove this package without recompiling or branching Apache Tika and set to use another JAR to this specified package or something like that?
Your problem is that you're using completely the wrong packaging of Tika!
The tika-app jar is a standalone, runnable jar, containing all of the Tika code + all dependencies required to let it run. It's intended to be used from the command line, standalone, to allow non-Java users to call Tika, and to allow for easy testing.
If you're writing your own Java application, which it sounds like you are, you will want to depend on the tika-core artifact as a minimum. That contains all the interfaces, the mime detection, service loaders etc. You'll then almost certainly also want to depend on tika-parsers , which provides all the code to do the actual parsing of the file formats, along with pulling in their required dependencies. This gives you the full control you seem to want.
Finally, there's also an OSGi bundle available, for those who prefer the control and classloading that OSGi offers, that's in the tika-bundle artifact. There's also a CXF powered JAX-RS version, which offers Tika's services over a RESTful interface, that comes in the tika-server artifact.

Compiling Vaadin Widgetsets and Using Generated Files In Another Project

I compiled the GoogleMapWidget ( using Eclipse, and it generated some files under WEB-INF/vaadin/widgetsets. Then I copied that entire widgetsets directory to another projects in the WEB-INF/vaadin, and tried to use that widget in the second project, but it doesn't seem to want to work.
Are the compiled widgetsets not reusable?
Thank you in advance
I haven't tried, but I guess it should work. However I don't see any reason that justifies the effort. Widgetset compilation takes about one minute, so why bother.
The widgetset is not meant to be compiled every time you build the application. Only if you do client side widget development or add a new addon that requires wigetset recompilation.
Remember to change the widgetset in your web.xml
<description>Application widgetset</description>
You might also want to copy the Widgetset .gwt.xml file to the package you described in your web.xml for param widgetset.

BlackBerry external jar

I am using JDom jar and I want to add to my blackberry project. I am using eclipse plugins for blacberry. while building blackberry app from eclipse the error is displayed on the console as
"JDOMAbout$info:error!missing stack map #label.... "
rapc falied for the project along with this several warnings are also displayed any body have came across this ?
The stack map is part of what's generated when a jar file is preverified. Sounds like your jar is not J2ME ready. Assuming it's compatible with J2ME, the standard way is to create a .cod file from the .jar, and reference that in your project. Unfortunately you can't do that with the Eclipse plugin, but once you have the .cod, you can reference it in your Eclipse project.
You have to create a Blackberry archive or library project (or whatever it's called) and add your library to that, then reference it from your application project. You may or may not have to use the Blackberry JDE to do some hackery with the jdp file as well, but I can assure it works in Eclipse. We had the kSOAP library included in ours and Eclipse would 'build' it with rapc and generate the proper files (you sort of have to do it manually, by telling the project to build).
I unfortunately don't have an environment to check things right now, but the basic idea was have a second project, include the jar, and then reference that.
All that, and the jar has to be J2ME compatible.
Maybe You can find something useful and more J2ME friendly in kDom package of kXML project
Tutorial: How To Use 3rd Party Libraries in your Applications
