Unable to ssh to master node in mesos local cluster installed system - docker

I am a newbie to Mesos. I have installed a DCOS cluster locally in one system (Centos 7).
Everything went up properly and I am able to access the GUI of DCOS but when I am trying to connect through CLI, it is asking me for password.
I have not been prompted for any kind of password during local installation through vagrant.
But when I issue the following command:
[root#blade7 dcos-vagrant]# dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader
Running `ssh -A -t core# ssh -A -t core# `
core#'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
core#'s password:
I don’t know the password to be given.
Kindly help me in resolving this issue

Since the local installation bases on vagrant, you can use the following convenient workaround: directly log into the virtual machines by using vagrant's ssh.
open a terminal and enter vagrant global-status to see a list of all running vagrant environments (name/id)
switch into your dcos installation directory (e.g., cd ~/dcos-vagrant), which contains the file Vagrantfile
run vagrant ssh <name or (partial) id> in order to ssh into the virtual machine. For example, vagrant ssh m1 connects to the master/leader node, which gives you essentially the same shell as dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader would do.
Two more tips:
within the virtual machine, the directory /vagrant is mounted to the current directory of the host machine, which is nice for transferring files into/from the VM
you may try to find out the correct ssh credentials of the default vagrant user and then add these (rather than the pem file retrieved from a cloud service provider) via ssh-add to your host machine. This should give you the ability to login via dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader --user=vagrant without a password

The command shows that you are trying to login to the server using the userid "core". If you do not know the password of user "core", I suggest reset "core" user password and try it again.


Docker connect to remote daemon via ssh - Permission denied (publickey)

I have a problem with connecting to my remote(DigitalOcean) docker engine. What I've done is
Made a droplet with Docker 19.03.12 on Ubuntu 20.04.
Made a new user myuser and add to docker group on the remote host.
Made a .ssh/authorized_keys for the new user it's home and set the permissions, owner etc.
Restarted both ssh and docker services.
I can ssh from my Mac notebook to my remote host with myuser. (when I run ssh keychain asks for the passphrase for the id_rsa.key.)
After I logged in to remote host via ssh I can run docker ps, docker info without any problem.
Before I make a new context for the remote engine, I tried to run some docker command from my local client on my Mac laptop. Interesting part for me is none of the commands below asks for the id_rsa passphrase)
docker -H ssh://myuser#droplet_ip ps -> Error
DOCKER_HOST=ssh://myuser#droplet_ip docker ps -> Error
docker -H ssh://myuser#droplet_ip ps
error during connect: Get http://docker/v1.40/containers/json: command [ssh -l myuser -- droplet_ip docker system dial-stdio] has exited with exit status 255, please make sure the URL is valid, and Docker 18.09 or later is installed on the remote host: stderr=myuser#droplet_ip: Permission denied (publickey).
What step I missed? How can I connect to a remote docker engine?
It sounds like Docker may not allow ssh to prompt for a key passphrase when connecting. The easiest solution is probably to load your key into an ssh-agent, so that Docker will be able to use the key without requesting a password.
If you want to add your default key (~/.ssh/id_rsa) you can just run:
You can add specific keys by providing a path to the key:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_special
Most modern desktop environments run an ssh-agent process by default.

forwarding ssh-agent on vagrant to other user than vagrant

I am currently setting up a virtual machine for my company's testing environment in vagrant. Of course, this machine needs to be able to pull from our github repositories. This should be achieved using the host machine's ssh keys. I have already set
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
in my vagrantfile, and connecting to github works fine in the vagrant user. However, since that machine needs to run jenkins, this needs to work for the jenkins user as well. Running ssh-add as jenkins does not add the host's key, though.
I found several semi-related discussions here on stackoverflow and on superuser, but none seemed to address or even solve the issue. I have no idea how to make this work, or whether this is possible at all in vagrant, so I am grateful for any pointers.
As you have not included any exact errors and what you have tried,
Let's say you are on the VM, and you want to git pull from a remote git repo
You also have a ssh private key on the VM, that is authorized to pull from the git repo via ssh:
Try this on the VM's cli:
git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i /root/.ssh/git_private.key -F /dev/null' && ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add /root/.ssh/git_private.key; git pull'
and of course reference the correct path to the private ssh key that you would use to auth to git repo
I ran su command to switch to root. Using default password: vagrant.
From there su jenkins - switching user to jenkins, no password this time.
ran ssh-keygen - to generate the keys. Stored them in the default folder suggested: /var/lib/jenkins/ (actually overwrote the existing ones). That is the home folder of this jenkins user, because it is not a regular user/account, but so called "service account" I believe.
After that I just uploaded that .pub key to my bitbucket account, and everything ran fine, my jenkins could authenticate.

AWS can't read the credentials file

I'm deploying a Flask app using Docker Machine on AWS. The credentials file is located in ~/.aws/:
Running it as follows:
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-open-port 5001 sandbox
According to Docker docs this should work but getting this output:
Error setting machine configuration from flags provided: amazonec2 driver requires AWS credentials configured with the --amazonec2-access-key and --amazonec2-secret-key options, environment variables, ~/.aws/credentials, or an instance role
Before you ask, yes, I set permissions in a such a way that Docker is allowed to access the credentials file.
What should I do ?
Solution found here https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/ssh-not-available-when-creating-docker-machine-through-digitalocean
Problem was running Docker as a snap (Ubuntu's repo) instead of official build from Docker. As soon as I uninstalled the Docker snap and installed official build Docker was able to find credentials file immediately.

SSH keys keep getting deleted from Google Compute Engine VM

I am running a Google Compute Engine VM, called host.
There is a Docker container running on the machine called container.
I connect to the VM using an account called user#gmail.com.
I need to connect through ssh from the container to the host, without being prompted for the user password.
Minutes after successfully connecting from the container to the host, the user/.ssh/authorized_keys gets "modified" by some process from Google itself. As far as I understood this process appends some ssh keys needed to connect to the VM. In my case though, the process seems to overwrite the key that I generated from the container.
I connect to host using Google Compute Engine GUI, pressing on the SSH button.
Then I follow the steps described in this answer on AskUbuntu.
I set the password for user on host:
user#host:~$ sudo passwd user
I set PasswordAuthentication to yes in sshd_config, and I restart sshd:
user#host:~$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
user#host:~$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
I enter in the Docker container using bash, I generate the key, and I copy it on the host:
user#host:~$ docker exec -it container /bin/bash
(base) root#container-id:# ssh-keygen
(base) root#container-id:# ssh-copy-id user#host
The key is successfully copied to the host, the host is added to the known_hosts file, and I am able to connect from the container to the host without being prompted for the password (as I gave it during the ssh-copy-id execution).
Now, if I detach from the host, let some time pass, and attach again, I find that the user/.ssh/authorized_keys file contains some keys generated by Google, but there is no trace of my key (the one that allows the container to connect to the host).
What puzzles me more than everything is that we consistently used this process before and we never had such problem. Some accounts on this same host have still keys from containers that no longer exist!
Does anyone has any idea about this behavior? Do you know about any solutions that let me keep the key for as long as it is needed?
It looks like the accounts daemon is doing this task. You could refer this discussion thread for more details about this.
You might find the OS Login API a easier management option. Once enabled, you can use a single gcloud command or API call to add SSH keys.
In case anyone has trouble with this even AFTER adding SSH keys to the GCE metadata:
Make sure your username is in the SSH key description section!
For example, if your SSH key is
ssh-rsa AAAA...zzzz
and your login is ubuntu, make sure you actually enter
ssh-rsa AAAA...zzzz ubuntu
since it appears Google copies the key to the authorized_keys of the user specified inside the key.
In case anyone is still looking for solution for this, I solved this issue by storing the SSH Keys in Compute Engine Metadata https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/adding-removing-ssh-keys

How to add private registry certs to Docker Machine

I upgraded my Mac (OS X) from an older Docker installation to Docker Toolbox, meaning that I'm now working with Docker Machine, and in the process discovered that certs I had working for push/pull with a private registry are not there, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get them in place. At the moment when I try a test pull I get the dreaded x509: certificate signed by unknown authority error. I've searched around, looked at issues in Github, but nothing has worked for me. I even tried ssh'ing into the machine VM and manually copying them into /etc/ssl/certs, and various other things, with no luck. And I certainly don't want to get into the "insecure-registry" stuff. This used to work with boot2docker prior to moving to docker-machine.
This seems like a very simple question: I have a couple of .crt files that I need put in the right place so that I can do a push/pull. How does one do this? And secondarily, how can this not be documented anywhere? Can we wish for a docker-machine add-cert command someday?
Thanks for any help, and I hope a good answer here can stick around to assist others who run into this.
Okay so let's imagine I have a registry running at the address: and I have a proper certificate for this address.
I would now run the following commands to install the root certificate into my machine:
docker-machine scp ./dockerCA.crt $MACHINE_NAME:dockerCA.crt
docker-machine ssh $MACHINE_NAME sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/
docker-machine ssh $MACHINE_NAME sudo mv dockerCA.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/
Set the variable MACHINE_NAME to whatever the name of your machine is. The machine will now trust your root certificate.
Having the same issue I read the Documentation in Docker on how to add a certificate to my computer.
As you mentioned that you are on a updated Mac OS X, proceed by doing the following:
Copy the cert file from your docker registry to your hard drive, e.g.
scp user#docker.reg.ip:/path/to/crt/domain.crt /tmp/domain.crt
Add the certificate to your trusted certificates using the following command
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot \
-k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /tmp/domain.crt
Restart your local docker handler and now you should be able to upload your local Docker images to the Docker registry.
If you are running on any other operating systems please check this site on how to add trusted root certificates.
