How should I create Dockerfile to run multiple services through docker-compose? - docker

I'm new to Docker. I wanted to create a Dockerfile to start services like RabbitMQ, ftp server and elastic search. But I'm not able to think from where should I start ?
I have asked a similar question here : How should I create a Dockerfile to run more than one services in one instance?
There I got to know, to create different containers : one for rabbitmq, one for ftp server and other for elasticsearch and run them using docker-compose file. There you'll find my created Dockerfile code.
It will be great if someone can help me out with this thing. Thanks!

They are correct. Each container & by extension, each image should be responsible for one concern & that is typically mapped to a single process. So if you need to run more than one thing (or more than one process, generally speaking, not strictly) then you most probably require to build separate images. One of the easiest & recommended ways of creating an image is writing a Dockerfile. This is expected to be an extremely simple process and most of it will be a copy paste of the same commands you would have used to install that component.
One you write the Dockerfile's for each service, you must build them using docker build command, which will result in the images.
When you run an image you get what is known as a container. Think of it roughly like an iso file is the image & the actual vm or running machine is the container.
Now you can use docker-compose to orchestrate how these various containers so they can communicate (or be isolated from) with each other. A docker-compose.yml file is a plain text file in the yaml format that describes the relationship between the different components within the app. Apps can be made up of several services - like webserver, appserver, searchengine, database server, cache engine etc etc. Each of these is a service and runs as a container, but it is also not necessary to run everything as a container. Some can remain running in the traditional way, on VM's or on bare metal servers.
I'll check your other post and add if there is anything needed. But I hope this helps you get started at least.


How to create a single project out of multiple docker images

I have been working on a project where I have had several docker containers:
Three OSRM routing servers
Nominatim server
Container where the webpage code is with all the needed dependencies
So, now I want to prepare a version that a user could download and run. What is the best practice to do such a thing?
Firstly, I thought maybe to join everything into one container, but I have read that it is not recommended to have several processes in one place. Secondly, I thought about wrapping up everything into a VM, but that is not really a "program" that a user can launch. And my third idea was to maybe, write a script, that would download each container from Docker Hub separately and launch the webpage. But, I am not sure if that is best practice, or maybe there are some better ideas.
When you need to deploy a full project composed of several containers.
You may use a specialized tool.
A well known for mono-server usage is docker-compose:
Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications
You could provide to your users :
docker-compose file
your application docker images (ex: through docker hub).
Regarding clusters/cloud, we talk more about orchestrator like docker swarm, Kubernetes, nomad
Kubernetes's documentation is the following:

How do I finalize my Docker setup and how is it actually called?

I am pretty new to Docker. After reading specifically what I needed I figured out how to create a pretty nice Docker setup. I have created some setup where in I can start up multiple systems using one docker-compose.yml file.
I am currently using this for testing specific PHP code on different PHP and MySQL versions. The file structure looks something like this:
./web (shared folder with test files available on all php machines)
./master_web (web interface to send test request to all possible versions using one call)
In the docker-compose file I setup different containers most refering to the local Dockerfiles, some refering to online image names. When I run docker-compose up all containers start as expected in the configured network configuration and I'm able to use it as desired.
I would first of all like to know how this setup is called. Is this called a "docker swarn" or is such setup called differently?
Secondly, I'd like to make one "compiled/combined" file (image, container, swarn, engine, machine) or however it is called) of this. That I can save without having to depend on external sources again. Of course the docker-compose.yml file will work as long as all the refered external sources are still available. But I'd like to pusblish my fully confired setup as is. How do I do that?
You can publish built images with Docker registry. You can setup your own or use third-party service.
After that, you need to prefix you image names with your registry IP/DNS in docker-compose.yml. This way, you can deploy it anywhere docker-compose is installed (and docker-compose itself can be run as docker container too), just need to copy your docker-compose.yml file there.
docker-machine is tool to deploy to multiple machines, as is docker swarm.

Doubts about docker

I'm new with docker, and have some doubts.
In a dev environment (not server), is better to use just one container, with apache, php and mysql for exemple, and use just a docker and a Dockerfile, or is better to use one container for each service, and use docker-compose to do it?
I have made this here with docker-compose, but I don't know if it is the best way, seems to me unnecessary complexity, but I'm newb.
I have the following situation, I work with magento, and is a common need to have a clear instalation for isolate modules and test, so I want create my magento 2 docker environment, where have just a clear magento and must have some easy way of put my module files inside, for test, and ons shutdown, the environment backs to clear magento 2 instalation, without my files, what is the best way to get this environemnt?
Thanks in advance.
I'd certainly recommend using a docker stack (defined in a docker-compose), and not trying to spin up a whole application stack inside a single container. You should have one service per container generally.
I believe what you are looking for in the second part of your question is a deployment orchestration tool. Docker does not replace deployment orchestration, but you can run shell scripts that do application setup in the Dockerfiles that build the containers you use in your stack.
As for access to files inside your containers, I'd look into docker volumes.

Dockerizing a meteor app

So, the idea is to dockerize an existing meteor app from 2015. The app is divided into two (backend and frontend). I already made a huge bash script to handle all the older dependencies...etc etc. I just need to run the script and we get the app running. But the idea now is to create a docker image for that project. How should I achieve this? Should I create an empty docker image and run my script there?. Thanks. I'm new to docker.
A bit more info about the stack, the script, the dependencies could be helpful.
Assuming that this app is not in development, you can simply use eg an nginx image, and give it the frontend files to serve.
For the backend there is a huge variety of options like php, node, etc.
The dockerfile of your backend image should contain the installation and setup of dependencies (except for other services like database. There are images to do those separated).
To keep things simple you should try out docker-compose to configure your containers to act as a service as a whole (and save you some configurations).
Later, to scale things up, you could look for orchestration tools such as kubernetes. But I assume, this service is not there yet (based on your question). :)

Should I create multiple Dockerfile's for parts of my webapp?

I cannot get the idea of connecting parts of a webapp via Dockerfile's.
Say, I need Postgres server, Golang compiler, nginx instance and something else.
I want to have a Dockerfile that describes all these dependencies and which I can deploy somewhere, then create an image and run a container from it.
Is it correct that I can put everything in one Dockerfile or should I create a separate Dockerfile for each dependency?
If I need to create a Dockerfile for each dependency, what's the correct way to create a merged image from them all and make all the parts work inside one container?
The current best practice is to have a single container perform one function. This means that you would have one container for ngnix and another for your app.. Each could be defined by their own dockerfile. Then to tie them all together, you would use docker-compose to define the dependencies between them.
A dockerfile is your docker image. One dockerfile for each image you build and push to a docker register. There are no rules as to how many images you manage, but it does take effort to manage an image.
You shouldn't need to build your own docker images for things like Postgres, Nginx, Golang, etc.. etc.. as there are many official images already published. They are configurable, easy to consume and can be often be run as just a CLI command.
Go to the page for a docker image and read the documentation. It often examples what mounts it supports, what ports it exposes and what you need to do to get it running.
Here's nginx:
You use docker-compose to connect together multiple docker images. It makes it easy to docker-compose up an entire server stack with one command.
How to use docker-compose is like trying to explain how to use docker. It's a big topic, but I'll address the key point of your question.
Say, I need Postgres server, Golang compiler, nginx instance and something else. I want to have a Dockerfile that describes all these dependencies and which I can deploy somewhere, then create an image and run a container from it.
No, you don't describe those things with a dockerfile. Here's the problem in trying to answer your question. You might not need a dockerfile at all!.
Without knowing the specific details of what you're trying to build we can't tell you if you need your own docker images or how many.
You can for example; deploy a running LAMP server using nothing but published docker images from the docker hub. You would just mount the folder with your PHP source code and you're done.
So the key here is that you need to learn how to use docker-compose. Only after learning what it can not do will you know what work is left for you to do to fill in the gaps.
It's better to come back to stackoverflow with specific questions like "how do I run the Golang compiler on the command line via docker"
