Display custom values on x axis using Highcharts - highcharts

I have written following code to display chart. I haven't mentioned x Axis and y axis labels. Those are auto generated.
I want to display 'low' on starting of scale and 'high' at end of scale on x axis instead of full scale.
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Temperature'
id: 'my_y',
lineWidth: 2,
lineColor: '#F33',
series: [{
name: 'Temperature',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6],
color: '#F33'

like this?
Its a bit "hacky" i'm sure there is a better way of doing it but it works.
xAxis: {
tickAmount: 2,
labels: {
formatter: function () {
if (typeof(this.axis.ticks[this.value]) != "undefined"){
if(this.axis.ticks[this.value].isFirst) {
return 'low'
else if (this.axis.ticks[this.value].isLast){
return 'high'


high chart X-axis values regardless series data [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Highcharts - Force Categories in x-axis to be shown, even without data
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have following jsFiddle
$(function () {
title: {
text: 'Monthly Average Temperature',
x: -20 //center
subtitle: {
text: 'Source: WorldClimate.com',
x: -20
xAxis: {
categories: [0.0001,0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100]
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Temperature (°C)'
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
tooltip: {
valueSuffix: '°C'
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
borderWidth: 0
series: [{
name: 'Tokyo',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5]
}, {
name: 'New York',
data: [-0.2, 0.8, 5.7, 11.3]
}, {
name: 'Berlin',
data: [-0.9, 0.6, 3.5, 8.4]
}, {
name: 'London',
data: [3.9, 4.2, 5.7, 8.5]
Using highcharts, I want to show the x-axis labels 0.0001,0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100 in series. but does not show it some how.
How can I force to show all the x-axis values?
Please help.
I think you are missing something i was able to plot your chat with the data you supply using this code below.
$(function () {
chart: {
type: 'areaspline'
title: {
text: 'Average fruit consumption during one week'
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'left',
verticalAlign: 'top',
x: 150,
y: 100,
floating: true,
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || '#FFFFFF'
xAxis: {
categories: [0.0001,0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100],
plotBands: [{
from: 4.5,
to: 6.5,
color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, .2)'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Fruit units'
tooltip: {
shared: true,
valueSuffix: ' units'
credits: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
areaspline: {
fillOpacity: 0.5
series: [{
name: 'Tokyo',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5,0,0,0]
}, {
name: 'New York',
data: [-0.2, 0.8, 5.7, 11.3]
}, {
name: 'Berlin',
data: [-0.9, 0.6, 3.5, 8.4]
}, {
name: 'London',
data: [3.9, 4.2, 5.7, 8.5]

Highstock, make yAxis as zero

I have the following scatter plot graph, I want to create the graph as such that there is no yaxis and all the scatter plots on the x-axis are seen as a straight line in both the graphs.
following is the fiddle, http://jsfiddle.net/pratik24/n24s2fyk/1/
Code snippet:
$(function () {
$('#container').highcharts('StockChart', {
enabled: false
enabled: false
rangeSelector : {
selected : 1,
yAxis: [{
labels: {
align: 'left'
title: {
text: 'OHLC'
height: '60%'
}, {
labels: {
align: 'left',
x: -3
title: {
text: 'Volume'
top: '65%',
height: '35%',
offset: 0
series: [{
type: 'scatter',
name: 'AAPL',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.4, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6]
}, {
type: 'scatter',
name: 'Volume',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.4, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6],
yAxis: 1
How can this be achieved in HighStock,
Scatter points in straight line - set data that will be presented like this (e.g. [1,1,1,1,1]) or increase y axis scale using min and max
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/6bkzxoff/
To hide y axis use axis options:
title: {
text: ''
labels: {
format: ' '
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/6bkzxoff/1/

How to change border radius of legend symbol

I have a area chart. Its legend symbol comes up with a border radius.
Tried the below code and I could remove the the radius in IE9. Does not work in IE7.Please help.
$(chart.series).each(function () {
'rx': 0,
'ry': 0,
'border-radius': '0px',
'height': 12
Border-radius is not supported by IE7, unfortunately.
Please check this matrix:
attr() is avaiable only in SVG, but IE6/7 use VML, which not allows to use this function.
You can use small workaround which include "fake" series, which correct marker (like square) and linked area serie with symbol.
series: [{
name: 'first',
type: 'scatter',
color: 'blue',
id: 'other',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
}, {
showInLegend: false,
name: 'first',
linkedTo: 'other',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6]
THis code worked for me.
if (this.legendSymbol != undefined && this.legendSymbol != null) {
'rx': 0,
'ry': 0,
'r': 0,
'height': symbolWidth
Specifically the 'r':0 made it work in the VML rendering browsers.
Can I rely on this solution?

Series Hidden when Dynamically Updating Series Type from Column to Line [Highcharts 3.0]

See it by hitting the update button.
Ideally, I would just like for the line series to appear on top of the column, like adjusting the z-index, if that makes sense.
I've tried disable animations with no luck. Seems to have something to do with the order that the series are declared - but not sure.
$(function () {
var chart;
$(document).ready(function () {
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'line'
title: {
text: 'Monthly Average Temperature'
series: [{
name: 'Tokyo',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5]
name: 'Cleveland',
data: [10, 4, 11, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5]
function (chart) {
$('#btn').click(function () {
type: "column"
Just adjust the zIndex for each of the series just like you said:
series: [{
name: 'Tokyo',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5],
zIndex: 10
name: 'Cleveland',
data: [10, 4, 11, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5],
zIndex: 20
See it running here.

Disable highcharts tooltip on certain lines, leave it enabled on others?

I have a Highchart containing multiple lines. I want to disable the tooltip on certain lines, and leave it enabled for others. Is that possible? I see how to disable the tooltip globally, but not by series.
For instance, on the standard line chart example is it possible to disable the tooltip on the red and blue lines but leave it enabled on the other two?
use enableMouseTracking: Boolean
Notice enableMouseTracking: Boolean was introduced after this question was asked
Old Answer
I just Disabled the heights point in the Tokyo series
here is your code
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
if(this.series.name == 'Tokyo' && this.y == 26.5 ){
return false ;
// to disable the tooltip at a point return false
}else {
return '<b>'+ this.series.name +'</b><br/>'+
this.x +': '+ this.y +'°C';
Use enableMouseTracking. It's the best way to do it.
Per Serie
series: [{
name: 'Serie1',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6],
enableMouseTracking: false
}, {
name: 'Serie2',
data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 15.5, 15.2, 15.5, 15.2, 15.5, 11.3, 17.3, 11.9, 9.6]
plotOptions: {
series: {
enableMouseTracking: false
The code above will display tooltip for only the first serie.
Reference: enableMouseTracking
For stock charts enableMouseTracking: false makes lines inactive on hover.
Here's better solution:
Highcharts.chart('container', {
series: [{
name: 'John',
type: 'column',
data: [5, 3, 4, 7, 2],
tooltip: {
pointFormatter: function() {
return false
}, {
name: 'Jane',
type: 'column',
data: [2, 2, 3, 2, 1],
tooltip: {
pointFormatter: function() {
return 'Second <strong>column</strong> series.'
}, {
name: 'Joe',
type: 'line',
data: [3, 4, 4, 2, 5],
tooltip: {
pointFormatter: function() {
return false
