How can I insert the CD-ROM drive with Dragon NaturallySpeaking's advanced scripting? - cd-rom

Is there any way to insert the CD-ROM drive with Dragon NaturallySpeaking's advanced scripting?

Hmmm, I'm sensing a theme here . . .
Like I said, whenever you need to, just use some other utility. You can carry around a single autohotkey megascript that runs off a USB to give you your favorite hotkeys and hot strings while also letting you call individual subroutines by passing along command line parameters.
Anyway, the complete technique is described here:
But note my answer re the time zones info and using clipboard for returning that info back to the Dragon script:


How to print a paper in Lua

I want to make a program in lua where I put the user puts several inputs and then press on a button and all these inputs are then printed in a certain format in a paper, How do I physically print a paper in lua ?
Accessing a physical printer and sending it a file to print is fairly complicated and is beyond the scope of what I've done with Lua so far, but I would suggest checking out this forum post.
Your best option might be to save the stuff you want to print to a text file (such as a PDF using a Lua to PDF library, there are several available with a Google Search, such as this one by cpressey or this one by jung-kurt) and then using C++ or some other language to send that file to a physical printer and print it. Microsoft has a pretty decent guide on how to do that.
Hopefully you find this helpful, have a great weekend!

Fast language detector for command line using

I would like to ask you if you could recommend me some language detector tool supported Czech language.
I have tried to use but it's slow because for every instance which I want to classify I have to create a text file with the input. There is no option to detect text in command line by argument.
I am using WIndows.
Thank you for your advices
Take a look at . I'm the developer of this language detection service. Drop me a line if you have any questions.

How to capture keystrokes?

I'd like to make a simple Erlang console game. I need to control my "car" in that game by key strokes - key up or W key. Is there any way to do that? I read that wx library has such capability but I'm looking for something simple and in my opinion wx library is overkill. I want to grab an event not the character from stdin.
Ok, I've choosen ncurses and cecho as a Erlang library for that.
I know only 2 way to do this: gs and wx.
gs is a bit simpler but the first line of the documentation is a warning telling that gs is not recommended for new application, use wx instead :o)
wx isn't so complex, but its documentation is really poor, and simply refers to wxWidget one. at least there are some demo (demo, sudoku, xrc...) that helps to start to build something. And once you succeed to have your first panels and sizers working, it is really simple to get the key stroke or mouse events an react on them. My main difficulty was in displaying graphical things fast and smooth enough even if at the end it is only a few lines of code (a few 10s).
finally, the erlang console is meant to evaluate erlang expression, so there is no chance that you can capture simple event and control the display in that environment (at a reasonable effort at least).
You can try study kernel's modules group and user_drv but they both has undocumented interface and can be subject of change in any future Erlang/OPT version. You can also made your own driver or NIF to handle termios settings and make your own implementation.
BTW I would definitely stick with wx.

Video editing language

My next project will be all about language tools, parsing and such. Because of that reason I've decided to write a simple language which can be used for video editing. So instead of those desktop applications (Sony vegas, Adobe Premiere, ..) it's basically a language where you define the effects and all and it will generate a video for you.
Since I've got no experience in this kind of business I need some help. The goal of the project is to create a simple language which is able to do some basic things (such as text fading in, etc). I am looking for articles/projects/blogs/whatever related with this which could help me writing this language. (Note that I don't need articles about language parsing since I'm pretty familar with that, just the video editing part).
William v. Doorn
I if understand right your goal, you should take a look at Avisynth. I use it -and like it. It's for Windows only, but conceptually it seems to have what you are going after: a script language for non-linear video editing.
I'm having trouble understanding the purpose of writing such code.
If you are intending on creating a tool that a user can use to edit a video by supplying a set of commands, how is forcing the user to write text better than the GUI video editors that are available? Its going to have a pretty low usability in this situation.
If you are looking for a way to automate some kind of editing process, some video editors like VirtualDub already contain tools for batching and plugins to allow them to be automated.
Are you actually looking to make a tool that will be used by someone to edit video or is this for your own intellectual curiosity?
The best starting point can be installing trial version of the common video editing softwares and see what they offer.
When it comes to writing video editing software, I always see ffmpeg mentioned.
From the site:
FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library.

Carmen Robotics

I have been working with Carmen for a while now, and I really like the software but I need to make some changes inside the source code.
I am therefore interesting in some students reports/projects there have been working with Carmen, or any documentation of the source code.
I have been reading the documentation on the webpage for Carmen, but with all respect I think the literature there is a bit outdated and insufficient.
ROS is the new hot navigation toolkit for robotics. It has a professional development group and a very active community. The documentation is okay, but it's the best I've seen for robotic operating systems.
There are a lot of student project teams that are using it.
Check it out at
I'll be more specific on why ROS is awesome...
Built in visualizer/simulator rviz
- It has a record function which will record all of the messages passed out of nodes, this allows you take in a lot of raw data store it in a "ros bag" and then play it back later when you need to test your AI, but want to sit in your bed.
Built in navigation capabilities,
-all you have to do is write the publishers of data for your sensors.
-It has standard messages that you need to fill out so that the stack has enough information.
There is an Extended Kalman Filter which is pretty awesome because I didn't want to write one. Currently implementing it, i'll let you know how that turns out.
It also has built in message levels, by that I mean you can change which severity of print messages are printed during runtime, fairly handy for debugging.
There's a robot monitor node that you can publish the status of your sensors to and it bundles all of that information into a GUI for your viewing pleasure.
There are some basic drivers already written. For example SICK lidars are supported right out of the box.
There is also a built in transform function, to help you move everything to the right coordinate system.
ROS was made to run across multiple computers, but can work on just one.
Data transfer is handled over TCP ports.
I hope that's more helpful.
