Delphi and Firedac : query Active vs query Open - delphi

Most of my application's forms use 2 or more db grids : basically, the user clicks a record in main grid and get child results in a secondary grid.
All my primary DBGrids FDQueries (that is the one with SELECT) have been set on the form but none are "active", they fire on FormShow.
I noticed that, wether I write :
FDQuery1.Active := True;
the result is the same : my rows are displayed in the main DBGrid.
Accordingly, I call Close or Active := False on FormClose.
But there must be a difference between those approaches and this is the subject of my question : what is the difference between Query.Open and Query.Active := True; ?
What should I use if there is any significant difference ?
Thanks in advance
Math, getting less and less noob as you take the time to answer my questions :)
SIDE NOTE : my INSERT and UPDATE queries are set up with a CLEAR then, SQL.ADD, then Parameters declaration and finally an ExecSQL

Active is a property, Open is a method. When Active is set to true, it calls the Open method, when it is set to false, it calls Close. Active is useful as it can be used to check whether the dataset is actually open.
if Qry.Active then DoSomething;

SIDE NOTE : my INSERT and UPDATE queries are set up with a CLEAR then,
SQL.ADD, then Parameters declaration and finally an ExecSQL
Between Active and Open is no difference.(see whosrdaddy comment) They do the same thing - The dataset becomes active and returns the result from SELECT statement.
You can also use property Active to check if the dataset is active for example:
if not MyQuery.Active then
MyQuery.Open; // or MyQuery.Active := true;
ExecSQL execute queries that do not return a cursor to data (such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CREATE TABLE).


Key value for this row was changed or deleted at the data store. The local row is now deleted

Migrating 1.5 million lines of D7,BDE,Paradox to XE2,ADO,MS-SQL.
We have a TDBLookupComboBox that works fine. We provide the user with an ellipsis button so they can add or delete records from the combo box's ListSource table while the combo box is visible.
If the user clicks on the ellipsis, we let them edit the table and then we Refresh the comboboxes datasource, like this:
EditTable.ShowModal; // user edits ListSource.Dataset table
This worked fine in the Paradox world.
In the SQL/ADO world, if the user deletes a record from the ListSource, we get the message on the Refresh statement above:
Key value for this row was changed or deleted at the data store.
The local row is now deleted.
This occurs even if the record the user deleted was not the currently selected item in the combo box.
We don't understand why this is happening now but not in the Paradox version.
Our solution has been (after the user edits) to close and open the ListSource dataset as shown below, but this is clumsy (and we'll have to replicate in almost 100 places we do this kind of thing.)
Here's our current fix:
KeyBeforeUserEdit: Integer;
KeyBeforeUserEdit:= Form1.DBComboBox.KeyValue;
EditTable.ShowModal; // user edits ListSource.Dataset table
if Form1.DBComboBox1.ListSource.DataSet.Locate('UniqueKey', KeyBeforeUserEdit, []) then
From1.DBComboBox1.KeyValue := KeyBeforeUserEdit;
Any alternate suggestions or explanations why this is necessary?
I can't know for sure what is going on but you may be able to simplify your migration (albeit not good practice) in the following way.
ShowModal is a virtual function so you can override it in the class EditTable belongs to (TEditTable?) providing that you have that source. Within the unit add the Form1 unit to the uses clause in the implementation section (if it is not already there) and add your override as follows
function TEditTable.ShowModal : integer;
KeyBeforeUserEdit: Integer;
KeyBeforeUserEdit:= Form1.DBComboBox.KeyValue;
Result := inherited ShowModal; // user edits ListSource.Dataset table
if Form1.DBComboBox1.ListSource.DataSet.Locate('UniqueKey', KeyBeforeUserEdit, []) then
From1.DBComboBox1.KeyValue := KeyBeforeUserEdit;
It is a bit of a kludge but may be pragmatic and save a lot of work.

DataSnap using AutoInc key and refresh current record only after insert

I've not been able to find an answer on this anywhere. Using Delphi XE7 with TClientDataSet, DataSnap & SQL Server. I need to insert a record, apply updates and then refresh that record so I can get the Id and assign it to my object. Seems pretty basic requirement, but on the contrary it is proving to be a royal pain.
I've found the obvious stuff on EDN, SO and Dr Bob:
DataSnap and the autoinc field
However these seem to focus on a "Refresh" of the TClientDataSet to re-fetches the entire table/query. Whilst this does actually resolve the Id field itself (good!), it also moves the cursor off the current record which was just inserted and so I'm not able to get the Id and assign it to my object. Also, for performance over HTTP I don't really want to refetch the entire table every time a record is inserted, if there's 10,000 records this will consume too much bandwidth and be ridiculously slow!
Consider the following code:
function TRepository<I>.Insert(const AEntity: I): I;
AssignEntityToDataSet(AEntity); // SET'S ALL THE RELEVANT FIELDS
FDataSet.Refresh; // <--- I tried RefreshRecord here but it cannot resolve the record
AEntity.Id := FDataSet.FieldByName('Id').AsInteger; // <----- THIS NOW POINTS TO WRONG ROW
Does anyone know how to achieve this? I need to be able to refresh and stay on the current record otherwise I do not know the Id of the record just created and the GUI cannot stay focused on the current record.
Hopefully something obvious I'm missing.
Assuming you can get hands on the new ID inside the AfterUpdateRecord event of your DataProvider, your event handler then may look like this (the current record of DeltaDS is the one just inserted into SourceDS):
if (UpdateKind = ukInsert) then begin
DeltaDS.FindField('Id').NewValue := <TheNewID>;
Make sure to have the poPropogateChanges option set in the provider. This will transfer the changed Id field back to the ClientDataSet.
Now you can get rid of the FDataSet.Refresh call.
SQL Server does allow you to get the last identity it generated in several ways - there's no need to "refresh" the record/query which means re-issuing a SELECT and can generate undesiderable side-effects. You can use SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() or use an OUTPUT clause. If the Delphi database driver supports it, TField.AutogenerateValue should accomplish that task automatically (see
Otherwise you have to put that new data into your delta (see Raabe answer - this has to be done on the datasnap server which actually talks to the database) after reading it, so it's sent back to the client. You also need to set properly and TField.ProviderFlags to ensure data are applied correctly (see, usually you don't want those field appear in an UPDATE.

to track the modified rows and manually update from the TClientDataSet's Delta

Is there any way to manually track the changes done to a clientdataset's delta and update the changes manually on to then db. i have dynamically created a clientdataset and with out a provider i am able to load it with a tquery, now user will do some insert update and delete operations on the data available in the cds, and at final stage these data(modified) should be post in to database by using a tquery(not apply updates)..
After populating your data set from the TQuery call MergeChangeLog so that the records do not stand out as newly inserted, and be sure that LogChanges is set.
Then when at the final stage, before updating the query with the dataset, set StatusFilter so that only the records that you want to take action on should be showing. For instance;
ClientDataSet1.StatusFilter := [usDeleted];
You can also use UpdateStatus on a record to see if it has been modified etc..
But be careful that, is seems that there will be multiple versions of a record, and it is a bit difficult to understand how the "change log" keeps track. And there also can be multiple actions on a record, like modifying it a few times and then deleting it.
Change:= TPacketDataSet.create;
Change.Data:= YourClientDataSet.Delta;
while not Change.Eof do
if Change.UpdateStatus = usUnmodified then
case Change.UpdateStatus of
usModified: ;//your logic read codes in Provider.pas for further hint
usInserted: ;//your logic read codes in Provider.pas for further hint
usDeleted: ;//your logic read codes in Provider.pas for further hint
Above should work regardless of number of modified

Delphi ClientDataset Read-only

I am currently testing with:
A SQLConnection which is pointed towards an IB database.
A SQLDataset that has a SQLConnection field set to the one above.
A DatasetProvider that has the SQLDataset in (2) as its Dataset field value.
A ClientDataset, with the ProviderName field pointing to the provider in (3).
I use the following method (borrowed from Alister Christie) to get the data...
function TForm1.GetCurrEmployee(const IEmployeeID: integer): OleVariant;
MainDM.SQLDataset1.CommandText := Format(SQLSELEMP, [Edit1.Text]);
Result := MainDM.DataSetProvider1.Data;
Which populates the DBGrid with just one record. However, when I manually edit the record, click on Post, then try to commit the changes, using
MainDM.ClientDataset1.ApplyUpdates(0); // <<<<<<
It bombs, with the message "SQLDataset1: Cannot modify a read-only dataset."
I have checked the ReadOnly property of the Provider, and of the ClientDataset, and the SQL has no joins.
What could be causing the error?
It appears that your ClientDataSet.Data property is being populated from the Data property of the DataSetProvider. With the setup you described, you should be able to simply call ClientDataSet.Open, which will get the data from the DataSetProvider.
BTW, the default behavior of the DataSetProvider when you call the ClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates method is to send a SQL query to the connection object, and not the DataSet from which the data was obtained (assuming a homogeneous query). Make sure that your DataSetProvider.ResolveToDataSet property is not set to true.
Finally, on an unrelated note, your code above appears to be open to a SQL injection attack (though I have not tested this). It is safer to use a parameter to define the WHERE clause. If someone enters the following into Edit1 you might be in trouble (assuming the InterBase uses the drop table syntax): 1;drop table employee;
Check the LiveMode property of the TIBDataSet.

How to change behaviour of TDBNavigator component?

I would like to change the behaviour of the insert button on the standard DBNavigator bar, from a dataset insert to append.
I could trap the button click in the BeforeAction event, do the append, etc; and then in the OnClick event abort the original insert, but this seems a bit of a hack. Any better ideas? I'm using D6 (500,000 kms on the clock, and still going strong...).
Thanks for any advice
You could derive your own class from TDBNavigator and override BtnClick method.
Or, for a quick and dirty fix, you could change the insert button's click handler at runtime, e.g.:
THackDBNavigator = class(TDBNavigator);
procedure TForm1.DBNavigatorInsertClick(Sender: TObject);
DBNavigator: TDBNavigator;
DBNavigator := ((Sender as TControl).Parent as TDBNavigator);
if Assigned(DBNavigator.DataSource) and (DBNavigator.DataSource.State <> dsInactive) then
if Assigned(DBNavigator.BeforeAction) then
DBNavigator.BeforeAction(DBNavigator, nbInsert);
if Assigned(DBNavigator.OnClick) then
DBNavigator.OnClick(DBNavigator, nbInsert);
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
THackDBNavigator(DBNavigator1).Buttons[nbInsert].OnClick := DBNavigatorInsertClick;
There is no difference in most databases between insert and append. Doing an actual physical insert would mean actually moving all data, starting with the place the new row would be inserted, down the size of one row, and then writing that new row in the newly open spot. This would be very slow because of all of the disk activity.
Databases instead do an append, which writes the data to the end of the physical file, and the index order controls the way the row appears to be positioned in the correct place in the file.
So for most intents and purposes, you're probably already getting an append instead of an insert, regardless of which method you use or what the button on the DBNavigator says. It's the index that makes it appear otherwise.
You can check that for validity by creating a database without an index, and try doing both an insert and an append a few times, examining the data carefully after every operation.
#TOndrej: Great! I hadn't appreciated this technique. Thanks!
#Ken White: I understand your point, but visually to my users it makes a difference - the DBNavigator controls a DBGrid where, in the majority of cases, there is plenty of unused rows in the grid. It appears to be more consistent to have new records appear at the bottom of the grid rather then just above where ever the current record is at that moment. But thanks for your answer.
