selec2 search - Return no results found message if a specific criteria didnt match - jquery-select2

I am using select2 4.0.3 for search drop down. As per my understanding its default functionality is not to match with the start of entries the drop down have. So I have implemented the below given code
function matchStart(params, data) {
params.term = params.term || '';
if (data.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(params.term.toUpperCase()) == 0) {
return data;
return false;
placeholder : "Input country name or select region",
matcher : function (params, data) {
return matchStart(params, data);
My problem is, the dropdown is not showing "No results found" message even if there is no matching results found. Can anyone help me on this.
Thanks in advance.

Try changing the return value of matchStart from false to null.
Also you can remove the extra function around the matcher argument. The result:
function matchStart(params, data) {
params.term = params.term || '';
if (data.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(params.term.toUpperCase()) == 0) {
return data;
return null;
placeholder: "Input country name or select region",
matcher: matchStart


Remove case sensitive feature from Search2

I am using Select2 for the select boxes and Select2 is not searching data which is case sensitive. For example I have LHE in the list but when I search lhe it displays nothing any help will be appreciated here is the code I am using. Trust me I have read many solutions and tried those as well but none are working. here is the code.
function matchCustom(params, data) {
// If there are no search terms, return all of the data
if ($.trim(params.term) === '') {
return false;
// Do not display the item if there is no 'text' property
if (typeof data.text === 'undefined') {
return null;
// `params.term` should be the term that is used for searching
// `data.text` is the text that is displayed for the data object
if (data.text.indexOf(params.term) > -1) {
var modifiedData = $.extend({}, data, true);
// You can return modified objects from here
// This includes matching the `children` how you want in nested data sets
return modifiedData;
// Return `null` if the term should not be displayed
return null;
$(document).ready(function () {
matcher: matchCustom,
matcher: matchCustom,

Why my md-autoComplete is not displaying return values

I am using Angular Material for the first time. I am stuck with an issue with autocomplete. Below is my template:
<md-autocomplete class="flex"
md-items="item in querySearch(SearchText)"
<span><span class="search-result-type">{{item.GEOType}}</span><span md-highlight-text="SearchText">{{item.GEOName+(' / ''')}}</span></span>
<md-not-found>No matches found.</md-not-found>
And in ctrl I have:
$scope.querySearch = function (query) {
var GeoDataAPIUrl = '/api/TargetSettings/RetrieveCorridorLeverValues';
if (query.length < 5)
else {
var GeoDataSearchUrl = GeoDataAPIUrl + '?' + 'strGeoName=' + query;
.then(function (geoAPIResponse) {
console.log("GeoAPIResponse was ", geoAPIResponse);
function (geoAPIError) {
console.log("GeoAPI call failed ", geoAPIError);
With above code, I am getting nothing as suggestions, only my not-found text is displayed, while my http call return an array which is printed in console too. Am I missing something??
I saw at many places, people have used some filters with autocomplete, I dont think that is something essential.
Pls advice how to make above work.
$http returns promise and md-autocomplete uses same promise to display the result. In your case you are returning result but not promise. Your code should be
$scope.querySearch = function (query) {
var GeoDataAPIUrl = '/api/TargetSettings/RetrieveCorridorLeverValues';
if (query.length < 5)
else {
var GeoDataSearchUrl = GeoDataAPIUrl + '?' + 'strGeoName=' + query;
var promise = $http.get(GeoDataSearchUrl).then(function (geoAPIResponse) {
console.log("GeoAPIResponse was ", geoAPIResponse);
function (geoAPIError) {
console.log("GeoAPI call failed ", geoAPIError);
return promise;
It will work now.

Using SELECT2 4.0.0 with infinite Data and filter

I'm using Select2 now since 2 years and I really enjoy all dev made. however, version 3.5.x has his limit, so I'm moving to version 4.0, which give me headaches!
For your record, I'm using Select2 with large table (> 10.000 entries), so AJAX & infinite data (page set to 50 items).
With version 3.5.2, I can reproduce the underline match when searching for data (using formatSelection and query.term). Any idea how to make it with version 4.0.0 (function templateResult only passes result and not query anymore?
With version 3.x, you can add free entries using search value was not in the list (using createSearchChoice). Version 4.0 does not have this option, any idea how to make it again?
I try to replace the Select bar with an input bar (still using the select dropdown). It seems possible to force the adapter but I was unable to find how.
I need to add either a line (at row 1) or a button (floating to the right) to add new item (similar to createTag, but for an item). has someone made it already?
I'd highly recommend reading the release notes and the 4.0 release announcement when migrating from Select2 3.5.2 to Select2 4.0.0.
With version 3.5.2, I can reproduce the underline match when searching for data (using formatSelection and query.term).. any idea how to make it with v4.0.0 (function templateResult only pass 'result' and not 'query' anymore ?
This was removed in 4.0 because the results have been separated from the queries, so it didn't make sense to keep passing along the information. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't get the query and store it. All you would need to do is store the query, something like the following might work
var query = {};
var $element = $('#my-happy-select');
function markMatch (text, term) {
// Find where the match is
var match = text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase());
var $result = $('<span></span>');
// If there is no match, move on
if (match < 0) {
return $result.text(text);
// Put in whatever text is before the match
$result.text(text.substring(0, match));
// Mark the match
var $match = $('<span class="select2-rendered__match"></span>');
$match.text(text.substring(match, match + term.length));
// Append the matching text
// Put in whatever is after the match
$result.append(text.substring(match + term.length));
return $result;
templateResult: function (item) {
// No need to template the searching text
if (item.loading) {
return item.text;
var term = query.term || '';
var $result = markMatch(item.text, term);
return $result;
language: {
searching: function (params) {
// Intercept the query as it is happening
query = params;
// Change this to be appropriate for your application
return 'Searching…';
With version 3.x, you can add free entries using search value was not in the list (using createSearchChoice). V4.0 has not this option, any idea how to make it again ?
This can still be done in 4.0 using the tags option (set it to true). If you want to customize the tag, you can use createTag (similar to createSearchChoice).
var $element = $('#my-happy-select');
createTag: function (query) {
return {
id: query.term,
text: query.term,
tag: true
tags: true
Simple way to underline matched results with select2 4.x
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }
templateResult: function (result) {
return result.htmlmatch ? result.htmlmatch : result.text;
matcher:function(params, data) {
if ($.trim(params.term) === '') {
return data;
if (typeof data.text === 'undefined') {
return null;
var idx = data.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(params.term.toLowerCase());
if (idx > -1) {
var modifiedData = $.extend({
'htmlmatch': data.text.replace(new RegExp( "(" + params.term + ")","gi") ,"<u>$1</u>")
}, data, true);
return modifiedData;
return null;

Display result matching optgroup using select2

I'm using select2 with Bootstrap 3.
Now I would like to know whether it is possible to display all optgroup items if the search matches the optgroup name while still being able to search for items as well. If this is possible, how can I do it?
The above answers don't seem to work out of the box with Select2 4.0 so if you're hunting for that, check this out:
(Use the function like this: $("#example").select2({matcher: modelMatcher});)
function modelMatcher (params, data) {
data.parentText = data.parentText || "";
// Always return the object if there is nothing to compare
if ($.trim(params.term) === '') {
return data;
// Do a recursive check for options with children
if (data.children && data.children.length > 0) {
// Clone the data object if there are children
// This is required as we modify the object to remove any non-matches
var match = $.extend(true, {}, data);
// Check each child of the option
for (var c = data.children.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) {
var child = data.children[c];
child.parentText += data.parentText + " " + data.text;
var matches = modelMatcher(params, child);
// If there wasn't a match, remove the object in the array
if (matches == null) {
match.children.splice(c, 1);
// If any children matched, return the new object
if (match.children.length > 0) {
return match;
// If there were no matching children, check just the plain object
return modelMatcher(params, match);
// If the typed-in term matches the text of this term, or the text from any
// parent term, then it's a match.
var original = (data.parentText + ' ' + data.text).toUpperCase();
var term = params.term.toUpperCase();
// Check if the text contains the term
if (original.indexOf(term) > -1) {
return data;
// If it doesn't contain the term, don't return anything
return null;
Actually found the solution by modifying the matcher opt
matcher: function(term, text, opt){
return text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase())>=0 || opt.parent("optgroup").attr("label").toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase())>=0
Under the premise that the label attribute has been set in each optgroup.
Found a solution from select2/issues/3034
Tested with select2 v.4
matcher(params, data) {
const originalMatcher = $.fn.select2.defaults.defaults.matcher;
const result = originalMatcher(params, data);
if (
result &&
data.children &&
result.children &&
) {
if (
data.children.length !== result.children.length &&
) {
result.children = data.children;
return result;
return null;
A few minor changes to people suggested code, less repetitive and copes when there are no parent optgroups:
matcher: function(term, text, opt){
var matcher = opt.parent('select').select2.defaults.matcher;
return matcher(term, text) || (opt.parent('optgroup').length && matcher(term, opt.parent('optgroup').attr("label")));

Override Minimum length string of Select2

Select2 Jquery Plugin
I was having hard time how to override the default message for minimum length input in jquery Select2.
by default the plugin gives the following message.
Default Text
Please enter 1 more characters
My requirement was to show, the following text
Required Text
Enter 1 Character
please share the solution.
The accepted answer does not work for Select2 v4. Expanding on the comment by #IsaacKleinman, the way to override the default messages for an individual Select2 instance is through the language property:
var opts = {
language: {
inputTooShort: function(args) {
// args.minimum is the minimum required length
// args.input is the user-typed text
return "Type more stuff";
inputTooLong: function(args) {
// args.maximum is the maximum allowed length
// args.input is the user-typed text
return "You typed too much";
errorLoading: function() {
return "Error loading results";
loadingMore: function() {
return "Loading more results";
noResults: function() {
return "No results found";
searching: function() {
return "Searching...";
maximumSelected: function(args) {
// args.maximum is the maximum number of items the user may select
return "Error loading results";
To override the functions globally, call the set function on the defaults (according to the docs):
$.fn.select2.defaults.set("key", "value")
However, in our code we do it like this:
$.fn.select2.defaults.defaults['language'].searching = function(){
return 'Custom searching message'
I don't know why we don't follow the docs, but it works.
Here is the solution that i have found out.
Prior to v4
minimumInputLength: 1,
formatInputTooShort: function () {
return "Enter 1 Character";
Do not forget to add this code in your document. ready function.
$(document).ready(function () {
I shared my solution, any better solutions are welcome.
Using v4 and onwards
The following worked for V4. #Isaac Kleinman
language: { inputTooShort: function () { return ''; } },
You can try this on version 4.0 or higher
you can see reference for answer frome this link :
issues reference
minimumInputLength: 1,
language: {
inputTooShort: function() {
return 'Please Add More Text';
If you are using django-select2, just add attributes to your form in
attrs={'data-minimum-input-length': 1}
Override the function behaviour like below
$.fn.select2.defaults = $.extend($.fn.select2.defaults, {
formatMatches: function(matches) {
return matches + $filter('translate')('label.matches.found');
formatNoMatches: function() {
return $filter('translate')('noMatches.found');
formatInputTooShort: function(input, min) {
var n = min - input.length;
return $filter('translate')('label.please.enter ') + n + $filter('translate')(' more.characters') + (n == 1 ? "" : "s");
formatInputTooLong: function(input, max) {
var n = input.length - max;
return $filter('translate')('please.delete ') + n + $filter('translate')('')('delete.characters') + (n == 1 ? "" : "s");
formatSelectionTooBig: function(limit) {
return $filter('translate')('select.only') + limit + $filter('translate')('select.item ') + (limit == 1 ? "" : "s");
formatLoadMore: function(pageNumber) {
return $filter('translate')('load.results');
formatSearching: function() {
return $filter('translate')('');
