Navigation bar missing in storyboard with show segue in Xcode 8 - ios

Why can't I see the navigation item under my second View Controller? My setup is as follows: I have a view controller embedded in a navigation controller. This view controller is linked to a second view controller with a "Show" segue. I can select & edit the navigation bar for the first view controller, but cannot see it in the element list for the second view controller. I also cannot edit it in the second view controller (i.e. add a button). How can I fix this?

First, drag a navigation item under your second view controller:
Then, you have it to edit:

How can you link the firstViewController and secondViewController? I try to link and I only can link the firstViewController and secondViewController in there.
But, this link is error, I set the different color for two viewController, the secondViewController cannot display.

So, you lost Navigation Bar? Select the View Controller you want to add and click on Status Bar / Top Bar dropdown list in Attributes

This is a known bug on Xcode, you can manually drag a Navigation Bar to your Second ViewController.


Why is the navigation bar not appearing in the Simulator?

In my application that I am building, I set up a navigation controller to control navigation through the app. I created a Root View Controller.
I linked that Root View Controller to another View Controller using a show segue. Now the View Controller displays the navigation bar with the Large Titles turned off in the storyboard.
Even though it is showing up in the storyboard when I click the plus button, the navigation bar is not showing up in the Simulator. Does anybody know why?
Here is the complete Storyboard (Navigation Controller on the left - Root View Controller in the middle - Add View Controller on the right).
If someone could help me with this that would be amazing. Thank you.
You can retrace the steps and see where it went wrong:
1: Create a new single page app. Remove the VC and add TableVC. Set as root VC.
2: Select TableVC, Editor -> Embed in navigation controller.
3: Add tab bar item to the added navigation bar of the TableVC.
4: Create another VC and control drag from tab bar item to the VC (a push segue).
Hi!Have you linked the Storyboard with ViewController like picture?That could be one reason.

Am I Missing something on storyboards?

I'm tring to make a view controller shows a table view controller but i want to show the navigation item inside the navigation bar from each table view controller. All the table view controller will have navigation on right items. I was testing only in the first one on top of the image
Am I doing right?
This is because of the new update. Change the segue from Adaptive "Push" to Deprecated "Push"
1: Select an UIViewController (The first one with the TabBarIcon, i.e your UITableViewController)
2: Click Editor in the top menu -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller
Hope this will help you
On your view controller's navigation bar add -> Navigation item -> on that add Barbutton Item

Why does embedding a View Controller in a Navigation Controller, then in a Tab Bar Controller attach the nav bar to the Tab Bar Controller?

Back when I first created the foundational layout for the app I'm currently working on in Storyboard, I did it in two steps:
Selected my View Controller and used Editor->Embed In->Navigation Controller.
Selected my View Controller again and used Editor->Embed In->Tab Bar Controller.
This was the resulting layout:
Question 1: Why do these steps create such an odd layout?
In this weird layout that seems to imply that the Navigation Controller is attached to the Tab Bar Controller as its parent, the only way I can get navigation items to display in the app (in the view controlled by the View Controller on the right) is by placing them in the nav bar of the Tab Bar Controller scene.
However, this creates various issues, including not being able to create an IBOutlet in my View Controller file for a custom view I drag into the title view slot in the Tab Bar Controller scene. Meanwhile, dragging anything into the navigation bar in the View Controller scene just makes it not appear in the app when it runs.
Question 2: How can I fix this layout so that I can control-drag from navigation items into my View Controller file? Or is everything actually correct, and I'm just trying to force something I shouldn't? (My intention here is to be able to set the custom title view's text in my View Controller code.)
Its obvious, if you want to embed MyViewController to NavigationController then you need to change your second step and need to embed NavigationController to Tab Bar Controller.
Selected MyViewController and used Editor->Embed In->Navigation Controller.
Selected NavigationController Embed with MyViewController and used Editor->Embed In->Tab Bar Controller.
It should look like this.
Note: You need to embed MyViewController to navigationController only if you want to perform push operation on this TabBarItem means with MyViewController other wise simply embed MyViewController to TabBarController no need to embed it with NavigationController.

How to make TabBarController inside another TabBarController in swift storyboard?

I wanna know how to create nested UITabBarControllers in Xcode, I'm using Swift.
My first UITabBarController has two items: Search (UITableView) and Map (MKMapView).
When I hit a cell in my table I wanna go to the second UITabBarController.
This second UITabBarController is the detail page for the clicked cell and must have three items --> Info, Reviews and Contact.
Can anyone explain how to do this? Right now I only have the first UITabBarController and a single view controller for the detail page working.
EDIT: The main problem is that when I nest the UITabBarControllers, my app always shows the items of the first UITabBarController.
Make another Tab View Controller next to it (You should see two tab view controllers on the storyboard), and then inside the Tab View Controller you want the other one in, insert a Container View. After the Container View is in the desired Tab View Controller and sized properly, hold control and drag from the Container View to the other Tab View Controller. After releasing, select embed and you should be good to go! Hope this helps. If it does, please vote this up :)
I found the answer by myself.
Just create a segue between the list view and the second tab controller.
And select on the second tab controller hide bottom bar on push in the attributes inspector.
Drag and drop new tabbarcontroller from stroryboard and from your list view controller ctrl+drag to this newtabbar controller and select show segue. (assuming that you are using navigation controller)

Swift/XCode 6.4: add back button to navigation controller in navigation bar

In my app I have this storyboard:
and I would like to add a back button from the second table view back to the first. So I inserted a Navigation controller in order to have a navigation bar in the second table view ad I have created a segue with its identifier from the second table view to the first. But then how can I add a back button? I have tried to drag a button from the library into the navigation controller but it won't let me do it...I had already done this but in this moment I can't remember how.
Please can you help me?
In above image you shared you are making your tableview controller as root view controller.You have to kept your navigation controller on root. As you can see in attached image and you don't have to make back button manually as navigation controller has its own default back button.
This example is right how to make storyboard.Try it
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.hidden = false
In setting of UINavigationController set up like on screenshot
If you're using a navigation controller and its default navigation bar, you don't add an explicit back button--the navigation bar does it for you. You can add a UINavigationItem to your view controller, on which you set a title, back button title, etc.
