Path parameter passing issue in - swagger

In, when I pass my path parameters in the base URL of the API, they are not reflected in the backend and the response generates an error. What syntax or another mistake I might be making?


Cannot bind query parameter; Unknown name basicRequest when retrieving basic insights for a location

I'm trying to retrieve insights for a location using the Google Business Profile API. I've tried a few approaches, but I always get an error about "Cannot bind query parameter".
According to the docs, I should be posting to this URL:
and in the body, pass in an array of locationNames, but when I do that, I get the error about "Cannot bind query parameter 'locationNames'".
So I just tried doing a GET on this URL and pass in the names on the name querystring and that worked just fine to get the high-level data.
So I know I have the right account ID, location ID, etc. But I need to be able to add in the basicRequest parameter so I can indicate which metric that I want to retrieve.
So I've POST to both of those URLS above with a body that looks like this:
But again, I get the same errors about "Cannot bind query parameter" to field "basicRequest" (Same as when I tried to pass in the "locationNames" param in the JSON.
So clearly, I'm doing something wrong with how I am sending in the parameters in the body because it doesn't seem to think any of those parameter names are valid. My end goal is to be able to retrieve queries_direct, actions_total, etc.
I'm using Ruby, and there isn't a client library for it, so I'm just crafting the URLs and the JSON body and doing a GET or POST to it.
Greatly appreciate any pointers!

Passing a File path as a parameter in Postman

So I am trying to pass a filerepo path as a url parameter in Postman, but it keeps saying its a bad request.
I have also tried the url encoded version, but postman still says bad request:

Orbeon Form HTTP Service

Does anyone know how to pass parameters to a RESTFUL webservice using the Orbeon HTTP Service?
I have a RESTFUL API at http://localhost/RESTFUL/GETADDRESS/$parameter$.
Sample of the URL is http://localhost/RESTFUL/GETADDRESS/1234
Orbeon HTTP service is unable to pass the parameter to the web service.
The Request Body is configured as <parameter/> and serialization is set to XML.
Could not use HTML Form as it adds a ? to the URL which is not correct.
Anyone has any ideas to get this working?
There is no perfect solution. But try writing the service URL as:
http://localhost/RESTFUL/GETADDRESS/{...expression here...}
where "...expression here..." should be replaced by an XPath expression pointing to the value you would like to pass. For example, if pointing to a control called foo in a section called bar, try:
I also added this RFE.

rails, cannot get params from url

I'm trying to use Google Federated Login REST API. I can succesfully reach out to the google server and validate a user but I cannot pull parameters from the return url
for example:
All the variables in that return string are not accessible in the params array. I have no idea how to get them out. requst.url, request.query_parameter, and all similar calls do not return the query string.
I think i found the issue. I was using the open-uri library to make the call to google's endpoint url so it may have been stepping outside of the normal rails response/request cycle. I've since used Net::HTTP requests and parse the information from the response.
So I have a very similar issue, where I'm actually building a Rails-based openid provider but being consumed by another Rails app. I basically adapted the code from
The whole URL was:
I had a similar problem where the only parameters being reported were:
{"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"openid"}
So, suspecting that some parameter (maybe a period?) was causing it to hiccup, I went through and deleted them one by one until I found that deleting the following parameter enables the entire thing to go through correctly:
That left all the remaining parameters correctly being parsed:
I'm now trying to find why openid.mode causes this issue. It fails even if I change it to openid.mode=5, so it's the key, not the value, causing the problem.
Suspecting the ".mode" part of the string for the trouble (maybe ".mode" is a filetype or something being parsed by the routing?) I am looking towards this post on allowing periods, but it only applies to the value, not the key: rails routing and params with a '.' in them
Will report back if I find more.
Update: I tried, in another Rails app, adding ?openid.mode=0 to the end of a URL -- ".mode" does not result in a parameter being read, but ".modes=" does and so does ".mod=". This confirms that ".mode" is causing a params parsing error.
Update 2: yikes... actually "?a.mode=0" does work. So far, only the complete string "openid.mode" does not work, and this is across various Rails apps. "?openid.mode" with nothing else results in: Parameters: {"openid.mode"=>nil}, but "?openid.mode=" with nothing after the "=" fails to pass any parameters besides action & controller. Very odd.
Update 3: OK, figured it out, I believe -- the params were getting sanitized i.e. deleted by the rack-openid gem, in that gem's path: /lib/openid.rb:168, "sanitize_query_string". This seems to be incompatible with the example I was working with: Going to override that method.
Final update: I replaced this line:
oidreq = server.decode_request(params)
with this line, since we could no longer use the now-empty params hash:
oidreq = server.decode_request(Rack::Utils.parse_query(request.env['ORIGINAL_FULLPATH']))

GWT Method GET, retrieve parameter

I have a gwt url like this
when I am doing this
I am getting null??
By the way, I not getting the point why this ?gwt.codesvr= in the url!!
To get the value of the URL fragment (the part after the #) call Window.Location.getHash(). This will return all of "ForumMessage=918".
getParameter() returns query parameters, not the URL fragment.
See here for more information about the parts of a URL.
The ?gwt.codesvr= part is needed to run in Development Mode.
Look at this topic GWT URL Parameters
Here is answer
url should be http://localhost:8080/?testing=abc#pg5 instead of http://localhost:8080/#pg5?testing=abc
and delete that part (?gwt.codesvr= ) and run it in web mode. I think it will solve your problem
