Ionic 2 Cannot use audio file from resource on IOS Emulator - ios

I have an Ionic 2 app that works fine on Android.
Now I need to build the IOS version. The app can stream and download audios from SoundCloud.
When the users click to download an audio, the audio is stored in the app's data directory provided by Cordova file plugin.
The logic I use to store and retrieve data does not matter because in Android it works. The problem is that I want to recover and play the audio in IOS.
This is the part of code where I create a MediaObject and later play, pause it:
var pathalone: string = '';
if ('ios')) {
pathalone =^file:\/\//, '');
console.log("Pathalone: " + pathalone);
this.mediaPlayer =, onStatusUpdate, onSuccess, onError);
} else {
pathalone =;
this.mediaPlayer =, onStatusUpdate, onSuccess, onError);
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.mediaPlayer) {
}, 1000);
In the Media plugin docs says if still having problems on IOS, first create the file. So I tried, but I still having the same problem:
this.file.createFile(cordova.file.dataDirectory,, true).then(() => {
pathalone =^file:\/\//, '');
console.log("Pathalone: " + pathalone);
this.mediaPlayer =, onStatusUpdate, onSuccess, onError);
In console I get these logs:
console.log: Pathalone:
[14:07:48] console.log: Cannot use audio file from resource
Maybe It's happening on Emulator but will not happen on a real device? I can't test on iPhone because I haven't got one :/
A curious fact is that the SoundCloud api returns a redirect when making a GET to its api to download an audio.
The response has a status of 301, so I use the response.headers.Location to handle the redirect and there, I can perform the download.
And I'm noticing that in IOS it never performs the redirect, it goes directly on the 'positive' way and the console says 'downloaded'. Maybe it's never really downloaded...

You need indeed to create a file before creating the recorder media object. Recordings are possible even with the emulator on iOS and Android. The following illustrate how this is done with Ionic2+
First you need to import the following
import { NavController, Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
import { Media, MediaObject } from '#ionic-native/media';
import { File } from '#ionic-native/file';
Make sure that you injected the imports in your constructor as follows
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private media: Media, private file: File, public platform: Platform) {
// some more code here
Declare the required variables before the constructor as follows
filePath: string;
fileName: string;
audio: MediaObject;
The code for starting the recording in as follows
startRecord() {
if ('ios')) {
this.fileName = 'record' + new Date().getDate() + new Date().getMonth() + new Date().getFullYear() + new Date().getHours() + new Date().getMinutes() + new Date().getSeconds() + '.3gp';
this.filePath = this.file.dataDirectory;
this.file.createFile(this.filePath, this.fileName, true).then(() => { =^file:\/\//, '') + this.fileName);;
} else if ('android')) {
this.fileName = 'record' + new Date().getDate() + new Date().getMonth() + new Date().getFullYear() + new Date().getHours() + new Date().getMinutes() + new Date().getSeconds() + '.3gp';
this.filePath = this.file.externalDataDirectory;
this.file.createFile(this.filePath, this.fileName, true).then(() => { =^file:\/\//, '') + this.fileName);;
Notice the differences between using the path name "this.filePath" in createFile and media.create.
The code for stopping the recording is as follows
stopRecord() {;


IOS Safari issue of download file name is "Unknown"

I implemented a Jersey REST service to download the zip file.
Now, I would like to use axios in front end to download the zip file.
Everything is fine in PC Chrome but when tried with Safari on iPad it opens a tab with name "unknown".
I have searched some articles and mentioned that this may related to IOS safari compatibility.
However, I also want know if there is any method to show the downloaded file as "" for safari.
Below is my code
public Response getTestingReport() throws Exception {
// set file (and path) to be download
File file = new File("C:/Users/abc/Desktop/");
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok((Object) file);
responseBuilder.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"\"");
axios.get("report/getTestingReport").then((response) => {
console.log("response", response)
var blob = new Blob([], { type: "application/zip" });
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.setAttribute('download', '');
}).catch((error) => {
console.error("error response", error.response)
May I have any suggestion?

Ionic - Some functionnalities are not working while compiling on IOS

Hello, I am working on a Ionic application (made in Typescript). In this application, I control a wifi camera via HTTP Request to the IP ( to be precise).
Main actions I do with the camera:
Start recording
Stop recording
Get videos list
Download a video
When I use the Ionic DevApp:
With the Ionic DevApp, everything works perfectly, I can do all mains actions without a problem.
When I compile the application on IOS:
I compile with the command ionic cordova build ios --prod, then I archive with Xcode and send it to the AppStore to test it with Test Flight.
I got no errors while compiling / archive the application. But when I try it on my iPhone, I can start / stop recording, but can't download the video.
Some commands are not working, but I don't know if it is getting the list or downloading the video, I have no logs. I don't understand why some commands are working but others no.
IOS is blocking download requests? How to solve my problem?
I already tried all basic things like delete the IOS platform, recompile, uninstall, ...
I tried different Ionic HTTP plugins, same problem with all of them.
Some code:
Start / Stop the camera: (it is the same command to start / stop).
var url = "";
var result = this.http.get(url);
result.subscribe(data => {
err => {
console.log("Error" + err);
Getting the name of the last video:
var url = "";
this.http.get(url, {}, {})
.then(data => {
var xml =
var xmlDOM = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml');
var temp = this.xmlToJson(xmlDOM); // function that convert XML to JSON
var resultArray = Object.keys(temp).map(function(i){
let ite = temp[i];
return ite;
resultArray = resultArray[0]['file'].reverse();
this.lastVideo = resultArray[0]['name']; // lastVideo is a global variable
(error) =>{
console.log("Error while getting the name of the last video" + error);
Downloading the file from the camera:
downloadFileFromCamera() {
var basename_file = this.lastVideo;
var url = "" + basename_file;, this.file.dataDirectory + '/videos/' + basename_file, true).then((entry) => {[this.counterVideos] = entry; // video is a global array
this.counterVideos +=1;
}, (error) => {
console.log("Error while downloading the last video" + error);
If someone knows how to solve my problem, I would be so grateful! Thanks in advance.

React-Native Websocket Event data property is missing

I am trying to connect to the Watson TTS API over a Websocket connection in React-Native. The connection is established and I can send a message to the server, however the data that I get back from the server somehow always is empty.
It seems as if the property is completely missing. If I log it to the console in react-native I get 'undefined' as a result. If i use the same code in the browser everything works perfectly.
I am using react-native 0.33 and here's my code:
function connectTTS(token) {
var voice = "de-DE_BirgitVoice";
var format = 'audio/basic';
var token = token;
var wsURI = "wss://" + voice + "&watson-token=" + token;
function onOpen(evt) {
var message = {
text: "Hello world.",
accept: format
// note: the Text to Speech service currently only accepts a single message per WebSocket connection
var audioParts = [];
var finalAudio;
function onMessage(evt) {
if (typeof === 'string') {
console.log('Received string message: ',
} else {
console.log('Received ' + + ' binary bytes',;
function onClose(evt) {
console.log('WebSocket closed', evt.code, evt.reason);
finalAudio = new Blob(audioParts, {type: format});
console.log('final audio: ', finalAudio);
function onError(evt) {
console.log('WebSocket error', evt);
var websocket = new WebSocket(wsURI);
websocket.onopen = onOpen;
websocket.onclose = onClose;
websocket.onmessage = onMessage;
websocket.onerror = onError;
It would be great if somebody with more react-native / websocket experience could help me find the solution. Thanks.
In react-native up to 0.53 (latest version at the moment), react-native WebSocket event processing relies on event-target-shim 1.1.1 lib which wraps an event and does not include data to the wrapped event, so in order to get WebSocket event data you may use one of two approaches:
Get data from __proto__;
Rewrite event-target-shim 1.1.1;
The first approach:
use <your event>
The second approach:
fork event-target-shim and reset to event-target-shim 1.1.1;
fork react-native;
Add the code listed below to the event-target-shim/lib/event-wrapper.js;
rewrite react-native package.json to use forked version of the event-target-shim;
rewrite package.json of your project;
Code to add in exports.createEventWrapper after var propertyDefinition = {...}:
if (event.type === "message"){ = {value:, enumerable: true};

Stream video to an ios app from a mongoDB using Gridfs-stream

I'm a relatively new programmer trying to create an ios video-streaming app in swift. I've written the backend in node.js and have a mongoose connection to a mongoDB. I've been able to upload videos to the database using the following code and gridfs
function (req, res, next) {
req.pipe(gfs.createWriteStream({ filename: 'filename'}));
I'm attempting to stream the videos using the following code
gfs.findOne({_id:}, function (err, file) {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send(err);
} else if (!file) {
return res.status(404).send(' ');
} else {
res.header("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
res.header("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
var readStream = gfs.createReadStream({_id: file._id});
readStream.on('open', function () {
console.log('Starting download...');
readStream.on('data', function (chunk) {
readStream.on('end', function () {
console.log('Video is ready to play');
readStream.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('There was an error with the download' + err);
When I run a server on localhost and attempt to access the videos via google chrome, all I get is the default playback screen but no video. However, ultimately I am trying to playback on an ios app. When I try the same thing on swift (using the local host url passed in to mpmovieplayer), there is also no video playback. I know the get request is going through because my console outputs the proper response with the filesize. I have even been fiddling with alamofire on the front end and can see the hexadecimal representation of the video in the response data. Can anybody help with this code? Do I need to update my res.header to fit some IOS specification? Should I even be using alamofire at all for this? Thanks in advance for your responses.

ActionScript's File.upload does not work on Air SDK for iOS devices

I am trying to use ActionScript's File.upload to upload a file on Air SDK for iOS environment, but the File.upload does not work properly. No handler about the file upload is executed after File.upload is invoked, and no exception is caught. When I check the network traffic of the server side, I found that no http request even hit the server after executing File.upload. The code is below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" title="HomeView">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
private var file:File;
private var dir:File;
//This method is executed to create a file and upload it when the Upload Button is pressed.
protected function OnUploadButtonPressed(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace("upload button clicked");
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
urlReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var str:String = 'This is test';
var imageBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
for ( var i:int = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {
imageBytes.writeByte( str.charCodeAt(i) );
trace("size = " + imageBytes.length);
dir = File.applicationStorageDirectory
//I also tested in several different directories
//dir = File.createTempDirectory();
//dir = File.documentsDirectory;
var now:Date = new Date();
var filename:String = "IMG" + now.fullYear + now.month + + now.hours + now.minutes + now.seconds + now.milliseconds + ".txt";
file = dir.resolvePath( filename );
var stream:FileStream = new FileStream(); file, FileMode.WRITE );
stream.writeBytes( imageBytes );
//Read back the file contents to check whether the file is written successfully.
var readStream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.READ);
var result:String = readStream.readUTFBytes(readStream.bytesAvailable);
trace("read back result = " + result);//The result is shown here as expected.
file.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, uploadComplete );
file.addEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioError );
file.addEventListener( SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityError );
file.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, someError);
file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
file.upload( urlReq );//This line does not work. No handler is executed. No http request hit the server side.
trace("after file upload test");
catch( e:Error )
trace( e );
//Complete Handler
private function uploadComplete( event:Event ):void
trace( "Upload successful." );
//IOError handler
private function ioError( error:IOErrorEvent ):void
trace( "Upload failed: " + error.text );
//SecurityError handler
private function securityError(error:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
trace( "Security error:" + error.text );
//Other handler
private function someError(error:ErrorEvent):void{
trace("some error" + error.text);
//Progress handler
private function onProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void{
//This method is executed to invoke the URLLoader.load when the Tricky Button is pressed.
protected function OnTrickyButtonPressed(event:MouseEvent):void{
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");//This points to a non-existed server
urlReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = new ByteArray();
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(urlReq);//This line seems very important in iOS7. It decides whether the latter file.upload can work.
//But in iOS8, file.upload does not work even if this line is executed.
trace("after urlloader load");
<s:Button x="200" y="200" width="400" height="200" label="Upload" click="OnUploadButtonPressed(event)" />
<s:Button x="200" y="500" width="400" height="200" label="Tricky" click="OnTrickyButtonPressed(event)" />
When executed on Air Simulator, it works fine as expected, and the file is successfully uploaded to the server. But When executed on iOS devices(in my case, iPad), as I explain early, no handler about the file upload is executed, and no the http request event hit the server. So I think the problem may be in the client side.
During my try to solve the problem, I found something tricky about this problem on iOS7. That is, if you invoke the URLLoader.load method (even if the URLLoader.load points to a non-existed address) before invoking the File.upload method, the File.upload will work as expected on iOS7. More specifically, when method OnTrickyButtonPressed above is executed before method OnUploadButtonPressed, File.upload will succeed on iOS7. But this only happens on iOS7. On iOS8, File.upload always refuses to work, regardless of whether the URLLoader.load is executed before.
I think in my case the problem is not the Sandbox problem or Firefox session problem described in the two links below, because not even any http request hit the server side. It seems that the Air SDK for iOS just failed to send the http request for some reason.
Flex 4 FileReference Issues With Firefox
How do I make Flex file upload work on firefox and safari?
To make my problem more clear, I list my environment below:
Develoment Environment: Windows7 (64bit) / Mac os 10.9.4 (Tested on
two OS platforms.)
IDE: Flash Builder 4.7
Air SDK: 3.8 / 16.0.0 (After I updated to the lastest Air SDK 16.0.0
, the problem still exists.)
Application Server: Tomcat7 + Spring
Finally, I would like to mention that uploading file using URLLoader.load is not an option in my case because I want to upload large files in the future, which can not be handled with the URLLoader.load.
I have been struggling for this for days. So I really appreciate it if anyone has any idea about this.
Thanks in advance.
Finally I found that the real problem is not about the code I provided, it is about the http proxy Auto configuration, and this problem happened on iOS7 and iOS8. I described the problem and a workaround in detail in the following link. Hope this will help some of you.
