Know if app downloaded from a website - ios

I am implementing deep linking. On our website, the app download banner is there. If a user clicks on download button and the app is downloaded. Is there a way to know that this app was downloaded after redirecting too appstore from our website or user directly went to app store, searched for the app and downloaded.

Strictly speaking, this is 'attribution', not 'deep linking'. Deferred deep linking might be involved if you want to send users directly to a specific place in your app after they download by clicking on the banner button, but tracking who downloaded is a separate problem.
iTunes Connect campaign links track this to a certain extent, but they are often found to be unreliable. You'll probably want a third-party install attribution tool like (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team) or Firebase Dynamic Links. Branch actually has an out-of-the-box smart banner option.
If you're doing a lot of paid ads, you might also want to investigate ad attribution providers like Adjust, Tune, or AppsFlyer.


Should I consider displayed ads when rating app in itunes connect?

I have made an iOS app which shows ads from multiple ad networks.
iTunes Connect asks me to give a rating of this app based on its content, and I am not sure wether I should consider the ads as a content, since they come from a third-party service and I have limited (or no) control over them.
In case the ads are considered a content, how am I supposed to know which kind of ads show up and how frequently, since the ad networks I implemented do not offer this kind of informations?
I looked both on google and stackoverflow but could not find an answer.
You're certainly going to be responsible for whatever content your own application displays. If your vendors can't provide any information on their content, you need different vendors. There should be content guideline documentation available from any reputable vendor. See Apple's, Project Wonderful's, and AdMob's for examples. Ad vendors certainly can and should be rating or restricting their content so that you can control what you serve. If they're not, you shouldn't work with them. It's just going to be trouble on you.

How do I get an "App Store URL" to begin integrating ads from mobile networks? [duplicate]

I am wondering how to link the Apple App Store link in an app that is currently being developed.
For Example...
I am developing an iPhone game that is not approved by Apple yet (so does not have any App Store link obviously). But in one of my methods I need to use my iTunes app link (to rate my app).
How do others manage to put their app link on their games? Do they immediately update their game after Apple approves it?
You don't have to have an approved app to do this, however you have to have already created the app in iTunes Connect. Once you have done this, Apple supplies you with a "View in App Store" link on the applications page.
In addition to this, you can use the following link to send the user directly to your app's rating and reviews page in the App Store.
In the above link, replace "APPLE_ID" with the Apple ID of your app. (see screenshot below)
When you create a place for your application, and fill the information about your application, it provides you a link. And that link is what you can use in your application, before making it live.

Does anyone know if Apple iTunes will accept a single page app that is a browser loading a website

I have am loading a responsive website in a wrapper, my app is just a browser screen loading my live website. I have read that Apple iTunes does not allow apps that connect to external urls (I doubt that is true).
Does anyone know if Apple iTunes will approve this type of app?
Common App Rejections
Web clippings, content aggregators, or a collections of links
Your app should be engaging and useful, and make the most of the
features unique to iOS. Websites served in an iOS app, web content
that is not formatted for iOS, and limited web interactions do not
make a quality app.
From the official App Store Review Guidelines:
2.12 Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
As Jason mentioned from the Common App Rejections:
Web clippings, content aggregators, or a collections of links
Your app should be engaging and useful, and make the most of the features unique to iOS. Websites served in an iOS app, web content that is not formatted for iOS, and limited web interactions do not make a quality app.
I remember that an app of me was approved, even though it was just a website bundled as an app. The only difference was, that there was a special notification, if the user lost network connection or wasn't connected at all. I believe it could get approved if you add at least a little bit code to it.
If you can bundle your website and deliver it offline, your app should get approved. Have a look at Cordova, which exactly does this.

Amazon in-app purchasing on iOS

I'm building a small app where users can browse cheap accessories like lipstick, nail polish, etc. I have Login With Amazon ( implemented because I originally thought that I could allow users to buy the accessories directly from my app.
But I soon realized that Apple has actually restricted that functionality. The purchase ability is available on Android and for web developers, but unfortunately not yet for iOS.
Is there some hacky way that I can allow users to make a purchase from my app (or from a web view in my app)? I have a little bit of experience with Python so I'm guessing there might be a way to write a script that presses different buttons on the Amazon web page in a web view in my app. The user is already logged in with Amazon.
You can use Shopelia SDK which enables in-app purchase of physical goods using one click payment. It is available for Amazon but also for any kind of retailers.
It works using a combinaison of automation and monetics to inject the order and process the payment.
Right now (October 2013), the product is in beta stage and can be demonstrated on Shopelia website
Integration is available through SDK for Android and iOS.
Disclaimer : I'm co-founder of Shopelia. Please contact me if you are interested to integrate the technology in your app.

Confirming someone downloaded an iOS app

I want someone to complete a registration process on a website, then download an app from the Apple App Store, however I am unsure how we could track that someone did download an app and tie that download back to the registration.
What is the best I can hope to achieve with this and how would I go about implementing it?
Have them enter some kind of registration code or a username/password combo created on the website. As far as I know, the is no other way since you do not have access to that kind of information from the App Store.
It sounds like you want analytics tracking per registration. For that you may consider a B2B app, meaning it's not visible in the app store when you search for it yet, you can point users to a custom itunes url to download the app. After that you can download iTunes Connect a view active installs.
You could take a look at -
In their own words: is a universal URL shortener that sends web visitors to your app or your website. It also answers the question:
How many of those visitors download and run your app?
Just like, it tracks the number of clicks - but unlike ordinary shorteners it shows the number of app users you get from that link and its overall conversion rate. So use it instead of a naked iTunes link for tweets, email signatures, ads and anywhere else you share your app. You can even use LinkShare with to recapture affiliate commission. is free for indie devs, with no cap on how many links you create or how many clicks you generate.
